sicknesses, as we saw in the US and Italy COVID-19 data from the previousproblem set. When does the growth fall off the exponential curve? What is the reason for thisbehavior?5 Professional writing is an area of emphasis in our department, and all students receive extensive instruction in avariety of writing formats before taking this course.6 Students were allowed to self-select teams. Of the three “large” teams (four students or more) that formed for thisassignment, all three featured diversity in gender and two featured diversity in race, roughly reflecting the level ofgender and race diversity in our department.NB: To set a sense of expectations, you should plan to spend ~4-6 hours of earnest effort perperson on formulating questions
Engineering Education, 2021An Insight into Students’ Feedback on Synchronous Distance Learning during COVID-19 LockdownAbstractThe fast growth of technology and internet in the last decade has built the necessaryinfrastructure for distance learning, and made the rapid transition to online teaching possibleduring the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are still a lot of uncertainties about the impactof distance learning on students’ learning effectiveness in engineering education. This paperpresents the survey results about distance learning in a Civil Engineering course during theCOVID-19 lockdown period and is aimed at understanding students’ challenges and preferencesin distance learning. The survey results reflect the students’ perspective
infrastructure management to their future careers.To date, faculty members from ten institutions have used the IVS. Data analysis is ongoing(Roberts & Haden, 2016).Lessons Learned and Next StepsThe project leadership team reflected on the success of the lesson development process andarrived at the following insights: The face-to-face opportunity afforded by the workshop is essential to building community and to brainstorming effective and interesting content It is essential that attendees complete their learning outcomes for each lesson ahead of time. Teams should be diverse in every possible aspect to ensure effective material development. A deadline for submittal needs to be defined clearly. The CIT
would probably be less likely to recognize its value. These observationsby the students about their perceptions before and during the travel could in part be due to thedomestic nature of the project. They may have perceived the travel experience to be less valuablebecause of staying in the U.S. and merely traveling to another part of the country. Even so, theyall agreed that, based on what they learned upon project completion, they value the travel muchmore and would take the time in the future to meet design colleagues face-to-face and completesite visits, if funds were available.ConclusionsWe have reflected on the findings of the interviews, on their observations of learning while theprojects were under way, and observations from prior inter
distance, the flow loses its transport capacitydue to dissipation of shear stress. As a result, the deposition is graded to reflect the ability of theflow to transport grains of differing sizes (Fig. 1). Weir Flow direction Accumulated leaves Stop 1 Stop 2 Twist Stop 3 Stop 4 Figure 1. Stops 1 through 4 of the field trip. 3Stop 3
. Justin Salgado and Mingkun Yang are acknowledged forhelping participate and complete the laboratory design and demonstration activities. Thearticle is written with the purpose of emphasizing the critical importance of teaching soilmechanics lessons by involving students’ personal experience as students’ personalexperience may mean everything in their future professional career. The voice, opinionsand remarks conveyed in the paper does not reflect any organization’s endorsement butpurely the authors’ own observations and remarks.References1. Felder M., Richard & Silverman, Linda. (1988) “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education.” Engineering Education, 78(7), 674-681.2. Nieves, Marie. (2017), “Soil Investigation-What is it and
decreased output), solve the problem” • An ability to design a system with multiple constraints • An ability to technically communicate Evaluation of Outcomes The main assessment tool for quantitative evaluation included two rubrics (Appendix A) modified and designed for this particular course. The first rubric was used to score Projects 1-4; the second rubric was used to score the final project and poster presentation. The faculty review and grading of design projects reflected this rubric, and evaluated outcomes and student progression in demonstrating the abilities most important to long- term career success (note the emphasis on technical communication skills in the
students to pursue both knowledge and wisdom, and to aspire to ethical and moral leadership within their chosen careers, their community, and the world. We value a spirit of community among all members of the college that respects academic freedom and inquiry, the discovery and cultivation of new knowledge, and continued innovation in all that we do.The mission statement of the University is reflected in these mission statements. In addition,these mission statements guided the development of our objectives, which are presented later inthis paper.FacultyA full-time teaching load in the College of Engineering at Villanova is 12 contact hours persemester. If a faculty member is an active scholar, this load is reduced to 9
