course in 19651. Thestructure for this report draws heavily on previous reports published on behalf of the EducationDivision.2,3,4The survey was conducted via internet server hosted by the University of Kentucky runningLimeSurvey ( E-mail invitations to participate were initially sent to all 158department chairs in the United States and later those in Canada requesting participation from thefaculty members teaching the relevant course(s). A number of instructors outside of NorthAmerica were also invited to participate. A separate request was sent to the instructors of recordfor senior design course during the 2011-2012 academic year based on information posted online
international students. I will continue to utilize elements of theproblem-based learning methodology, but I will not be adding it to all courses.References 1. Mayer, R.E. & Greeno, J.G. (1972). Structural differences between learning outcomes produced by different instructional methods. Journal of Educational Psychology, 63, 165-173. 2. Hmelo-Silver, C.E., Duncan, R.G. & Chinn, C.A. (2007). Scaffolding and achievement in problem-based and inquiry learning: A response to Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006). Educational Psychologist, 42(2), 99-107. Page 23.309.9 3. Albanese, M.A. & Mitchell, S
. i Felder, R.M., “Stoichiometry without Tears”, Chemical Engineering Education, 24(4), 188‐196, 1990. ii Maharaj, S. and L. Banta, “Using Log Assignments to Foster Learning: Revisiting Writing across the Curriculum”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 2000, 73‐78. iii Sharp, J., J. Harb, and R. Terry, “Combining Kolb Learning Styles and Writing to Learn in Engineering Classes”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 1997, 93‐101. iv Felder, R. and R. Brent, “Writing Assignments – Pathways to Connections, Clarity, Creativity, College Teaching,” College Teaching 40(1), 1992, 43‐47. v Burrows, V., B. McNeill, N. Hubele, and L. Bellamy, “Statistical Evidence for Enhanced Learning of
. (1996) Alternative FuelTransit Bus Evaluation Program Results. International Spring Fuels and Lubricant Meeting. Dearborn, MI. SAEPaper No. 961082. Retrieved December 28, 2012, from Schumacher, L G. (1995). Biodiesel Emissions Data From Series 60 DDC Engines. American Public TransitAssociation Bus Operations and Technology Conference. Reno, NV. Retrieved December 28, 2012, from Marshall, W., Schumacher, L.G, Howell, S. A (1995) Engine Exhaust Emissions Evaluation of a Cummins L10EWhen Fueled with a Biodiesel Blend. SAE Paper No. 952363. SAE, Warrendale, PA. Retrieved
of soybean oil, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 74, 1457-1463(1997).5. Gunvachai, K., Hassan, M. G., Shama, G., and Hellgardt, K., A new solubility model to describe biodieselformation kinetics, Trans. IChemE, Part B, 85(B5), 383-389, (2007).6. Slinn, M. and Kendall, K., Developing the reaction kinetics for a biodiesel reactor, Bioresource Technology, 100,2324-2327, (2009).7. Vicente, G., Martinez, M., Aracil, J., and Esteban, A., Kinetics of sunflower oil methanolysis, Ind. Eng. Chem.Res., 44, 5447-5454, (2005).8. Stamenkovic, O. S., Todorovic, Z. B., Lazic, M. L., Veljkovic, V. B., and Skala, D. U., Kinetics of sunflower oilmethanolysis at low temperatures, Bioresource Technology, 99 (2008) 1131-1140, (2008).9. He, B. B., Singh, A. P., and Thompson
semester. The case study includes the description of the accident and thesequence of events that caused the explosion, a brief history of safety violations at BP Page 22.764.4and other companies involved, and the role of government. This case is presented inAppendix B.For the assignment, students were required to study the case and determine the mainreason(s) for the Deep Water Horizon disaster. Students were provided with thefollowing potential list: • Company’s greed (BP) • Lack of oversight from government • Company’s work environment • Not paying attention to heath and safety regulations • Lobbying efforts by the company
- shots instead of desktop video captures of this navigation because they allowed the instructor to better focus students¶ attention to each of the major tools in these toolbars. In addition, this strategy significantly reduced the demand on the instructor¶s time to produce these materials. Once the
