Paper ID #34247Role of Reflection in Service Learning-based Engineering Programs: ACross-cultural Exploratory and Comparative Case Study in India and theUSAMr. Srinivas Mohan Dustker, Purdue University, West Lafayette Srinivas Dustker is a Ph.D. student in Engineering Education at Purdue University. He received his B.E. in Industrial Engineering and Management from B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India and his M.S. in Industrial and Operations Engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.Mr. Bandi Surendra Reddy, Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management Surendra Bandi has been with Hyderabad
Society of Professional Engineers. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Engagement in Practice: Project-Based Community Engagement Model Preliminary Case StudiesAbstractEngineering engagement is typically project-based, which introduces elements andconsiderations not explicitly covered by models commonly used in service-learning andcommunity-engaged learning. A model specifically for project-based community engagementwas recently developed to facilitate reflection on program design, development, and analysis.Two cases are examined using this model as test examples of how it can be operationalizedacross diverse programs. The application
real world environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,constructability, and sustainability constraints. This project provided an academic enrichmentand curriculum engagement for students to apply their knowledge to benefit the community. Thispaper discusses capstone design project objectives, student learning activities, educationaloutcome assessment mapping, faculty reflections and lessons learned.IntroductionIn professional practice, engineers build successful careers out of solving open-ended problems[1]. However, the well-structured and constrained problems that engineering students tend tosolve at the early level coursework, do little to prepare them for the complexity of ambiguousand unstructured real-world problems [1
inequities they sought to address.Freire characterized this as “false generosity”—as charity offered that does not empower, butinstead fosters dependency. While such aid may help individuals, it also sustains inequities [10].Addressing inequality in engineering education means interrogating the origins of inequalities.Efforts to unravel those systems requires the knowledge of decolonization and engaging indecolonizing methodologies [11]. This is important to reflect on because when organizationsenter a community, they often act in colonizing ways and extend oppressive systemsmasquerading as aid. Decolonizing methodologies center community knowledge and needs andforeground the community’s own purposes.Such work is effortful and time consuming, but
afterschool Xplore STEM camp. Due to the increased number ofconfirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan, large gatherings are restricted andparticipants (students, staff, and volunteers) from different schools are unable to meet at a singlelocation. Hence, the afterschool enrichment program includes two schools, who will be virtuallyattending the sessions via zoom. The teacher from each school will facilitate interactions duringthe online sessions conducted by the program director from the university. All Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB) approved paperwork is shared with the schools, and the consenting students willcomplete an online pre-intervention, post-intervention survey and submit a 500-words self-reflection essay about their camp
everyone, even though everything in the society pressures you into sameness – it is a handicap in the end. A handicap to live without knowing the struggle of difference – in all of its pain, its fear, its celebration, its compassion [2].”AbstractThis is an archival record of a proposed panel discussion for the 2021 ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition. It reflects a year-long conversation between the six co-authors. Panel attendeeswill be invited to join and expand upon that conversation. Further analyses and integration areplanned after the conference when we will have the benefit of other panel attendees’ commentsand their own narratives.Under ideal circumstances, engineering cultures in academia and industry bring out the best
Core Curriculum cultivates social justice, civic life, perspective, andcivic engagement. It involves community-based learning with a social justice emphasis. Studentsare required to (i) engage in 16 hours of community-based learning experiences and (ii) performcritical reflection and evaluation of their experiences. A primary goal of the ELSJ requirement is“to foster a disciplined sensibility toward power and privilege, an understanding of the causes ofhuman suffering, and a sense of personal and civic responsibility for cultural change.”The specific learning objectives of an ELSJ class are as follows:• Recognize the benefits of life-long responsible citizenship and civic engagement in personal and professional activities (Civic Life
the workshops. 100% of the scouts learned some/alot of Biomedical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Science, 98.3% of the scoutslearned some/a lot of Electrical Engineering, while 96.6% of the scouts learned some/a lot ofComputer Science. Scouts also reflected that they enjoyed the experience very much. 88.0% ofthe scouts really liked Biomedical Engineering workshop, 87.7% of the scouts really likedElectrical Engineering workshop, 93.3% of the scouts really liked Manufacturing Engineeringworkshop, 87.5% of the scouts really liked Computer Science, and 100% of the scouts reallyliked Science. Students also found the workshops increased their interest in STEM courses.RAMP ProgramAn entrance survey and an exit survey were conducted to
