education, and it isparticularly prevalent in the field of undergraduate engineering education. A strict definition ofcollaborative learning differentiates a collaborative project from one that merely requirescooperation. In collaborative learning, students work in groups to together develop a sharedunderstanding of and solution for an ill-structured problem14. Teachers are redefined as“coaches” helping students to work towards a set of possible open-ended solutions, and studentstake some ownership of their own learning through reflection. Typically, students learn aboutteam skills in addition to course content. Engestrom5 identified three stages that are characteristicof collaborative learning. In his view, for learning to be truly collaborative
heard of programming, let alone worked with it.For the 1st-3rd-grade user study, there were 17 participants all with informed consent from parents. Forthe 4th-6th-grade study, there were 15 participants, 14 of which had informed consent from parents.Students in our user studies had some exposure to computers and technology at home before theprogram. All students mentioned that their family had either a laptop or desktop computer at home.Eighty seven percent of students mentioned that their family had a tablet. Most students reflected thatthey played an average about half an hour on the computer every day. Some mentioned that they playedas much as three hours but this was only a couple of students. All students had played either video gamesor
accessed using studentcell phones (Text messages and Twitter) or personal laptop computers (, as apotential method to improve student engagement by open-ended, reflective, multiple-choice, andcontent specific questions in a more efficient manner as perceived by students in a large-lectureclassroom.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of implementing polling software(PollEverywhere) on student engagement in an introductory computer science large lectureclassroom (n = 291). The ease of use of this technology can help with the adoption of this activelearning strategy. Research needs to be done to measure the impact of this software. During thefall semester of 2013, a pilot study was completed in an introductory
-defined functions. In module 10, students were asked to reflect on several ethical casespresented, and were required to post their reflections in a blog.Table 1. Content of each module Module Content of Each Module 1 Introduction to the course 2 Introduction to Matlab; description of windows (platform) available in Matlab. 3 Introduced students to basic built-in functions and to arithmetic operations in Matlab. 4 Introduced students to vectors and matrices. 5 Introduced students to calculations with vectors and matrices 6 Introduced students to script files, input and output commands 7 Introduced students to
. Experts agree that educational institutions need to “help young people learnhow to use information technology more responsibly, reflectively, and effectively in differentareas of life” 1. These reports identify a strategic need to extend technological competenciesbeyond tool operation by building fundamental knowledge and skills about the management ofattentional resources with respect to information technology use. But, does today’s technology-rich engineering education address this strategic need?The Technology ClassroomIn this discussion, the technology classroom is defined as formal higher education settings wheretechnology and engineering disciplines are taught, where technology is present in the classroomand is used primarily for
through the use of conceptquestions in core curriculum courses like Material/Energy Balances, Thermodynamics, TransportPhenomena, Kinetics and Reactor Design, and Materials Science. Concept questions, both asConcept Inventories and as ConcepTests, are available to help lower the barrier of using concept-based instruction and assessment. This instruction and these assessments can be used to promoteand evaluate student learning in real-time. The instructor can then adjust the pace of lecture inresponse to student understanding, spending more time on more difficult concepts. This tool alsoallows for reflective assessments such as the “muddiest point.”A Student Mobile Application is being developed to make it easier for students to submitanswers and
section, students responded toeach item with their perception of the extent to which the feature was beneficial to their timemanagement. A semantic differential scale was used to measure students’ perception of benefit.Students chose a value from 1 through 7, where 1 reflected a course feature that was perceived asnot beneficial and 7 reflected a very beneficial feature with a continuum between these twoextremes.In the fifth part of the survey, specific course policies that potentially related to timemanagement were listed as items 37-40. The same semantic differential scale described abovewas used to measure the extent of perceived benefit to students’ time management. The policiesincluded availability of all course assignments at the beginning
enrolled in the course if it were notrequired of them. At the conclusion of the course, students were asked to reflect on thecontribution of the course to their enjoyment of programming. We used this data tocreate a pre and post-score, where like/dislike of programming was measured in thebeginning and end of the course.We used this data to test four research questions about attitudes toward programming: 1) Can an inclusive, supportive environment that is catered to the non-programmer lead to improved attitudes about programming? 2) Can students with low-positive feelings (LP) increase their confidence in programming? 3) Does prior experience with programming influence the degree of attitudinal change? 4) Do specific
