sequence for the BIOE Department at the University of Washington. Taylor currently pursues continuous improvement activities through her role as the Un- dergraduate Program Coordinator, with the goal of optimizing bioengineering curriculum design, student learning outcomes, and the overall program experience for students. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Enhancing Student Leadership Competencies Through ReflectionIntroductionThis paper describes the use of pedagogical approaches using reflection to enhance leadershipcompetencies in two bioengineering courses at the University of Washington, building on ourprevious work [1]. Our aim is to 1) provide a set of curricular materials that
experiences had engineering students observe clinicians and student-clinicians at the Speech and Hearing Center (SHC) during typical therapy sessions with communityclients and reflect on their experiences. In this work, an overview of the logistical elements, asummary of the student feedback from the written reflections and focus groups, and futurerecommendations for the program are presented.Speech Pathology Shadowing SessionsShadowing and clinical placements are a key part of healthcare professional education [2] and webelieve that engineering students will also benefit from observation and interaction with groupsoutside of their discipline. This is supported by recent experiences reported on inter-professionalshadowing for senior medical students
engineeringskills (e.g., computer aided design, manufacturing, and prototype testing) [4].Working in collaborative teams increases critical thinking, test scores, and student engagementwith the material. Additional positive outcomes are increased self-esteem, personal assetidentification, and a gained appreciation of diverse perspectives [5]. Providing students with theopportunity to reflect on key areas of teamwork, such as communication, task management, andcooperation, can increase the effectiveness of team work [6].Research Design and MethodsThis study evaluates the effect of a collaborative prototype design project on students’ learningoutcomes and engagement with course material at a large Hispanic-serving research university inthe Southwest. The
learning gains in a course in physiology forengineers [7]. Since these learning gains represent only one way to evaluate outcomes, they donot necessarily reflect other aspects of the classroom such as learner satisfaction or quality ofstudent-faculty interactions. The goal of this study was to ask whether a blended learningenvironment based on low-stakes formative assessments improves students’ satisfaction with thelearning environment and quality of student-faculty interactions.Research MethodsCourse descriptionsTwo sections of a sophomore-level physiology course in biomedical engineering were taught inthe same semester by two different instructors, as reported previously [7]. Both sections requiredreading assignments from the Guyton and Hall
non-prescriptive way tohelp students and faculty consider sustainability, while building their capacity to thinkingin four interconnected ways (systems, values, strategies, future). The framework is at theintersection of several movements within engineering education and is a way to craft anditerate upon learning environments that are challenge-based, real-world and seeded withhooks for independent inquiry and self-reflection (Stibbe and Luna, 2009; NationalResearch Council 2000; Caine et al. 2009; Bybee, 2002; Byrne, 2010; Huntzinger, 2007).Below each of the ways of thinking are reviewed (modified from the SEFT) and pairedwith a pedagogical movement within engineering education.Systems Thinking and Wicked ProblemsSystems Thinking advocates
about themselves. Out of 119 behaviorsmentioned in the peer evaluation, 113 were positive behaviors. Similarly, 88 out of 92 behaviorswere positive in self-evaluation. The positive behaviors mentioned most often were beingdependable, cooperating and communicating with each other, as well as putting forth effort.However, students mostly discussed these behaviors in terms of accomplishing work, which maymean that some teams are merely dividing up work and not truly collaborating with one another.Additionally, since the surveys were conducted at the end of the course, teammates were notgiven an opportunity to reflect upon their behaviors.Ongoing WorkFor the reasons discussed above, students may need guidance on how to be an effective teammember
. Survey responses were first descriptively coded, guided bythe research question. Throughout the coding process, themes were the unit of analysis.Subsections of text within an individual response were deemed to contain essential thought, andthen coded accordingly. This process is in line with utterance coding within verbal qualitativeanalysis [30]. All coding was performed by two researchers, and the researchers reached 100%consensus after discussion in inter-rater reliability (IRR). Focused codes were developed [31], [32] to further interpret Incubator participantunderstandings of teaching and learning. In developing our codes, we asked a more specificquestion: How are BME students’ articulations of teaching and learning reflecting
experiences,other courses in the curriculum, and their own career goals. Some of these questions askedstudents to reflect on and self-assess their own learning processes. Practice problems were low-stakes, “lightly graded” (for completion only) problems that were similar to homework and testproblems. For the first unit of the course, students were required to complete Portfolio 2(blended) to expose them to the active learning–based style. This experience allowed them tomake an informed choice of their preferred portfolio for Units 2, 3, and 4. A student choosing thetraditional portfolio was instructed to complete only the homework and test for the unit. Studentswho were undecided were allowed to complete the low-stakes activities and choose
. Sub Problems ASR (%) CSR (%) A. Identify Problem 70 70 B. Acknowledge Current Solutions 65 55 C. Acknowledge Current Solutions' Limitations 61 55 D. Identify User Needs 17 17 E. Address User Needs in Final Design 73 72 F. Formulate Engineering Metrics to Correlate to Defined User Needs 3 2 G. Address Engineering Metrics in Final Design 96 43This reflects in
