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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 641 in total
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sami Maalouf, California State University, Northridge; Anwar Alroomi, California State University, Northridge
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
with accessibility codes? 3. Will the organization provide on-site orientations for students? If yes, will the orientations include the following: a. Hours available for students to be at the learning site(s) b. Informing students where to park c. Informing students of the closest public transportation options d. Procedures for checking-in at the learning site(s) e. Procedures for students and supervisors to track students’ hours f. Organizational dress-code g. Tours of the learning site(s) h. Introduction to the students’ work areas i. Introduction to other employees/volunteers j. Confidentiality training: k. Safety and emergency
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meg E. West, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
required undergraduate transportation engineering course(s) address a minimum set of core competencies (“learning domain”). • There should be a common set of knowledge tables that map the learning domains which could be used by instructors across universities as the basis of the required course(s). • There is a need for effective strategies that provide contextual active learning environments for students in these courses. • There is a need to develop collaborative tools for sharing transportation engineering curricular materials across instructors and institutions.In response to these outcomes, around 20 transportation engineering educators created theCurriculum Subcommittee of the Institute of
Conference Session
Integrating Computer-based Technology in the Civil Engineering Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Parhum Delgoshaei, Virginia Tech; Chelsea Green, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
temperature probe provides an exponential curve (Newton’s law of cooling), the displacement of a falling ball onto the motion detector provides a power (quadratic) function and the force sensor can be exited linearly.Three sensors (i.e., temperature, force, and motion detection) are used to develop this activity.The system setup and LabVIEW output are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.Figure 3. DAQ activity setup. The analog signals from temperature and force sensors are filteredout from noise, amplified and converted to digital (0’s and 1’s) in the Vernier SensorDAQ(middle). The Motion Detector implements these conversions internally
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cole C McDaniel, California Polytechnic State University; Graham C. Archer P.Eng, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
caretaker. The Bridge House was recently transformed by undergraduatestudents6 into a structural dynamics laboratory, including aesthetic rehabilitation, fabrication andinstallation of testing equipment and the addition of removable braces to alter the buildingdynamic response. The Bridge House is ideal for vibration experimentation since it is simpleenough for the students to quickly model by hand calculations and with computational models,yet complex enough so that the results can be readily applied to an actual structure. Thestructural system is straightforward consisting of ordinary moment frames in the N/S direction,and concentrically braced frames in the E/W direction. Removable braces were also installed inthe E/W direction (see Figure 1c
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Haluk M. Aktan, Western Michigan University; John Stephen Polasek P.E., Western Michigan University; Kevin James Phillips
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, CMMI Program 20052008 Review Committee of Visitors in 2009, member of TRB Committee on Basic Research and Emerging Technologies on Concrete and ASCE committee on Performance Based Design.John Stephen Polasek, P.E., Western Michigan University John S. Polasek P.E. retired from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) after over 38 years of service in 2009. John received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from MSU in 1972 and was hired at MDOT. Over the years, he has worked in the Design Division, as a Staff Engineer for the Local Government Division, as the Kalamazoo District Design Engineer and Project Development Engineer, as well as Region System Manager. In June 2003, John was appointed Director of the
Conference Session
Educational & Professional Issues of Strategic Importance to the Civil Engineering Profession – and ASCE
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Brian J. Swenty P.E., University of Evansville
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #19425Professional Licensure: The Core of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowl-edgeDr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T, worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation, then returned to school to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech. He worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McClean, Virginia on accelerated bridge and concrete bridge research before coming to the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Kjolsing P.E., University of California, San Diego; Yael Van Den Einde, University of California, San Diego
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Civil Engineering