., Goddard, N. L. & Libchaber, A. Exponential DNA replication by laminar convection. Physical Review Letters 91, 158103 (2003).4 Chen, Z., Qian, S., Abrams, W. R., Malamud, D. & Bau, H. Thermosiphon-based PCR reactor: experiment and modeling. Analytical Chemistry 76, 3707-3715 (2004).5 Wheeler, E. K. et al. Convectively driven polymerase chain reaction thermal cycler. Analytical Chemistry 76, 4011-4016 (2004).6 Krishnan, M., Agrawal, N., Burns, M. A. & Ugaz, V. M. Reactions and fluidics in miniaturized natural convection systems. Analytical Chemistry 76, 6254-6265 (2004).7 Ugaz, V. M. & Krishnan, M. Novel convective flow based approaches for high-throughput PCR thermocycling. Journal of the
isalways an additional help. When the professor poses a problem and then works with theclass to generate feedback to solve it, understanding for a Deaf student is enhanced. Page 25.1037.7 BLACKBOARD P 1 2 SFigure 1 – Basic classroom setup. As the professor (P) lectures, one interpreter (1)translates to the deaf student (S). Meanwhile, a second interpreter (2) is preparing for thenext topic, as well as assist the deaf student.Although I
be achieved simply by lecturing at them.DCS Demonstration Lab OverviewWe use an industrial quality DCS system with all of the alarming capabilities of typical systemsused by the chemical process industries. A Honeywell Experion DCS system was purchased forthis purpose. This DCS system is much less bulky than its predecessor, the TDC3000, whichuses predominantly 10base5 cable with BNC connectors, and is commonly found in manyrefineries and chemical plants. A major factor contributing to this reduction in bulkiness is theHoneywell Experion’s use of CAT5 Ethernet cable in place of the TDC3000’s bulky and stiff10base5 coaxial cable connectors, which allows this system to be implemented using equipmentfound in a typical campus computer lab. The
Fall of 2012. Based upon both published results on “writing to learn” from the literatureand the authors’ observations from Fall 2012, it was reasonable to hypothesize that the activity ofwriting homework abstracts would lead to improved attainment of the course instructionalobjectives. However, the control experiment that was conducted in the Fall of 2013 did notproduce any evidence to support of this hypothesis.Literature Cited i Felder, R.M., “Stoichiometry without Tears”, Chemical Engineering Education, 24(4), 188-196, 1990. ii XXXX and YYYYY, “Effects of Requiring Students to Write Abstracts for Homework Problem Solutions,”Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (2013). iii Maharaj, S
, and Research Bases." Journal of Engineering Education 25.123(2006)Prince, Michael J., Vigeant, M., and Nottis, K., “A Preliminary Study on the Effectiveness ofInquiry-Based Activities for Addressing Misconceptions of Undergraduate Engineering Students”,Education for Chemical Engineers, 4:29 (2009)Schuck, S., Kearney, M., and Aubusson, P., “Education Opportunities and Challenges forGeneration OurSpace: Taming the beast?”, Proceedings of World Conference on EducationalMultimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications, 5804, 2008Vigeant, M., Prince, M., and Nottis, K., “Creating of Reliable Instruments for Assessment ofConceptual Understanding in Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics”, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2009Vigeant, M., Prince, M., and Nottis, K
andReactions, Industrial Heating, BNP Media, Pittsburgh, PA: August 1982.10. Fogler, H. S. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering. 4th Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper SaddleRiver, NJ, 2009. Page 23.1314.11
the National Science Foundation under thegrant TUES 1245482. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Ma, J., and J. Nickerson. 2006. Hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories: A comparative literature review. ACM Computing Surveys, 38(3), 1-24.2. Wieman C. and K. Perkins. 2005. Transforming physics education. Physics Today,58(11), 36-41.3. Perkins, K., Adams, W., Dubson, M., Finkelstein, N., Reid, S., Wieman, C., & LeMaster, R. 2006. PhET: Interactive simulations for teaching and learning physics. The Physics Teacher, 44, 18.4. Finkelstein, N.D., W.K. Adams, C.J