any given project in my work as a civil engineer, I can identify sources where the global and societal 3.2 4.2 < 0.0001 impacts of my project are discussed. I can identify the appropriate governmental regulatory bodies and general policies concerning the global and 2.8 3.8 0.00011 societal impact of my work as a civil engineer.Each Speaker’s ContributionUsing the same 1 to 5 scale, the seniors in the Professions course were asked, in the post-survey,to rate the degree to which they agreed with statements reflecting the individual speakers’ aid inincreasing the students’ understanding of global and societal issues, as summarized in Table III.Speakers one through four spoke in
only the final design project submission is shown, the Sum of Correlation Points values may not reflect the sum of the shown Correlation with Requirements values squared. • Measure of Correlation was determined by dividing the Sum of Squares of Correlation Points value by the Sum of Correlations Required for Acceptable Correlation value. A value greater than one meant the result was a reliable assessment of the particular CE Program Outcome. A value less than one meant the result was perhaps not a reliable assessment of the outcome.The following definitions apply to Figure 2 which provides a compilation of grade and outcomeassessment results for CE492 during the spring semester of Academic Year 2004-20054
, they are using these technologies to solve the infrastructure andenvironmental problems faced by today’s society, are adopting a system-integration view of thebuilt and natural environments, and are embracing the concept of sustainability.Vision for CEE Research Civil and environmental engineers work on complex, large-scale systems that improve thebuilt and natural environments. Typically, these systems are unique, insofar that they must takeinto account diverse considerations associated with technical developments and their implica-tions, prevailing local conditions, as well as available resources and talents. This is a monumen-tal task, and CEE’s innate breadth reflects the many areas of expertise required to accomplish it.Inevitably
out course materials and huge timecommitment. With careful planning, we were able to cover all the subjects that we can normallycover. For courses with existing lab exercises already directly related to projects that are ofservice to the community, only minimal additional time is needed for implementation, e.g.“Transportation Engineering.”Issues identified: (1) pre-test survey should be conducted in order to evaluate the impact of S-Lexperience on students; (2) substantive assessment should be developed for future S-Limplementation, in particular, students should be asked to reflect on their S-L experience andprovide feedback on attitudes, broader citizenship, and academic performance. Exit interviewswill also be conducted for graduating
Count of Studentsfrom which to draw conclusions. 25Students were provided space to offer 20 Stronglycomments on each statement. Overall, the 15 Agreecomments reflected the positive effect ofcandy on the classroom atmosphere and in 10 Disagree Stronglyproviding incentives to participate, as
mentor and mentee responses, showedstudents perceived significant differences in their own gains in analyzing data, thinkingcreatively, and working independently. This is not particularly surprising: research has foundself-ratings of traits, abilities, performance, or leadership typically be higher than the ratingsprovided by observers [13, 14]. Interestingly, literature also assert that such a self-enhancementbias may be psychologically healthy in that it reflects positive self-evaluation and results in bothfewer negative thoughts and also higher expectancies for success in new endeavors [13,14].Table 1. Summary results of descriptive statistics and 2-sample t-test statistical analysis.Research skills marked with * indicate those with
project from a more holistic perspective and synthesize thevarious subdiscipline components into one whole system. We are currently implementing ourapproach in the freshman year. As our staged implementation approach continues through thefour-year curriculum, we will reflect upon the successes and difficulties that we undergo as wehelp our students be better equipped to face real-world engineering challenges.AcknowledgementsThe authors want to acknowledge the RHIT’s office of Institutional Research Planning andAssessment for administering the surveys, as well as the faculty in the civil and environmentalengineering department at RHIT for agreeing to participate in this project.References[1] D. R. Woods, A. N. Hrymak, R. R. Marshall, P. E. Wood
