. Some teams lacked focus and spent too much time in debating the content and coverage for each lesson. Other teams left with their lessons nearly complete. In the months after the workshop, teams continued to complete their lessons. Lessons 1-3 were completed by October 2016 and the remainder were completed in the Spring of 2017. Internal peer review – once a lesson was completed, the lesson leader shared it with the other two team members and requested feedback. The feedback was then incorporated to improve the lesson. External peer review- once a lesson had completed the internal peer review process, it was sent to 5-7 external peer reviewers. A rubric was provided to reviewers. Reviewers
Self, University of Kansas c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Impact of Undergraduate Teaching Fellows Embedded in Key Undergraduate Engineering CoursesAbstractResearch has shown the positive impact of peer mentoring on student learning in STEM. Withthe goal of improving student learning and retention, the School of Engineering (SoE) hasundertaken a program in which Undergraduate Teaching Fellows (UGTFs) are utilized in keycourses across the School. The UGTFs support in-class activities, such as team-basedproblem-solving, hands-on activities and demonstrations. This program has grown from fourUGTFs in Spring 2015 to 28 UGTFs in Spring 2017, with UGTFs embedded in 13
introductory engineering course required by multiple programs in the College ofEngineering [Kunberger and Geiger, 2015, Kunberger, Geiger and Reycraft, 2016]. One aspect,the addition of Mentor TAs, was intended to develop informal near-peer mentor experiences,considered a “practice-based” mentoring initiative [Packard, 2016]. These students would servenot only as a traditional TA in providing feedback on course deliverables, but would also serveas a mentor within this first course in engineering in order to increase retention and promote amore inclusive culture in the college.The most recent evolution of the introductory engineering course added a summer trainingworkshop for course Mentor TAs. This 30-hour workshop took place over a one-week period
instructor goes around answering students questions, providing guidance and/orcorrecting their mistakes as needed. Thereafter, the faculty continue with the succeeding part ofthe lesson. Throughout the years, students have positively evaluated this format emphasizing thatinstantaneous correction of errors by the instructor or the students’ peers is of a tremendousbenefit to the students and helps them understand the subsequent professor’s explanation withinthe same lecture.Students rarely use their graded exams to study and many just quickly go over their gradedassignments without giving the necessary attention to their errors, let alone discoveringalternative solution methods to the same problems. The reality is that many students seldom usethe
, 5 points for edited volume, 4 pointsfor book chapter/book edition, 3 points for peer reviewed journal, 2 points forresearch/technical report, 1 point for peer reviewed conference paper and presentation, 0.5points for non-peered reviewed conference paper and presentation, 0.25 points forpresentation only. The goal of this point system is to visibly increase the amount ofscholarship while determining the average scholarship amount for motivational effect. Allnew faculty (15 since 2012) have attended a Mini-ExCEEd teaching workshop taught by oneof the authors and four of these have attended the week-long ExCEEd. These same newfaculty are the primary foundation of faculty modifying and invigorating the freshmencourses. The institution tracks
developing world. Dr. George has worked on projects in the Caribbean and in West Africa. Her projects combine her expertise in thermodynamics and heat transfer with the preservation of food, the cooling of space in hot dry climates, and empowering women’s cooperatives to better manage their natural resources.Ms. Erin Anne Kern, University of St. Thomas Erin is a Mechanical Engineering and French student at the University of St. Thomas in her junior year of study. She works in the Playful Learning Lab in the engineering department of her university and leads projects on using code to interpret music. Erin is interested in technical writing, finding ways to connect art and engineering, and sustainable engineering, and she
the Standard Bridge ProjectBackgroundStudents have traditionally designed, analyzed, built, and tested small-scale bridges as part of anintroductory solid mechanics course. This past fall, however, students designed, analyzed, andbuilt sound-generating or musical bridges in small groups. Fifty-two students, mainlysophomores, enrolled in and completed the course. The project was inspired by discussions withcomposer Molly Herron, who is writing an engineering-inspired piece to be performed in thespring of 2017 as part of a celebration for the 150th anniversary of the Thayer School ofEngineering at Dartmouth. Molly requested that students build unique instruments that wereinteractive and symbolized engineering for the performance. The class
analyses anddebate the issues. This activity not only assisted the students by providing relevancy of thecourse material to real-life issues, but also actively engaged students in thinking, analyzing, andinteracting intellectually with one another.Figure 1. An example of “Think-Pair Share” activity used in engineering economy course.At the end of each lesson, the One-Minute paper9,12 or Muddiest point paper9, 13 was used tomonitor student learning and address students’ misconceptions and preconceptions. Studentswere typically asked to write a concise summary of the presented topic, write an exam questionfor the topic, or answer a big-picture question from the material that was presented in the currentor previous lesson in 60 seconds.To review for
