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Displaying results 481 - 510 of 641 in total
Conference Session
Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anthony Battistini, Angelo State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
centerline of the bolts as well as increasing the longitudinal spacing from bolt to bolt. Teaching Point #3: Explain that AISC has minimum requirements for these distances to help minimize the impact of shear tearout failures, but engineers still need to calculate this limit state. Compare the geometry of the tearout strength member to the more typically spaced bearing strength member to show how small edge distances lead to tearout. Tell students these construction limits will be covered in the upcoming lesson(s) on bolt limit states.Now have the student volunteer place a thumb inside each of the edge bolt holes in the bearingstrength member and put the member into some tension- enough to cause some deformation
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yusuf A Mehta, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
single material at an undergraduate level. This paperis unique in the sense that, it is for both undergraduate and graduate students and it covers fourdisciplines: Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering. The course outline isshown in Table 1 below.Textbook and Weightage of GradingThe required text for this course was Creep and Relaxation of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials byWilliam N. Findley, James S. Lai, and Kasif Onaran. In addition, there were several E-booksavailable for free at the Rowan University library that was utilized, such Theory of LinearViscoelasticity by Ferry. Table 1. Course Outline Week Proposed Topics 1 Introduction – Mechanics of stress and
Conference Session
Direct Measures of Student Performance
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Bronzini, George Mason University; John Matusik, The Engineering Groupe
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
AC 2007-502: USING THE SENIOR DESIGN JURY TO DIRECTLY ASSESSPROGRAM OUTCOMESMichael Bronzini, George Mason University Michael S. Bronzini currently holds the Dewberry Chair in Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering (CEIE) in the Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and is also the Chair of the CEIE Department. Prior positions include Director of the Center for Transportation Analysis at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering at Penn State University, and Director of the Transportation Center and Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Tennessee. Dr
Conference Session
Direct Measures of Student Performance
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Carpenter, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
can be used to ensure that students can function at the Application level ofcognitive development. The Proficiency Exam Protocol can also be an effective meansof ABET related assessment.Biographical Information 1 2 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, B. S. Bloom, ed., David McKay Company, New York (1956). 3 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Program, ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, ABET Inc., 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202 (2006). 4 Stephen J. Ressler, New Civil Engineering Program Criteria, Directions, A Newsletter of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Committee on Curricula & Accreditation, p. 6-10 (Fall
Conference Session
Laboratory Development and Technology in the Civil Engineering Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Hernandez, Michigan Technological University; Stanley Vitton, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
-orientated laboratorythat enhances student learning.Current Teaching StrategiesHistorically, soil mechanics has been taught through a lecture-laboratory approach since theintroduction of the laboratory component during the 1930s. One of the first soil mechanicslaboratory manuals published in 1939 by William S. Housel at the University of Michiganillustrated a systematic and discrete approach of teaching by introducing important test methodscommon to soil mechanics1.As the 1950s emerged authors developed manuals where there is little change to the overallstructure and content in comparison to the first texts. Authors seem to have written theselaboratory manuals to accommodate the teaching strategies desired at each institution or toinclude regional
Conference Session
Sustainable and Urban Development
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon deMonsabert, George Mason University; Laura Miller, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Page 14.660.3way as a project scope document, outlining the development program, and providing detailedrequirements and deliverables for submission deadlines at 15%, 50%, 90%, and 100%. Studentsdid not receive grades at these milestone submissions. Instead, a detailed technical review of theplans for engineering content and compliance with code and course requirements is conducted,and students receive comments, which must be incorporated into the design for the followingsubmission(s). Students have the option to decline to comply with a comment, but must thendefend their designs and decisions with code references and sound engineering judgment.Students were required to work with each other as a team, and with other stakeholders to developthe
Conference Session
Horizontal and Vertical Integration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jack Bringardner, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