studentlearning, student satisfaction, or both: in-class group problem solving[1], peer instruction[2], theuse of workbooks[3], physical demonstrations[4], interactive online textbooks[5], body-centeredtalk[6], inverted or flipped classrooms[7], etc. However, recommendations are scarce on how tobest combine these innovative activities into one class: how do we begin to assemble the partsinto a whole? In the 2000’s Steif and Dollár[8] suggested and then later showed[9] that thecombination of in-class conceptual questions and hands-on physical demonstrations in a Staticsclass resulted in high learning gains. Researchers later developed[10] and found[11] thatsupplemental web-based content was also beneficial to student learning. However, whileconceptual
Conference Session
Capitalizing on COVID: Using This Disruptor to Change the Educational Model
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Paige West, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Frederick Paige, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Natasha B. Watts, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
provided instructors with critical information about theirstudents’ behaviors in courses. For example, learning analytics supply insight into the numberand time of student interactions [12]–[14] and the frequency of viewing content pages [15] andtools [10], [16]. Student behavior analytics is often compared to student performance and provento correlate significantly. Joksimovic et al. (2015) found that the count of student-studentinteractions in an entirely online course significantly correlated with the students’ grades. Also,the time spent interacting with the instructor had positive effects on the final learning outcomes[13]. Agudo-Peregrinal et al. (2014) looked at Moore (1989) and Hillman et al.’s (1994)interaction types and their correlation
Conference Session
Integrating Sustainability and Resilience Concepts into Courses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew Katz, Virginia Tech; Tripp Shealy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Allison Godwin, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
ofglobal warming can help prepare students to address global warming in their careers.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534 and 1635204. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We would also like to thank the students who participated in the research bycompleting the survey.References[1] J. Cook et al., “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature,” Environ. Res. Lett., vol. 8, no. 2, p. 024024, Jun. 2013, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024.[2] National Research Council
Conference Session
Fostering Transformational Change in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Kevin C Bower P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
provide further insight intostudent perceptions. The following observations are noted for data summarized in Table 7:  The highest survey response (96%) was noted for perceived student understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. This outcome also has the lowest standard deviation (9%) indicating a concurrence of student perception on this professional skills outcome and providing further evidence of a strong positive response.Table 5. FE Exam Ethics and Business Practice Results, 2009-2015 (n=220) FE Exam Institution CE National Avg. Ratio of Institutional Avg. Administration Avg. % Correct % Correct % Correct / National Avg. S 2009 (2) 88
Conference Session
Sustainability in Civil Engineering
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
engineering students.2. The first part of research question two asks, how frequently was climate change a topic covered in courses taken by freshmen engineering students in high school? To answer this question, students were asked, “Please indicate whether the following topics were covered in your last high school courses. (Mark all that apply)”. One of the topics was “climate change”. Students option were binary, marking either yes or leaving blank for “Biology, Physics, Chemistry, or Other Course(s)”. The second part of research question two asks, how frequently was climate change a topic covered in courses taken by senior civil engineering students in college? To answer this question, students were asked, similar to the freshmen
Conference Session
Before the Capstone: Project-based Experiences Early in the Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mary Roth, Lafayette College; Haritha Malladi, Lafayette College
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Civil Engineering
, doi: 10.1080/15732471003588254.[4] L. F. Cabeza, L. Rincón, V. Vilariño, G. Pérez, and A. Castell, “Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) of buildings and the building sector: A review,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 29, pp. 394–416, Jan. 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2013.08.037.[5] Z. Teshnizi, A. Pilon, S. Storey, D. Lopez, and T. M. Froese, “Lessons Learned from Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing of Two Residential Towers at the University of British Columbia,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 69, pp. 172–177, Jan. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.11.121.[6] N. Arena, “Life-cycle assessment applied to construction of Thames Tideway east tunnel, London, UK,” Eng. Sustain., vol. 172, no
Conference Session
Perceptions, Projects, and Practical Approaches