student leaders through the process we hope willhelp prepare them for future challenges when they are in leadership positions on larger scales.References[1] Coyle, Edward J., Jamieson, Leah H., Oakes, William C, “EPICS: Engineering Projects in CommunityService”, International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 21, No. 1, Feb. 2005, pp. 139-150.[2] Zoltowski, C. B., and Oakes, W.C., “Learning by Doing: Reflections of the EPICS Program”, Special Issue:University Engineering Programs That Impact Communities: Critical Analyses and Reflection, InternationalJournal for Service-Learning in Engineering, 2014, pp. 1-32.[3] Oakes, William, Andrew Pierce, Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh, “Engagement in Practice: ScalingCommunity-based Design Experiences
Capstone course sequence was created to meet the increasing student demand for projectswith a humanitarian engineering context and to develop the global competencies required for studentsto successfully complete these projects. The demand was created due to the number of OSU studentspursing a Humanitarian Engineering Minor and/or the Global Option distinction. Students in theseprograms are required to participate in a capstone design experience that involves a global orhumanitarian focus.This paper will: 1. outline the Global Capstone course sequence development process, 2. describe the structure and learning outcomes of the Global Capstone course, 3. reflect on the challenges associated with managing a program focused on complex real
them. Insome instances, the lack of engagement might be because students are not aware of the HIEP theycan participate in during their program. Acknowledgments This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. 1927218. Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.REFERENCES[1] Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191–215.[2] French, B. F., Immekus, J. C., & Oakes, W. C. (2005). An Examination of Indicators of Engineering
goldmining (ASGM); b) collaborative activities among students; c) sessions of a creative capacitybuilding (CCB) workshop; and d) group and individual reflections on what was learned everyday. The faculty and graduate students presentations included definitions on how to view ASGMas a socio-technical system, problem definition as the core pillar of global socio-technicalcompetency, mercury use in ASGM, risk communication in ASGM, interactions between largescale mining and ASGM, listening and trust building, and environmental and public healthdimensions of ASGM. The collaborative activities included re-evaluating design proposals ofsolutions that the 2020 cohort inherited from the 2019 cohort to three ASGM problem areas:back health of miners carrying
community but also instilled some disciplines in students who needed to juggle theirbusy class schedule and the other activities. Students also reflected later that this course addedthe needed breaks for otherwise a brutal first year.Common engineering service activities our students engaged through this course included localcounty science fair, school district STEM events, tutoring to fellow students, and many others.However, the most popular service opportunity for most students was the annualMATHCOUNTS competition, simply due to the large number of students involved. It was alsothe most convenient one since it was on campus (travel not needed). For many students, findingopportunities and serving for 30 hours within two years presented a
NGOs decision-makingwith respect to the communities they serve. So it is ultimately their commitment andaccountability to their values (see above) and accountability practices that determinetheir downward accountability with communities.Three key variables determine how NGO accountability to communities is reflected inpractice: depth, openness and frequency. Depth is related to communities' access to NGOmanagement, what knowledge communities have of NGOs, how relevant topics discussed atmeetings are to communities, who gets to speak at these meetings, and how controversialissues are handled at these meetings. Openness is reflected on meeting’s agenda, format andconduct. Can community concerns be formally aired during meetings with them
thermalstorage for rapid produce drying (Year 1); airflow optimization within the structure and waterrecapture during drying (Year 2); irrigation systems using multipurpose thermal storage water(Year 3); retractable insulation systems and blanching to speed the drying process (Year 4).Designs consider systems developed by previous students; as an example, the irrigation systemdesigned in Year 3 uses water from the Year 1 thermal storage tank and delivers water via theracking system developed in Year 2. We are working in close partnership with Stanford’s HaasCenter for Public Service and office of Community Engaged Learning to build both aneducational program and research agenda that emphasize the value of reciprocity, partnership,reflection, evaluation