of the United States to create new technology for cities,and 3) the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges - to Restore and Improve UrbanInfrastructure.References 1. Coyle, E. J. (2016, March), Systemic Reform of STEM Education: The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Consortium Paper presented at 2016 EDI, San Francisco, CA. 2. National Academy of Engineering. (2012). Infusing Real World Experiences into Engineering Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 3. Coyle, E. J., Krogmeier, J. V., Abler, R. T., Johnson, A., Marshall, S., & Gilchrist, B. E. (2014, October). The vertically-integrated projects (VIP) program—leveraging faculty research interests
Conference Session
Your Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrations of Hands-On and Virtual In-Class Teaching Aids
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David M. Flaherty, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Practice, 2005,doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1052-3928(2005)131:2(83).2 Phillip C. Wankat and Frank S. Oreovicz, Teaching Engineering (New York, McGraw-Hill,1993).3 Jakob C. Bruhl et al., “Accelerating the Development of Engineering Judgment in Studentsthrough Inquiry-Based Learning Activities,” in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition(Columbus, OH: American Society for Engineering Education, 2017).4 Jakob C. Bruhl, Joseph P. Hanus, and James Ledlie Klosky, “Let’s Break Stuff! A Refitof the Mechanics Sequence of Courses to Inspire Student Inquiry” in ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition (Columbus, OH: American Society for EngineeringEducation, 2017).5 James Ledlie Klosky and Reid Vander Schaaf, “‘Show Me the Money!’ Using Physical ModelsTo Excite Student
Conference Session
The Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition: Preparing the Future Civil Engineer
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Decker B. Hains, Western Michigan University; Kenneth J. Fridley, University of Alabama; Thomas A. Lenox Dist.M.ASCE, F.ASEE, American Society of Civil Engineers; Leslie Nolen CAE, American Society of Civil Engineers; James J. O'Brien Jr., American Society of Civil Engineers
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
develop an updated CEBOK, the Second Edition ofthe Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge (CEBOK2), which was published in 2008. In thesubsequent years, ASCE developed a plan for the long-term management of CEBOK on aneight-year cycle which led to the formation of the CEBOK3TC which began work in October2016. This paper concludes with a discussion on the update from CEBOK2 to CEBOK3.Why is this historical review and summary important to the civil engineering profession? Tomaintain the momentum of the educational and professional reform activities initiated by ASCEin the mid-1990’s (called the Raise the Bar Initiative), the successful processes of the past andthe associated “lessons learned” must be clearly communicated to future leaders and
Conference Session
Beyond the Capstone: Integrating Authentic Experiences that Promote Learning and Excitement
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brad Wambeke P.E., United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Engineering, USMA (2020). Mission Statement. Accessed Jan 1, 2020. departments/civil-and-mechanical-engineering3. ABET, Inc. (2019). Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs: Effective for Reviews During the 2019-2020 Accreditation Cycle. ABET, Baltimore, MD.4. Howe, S. and Wilbarger, J., 2005 National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses. In Proceeding of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 18-21, 2006, Chicago, IL, USA. available at: [Accessed: January 20, 2020]5. Hunt, G. and Detloff H., A Case Study of Interdisciplinary Capstone Engineering Design. In
Conference Session
Educational & Professional Issues of Strategic Importance to the Civil Engineering Profession and ASCE II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Muthusamy Krishnamurthy P.E., Hydro Modeling Inc; David Anthony Pezza P.E., Old Dominion University; Kenneth J. Fridley, University of Alabama; Decker B. Hains, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Anthony Pezza P.E., Old Dominion University An adjunct assistant professor in the CEE Department, Old Dominion University. Retired in 2010 from U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters as Deputy Chief, Engineering and Construction after a 37 year career as a design engineer in geotechnical and coastal infrastructure. Also, a fellow and life member of ASCE and board certified Diplomate in ASCE’s Academy of Geo-professionals.Dr. Kenneth J. Fridley, University of Alabama Kenneth J. Fridley is the Senior Associate Dean for the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama. Prior to his current appointment, Fridley served as Professor and Head of the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Conference Session
Active and Out There: Labs and Active Learning
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gretchen Bohnhoff P.E., University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Kristin M. Sample-Lord P.E., Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
: Kurtis Johnsonat UW-Platteville, Philip Armstrong at Villanova University, and Mustaki Ahmed at VillanovaUniversity. In addition, the authors are thankful for the helpful feedback about the activitiesprovided by Dr. Patricia Gallagher (Drexel University), Dr. Andrea Welker (VillanovaUniversity), Dr. Christina Curras (UW-Platteville), and Dr. Joseph Scalia IV (Colorado StateUniversity).References[1] J. Schultz, J. Wilson, and K. Hess, "Team-based classroom pedagogy reframed: the student perspective," American Journal of Business Education, vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 17-24, 2010.[2] S. P. Sternberg, “Small Group, In Class Problem Solving Exercises,” in Proceeding of the 1997 Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA, June 15 -18, 1997.[3] H. G
