Paper ID #38803Preliminary Reflections and Assessment of the 2022 Chemical EngineeringSummer SchoolDr. Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University Margot Vigeant is a professor of chemical engineering at Bucknell University. She earned her B.S. in chemical engineering from Cornell University, and her M.S. and Ph.D., also in chemical engineering, from the University of Virginia. Her primary researcDr. Daniel Anastasio, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Daniel Anastasio is an associate professor at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He received a B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 2009
Paper ID #41718Reflections on a ”Math Disaster”: the Role of Instructor Confusion in theClassroomDr. Lorena S. Grundy, Tufts University Lorena Grundy is an ASEE eFellows postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University, where she works with Milo Koretsky to study chemical engineering education. She received her BSE from Princeton in 2017 and PhD from UC Berkeley in 2022, both in chemical engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections on a “Math Disaster”: the Role of Instructor Confusion in the ClassroomAbstractWhen enacting active learning
Paper ID #43035Building a Great Student Chapter: Reflections on Workshop Activities UsingEntrepreneurial MindsetProf. Matthew W Liberatore, University of Toledo Matthew W. Liberatore is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Toledo. He earned a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, all in chemical engineering. From 2005 to 2015, he served on the faculty at the Colorado School of Mines. In 2018, he served as an Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. His research involves the
the earlier portion of the course. Theauthors (instructors of the course) provide (1) ideas for experimental topics of interest which areapplicable to chemical engineering students, 2) focused research opportunities with facultymembers or local entrepreneurs and businesses, and 3) community-based learning experienceswith the ETHOS center at the University of Dayton. Once the instructor approves astudent-centered experiential learning project, the students define the specific objectives, performexperiments or simulations, and summarize the analysis and findings in a final technical report ormemorandum. After submitting the final report, students also provide a written reflection of theirwork and learning experience.In the most recent academic
, and meet objectives.These emphasize ethics and values of students as crucial to earning an engineering degree.However, at many schools these discussions are saved for specific courses on ethics or designrather than intentional integration across the degree. This paper explores the intentional andexplicit inclusion of character and virtue building in the context of a traditional chemicalengineering course during the sophomore year.Student taking their first chemical engineering specific course, Introduction to ChemicalEngineering Processes, were asked to reflect throughout the semester on the importance ofvirtue/character in their development as a chemical engineer. These reflections were graded workwithin the class and either replaced or
self-care. Students were asked to reflect in the middle of the quarter on if their plan was being followed, and to perform adjustments if necessary.(22) 4 b) “Reflection leadership assignment” which consisted of five reflection questions: (i) describe their long-term goals (>10 years), (ii) list the most important and least important personal values, (iii) describe ineffective leadership habits that were presented and discussed in class, and how they could overcome such habits, (iv) identifying major successes and failures in the next month as well as five years, and (v) describe leadership roles along with a
] to better encapsulate culturally responsive engineeringdesign.These types of frameworks and pedagogical approaches are becoming more widely used withinK-12 education; however, this incorporation of culture and community is not generally adoptedfor college engineering curricula. One of the primary ways to incorporate students’ culture andcommunity is to have students reflect on their own experiences and observations and to havestudents interview elders and community members so that they can include various viewpointsand information into their design solutions.Overview of Professional Development and Engineering Design TasksOver the last two years, there have been two cohorts of teachers within this research project.Teachers in the program
less than 50% of the class admitted that they used the resourcesavailable.IntroductionThe Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles is a validated and accepted tool for assessingwhere on the spectra (visual-verbal, sensing-intuitive, active-reflective, sequential-global)students fall with respect to the different stages in the learning process [1-3]. To date, theinventory has been used as a guide to help instructors vary their classroom instruction to usemethods that will ultimately address all learning styles by cycling through instruction approaches[2, 4-9].Over the last two decades, a group of educational psychologists have attempted to refute thevalidity of learning styles in the design of instruction, stating that doing so is a detriment