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Secil Akinci-Ceylan, Iowa State University; Kristen Sara Cetin P.E., Michigan State University; Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Bora Cetin, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #30757Examining Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Perceptions of Solving anIll-Structured Problem in Civil EngineeringSecil Akinci-Ceylan, Iowa State University Secil Akinci-Ceylan is a PhD student in Educational Technology in the School of Education at Iowa State University.Dr. Kristen Sara Cetin, Michigan State University Dr. Kristen S Cetin is an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.Dr. Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Dr. Benjamin Ahn is an Assistant Professor at Iowa State University in the Department of
Conference Session
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: The Role of Engineering Education towards Attaining UN Sustainable Development Goals
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Haley Margaret Gardner
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Community Engagement Division, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Minorities in Engineering
careers to solvesocietal challenges that mitigate and prepare for climate change and its global implications forsustainability. Attached below is the survey instrument developed and currently undergoing validatingand reliability testing.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesABET. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2014 - 2015. Retrieved from, B., Murphy, C., Allen, D., & Davidson, C. (2009
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Kevin C. Bower P.E., The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Ally Kindel Martin, The Citadel; Robert J. Barsanti Jr., The Citadel
Tagged Topics
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Civil Engineering
academic performance. Thepercentile of students from each academic program participating in the honors program isshown in Table 1.In light of the above success, a second program using a similar model was established. TheSchool of Engineering has an S-STEM grant which is currently in its final year ofadministration to support scholarships for females, minorities and economically challengedstudents. The activities produced for this cohort have been singled out by the students andthrough program assessment as being impactful for student success to aid them in maintainingthe grade point averages to keep their scholarships (> 2.5 for freshman; >3.0 all years after). Table 1. Percentage of Honors Students in Each Discipline from 2006-20161
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yusuf A Mehta, Rowan University; Ayman Ali, Rowan University; Parth Bhavsar, Rowan University; Seri Park, Villanova University; Kakan C. Dey, West Virginia University
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Civil Engineering
, while Dr. Ahmed Faheem instructs Materials and Pavement relatedcourses. Table 2. Integration of SHRP2 Products in Other Three Institutions CEE course Level Instructor(s) Temple University (TU) Transportation Engineering Materials Senior\Graduate Structural Design of Pavements Senior\Graduate Ahmed Faheem Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Senior\Graduate Villanova University (VU) Introduction to Transportation Engineering Sophomore Engineering Economics Junior Seri Park Transportation systems Design Senior West Virginia University (WVU) Urban Transportation
Conference Session
Writers, Experts, and the Workforce in Civil Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cara N. Morton P.E, Washington State University; Anna Karin Roo, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
sought to identify what features if any were consistent throughout all thedocuments. The features identified in the summaries from the semesters of the interventionwere used to review the summaries from the previous year(s). Once the structural features ofthe summaries were identified, one of the second authors read the summaries looking for thesame structural elements to confirm the structural patterns. Then the board comments/scores were also collected for the semesters used to identifyany patterns of improvement. This strategy did not work out as planned due to a few anomaliesinvolved in the semesters included in the study. There was no clear evidence of improvementbetween the semesters studied. As a result, word counts of the
Conference Session
Around the Water Cooler: Ideas and Issues in Civil Engineering Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicolas Ali Libre, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Stuart Werner Baur, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Mark Fitch, Missouri University of Science and Technology; William Eric Showalter P.E., Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
manager of Materials Testing lab at Missouri S&T, teaches mechanics of materials and develops digital educational resources for the engineering students. He had the opportunity of leading several scientific and industrial research projects and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Over the span of his career, Dr. Libre authored and co-authored 3 chapter books, 17 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 60 conference papers. He has advised and co-advised 8 gradu- ate students and mentored over 30 undergraduate students. He has collaborated with scholars from several countries, including Iran, China, Slovenia, Canada, and the US. He also served as a reviewer for 6 journals and a committee member of 5
Conference Session
Tech Tools and Tips