Conference Session
Sustainability in Civil Engineering Education: Service Learning, Capstone Integration, Student Affect and Rating Systems
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
activities, living-learning communities, internships, etc.Research by Cech [33] characterized a culture of disengagement in engineering education. Thismight be expected to diminish commitment to sustainable engineering. However, educationalmodels such as Vanasupa et al.’s Four Domain Develop Diagram (4D) [34] indicate conditionsthat might impact affective domain learning, including social aspects of learning, motivation,context, and autonomy. Thus, it is difficult to predict how college might change students’attitudes toward sustainable engineering. Engineering students might become more or lessfavorable in their attitudes toward sustainable engineering, as a result of both formal curriculumand hidden curriculum.Research QuestionsGiven the new
Conference Session
Viewpoints, Perspectives, and Creativity in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seamus F Freyne P.E., Mississippi State University; Veera Gnaneswar Gude P.E., Mississippi State University; Dennis D. Truax, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, Materials, Structures, Transportation, or Water Resources) • How would you describe your enthusiasm about pursuing a civil engineering degree? Select one. (High, Moderately High, Moderate, Moderately Low, and Low) • What teaching method(s) do you feel is (are) effective? Check as many as you wish. (Lectures on the board, Lectures on slides, Discussions, and Group work) • What modern educational tool or teaching innovation would you like to see introduced into the civil engineering program? • What activity best allows you to learn the material out of class? Select one. (Textbook problem sets or Projects) • How do you study and work on assignments most of the time? Select one. (Individually or
Conference Session
Fostering Transformational Change in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Euan Lindsay, Charles Sturt University; James R. Morgan, Charles Sturt University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66, 64-74.7: Seat, E. & Lord, S. (1999). Enabling effective engineering teams: A A program for teaching interaction skills.Journal of Engineering Education, 88, 385-390.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of many colleagues who have had bothdirect and indirect input into the development of the curriculum model described in this paper.
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natacha Depaola, Illinois Institute of Technology; Paul R. Anderson, Illinois Institute of Technology; Roberto Cammino, Illinois Institute of Technology; Bonnie Haferkamp, Illinois Institute of Technology; Limia Shunia, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Jamshid Mohammadi, Illinois Institute of Technology; Fouad Teymour, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
engineering design program at RIT". Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Conference. Accessed from Hotaling, N.; Burks Fasse, B.; Bost, L.F. Hermann, C.D.; Forest, C.R. (2012) “A quantitative analysis of the effects of a multidisciplinary engineering capstone design course” Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 101, No. 4:630-656.9. Howe, S., and Wilbarger, J.,(2006) “2005 National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, #1781.10. Lattuca, L.R.; Terenzini, P.T.; Fredericks Volkwein, J.; Peterson, G.D. (2006) “The changing face of engineering education” The Bridge Vol. 36, No. 2:5
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen J. Ressler, U.S. Military Academy; Thomas A. Lenox , Dist.M.ASCE, F.ASEE, American Society of Civil Engineers
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
type and level of degree; ABET cannot force a five-year curriculum into a four-yearprogram; and ABET will not mandate a five-year baccalaureate engineering degree.As such, licensure, not accreditation, must be the principal focus for implementing enforceablestandards that enhance the educational preparation of future engineering professionals.References1. “Model Law Designation,” National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Accessed at, January 16, 2015.2. ECPD. First Annual Report of the Engineers’ Council for Professional Development, New York, NY, 1933, 1.3. Russel, Jeffrey S. et al. “ASCE's Raise The Bar Initiative: Master Plan For Implementation.” Proceedings of
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Chong, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
: • Only 2 of nearly 100 students reported recognizing Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water, even minutes into the song. In fact, few students admitted to even being familiar with the song. • Songs that had been covered and re-released were often recognized, but students could not identify the original artist. For example, Life is a Highway was associated with Rascal Flatts, and Big Yellow Taxi with multiple artists but not with Joni Mitchell (in fact, the closest students got was John Mitchell). • Even songs considered to be cultural touchstones by the instructor may not have been familiar with the students. U2's Where the Streets Have No Name, for
Conference Session
Capstone and Collaborations in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Conrad, Portland State University; William A Kitch P.E., Angelo State University; Tori Rhoulac Smith, Howard University; Kenneth W. Lamb P.E. Ph.D, California State Polytechnic University - Pomona; Timothy James Pfeiffer P.E., Foundation Engineering, Inc.