-during-covid-19. [Accessed May 13, 2020].[2] R. Felder, "Designing Tests to Maximize Learning." J. Prof. Issues in Engr. Education & Practice, Vol. 128, pp 1-3, 2002.[3] D. Berrett, “A Professor Asked His Students to Write Their Own Exam Questions. Here’s What He Found,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 28, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed March 17, 2020].[4] M. Teplitski, T. Irani, et al., "Student-Generated Pre-Exam Questions is an Effective Tool for Participatory Learning: A Case Study from Ecology of Waterborne Pathogens Course" Journal of Food Science Education, 17, 76-84, 2018.[5] S. Bottomly and P. Denny, “A Participatory Learning Approach to Biochemistry Using Student Authored and Evaluated
. Research in Learning Technology, 2004, 12, 113–124.12) Downes, S. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 2010, 2, 27–33.13) Kirsch, C. “John Green to Crash Course Fans: “Read Your Boring Textbooks”. PublishersWeekly 2015. Retrieved from: on Mar. 17, 2020.14) Chen, B.; Wei, L.; Li, H. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2016, 6, 148-165.15) Fernandez, V.; Simo, P.; Algaba, I.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Salan, N.; Amanate, B.; Enache,M.; Bravo, E.R.; Sune, A.; Garcia-Almin Ana, D.; Rajadell, M.; Garriga, F. International Journalof Engineering Education 2011, 27, 1–10.16) Crash Course. “What Is Engineering?: Crash Course Engineering #1.” YouTube, 17 May 2018, Crash Course
fourchoices of membrane, varied in pore size and the tubing diameter (which are the sameparameters that the students will select from for their hemodialysis system design), and a rangeof flow rates for the blood and dialysate. The simulation provides practice for the actual designproject. From the simulation, the students should have a good idea of how these parametersaffect the efficiency of the dialysis, and they need to balance this with the major design factor,which is cost.A traditional membrane separation process has a fluid with component(s) that need to beremoved, and a membrane that can selectively remove those components, which pass through toa carrier fluid. In the design challenge, the students are given 0.5-L of simulated unfiltered
A464/A280 > 0.05Achieve “purity goal #2” $350 DsRed2 with A561/A280 > 0.6 EGFP with A488/A280 > 1.0 Page 13.316.10 Flavodoxin with A464/A280 > 0.10Appendix CFinal exam question on enzyme kinetics – negative control:The following data were recorded during a test of kinetics of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction at49.6 ºC. The enzyme concentration was 1.6 g/L. S [mmol/mL] 0.1 0.033 0.01 0.0067 0.005 V [mmol/(mL*min)] 5.13 3.70 1.89 1.43
transferability.Clearly, the nano-lab module(s) that we utilize in the Chemical Engineering Thermodynamicscourse may need anywhere from a minor adjustment to a total redesign in order to be applied. Itis not the specific lab modules that are the “selling point” here. Instead, it is the mechanism bywhich degree projects can be incorporated into an existing curriculum that is the key and novelconcept. Once the framework allowing for this incorporation has been established, it becomesrelatively easy for other STEM departments to apply the same methodology by selection (orcreation) of lab modules that mesh with the traditional courses of each individual major, andbetter match the scientific instruments available to a given department. The model of acontinuous four
appreciation goes to Mr. G. Held of the WSU College of Engineeringand Architecture Machine Shop for fabrication and insights on the development of theDLMs. Assistance in the design of control circuitry for the DLM was provided by Prof.H. Davis, Clinical Professor of the WSU Voiland School of Chemical Engineering andBioengineering. Finally we acknowledge the help of undergraduate researchers Mr. J.Babauta and Mr. S. Isacson of the WSU Voiland School for assistance with DLM andCHAPL data collection tasks, the staff of WSU's Center for Teaching, Learning andTechnology for assistance with CHAPL assessment strategies, and the many students atWSU and Ahmadu Bello University for willingness to participate in this pedagogicalstudy.ReferencesAronson, E