students to how their understanding and enthusiasm were effected by using K’nexFinally the students were asked to respond to the following multiple choice question: What statement below most accurately reflects your opinion of using K’nex pieces in atechnical engineering course? a. They are useful and enhance the learning experience b. They are not particularly useful but they are fun and enhance the learning experience. c. They neither supported nor detracted from my learning experience d. The requirement to use K’nex posed a needless constraint that detracted from my ability to conduct a seismic experiment
obstacles or achieve breakthroughs. • Describes major accomplishments of the team. • Conveys a deep understanding of the impact the project has or can have on a community, market, sponsor, industry or profession. • Several team members are engaged, with questions answered clearly and confidently in a way that complements the entire exhibit experience. Team members are able to effectively reflect on the professional experience they have gained.Although there is some duplication of the in-class assessment, the judges’ criteria provides aslightly different perspective, with less emphasis on the process and a greater focus on the finalproduct and each team’s presentation skills. The average IPRO exposition score in our
. The reason for this is to provide students with aconsistent vocabulary and a consistent set of general expectations as they experience variouscourses and instructors in the program. The rubric’s aim is to avoid the students’ commoncomplaint that graded aspects vary from class to class as well as to avoid their incorrectperception that writing as an engineer is a moving target, one that changes at the whim of theperson asking for the piece of writing. In addition, the rubric follows the format of rubrics usedin many of UMD’s required writing classes and reflects lessons learned from the writing studiesfaculty.The difficulty of creating a writing guide that is specific enough to help students and generalenough to address differing audience and
lectureAlthough the first author was mindful that the FYS audience drew from all of the majors acrosscampus (liberal arts and non-liberal arts) and needed to address the nature and value of criticalthinking, the choice of the subject matter and its treatment reflected the usual direction of theconversation about the discipline of the liberal arts in engineering. As a case study of theapplication of critical thinking, the lecture delves into conspiracy theories regarding the collapseof the World Trade Center Towers on 9-11. The opportunity to prepare for the plenary lecturegave the first author the motivation to seriously consider the efforts by a handful of engineersand architects to reopen the investigation of the collapse as part of the 9-11 Truth
National Council of Examinersfor Engineering and Surveying (NCEES)—a national nonprofit federation that includes theengineering and surveying licensure boards from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam,Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.1 NCEES’s Model Law and Model Rules facilitateprofessional mobility, promote uniformity of licensure processes across the U.S., and advancethe qualifications for licensure to protect the public interest.State licensure boards are composed primarily of practicing licensed professional engineers, whotypically have two to five decades of practical experience. However, most board members donot have the expertise to evaluate the details of an individual candidate’s educational credentials,as reflected in
anddocumenting metrics for their reassembly chair. At the conclusion of the activity, theteams discuss and critically review their hypotheses and evaluation of the sustainabilityof the chairs based on the metrics collected during the lab. The instructor concludes theclass through a 15-minute active discussion on design for environment principles andmaterial selection; this discussion includes how an office chair can be translated torepresent many examples of urban infrastructure that require retrofitting and/or redesign.Often, students complete a homework assignment that reflects on the process; the Page 26.1319.4homework assignment varies from
financial support to conduct this project. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the PacTrans Regional University Transportation Research Center. We thank those professors who gave their time and thoughts to make this research possible.1 National Science Foundation, Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics., 2012.2 Gould and Lewis, “Designing for Usability: Key Principles and What Designers Think.”3 Borrego, Froyd, and Hall, “Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations : A Survey of Awareness and Adoption Rates in US.”4 Everett Rogers, Diffusion
, buildings, and water systems. Our connection to theseartifacts of civil engineering are thus reflected in cultural products such as popular music, film,and other media which hold cultural currency with students. This paper explores strategies forcreating engagement for civil engineering students in lecture settings that take advantage of thisstrong connection between civil engineering and culture. Specifically, we examine three fieldsof cultural discourse - music, arts, and politics - then explain how these connections can be usedin pre-lecture activities, and discuss the results of these strategies, as developed and trialledduring a single semester sophomore course on Engineering Communication in civil engineering.Context:In fact, two problems are