between steps,essentially learning in “leaps.” Comics in relation are inherently tailored to sequential learners aseach panel within a comic follows a very specific order for the reader to follow along. Whilst it ispossible to grasp the big picture of a comic, much of the understanding and storytelling aspectsare done through the connections between panels.Sensing learners prefer learning facts and concepts as opposed to intuitive learners who preferabstract relationships and concepts. Finally, active learners prefer application of concepts learnedwhereas reflective learners ponder questions surrounding issues at hand. Essentially, activelearners like very hands-on work whilst reflective learners prefer thinking alone about the problemfirst
, many institutions increasedofferings of diversity trainings for faculty and staff. But whether those diversity trainings wereeffective is up for debate, with evidence pointing to some promising initiatives but fewinstitutional changes that disrupt racism [13]–[15] and some well-intentioned trainingsexacerbating the problem of bias [16]. In turn, many campuses moved to embracing student-centered pedagogies. Tools and resources, such as the “Advancing Inclusion and Anti-Racism inthe College Classroom: A rubric and resource guide for instructors” [17] and “Toward anantiracist engineering classroom for 2020 and beyond: A starter kit,” [18] were developed to helpfaculty reflect on their identity and positionality, consider their students’ lived
cannot be a prerequisite for ABC 101 because then there would be no way to takeeither of them. This makes the graph abstraction both directional and acyclic. Within this representation,the number of credits for each course is reflected by the node size. The course level graph abstraction can allow for the scheduling of one’s term and visualizing howcourses interact with one another. However, these dependencies rely on the accuracy of the prerequisiteswhich could have been established years prior and the courses and, more broadly, the curriculum couldhave changed since. For example, students may be encouraged by their adviser to take ABC 103 and ABC104 in the same term. From the graph abstraction, this need is not clear perhaps because ABC 103
a burgeoning recognition of the need for DEI withinengineering [11]-[13]. The current state of DEI in the discipline is one of active evolution andcommitment. Institutions, professional societies, and industry leaders are increasinglyemphasizing the creation of more inclusive environments that attract and support a diverseworkforce. Efforts are being made to dismantle the barriers that have historically led tounderrepresentation in engineering fields. Initiatives ranging from outreach programs aimed atyoung students to institutional reforms in hiring and retention practices reflect this shift towardsa more inclusive engineering community.The relevance of DEI in engineering cannot be overstated, as the field significantly impactsevery aspect
incorporated in the training of new chemical engineers: • Communication: This is an interpersonal behavior. It means speaking up and promoting discussions that incorporate multiple perspectives and heighten individual knowledge. • Collaboration: This requires cooperation, mutual respect, effective feedback, and common goals within the team. • Experimentation: This aspect is related to the independence created by uncertainty; it required teams that assess and learn from their actions. • Reflection: Teams need to be critical of their results and they need to be ready to implement the changes necessary for their improvement.We propose this model fits best the current needs of chemical engineering students as theconcept and
reported their confidence in each answer both pre- and post-comicon a 1-4 Likert scale. In all cases, average student confidence increased with the second time they answeredthe ConcepTest questions as presented in Table 6, which would again reflect the general self-reportedimprovement in confidence as measured in the additional survey questions. The greatest confidence bothpre- and post-comic were expressed by students who answered correctly pre-comic and then stayed withtheir same correct answer. The lowest confidence were expressed by students who were incorrect pre-comic and changed their answer to another incorrect option.Table 6. Average student reported confidence in their ConcepTest answers from pre-comic to post-comic,for each combination
students subsequently analyze thetransient CO2 response to determine the rate of CO2 uptake by the terrarium plants given the rateof CO2 production by the soil bacteria and the diffusion rate of CO2 from the terrarium. As partof the assignment, the students are also asked to reflect on the similarities between the terrariumand the earth's atmosphere. This multifaceted project not only emphasizes fundamental chemicalengineering principles but also explores the broader context of environmental sustainability andclimate change. This activity is part of a recent curriculum change in the chemical engineeringdepartment with a greater emphasis on a larger quantity of focused laboratory activities in placeof fewer and longer unit operation experiments