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
organization. Within thewriting pedagogy community, the advantages and disadvantages of explicit instruction have longbeen debated, with critics of direct instruction arguing that it "prevent[s] our students fromenacting what they know tacitly."14 However, in our experience, few students have any tacitknowledge of engineering workplace genres. If they are given an assignment that asks for anunfamiliar document type – such as a technical memorandum or a cover letter – they typicallysearch the internet for something with the same name. Rather than leaving them to search ontheir own, we believe it is appropriate for engineering courses to teach students about industrystandards for documents, just as it is appropriate to teach about standards for
Conference Session
Educational & Professional Issues of Strategic Importance to the Civil Engineering Profession - and ASCE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea L Welker, Villanova University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
engineering skills in women.” Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13.8. Cech, E., Rubineau, B, Silbey, S, and Seron, C. (2011). “Professional role confidence and gendered persistence in engineering.” American Sociological Review, Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. 641-646.9. US News and World Report (2014), available online at, accessed 9 January 2015.10. Horn, L. (1996) Nontraditional Undergraduates, Trends in Enrollment From 1986 to 1992 and Persistence and Attainment Among 1989–90 Beginning Postsecondary Students (NCES 97–578). U.S. Department of Education, NCES. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.11
Conference Session
Mechanics, Music, Meaning, and Mohr
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vicki V. May, Dartmouth College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
on themusical bridges and seemed to be more engaged in the project than students in previous years.And females, in particular, seemed to prefer the musical bridges over a more traditional bridgeproject. The author plans to continue to use some variation on the musical bridge project forfuture solid mechanics courses. Questions, however, remain: did students find the musical aspectof the project more engaging or would another type of interdisciplinary project be just asengaging? Did the musical bridge project result is improved learning? Were students morecreative? Did their critical thinking skills improve? Future projects will attempt to explore thesequestions and more.ReferencesBarnard, S., Hassan, T., Bagilhole, B., Dainty. A. (2012
Conference Session
Making Professionals: Methods to Build Success Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anthony Battistini, Angelo State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
engineers of our profession.References[1] B. Jesiek, Y. Haller, and J. Thompson, “Developing Globally Competent EngineeringResearchers: Outcomes-Based Instructional and Assessment Strategies from the IREE 2010China Research Abroad Program”, Advances in Engineering Education, ASEE, Vol. 4, No. 1,2014.[2] U.S. Department of Education, “The Condition of Education 2019,” IES National Center forEducation Statistics, Report NCES 2019-144, May 2019.[3] A. Flores, M. H. Lopez, and J. M. Krogstad, “U.S. Hispanic population reached new high in2018, but growth has slowed” July 8, 2019,[Accessed February 4, 2020].[4] V. MacDonald
Conference Session
Perceptions, Projects, and Practical Approaches
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
James Lambrechts P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Anuja Kamat, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Ron Frattura
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, laboratory component or video seems to increase studentengagement which was expected. However, helping the students stay organized and presentingthe material in various ways each week, adds an element of rigor and predictability whichmakes the students interested and engaged which ultimately results in increased studentlearning.References:[1] Domone, P. L. J., and J. M. Illston. Construction Materials: Their Nature andBehaviour. Spon Press, 2010.[2] Mamlouk, Michael S., and John P. Zaniewski. Materials for Civil andConstruction Engineers. Pearson Education Limited, 2018.[3] Callister, W. D. Materials Science and Engineering: an Introduction. Wiley & Sons, 2007.[4] D. Michalaka and W. Davis, “Application of Active Learning Techniques
Conference Session
The New Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge (BOK2)
