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- Course Design, Course Projects, and Student Perceptions in Chemical Engineering
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Joshua A Enszer, University of Delaware; Catherine A Fromen, University of Delaware
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Chemical Engineering
)? (3) How did you engage with course materials outside of the class period? (4) Did you communicate your learnings to someone not in the class? Did you relate your learnings to any current events? (5) What did you learn about how you learn (or how you could learn) more effectively?A simple 3-point grading rubric to evaluate the weekly writing reflections was established at thebeginning of the semester with input from the class. The agreed-upon rubric is shown in Table 3.This regular assignment prompted students to discuss course topics and how they relate tocurrent events with their peers, as well as regularly assess their own engagement in the course.The simple grading approach allowed students to feel comfortable being candid in
- Conference Session
- Chemical Engineering in the Junior and Senior Year
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Michael David Mau Barankin, Colorado School of Mines; Kevin J Cash, Colorado School of Mines
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Chemical Engineering
, due before the accompanying lecture) allowed us to eliminate several lectures in the firstfew weeks of the course, as these were previously simply rehashing information in the textbook.In addition, the introduction of peer-grading of a follow-up assignment (after students havereceived feedback on the first assignment) has reduced the workload for the professors whilesimultaneously enriching the amount and quality of feedback most students receive.Students had long requested the addition of industrial or other externally sponsored projects.While this was relatively labor-intensive in the first year (making contacts, writing contracts), ithas been a highly rewarding exercise for everyone—nevertheless, the authors recommendkeeping a professor
- Conference Session
- Course Design, Course Projects, and Student Perceptions in Chemical Engineering
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Lucas James Landherr, Northeastern University
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Chemical Engineering
available for students, a course contribution project was introduced in aheat and mass transfer course. This project required students to find potentially fun and effectivemeans to communicate topics related to the course subject matter, with the project deliverablesproviding new learning tools that could be used to help other students learn. Students were given several potential project types to select from: writing sample examproblems, for which both problem statements and solutions were required; producing a 5-minutevideo; writing and drawing a 10-page comic; or developing an experimental module that could bereplicated by other students. Students also developed their own original projects, includingcomputer simulations and board games
- Conference Session
- Chemical Engineering in K-12 and the First Year
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Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah
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Chemical Engineering
course involve technical communication, team writing, and analysis of thedata collected in lab. While creation of devices and collection of data occurred in the lab spaces,the rest of this work typically occurred outside of lab. As such, it is perhaps no surprise thatmoving from UOL to MIL had no statistically significant impact on student project scores. Whileteam projects were scored higher on average in MIL than in UOL, the p value was only 0.088.Furthermore, it may be worth noting that the same observations could be made for student peerevaluations of their team members. In the test course, students switch teams for each of their sixprojects and they tend to work with almost every peer in their section. Part of the score for theirteam
- Conference Session
- Chemical Engineering in the Sophomore Year
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Tracy Q Gardner, Colorado School of Mines
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Chemical Engineering
breakout rooms and workon a virtual whiteboard together, where they can hear each other via their computers’microphones, share their screens with each other, and write on a common “whiteboard” on theircomputer screens. Virtual breakout rooms are also available and easy to use in Zoom and otherconferencing packages. This psychrometric chart activity could be done with peer groups ofwhatever size (maybe 2-4 students would be good for such an activity) synchronously usingbreakout rooms in conferencing software. This could be even better than in-class group work insome ways because the breakout session can be recorded, so students and/or the facilitator canreview later; each student is on their own computer, so has easy access to the “handout” and the
- Conference Session
- Perceptions, Reflections, Collaborations, and Student Support in Chemical Engineering
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Yu Xia, Pennsylvania State University; Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University; Dawn McFadden, Pennsylvania State University
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Chemical Engineering
most valuable topics/skills that you learned in this course?” In the 154 responsesto this question, 7 categories of skills were mentioned repeatedly: teamwork and managementskills (n = 66, 42.86%), design and modeling skills including equipment sizing (n = 45, 29.22%),software skills mainly in ASPEN (n = 41, 26.62%), economic evaluation skills (n = 37, 24.03%),time management and project planning skills including organization and persistence (n = 31,20.13%), communication skills including presentation and writing (n = 29, 18.83%), andproblem solving skills (n = 21, 13.64%). Since the focus of this paper is on teamwork, we will befocusing the results section on responses that mention teamwork. We provide this broaderoverview to aid the reader
- Conference Session
- Chemical Engineering in the Sophomore Year
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Matheus Oliveira Cassol, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Jonathan Verrett P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Chemical Engineering
the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the Uni- versity of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He teaches a variety of topics with a focus on design in chemical and biological engineering. His pedagogical interests include open education, peer-learning and leadership development. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Evaluating a new second-year introduction to chemical engineering design course using concept mappingAbstractIn recent years engineering curricula have had a renewed focus on engineering design. At theUniversity of British Columbia undergraduate students have a general first year and then apply toengineering majors for their
- Conference Session
- Work in Progress: Hands-on Activities
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Ilhem F. Hakem, Carnegie Mellon University; Richard Tang, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael R. Bockstaller, Carnegie Mellon University
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Chemical Engineering
operational steps of the Polymer Emulator: initiation and parameter selection (Figure 2,left) and force-extension curve emulation (Figure 2, right).Before performing the ‘Rubber Emulator’ experiment, students are provided a summary ofnetwork elasticity, including a discussion of the challenges of the original statistical model ofnetwork elasticity. Following the experiment, students are required to write a report summarizingand interpreting their findings in analogy of a regular laboratory experiment. This includes theinterpretation of the observed effect of parameter changes (such as crosslink density, solventswelling ratio, temperature) and the comparison with theoretical predictions. Students are alsoasked to replot the data obtained from the