three parameters they could vary: the amount of clay in the nose, theamount of water used as propellant, and the size and shape of the fins. The project wascompleted in teams of 3-5 but each student wrote an individual, final report on the project. Themodel of design as an alternating series of divergent and convergent steps was covered explicitlyin class, including circulating portions of Dym, et al.’s article. Students were required to identifyactions taken by the team, categorizing them as “divergent” or “convergent” thinking, andproviding a quantitative rationale for final decisions regarding the three parameters. Typically,student characterized brainstorming possible fin configurations as their main divergent task andfinding the optimal
Aluminum channelBoard of Education End of metal rod Rubber bandBattery pack (servo power) Sump Pressure Transducer Page 11.1320.10 2.0 Volumetric flow rate, Q / mL s-1 Figure 2. Flow data Data obtained with a fully opened valve 1.5 l linear fit
. Each group wasallowed five minutes to present their report which included question and answer sessions. In the first group, the two male members monopolized the presentation with the threefemale members only participating during the question and answer portion. The initial groupalso provided no introductions of group members nor motivation(s) for the experimental work.Prior to the beginning of second presentation, the instructors gave immediate feedback onpresentation strategy and reminded the students about the required equal participation from allgroup members. This method of immediate comments to influence the presentation behavior ofeach group was followed for all presentations and the expected improvements in
, R.W., Sheu, H.B., Singley, D., Schmidt, J.A., Schmidt, L.C. and Gloster, C.S. "Longitudinal Relations of Self-Efficacy to Outcome Expectations, Interests, and Major Choice Goals in Engineering Students," Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73(2), 328-335 (2008)[22] Van Soom, C. and Donche, V. "Profiling First-Year Students in STEM Programs Based on Autonomous Motivation and Academic Self-Concept and Relationship with Academic Achievement," PloS One, 9(11), e112489 (2014)[23] Hutchison, M.A., Follman, D.K., Sumpter, M. and Bodner, G.M. "Factors Influencing the Self‐Efficacy Beliefs of First‐Year Engineering Students," Journal of Engineering Education, 95(1), 39-47 (2006)[24] Brown, S.D., Tramayne, S., Hoxha, D., Telander, K
of active learning activities – a similar balance was employedfor each section. Exam performances of the two sections were compared against eachother to assess the degree to which an increase in active learning promotes understandingand retention. Entrepreneurial tendencies were noted for individual students as theyworked on group projects near the end of the semester. Before the projects were handedout, both sections were exposed to lectures on state-of-the-art heat transfer technologicalsolutions to some current problem(s). During these lectures, entrepreneurialcharacteristics (i.e. creativity and “big-picture thinking” etc..) and skills (i.e. problemidentification, market analysis and patent searching etc..) that were exhibited during
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Brent. ASQ Higher Education Brief. Volume 2, No. 4, August 2009.15. Applications, Reliability and Validity of the Index of Learning Styles. Richard M. Felder and Joni Spurlin. International Journal of Engineering Education. Volume 21, No. 1, pp. 103-112, 2005.17. A Psychometric Study of the Index of Learning Styles. Thomas A. Litzinger, Sang Ha Lee, John C. Wise and Richard M. Felder. Journal of Engineering Education. Volume 96, No. 4, pp. 309-319, 2007.18. A Contribution to Validation of Score Meaning for Felder-Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles. Malgorzata S. Zywno. Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &
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