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kevin A. Waters P.E., Villanova University; Jonathan Hubler, Villanova University; Kristin M. Sample-Lord P.E., Villanova University; Virginia Smith, Villanova University; Andrea L. Welker, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
outcomes from a curriculum-wideapproach.References[1] A. Hain and S. Motaref, “Implementing Interactive 3-D Models in an Entry Level Engineering Course to Enhance Students’ Visualization,” presented at the 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, June 2020, Virtual Online. 10.18260/1-2--34782.[2] J. L. Segil, B. A. Myers, J. F. S. Ph.D, and D. T. Reamon, “Efficacy of Various Spatial Visualization Implementation Approaches in a First-year Engineering Projects Course,” presented at the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2015, pp. 26.590.1– 26.590.8.[3] S. A. Sorby, B. Casey, N. Veurink, and A. Dulaney, “The role of spatial training in improving spatial and calculus performance in engineering students
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu, Iowa State University; Suhan Yao, Iowa State University; Peter Tarmo Savolainen, Iowa State University; Charles T. Jahren P.E., Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In Proceedings of 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Atlanta, GA.3. Bachnak, R., & Maldonado, S. C. (2014). A flipped classroom experience  : Approach and lessons learned. In Proceedings of 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Indianapolis, IN.4. Redekopp, M. W., & Ragusa, G. (2013). Evaluating Flipped Classroom Strategies and Tools for Computer Engineering. In Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Atlanta, GA.5. Buechler, D. N., Sealy, P. J., & Goomey, J. (2014). Three Pilot Studies with a Focus on Asynchronous Distance Education. In Proceedings of 121st ASEE Annual Conference &
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessing Sustainability and Life Long Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire L. Antaya, Arizona State University; Melissa M. Bilec, University of Pittsburgh; Piervincenzo Rizzo, University of Pittsburgh; Amy E. Landis, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Energy Audit Labenhances existing energy audits, traditionally conducted within NDE, and expands this lab toapply to both the NDE and DfE courses, where the built environment is closely examined.Learning objectives and associated Bloom’s levels of intellectual behavior9 for the IRT EnergyAudit Lab are listed in Table 1. Teams of students conducted an energy audit of an existingstructure by utilizing an IRT camera in addition to a regular digital camera. In the energy auditlab assignment, shown in Figure 3, students utilized temperature information generated by theIRT camera and calculated the potential building’s energy losses for the area(s) depicted in thecamera images. Students took this quantitative approach one step further and calculated
Conference Session
Capstone and Collaborations in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glen F Koorey, ViaStrada Ltd.; Mark W. Milke P.E., University of Canterbury; Norb Delatte P.E., Cleveland State University
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
consequences from not following advice (e.g., relating to risks, safety etc.)”12And under competency profile 9, “Recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural andenvironmental effects of professional engineering activities generally” the bullet points are:  “Considers long term issues and impact(s) of own engineering activities, such as use of materials, waste during fabrication/construction, energy efficiency during use, obsolescence and end-of-life issues.  Considers and takes into account possible social, cultural and environmental impacts and consults where appropriate  Considers Treaty of Waitangi implications and consults accordingly  Recognises impact and long-term effects of engineering activities on
Conference Session
Progress on Raising the Bar
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Thomas Lenox; Stuart G. Walesh S.G., Walesh Consulting; Richard O. Anderson; Gerald E. Galloway, University of Maryland-College Park; Craig Musselman; Wayne R. Bergstrom; James K. Nelson, University of Texas-Tyler; James O'Brien
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Accomplishments:• The Accreditation Committee continued its internal communications activities with bi- weekly telephone conferences.• The committee updated its membership in 2005 to maintain a roster that includes a key member(s) from each of the following groups: o CAP^3 o ABET Board of Directors o Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) o Committee on Curricula & Accreditation (CC&A) of ASCE’s Educational Activities Committee (EdAC) o Department Heads Council Executive Committee (DHCEC) of ASCE’s EdAC. o Body of Knowledge Committee of CAP^3 o Curricula Committee of CAP^3 Page
Conference Session
Thinking Outside the BOKs: ABET, Ethics, Civil Engineering as Liberal Education, and 3-Year Degrees
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian J. Swenty P.E., University of Evansville; Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
firm, and the director of Missouri’s Dam and Reservoir Safety Program. Since 1993, he has been at the University of Evansville, serving as department chair for the past 21 years. He continues to work as a consultant on projects involving the design and construction of new dams, modifications to existing dams, and the investigation of dam failures.Dr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. He returned to school to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech followed by research work at the Turner- Fairbank