submitting a knowledge inventory and remediation plan. Students create a glossary of termsand concepts from the class and rank them by their level of understanding. Recent iterations ofthe remediation plan also include reflections on emotions and support networks.In February 2023, the project team will scale the interventions to freshman-level IntroductoryProgramming, which has 400 students and the college’s highest fail/withdrawal rate. The largesample size will enable more robust statistics to correlate exam scores, intervention rubric items,and surveys on assignment effectiveness. Piloting interventions in various environments andclasses will establish best pedagogical practices that minimize instructors’ workload and decisionfatigue. The
curriculum needs to support students' development of representational fluencybetter.Appropriately integrating sociotechnical design problems into the curriculum can supportstudents' development of engineering skills, practices, and conceptual understanding whilealso learning design [14], [15]. Sociotechnical problems are design problems that includesocial and technical constraints [16], [17]. Addressing sociotechnical problems reflects theprofessional workplace in which engineers typically address and solve engineering problemsthat merge social and technical constraints [8], [16], [18]. By exploring the students'representational practices and skills, we can design appropriate scaffolds that support them indeveloping expertise. This research aims to
). Project Leader (1987-92). Principal Researcher (1992-95). Specialty Products Business Leader (1995-99)Hseen BaledMichael McMahon ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Team Building Games to Reinforce the Training of Chemical Engineering Students in Team Skills Based on Collaboration LeadershipIntroductionTeam building games or activities are popular at work [1] - [3], and college [4]. Team games arecreative activities that simulate team performance at relatively simple and engaging tasks butoffering practice and reflections to apply to real job situations. They can be used when starting anew team project or sometimes later to address conflicts, to encourage positive attitudes, or tounveil new
techniques. A few reasons could explain the results. One, as the students spend a disproportionateamount of time using analytical solutions, they are more likely to recall instances where theirknowledge was limited. Conversely, good programming technique is not utilized heavily in thecore curriculum, so they do not have the chance to continuously struggle with new material, andthus have an inflated sense of knowledge concerning the material. Another reason could be that,it is possible that the coding-heavy nature of the course enabled the students to remember goodprogramming practices, and this is reflected in the subsequent semesters. The lowest self-rating was given to the question “I can code my own numerical solutionsto PDEs
completion of the activity and/or demo. • Completing focus groups with students not in the design group to see if their activity is pedagogically beneficial. • Developing protocols for implementation of the activity and/or demo for faculty and graduate students to teach in their classes.All teams presented their final prototype via poster and a demonstration at the College ofEngineering’s capstone design symposium as well as a final oral presentation in class.Student Authors’ ReflectionsOur team was brought together in our senior Chemical Product Design course. We were joinedby our collective interest in creating a product related to undergraduate chemical engineeringacademia. During initial brainstorming, we reflected on our
everything before writing a first draft, is an incrediblyimportant piece of the process of writing that forces the writer to begin organization and synthesisprior to drafting [2-5]. The motivation for this work comes from a decade of experience teachingtechnical and professional communication to engineering graduate and undergraduate students andthe observed resistance to engaging in prewriting. The majority of students encountered prefer tojump straight into writing, seeing prewriting as a cumbersome task that takes up time withoutseemingly obvious benefit. Reflecting on student resistance to pre-writing activities, such as thepopular outlining, raised the question of what other, perhaps less traditional, approaches might beoffered to students as
jaded sometimes, and the response isn’t particularly specific to be helpful. • You turn up, teach, move onto the next session and so on. I’d like a stop-gap, sort of reflective period and for someone to work through things with me … not just in the immediacy of a taught session but going forward and looking back.For the most part, our data sets suggest that mentoring could be either extremely or very useful, butany form of mentoring offered was either limited or non-existent. The data also shows that GTAs findvalue in engaging with both academic experts and education-based staff, although there is a slightpreference for subject-based colleagues. However, there is currently very little evidence of this inplace, or that
in an educational context. To assess the student's performancein the workshop, a teamwork assessment questionnaire is used to help students reflect on learningand evaluate teamwork behaviours. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews and focus groupstudies are conducted after the workshop to investigate students’ perceptions of teamwork in depth.Keywords: International Students; Master’s Students; Team Performance; Engineering Education.Teamwork in Engineering Education:In the context of global higher education reform, engineering education has emerged as a strategicpriority for universities, underscoring the imperative for institutions to bolster their capacities intalent acquisition and development, scientific research and education, as
