see if it is capableof solving ten puzzles.Interactive Exercise: Blindfold and Lead In order to teach the students the value of giving explicit instructions the students were requiredto navigate their peers across the room. One student volunteered to be blindfolded and two studentsvolunteered to give instructions. The blindfolded student had the objective of traveling from oneside of the room to the other side based purely on the instructions of his/her peers. This exerciseemphasized the level of precision necessary to describe a sequence of steps.Standardized Test Preparation: System of Equations The students were given a pair of linear equations and instructed to solve for the unknownvariables using an algorithmic approach. The
client applications that can beaccessed with every modern browser. This work presents the results of a survey carried out inthe scope of a national project that aims among others to gain knowledge from peer-feedbackto improve usability and to increase workload of Educational Online Laboratories, as well asto explore age-dependent requirements for the integration of Online Laboratories in classes ofsecondary schools.In our project we work together with three secondary schools from Austria and some othersfrom European countries with a focus on STEM subjects. Each Austrian project partnerdevelops its own Educational Online Laboratory in an area that suits their curricula. To assurethat the laboratory experiments are qualified in terms of their
Givargis, University of California - Irvine Tony Givargis is a Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean in the School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Riverside in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He conducts re- search in the area of embedded systems with an emphasis on embedded systems and software and has authored over 90 peer reviewed papers. He is a named inventor on 11 U.S. patents and has co-authored two popular textbooks on embedded system design. Professor Givargis has received numerous teaching, service, and research awards, including the Frederick Emmons Terman Award
ERM Division, and a past Chair of the Gulf Southwest Section of ASEE. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Mobile Devices and Lifelong Learning: The Students’ PerspectiveIntroductionAlvin Toffler, writer and former associate editor of Fortune magazine has often been quoted assaying that, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, butthose who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”.1 With rapid advances in information andcommunication technologies (ICTs) that include devices becoming more portable, moreintuitive, and not particularly costly, the process of pursuing knowledge for a lifetime hasbecome more impelling. With advanced technical tools readily
peers andgained the knowledge and skills to be applied in future Challenge-It sessions. Learning Blockswere broken down into sections with specific expectations as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: Learning blocks used to guide camp activitiesThe learning blocks were divided into different categories, subjects and sections. Learn-Itsections were 10-minutes in duration and consisted of brief explanations of the theory,introduction and purpose of the activity, and expectations with facilitators providing fun andengaging presentations using videos and live examples. The emphasis here was to provide asummary of the key terms, topics and strategies without elaborating in regards to specificsolutions or challenges. This gave campers a basis for
• Monitoring Progress Towards Goals • Team Building Exercise • Systems Monitoring • Team Charter Interpersonal Processes • Team Plan • Conflict Management • Peer Evaluation • Motivation & Confidence Building • Affect Management Figure 2: Conceptual Relationship between Scaffolds and Team ProcessesMethodWe used an inductive inquiry approach to gain insight into how the tools supported teamprocesses by using a loose type of qualitative research method following the guidelines set byMiles, Huberman & Saldaña
One byproduct of thiscreative opportunity, however, is the challenge faced by instructors in identifying practicalinsights and principles to apply when considering and/or developing videos.In this paper, we aim to achieve two objectives: (1) summarize the research surrounding onlineeducational videos, and (2) provide a list of seven recommendations for creating educationalvideos high in pedagogical value. We are writing this paper primarily for instructors andinstructional designers, so we focus both objectives on creating online videos that then exist inthe context of a wider educational endeavor (e.g., an online or blended course). In the firstsection, we address the issue of the best design model for educational videos. In the
sectors. Back- ground in engineering, program and project management, managed manufacturing and industrial engi- neering departments and teams in the aerospace, electronics and telecom industries. Educator, with ex- perience managing departments, programs, research and teaching undergraduate and graduate, business administration and general education courses. Authored, published and presented research papers in con- ferences, peer reviewed journals, with multidisciplinary interests in technology, business, quality systems, organizational leadership and education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 AN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER STARTUP KIT FOR FUNDAMENTALS OF
students in their PLEs could be furtherclassified by means of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy10 knowledge dimension that represents arange from concrete (factual) to abstract (metacognitive); however this was not part of thisstudy.The first part of the survey11 was divided into 3 sections in which students were asked toevaluate in a five-point scale if they: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nordisagree, 4=agree, or 5=strongly agree. The second part of the survey contained open questionsso that students have a space to write about their PLEs as well as his/her learning throughtechnological tools, several information sources, and their PLNs.The information obtained was classified into quantitative and qualitative data. To do this, wecreated
funding policy. Dr. Madhavan also served as Visiting Research Scientist at Microsoft Research, Internet Services Research Group. His research has been published in Nature Nan- otechnology, IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, and several other top peer-reviewed venues. Dr. Madhavan currently serves as PI or Co-PI on federal and industry funded projects totaling over $20M.Dr. Michael Richey, The Boeing Company Dr. Michael Richey is a Boeing Associate Technical Fellow currently assigned to support technology and innovation research at The Boeing Company. Michael is responsible for leading a team conducting engineering education research projects that focus