following scale: 6 points for book/manuscript, 5 points for edited volume, 4 points forbook chapter/book edition, 3 points for peer reviewed journal, 2 points for research/technicalreport, 1 point for peer reviewed conference paper and presentation, 0.5 points for non-peeredreviewed conference paper and presentation, 0.25 points for presentation only. The goal ofthis point system is to visibly increase the amount of scholarship while determining theaverage scholarship amount for motivational effect. All new faculty (15 since 2012) haveattended a Mini-ExCEEd teaching workshop taught by one of the authors and four of thesehave attended the week-long ExCEEd. These same new faculty are the primary foundation offaculty modifying and invigorating the
infrastructure • introduces each of the subdiscipline areas of civil and environmental engineering (transportation, environmental, construction, structural, and geotechnical), and • develops professional skills (e.g. report writing, oral communication, teamwork).This course is required of all CEE majors and is one of the first courses taken once studentsmatriculate into CEE programs from General Engineering, typically in their second year. Thecourse is one of three fundamentals courses (along with Surveying and Computer Applications)that students take before advancing to first courses in each of the CEE subdisciplines. Fivesections, with approximate enrollments of 30 students each, are offered each academic year in athree lecture hour
U.S. and several countries. More than 75 authored or co-authored peer-reviewed publications, 100 conference papers and project reports, and several software packages and databases have been produced from this research. Dr. Burian’s enthusiasm for student learning has led to numerous teaching awards and the creation of new pedagogical approaches directed toward multi-institution collaborative learning. He has also sought to advance teaching effectiveness of engineering educators by serving as mentor at the American Society of Civil Engineers ExCEEd Teaching Workshop and as the developer of a vari- ety of teaching and curriculum development workshops, including the recent Wasatch Experience at the University of
partnership with the Kern Family Foundation in 2007. That firstgrant supported implementation of the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)initiative. Subsequent grants from the Kern Family Foundation have supported intrapreneurshipdevelopment and intercollegiate entrepreneurship opportunities, faculty training to attain the goalof including EML into at least half of the engineering classes in the College, and creation of anEngineering Entrepreneurship minor that can be attained during the school year or through asingle summer-intensive program.The training workshops for faculty at Villanova University are held each summer.Approximately eight faculty members from all four departments participate each year. At thetime of writing about 1/3 of
allowable total and differential settlements. The project offered severalopportunities for active student learning. It not only required the students to draw upon principlesof bearing capacity, settlement, and site characterization, it also required students to conductexperiments to determine properties for use in their design calculations. The teamworkcomponent of the project was 25% of the project grade based on a peer evaluation form7, whichasked all team members to rate each other on a nine-level scale: (Excellent, Very Good,Satisfactory, Ordinary, Marginal, Deficient, Unsatisfactory, Superficial, and No-show). Thesemeasures of performance were converted to a numerical scale (i.e., Excellent = 9, No-Show = 0).Lastly, teams were asked to write a
developing a problem statement prior to beginning work on anydesigned solution. This included a statement that described the problem their team soughtto address and provided an explanation and data demonstrating a) what the problem is(i.e., how do we know it exists in the place you are studying?) What peer-reviewedsources and credible news accounts give evidence of this problem); b) the impacts of theproblem; c) the cause or causes of the problem. In each case, we challenged students toprovide not only a claim, but also data (peer-reviewed sources and credible newsaccounts giving evidence that the claim is true), followed by a warrant or explanationthat logically connected the data to the claim.When students arrived at the design phase (in the
aspects of theprogram that have the most perceived value. Both surveys can be found in Appendix A.Results and DiscussionImpressions Immediately Following the CourseAt the completion of the credentialing course, students were asked to write their reflections ofthe course and their anticipated utilization of the credentials and skills learned. Several of thestudents thought the credentials would help them be more competitive or be used in the course oftheir career. Some excerpts from their comments are below: • “The accreditation will enhance the individual’s military career as well as his or her professional career after he or she is complete with their service to the nation.” • “Earning these professional credentials … makes
. Students from the previous year indicated difficultiesworking with peers with conflicting personalities. To mitigate this issue, a teamwork buildingworkshop was established this year, teaching students how to recognize and respect differencesin personality traits and how to capitalize on the inherit benefits of each. Further, a preliminarydesign report submission was incorporated this year to allow for intermittent feedback, allowingfor support to students where the instructor felt necessary.1.0 IntroductionStudents in the University of Waterloo’s (UW’s) Civil Engineering program are exposed to open-ended design projects in their first and final years of study. The gap between these years needs tobe filled to continuously stimulate creativity