consequently be less interested in pursuing a career where these are the only perceivable fieldsthat they can work in. These findings are reflected in waning undergraduate and graduate enrollment in chemical,petroleum, and chemical-related engineering. Year-to-year medium percent change in freshmanenrollment in this major had been steadily declining since 2018 in 96 institutions, with a markable10.4% decrease in 20203. In their 2021 Graduate Enrollment Census, The National ScienceFoundation found that chemical engineering had the smallest 1-year growth of 1.4% in 2020-21,and the large 5-year decline of 29.1% in 2017-21 among other engineering disciplines4. Thesestatistics demonstrate a national declining trend in pursuing chemical engineering, and
essentially more of a coaching ratherthan correcting[2], and collaboration with communication experts for training is one approach todevelop more efficient and purposeful grading rubrics. The goal of rubrics is to reflect the skillstargeted in the assignment in order to effectively evaluate technical communication[2].In previous work, the lead instructors for a two-part series of senior-level chemical engineeringunit operations laboratory courses worked with the Writing Center on campus to developassignments and activities targeted at specific technical communication skills[9]. Through thiscollaboration, preliminary rubrics were developed to assess communication skills tied to learningoutcomes. These rubrics were constructed based on reflecting what
student perceptions change over the duration of the first laboratory course? • To what extent do these experiences differ for students enrolled in the traditional course and the revised course?By providing thematic analysis of these responses, we hope to glean further insight into themerits and limitations of both modes of class operation. While the quantitative analysis wasuseful for observing general shifts in knowledge, skills, and attitude, there is value in readingstudents’ reflections that allow for context. Since student responses on Likert scale questions canbe subjective and personal, we anticipate that qualitative analysis of the open-ended responseswill expose the deeper thought processes of our students, allowing us to
projectreports on dedication, contributions, and reflections. It is intended to replicate an annualperformance evaluation in job environments.Table 1 reports the average grades for the two projects in one section of 35 students. The resultsshow significant improvements in the grades for the second project grades over the first project,which is attributed to better training and expertise in the lab and assignments as a result ofincreasing experience. Presentations resulted in the lowest grades as the panel of four membersidentified weaknesses in procedures, results, and performance at presenting, followed closely byreport grades. The averages compounded by the instructor are lower than the self-evaluationwhere some students honestly reflected some
40% female students. These percentages areindicative of gender at birth; other gender-related terms [24] and discussion may be relevant butare outside of the scope here.In total, 60,000 completed animation views were analyzed. Animation view time accounts for thetime that a student watches all steps in an animation, e.g., four steps in Figure 1. After the actionsof an individual animation step are complete, a student may pause and reflect or immediatelyclick to start the next step. We investigate the animation view times for the first time a studentwatches each animation. Re-watching an animation or intermediate steps in an animation beforecompleting an animation view can occur but are not investigated further. A limitation of the
in class example problems and homework problems (as identified in the textbook).These problems involve calculations associated with safety concerns (leaking tanks, tankruptures, asphyxiation, LFL, etc.) and often require student reflections as to how the safetyincident could be avoided. Similar problems are also part of the weekly quizzes and/or examquestions. In addition, in recent semesters, each class period starts with an ice breaker. The icebreaker is a short activity, typically started as students arrive in the classroom, with a randomquestion, which allows the students to get to know one another. After the first few week of thesemester, the ice breaker questions transition to topics more relevant to chemical engineering,and often
earned a graduate degree in ChE through their studies. With this in mind,one comparison that we intend to make is comparing the frequencies of earning a degreebetween Groups 1 and 2. This comparison would seem to show whether the graduate bridgingcourses helped students achieve their ultimate goal: a graduate degree in ChE. However, thiscomparison is somewhat fraught by the idea that some students may take the bridging courses (orad-hoc measures) and realize that they no longer wish to pursue a graduate degree in ChE, thusnot applying to or dropping out of the graduate program entirely (which is not necessarily a“bad” outcome and does not necessarily reflect the quality of their preparation - graduate ChE isnot everyone’s cup of tea!) We are