Conference Session
Writers, Experts, and the Workforce in Civil Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Molly McVey, University of Kansas; Caroline R. Bennett P.E., University of Kansas; Andrea Follmer Greenhoot, University of Kansas
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
than the SEI (i.e., fewer experts per department over shorter durations), and amplifiesthe impact of the experts by building intellectual communities around course transformation atmultiple levels. The University of Kansas launched its adaptation of the embedded expert model in the2013-2014 academic year, beginning in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) andexpanding in 2014-2015 into the School of Engineering. The embedded experts are postdoctoralscholars with Ph.D.’s in the discipline that are hired by a unit (department or school) for threeyears to collaborate with faculty members on the incorporation of student-centered, active andcollaborative teaching practices into four-to-five undergraduate courses. To date we have
Conference Session
Tech Tools and Tips
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Gustavo O. Maldonado, Georgia Southern University; Shahnam Navaee, Georgia Southern University; Marcel Maghiar, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
judgement, the instructors decided to allow studentswith appropriate prior experience/practice in land surveying also enroll in this course withoutmeeting the course prerequisite.Student Learning Outcomes: The objective of this course is to expose students to the fundamentalsof T-LiDAR and engage them in specialized activities involving this modern technique tosuccessfully complete 3D point-cloud models of real, service-learning projects. The course wasdesigned to attain the following four Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): 1. Know the operation of laser-based scanner(s) to acquire spatial, color, and light intensity data. 2. Attain intermediate-level proficiency on the use of computer software to generate virtual 3D point-cloud models
Conference Session
Supporting the Capstone Experience
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ryan Solnosky P.E., Pennsylvania State University; M. Kevin Parfitt, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
practitioners might. When requested by thestudents, faculty would provide suggestions based on student ideas and/or concerns. Self-selecting software remains the course standard as long as the software was within the resourcesavailable to the AE program. Over the years and amongst teams, selected software varied in typeand number of platforms relative to how teams wanted to customize their experience.Considerations for software were based on perceived benefits that the software could aid theteam towards meeting the capstone goal of designing integrated engineered system(s) solutions.Faculty observations found that software could be grouped into two overarching categories:  Design documentation software that students use to convey solutions to a
Conference Session
Educational Issues in Civil Engineering
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wilfrid Nixon, University of Iowa; James Stoner, University of Iowa
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Civil Engineering
focus area, or pursue a tailored program of study as permitted by the policies of the major program.In the final curriculum guidelines adopted by the Faculty in June 2001, the above generaldescriptions of ways to package the 21 s. h. of flexible electives were adopted asrecommendations, rather than requirements. Each program was given the freedom andresponsibility to develop its own “Elective Focus Area” procedures and specificguidelines, according to their own disciplinary requirements and constraints.Between May 1999 and June 2001, the College Curriculum Committee worked on thedetails of the proposed new core curriculum, in close consultation with the Departmentsof Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, and Chemistry and prepared a
Conference Session
Laboratory Development and Technology in the Civil Engineering Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nurdan Beyenal, Washington State University; Cara Poor, Washington State University; Paul Golter, Washington State University; Gary Brown, Washington State University; David Thiessen, Washington State University; Bernard Van Wie, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
pressure head at 1 b) velocity head at 2 is much greater than velocity head at 1, and pressure head at 1 is much greater than pressure head at 2 c) y1 should be equal to y2, because pressure at 1 is equal to pressure at 2, and velocity heads are equal d) E1 is not equal to E2, because velocity head and pressure head at 1 are greater than velocity head and pressure head at 2 Page 14.58.7Appendix B. The worksheets given to the students.CE 351 Water Resources Engineering Fall 2008Worksheet #1: Hydraulic JumpName(s
Conference Session
Tech Tools and Tips
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mohamad Alipour, University of Virginia; Devin K. Harris, University of Virginia; Mehrdad Shafiei Dizaji, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Zachary Bilmen, University of Virginia; Zijia Zeng, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
U e I : Mag ifica i Selec ed del D -d elec i Objec P ii i g F ce a d ag ifica i S a , Re e S a /S /Re e M de Se O Figure 4. User Interface design3.1. Model Setup:This step allows the user to define the