descriptivestatistics and look for trends in student comments about the materials and their learning. Thesurvey has been the least useful aspect of the assessment, with some courses having low responserates. Open-ended reflections have been useful for insights into the impact of the materials onstudent attitudes.5.2 Assessment ResultsPiloting and assessment of materials is in its second year. Materials have been used at all theuniversities in the project, in courses with a variety of topics and levels. Class sizes have rangedfrom 12 to over 80 students. Results from 12 different courses (some of them in multiple terms)have been completed (Table 2). All the measures have found improvement in the post-intervention papers over the pre-intervention papers. Of
necessary.Figure 5 summarizes the results for modules taught by two different instructors. Module 4B wastaught by one of us and Modules 5B and 6B were taught by the other (these are the same resultsshown in Figure 4). The differences in these plots are more easily observed and reflect thedifferent module designs used by the instructors. The instructor for module 4B focused on designand the role of empathy. The instructor for modules 5B and 6B focused on a particular area ofengineering (geotechnical engineering), including a three-week project related to that area. Section 5A Section 6A Designintegral Designintegral
self-reflect. Students are invited to complete the assignment more than one time if they wantto demonstrate knowledge gained in previous iterations or see a broader range of the possiblescenarios.Figure 1: Screen shot of Resultant Force & Moment GeoGebra interactive available at Students are able to manipulate all aspects of interactive and theinteractive provides a graphical solution as to the resultant force and moment of the givenapplied forces and couple moments about the designated ‘Point’Fall 2017 data (231 respondents across two on-campus sections and 1 online section) to thisassignment was analyzed. The feedback question yielded a median value of 7 and a mean of 7.3.Anecdotally, I find that anytime
index with small sample sizes, the difference from 1 does notaccurately reflect a certain impact level. The course equity index analysis for this course atAngelo State University is presented in Table 4.It is observed that Latinx students are receiving a disproportionate number of the C and D gradesgiven in this course. However, since the change was implemented, improvement in the equityindices across the grades of A, B, C and D are occurring. As a work in progress, the author willcontinue to monitor this metric in the coming years to see if the pedagogical change continues tohelp close the equity gap. Table 4: Course Equity Analysis for Latinx Students Course Equity Index for Latinx
previously been exposed to (some of them in different courses). Thediscussions had during the lesson use active learning to motivate the students to thinkindependently and enhances student involvement.This lesson appeals to different types of learning styles. Sensory and visual learners can bestimulated by being able to see the reinforced concrete beam and to physically makemeasurements. This is in comparison to typical example problems in the course where twodimensional illustrations are used and all values are directly provided. Active learners also benefitfrom this lesson by being able to interact with their classmates during the activity. Additionally,students who fall into the intuitive, verbal, or reflective learning styles benefit from this
professional engineer.”3 Appropriate attitudes are also necessary. Attitudesdetermine how an engineer uses knowledge and skills and they reflect one’s values and how oneperceives and reacts to the world.4 Johnston5 writes, “An attitude is simply a predisposition toapproach or avoid an idea, event, person or object. In other words, it is a tendency to act in oneway or another toward an ‘attitude object.’" Attitudes do not exist in a vacuum; they require anobject toward which to act. Attitudes can be positive and negative and either might beappropriate given the object toward which the attitude acts.Several have shown that “attitudes” are important in the effective use of knowledge and skillswhen accomplishing engineering tasks. Elms noted that “besides
Page 12.138.10additional expertise.” A final, and again somewhat pithy, comment regardingdevelopment opportunities for senior faculty simply noted “sabbatical leave.”Other comments that were particularly enlightening included a number about professionaldevelopment, which are reflected in one particular comment “We provide funding forstudy references, examination fees, and license fees thereafter.” Others noted theimportance of professional registration, including one school that has a specific salaryincrement for those who are registered engineers. A very relevant comment concerningmentoring noted “mentoring is formative, not summative – this is important.”ImplicationsWhile the survey results are of interest in their raw form, it may be