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Evans, Bucknell University; Daniel Lynch, Dartmouth College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Sciences. (S)he is positioned to perceivethe engineering problem as one of delivering technological services to humans, through socialinstitutions, creatively. Creativity is necessary with the service itself, with its technologicalbasis, and with its social realization.Foundational OutcomesIn order to recognize the importance of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Humanities and SocialSciences in the education of future civil engineers, in BOK2 outcomes were consolidated,rearranged and two new outcomes, one for Humanities and one for Social Sciences have beenincluded. There is considerable freedom for educators to determine how these outcomes may befulfilled through contributions from various academic departments and disciplines. This freedompermits
Conference Session
Implementing the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge into Courses and Curricula
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Hoadley, Professor @ VMI
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
., “Shaping Beliefs and Attitudes: A Handbook of Attitude Change Strategies,” , 2001.6 Elms, D. G., "Steps Beyond Technique – Education for Professional Attitude,” Civ.Eng.Syst., 2(1), 55-59, 1985.7 Stouffer, W. B., Russell, J. S., and Oliva, M. G., "Making the strange familiar: Creativity and the future ofengineering education," Proceedings of the ASEE 2004 Annual Conference, American Society for Engineering,Washington, DC 20036, United States, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 9315-9327.8 Khan, H., "Correlates of engineering and management effectiveness: design of a strategic university curriculum forcorporate engineering executive development (SUCCEED) program." Proceedings of
Conference Session
Effective Learning Innovations in Civil Engineering Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Blake Tullis, Utah State University; Steven Barfuss, Utah Stat University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
-World Projects Reinforce Fundamentals in theClassroom,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 127 (12), 2001, pp.992-995.3. Heyder, W. E., “New Engineer Training at Bureau of Reclamation,” Journal ofHydraulic Engineering, Vol. 127 (12), 2001, pp.996-1001.4. Chanson, H., “Teaching Hydraulic Design in an Australian Undergraduate CivilEngineering Curriculum,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 127 (12), 2001, pp.1002-1008.5. Weiss, P. T. and J. S. Gulliver, “What Students need in Hydraulic Design Projects?”Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 127 (12), 2001, pp.984-991.6. Finnie, J., “Hydraulic Design Example-Canal and Pipeline Inlet,” Journal ofHydraulic Engineering, Vol. 127 (12), 2001, pp.1028-1035.7. Hotchkiss, R. H., “Flow Over a
Conference Session
The Senior Experience: Capstone and Beyond
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Large Seagrave
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
c, d, 10:00 AM as scheduled (AT Revised 75% e, f, 3- THE CAPITOL!!!). 30 Engineering g, h, May Presentations of Team Documents25 j, k, Preliminary Engineering l, m, Reports nBibliography1. Moor, S., Drake, B. "Addressing Common
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Transportation and Geotechnical Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Hanson, California Polytechnic State University; David J. Elton, Auburn University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. Hanson, J. L., and Kuraoka, S. (2009). “Bringing International Practice to the Geotechnical EngineeringClassroom Using Video-Conferencing,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on SoilMechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ISSMGE, Alexandria, Egypt. Page 25.957.10
Conference Session
Learning by Doing
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Welker, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, San Francisco, CA, 344 p.4. Wadzuk, B., Dinehart, D., Glynn, E., Gross, S. and Hampton, F. (2009) “A Methodology for Curriculum Modification to Civil Engineering Mechanics,” The Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, June 2009. Available online at <>.5. ABET, Engineering Accreditation Commission (2008) Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, Effective for the 2008-2009 Accreditation Cycle. Available online at .6. Welker, A.L., Quintiliano, B., and Green, L. (2005) “Information Literacy: Skills for Life,” The Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, June 2005. Available online at .7. Welker, A.L. and Quintiliano, B. (2008
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques in Structural Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey A. Laman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
understanding of the course concepts? Why? ____________________ Why not? ____________________What additional subject(s) would be better understood if pencasts were added?What did you like least about using the pencasts?What suggestions do you have to improve pencasts for future students? Page 24.790.16Appendix C – Focus Group ProtocolFocus Group Protocol -Perceptions of Student LearningThe purpose of the focus group is to discuss how participation in the pencast tutorials has been beneficial to students. In other words, how you see using these tutorials outside of class are beneficial to you. 1. To start off this conversation, I’d first like to