development for use in Summer 2018. To evaluate the program for the 2018cohort and beyond, we will use both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitativemethod will involve assessing student performance and perception. Entrance surveys, exitsurveys, and course evaluations will be used to collect data. The qualitative method willcomprise interviews with students, course instructors, and internship mentors. Surveys andinterview questions have been developed by working with Northwestern University’s Center forAdvancing Learning & Teaching. The results of the analysis will be then used to reflect on thecurriculum and form a basis for possible future revisions. As the alumni of the program builds,we will conduct follow-up surveys to assess
group relative to the (*p<0.05); quiz scores remained the same (p=0.7).control group (p=0.002). To assess how each course assignment contributes to the process-knowledge gained inthe lab students were asked to complete an end-of-semester survey (Figure 2). The experimentalgroup of students reported that pre-lab assignments helped prepare them to troubleshoot anyequipment more so than the control group (Q2; p=0.078). Further, students in the experimentalgroup responded with higher average survey scores, reflecting higher confidence in technical andprocess knowledge associated with each assignment and troubleshooting more generally, thanthe control group (p=0.002
Education. His research laboratory aims to support an inclu- sive, global pipeline of STEM talent and to unify the needs of the engineering education stakeholders in order for engineering education to more accurately reflect societal needs. Diversity and inclusion, univer- sity/community engagement, informal learning, action research, and student led initiatives fall within the scope of his academic endeavors. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 How Do Biomedical Engineering Graduates Differ from Other Engineers? Bridging the Gap between Biomedical Engineering and Industry: A Case StudyIntroductionBiomedical Engineering (BME) is a relatively
persuasive argument under pressure, and was a useful skillboth while in college and after graduation. Rubric for Assessing E-Learning Module Outcomes Module: The elevator pitch: advocating for your good ideas Assess each student’s level of attainment of the selected outcomes. Use the following rating: 1. Poor: Shows little or no progress in achieving the outcome 2. Below Average 3. Average: Shows evidence of progress in achieving outcome that reflects a merely acceptable level of mastery. 4. Above Average 5. Outstanding: Shows evidence of progress in achieving outcomes that reflects superior mastery. Student ID Made an Provided a non- Clearly stated a Provided a clear argument for technical
in conceptualizing, organizing, and reporting a study. Most participants said theirprimary career goals changed over time, becoming less interested in faculty careers. Mostparticipants planned to pursue research careers, but outside of academia. Trainees said theexternship influenced their career decision-making, confirming current interests for some andopening alternate pathways for others. Trainees also participated regularly in scientificcommunication activities following the externship.Participants identified ways to enhance the externship, emphasizing the substantial time neededfor planning. A well-designed project promoted reflection on their career trajectories andsatisfaction with the experience. Involvement of the faculty supervisor
oc- cupational therapy, management, adaptive technology and adult physical disabilities. These reflect her interest in the history, philosophy and current research in the profession. Her work experience incorpo- rated interprofessional collaboration which she believes has positively influenced practical application in the classroom. This experience has also contributed to her interest in interprofessional education (IPE) as a component of student curriculum and expanded to assistive technology where occupational therapy and engineering students collaborate on project designs. Her interest and research in IPE has led to local, na- tional and international presentations related to this subject matter. She has
experts on specific areas of disagreement, allowing theparticipant to reflect on their response compared to the group and defend or adapt their response.The final phase is to send back the homogenized views to the participants to seek consensus [5].As opposed to interviews, surveys, and focus groups, the success of this method is linked to theability of an individual to express an opinion and then revise it based on group views andefficient use of time for panels and researchers [5].Delphi results are semi-quantitative and are analyzed by calculating medians and interquartileranges. They are used to identify the rates of group agreement and consensus for each item thata panelist makes as a statement [6]. We conducted the study on current medical
teaching others the skills they have learned, and the beliefthat they have deeper grasp with the fundamentals of engineering and problem solving.ResultsPreliminary data has been gathered for the beginning of the semester survey as well as the mid-yearsurvey. Currently two surveys regarding the opinions and attitude changes of students have beenadministered, where a self-reflection on given questions was answered. The provided questions were splitinto two categories: a technical skills section and a soft skills section. The technical skills sectionconsisted of five questions asking the students’ opinions regarding their own proficiency in soldering,multimeter and power/hand tool usage, circuit diagnosis and device repair. The other category
and students ranked track areas for preference from 1 being the highest rank (most preferred) and 9 being the lowest rank (least desirable). defined through discussion amongst the faculty. IDID emerged by combining infectious diseasewith global health as well as aspects of affordable healthcare. While cardiovascular wasn’t thenext highest student rank after infectious disease, we believe that personalized medicine is across-cutting theme reflected in all tracks, so the next best application theme with faculty supportwas cardiovascular. Faculty then formed into communities of practice and prepared list ofoutcomes, needs for courses, outside of