- changing adversity. 11. As a student, analyze your own transformation by reflecting on the diversity of knowledge and perspective you experienced throughout the project.Project DesignStudents at the University of Colorado Boulder, in the form of an extracurricular student group,prepared for the implementation of the Mathangeni project in two primary ways: (1) learningabout the footbridge design and implementation process, and (2) applying this knowledge todesign and plan for the construction of the bridge and communicating their understandingthrough construction documents and written reports. The overall project timeline is described inFigure 2. May Sep
better reflect the end users. The focus on community needs often attracts more womenthan average non-civic hacks [4].Benefits and goalsHackathons tend to drive intrinsic motivation due to interest in specific topics used and thepotential to impact the real world [12], translating to further action as citizens [13]. Since outputsare not usually viable [14] and prototypes are not polished, tangible outcomes have becomesecondary [4] to building engagement and awareness around the issue [15]. Additionally, it is aunique opportunity to “practice agility, iteration and scoping” [4] in an experiential learningenvironment that educators often fail to provide, especially in non-technical fields [16].Individual motivations are professional and personal
commitment to community-centered design and social justice [5]. Priority 1 is “Practice a community-first model ofdevelopment”, and its subgoals include critically evaluating project success as measured by thecommunity, identifying power imbalances and inequities in student development projects [6],and encouraging transparency in the chapter failures and impacts. Priority 2 is “Develop acommunity of globally-minded students and professionals” which involves ongoing self-reflection and collaborating with both professionals and students of different backgrounds anddisciplines. Priority 3 is “Challenge norms in higher education and STEM” and largely involvesvaluing non-engineering expertise in engineering projects and working towards
-Centred Designing Task composed of two sections: The first was for thestudents to compare the structural development of either district, and reflect and make theconnection of how many of the human needs (of the Matrix of Human Needs of Satisfiers)are already considered in each plan, and therefore see how that is reflected in the quality-of-life reports of the residents of either district.The second section was to design a Human-Centred Design for the people of Shatila, with thepurpose and intention of positively impacting their quality of life in both the short and longrun. They were encouraged to include as many of the human needs (of the Matrix of BasicHuman Needs and Satisfiers) that the people of Shatila ought to have currently missing
included a design sprint topractice design thinking, an introduction to the team’s selected focus area (presented by subjectmatter experts), and then proceeded with design thinking activities, further defining needs andinterests within the focus areas, ideating and then prototyping solutions, and developing actionplans. The curriculum included community-led, hands-on and practical exploration, ideation,prototyping, feedback and reflection sessions that resulted in a conceptual design conceived bythe community team.4.3. Symposium MethodologyOrganizing TeamThe organizing team for this symposium included several members of the IUDC, each of whomis a principal author of this work: 3 professors (Marcel Castro, Electrical Engineering;Christopher
.[5] W. Lee and N. Conklin, “High-altitude radiation detector (HARD): An exemplary means to stimulate electrical and computer engineering undergraduate research,” in Proc. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-18, 2014, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 1-12.[6] K. Arnsdorff, A. Chen, R. McCord, and S. Peuker, “Work in progress - Student description of self-regulated learning: A qualitative investigation of students' reflection on their first semester in engineering,” in Proc. First-Year Experience Conf., August 6-8, 2017, Daytona Beach, FL, pp. 1-5.[7] O. Lawanto and H.B. Santoso, “Development and validation of the engineering design metacognitive questionnaire,” in Proc. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014
to the local context. They are therefore unable to neither take fulladvantage of local knowledge nor develop city-wide /’at-scale’ responses.”vii “The practice of approaching services’ in an individualized, technocratic form highly reliantupon engineering solutions and expert knowledge reflects institutional and management overlapsand incoherencies between sectors that are not required or in the habit of communicating,whether across governmental ministries, departments or donors, and indeed, is valid across theservices’ spectrum, whether for waste, water, food or energy. … Approaches to municipal wastertend to be fairly technocratic in provision and analysis, ignoring the overlapping effects of wasteon water, sanitation, food and health
an explanation can be found in the published dissertation. Asis traditionally followed in IRT, item fit statistics were obtained. Cut-off criteria for a reasonablefit were SRMR and RMSEA < 0.08, CFI and TLI > 0.90 or 0.95 [43]. Items with |Yen’s Q3| >0.20 (Q3 fit statistic represents the correlation between the residuals for a pair of items) has localdependence and significant item fit values (p < 0.05) revealed misfit items [44]. Finally, itemand test information functions graphically reflected the reliability (1 - [1 / peak information]) ofthe items and the test as a whole in estimating the construct over the entire scale range [45].FIGURE 3. Hypothesized 2-D measurement model for the APT-STEM instrument [12]ResultsThe results