efforts on Mathematics Socialization and identity amongst pre-service elementary teachers, an effort at understanding the reasons for lack of interest in the subject with a view to proffer solution and engender/motivate interest amongst this group that will eventually reflect in their classroom practices. She is currently a Graduate Assistant with UIC Engage, a commu- nity focused project that provides help for less-privileged students from K-8 in mathematics, reading and writing. She continues to work as a substitute teacher occasionally to keep abreast with current practices within the school system. Her work as a Research Assistant for the BEST program has turned out to be one of her best experiences as a
grades.Survey ResultsTo understand the students’ perception on the usefulness of the intervention, students in theexperimental group were asked to reflect on the modules in terms of their complexity, theireffectiveness as a learning tool and the ease of use of the step-by-step manual associated witheach module. A five-point Likert scale was used to measure the student responses on the threedimensions (Figure 4, n=103).When asked if the modules displayed an appropriate level of complexity, 62% of the studentsagreed or strongly agreed, 22% of the students responded in a neutral manner and 16% of thestudents disagreed or strongly disagreed. While these results suggest that complexity could beincreased in the available modules, it is important to note that
attachment, etc. Which variables are the most important (i.e. how does the force on the deltoid change if you change a variable such as arm length versus arm weight by 10%)? What happens if you double the weight held by the arm, change the shape of the arm, etc.? What additional design criteria do you need to include motion in your prosthetic? Specifically, does the arm need to be stronger to throw a ball than it does to hold the ball? How can a model help with the design of an experiment?The comments in Table 3 reflect whether the arm model prepared students to develop their ownmodel. Table 3: Student Comments on the Arm Model Developing a model of an arm demonstrated, somewhat convincingly, that
fellinto the categories of curriculum and pedagogy, developing reflective teachers, and disseminatingpolicy. For example, respondents identified faculty and graduate student seminars as an effectiveway of disseminating policy, new curriculum, and teaching pedagogy. They felt that teachingportfolio programs, or faculty participation in the development of instructional materials wouldincrease teacher introspection. Despite identifying these seminars and portfolio programs as usefulvenues for professional growth, however, only 36.5% of faculty attend a teaching workshop, and19.7% write educational materials/curricula annually. None of the professor, department chair, ordean’s responses were categorized into the “shared vision” category [10].This lack
participation information. Year Year 1: 2015 Year 2: 2016 Year 3: 2017 Enrollment per section and total 19+19+9 = 47 19+18+14 = 51 14+26+9 = 49 Number of responses to the SALG 27 11 7 survey Number of responses to the end of 35 22 30 semester evaluationThe Quantitative Physiological Signal Analysis Lab is a required one credit, three hour per weeklab in the junior year. The first half of the semester reflected traditional style labs focused onfoundational concepts of the nervous system such as diffusion, simulations
process by not only identifying needs, but also reflecting on them in thecontext of exploring appropriate solutions.Methods:Program Structure: The CIP is a six week long immersion experience designed to familiarize students withneeds identification as part of the engineering design process. Since 2016, students are placedinto interdisciplinary teams comprised of two BioE (rising seniors) and two IMED (rising secondyear) students. Each week, student teams participate in a Monday workshop (six hours) andspend Tuesday-Friday in clinical immersion (35 hours). This program year, teams spent all sixprogram weeks in a single clinical environment and supplemented their experience with needsidentification by including initial concept exploration
biomedical engineering not seen from the classroom, allowing me to become more aware of the possibilities I may want to pursue in the future.”While most students focus on the positive benefits of the course, few comment on anyapprehension or anticipated challenges. A written assignment completed before clinic rotationsincludes a student reflection on “Fears and Concerns”. Table 5 lists the most common responsesfrom the engineering students. The course syllabus and handbook include topics addressingthese issues and may have influenced the students’ responses.Table 5 - Common answers to “Fears and Concerns” Questions Common Answers • Overwhelmed by
studies may have lesspatience towards changes in instructional methods and may find initial attempts at incorporatingactive learning disorganized [12]. This frustration with perceived disorganization was alsoreflected in the survey comments from older students, including that of the 20-year old studentquoted above. They were more likely to find the active learning sessions, especially those whichdid not include problem-solving exercises, as “busy work” and unnecessary for their success inthe class and may reflect differences in motivational factors and preferred learning environmentsnoted by some researchers [32], [33]. The differences in gender are more puzzling and arecontrary to what has been reported in studies of active learning
key course-specificmetrics common to the evaluations in both the J-Term and spring versions of the course, and wehave summarized some representative student comments from each of the terms. Quantitativeresponses were based on a 5-point Likert response (5 = strongly agree, 3 = neutral, and 1 =strongly disagree) to the following statements: “I learned a great deal in this course,” and“Overall, this was a worthwhile course” (Table 3). Mean responses reflect a weighted averagebased upon the number of students assigning a specific score, and standard deviations werecalculated according to the same weights.Table 3: Summary of anonymous end-of-course feedback for each term (5-point Likert scale).Academic Percent com- Learned a great deal