’ learningprocesses, and reflect on their own teaching (Merceron and Yacef, 2005, Romero and Ventura,2007, Baker and Yacef, 2009, Baker, 2010) Several Educational Data Mining studies of student Page 24.1181.4behavior in online and other educational tools revealed differences between groups of students interms of such variables as level of participation in discussion boards (Anaya and Boticario, 2009),Questions & Answers boards, completion of assignments, and annotations (Zakrzewska, 2008,Anaya and Boticario, 2009, Macfadyen and Dawson, 2010). Each of these studies has helped tovalidate these techniques as methods of identifying pedagogically interesting
overcomputer-based examinations, the student performance results do not reflect this test modepreference. Interestingly, in a study conducted by Koch and Patience where Likert-type scalesregarding general test preference were administered to students, students preferred computer-based tests more often than paper-based.9 Similar to results shown here, no correlation could bemade between student test mode preference and exam performance.Individual exam questions were additionally analyzed for statistical significance using aWilcoxon rank-sum test. From all three exams, five questions exhibited significantly differentstudent performance between computer and paper portions of identical questions. These fivequestions, a description of each, computer and
saying “I don’t buy it, its not going to work.” However, aside from the negative comments he did help with paper formatting and information that needed to be included. As a group it was agreed that there shouldn't be just be one “catch-all” professional that helps all the groups because although he may be intelligent in a couple specific fields he does not necessarily have expertise to criticize our type of project. Instead, this should be done independently by each group to obtain a professional in the field more involved with their respective topics for better feedback. It is also recommended to not be a mandatory assignment because the opinions of an outside source should not reflect on us as a
incorporate many good features that are found in different previous Page 24.17.4applications. Unlike most of the other systems that use Google Map, our project adoptsOpenStreetMap [8], which is open-source and free to use. It also allows us to generate updatedand customized maps (e.g., community and local attractions) to reflect map change immediately.Overall, our project objective is to design a customized, cost-effective, efficient and user-friendlybus location and tracking system specifically for the CTfastrak project.The proposed work involves mobile phone application development, database and networkcommunication between the mobile
tester was instrumented as in the spinningwheel. A strip of reflecting tape was placed every 90 degrees with two pieces of tape marking afull revolution. Steel, aluminum and polypropolene were repeatedly tested to illustrate differentfailure modes as well as different shear moduli. During this test, students manually recorded Page 24.610.6torque with respect to time, while their robot collected time and revolution information. Theparticipants analyzed the data and calculated various material and mechanical properties.Figure 1: Representative Robot with attached non-contact displacement sensor (sound) androtation sensor (light). The associated
motif analysis. Network motifs has been proposed by Milo and colleagues 18 as recurrentpatterns of local inter-connections that occur in complex networks at frequencies that aresignificantly higher (reflected by the Z-score) than those occurring in randomized networks withequivalent number of nodes, in degree and out degree. Motifs are typically small sub-graphs oftypically three to seven nodes and represent the basic building blocks of most networks 19 toprovide insights into the topology of complex networks 18, 19.Motif analysis originated from the field of bioinformatics where it has been used to analyze genenetworks and the World Wide Web and had found its way into the research of social networks 20.Findings from the use of network motif
classes were held in the laboratory. For this course, thissetting eases the flexible adoption of a variety of teaching methods, depending on thecharacteristics of different course topics in sequence. The main teaching formats and materialemployed in this course are presented as the following.At the beginning, we used power point slides presentation and class discussion to introducestudents the topics on defining real-time systems. These topics are basis for further learning.Thus, it is important to help students to set up a solid and comprehensive foundation. In the classdiscussion, some questions are designed to enable students to reflect on key concepts in real-timesystems, and to encourage active learning. Here are some examples: 1) Are real
(Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) project, award number DUE-1140502. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Pretz, Kathy, A new IEEE group is taking on the quest to connect everything, IEEE The Institute, October, 2013. ( of-things)[2] Gunkel, David, Communication and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century, Communication +1, 1(1), 2012.[3] Lowe, D., Murray, S., Lindsay, E., and
authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Bibliography[1] Canfield, S. L, and Abdelrahman, M. A., 2009, “Enhancing the Programming Experience for Engineering Students through Hands-on Integrated Computer Experiences” Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Marietta, GA, April.[2] National Academy of Sciences. “Undergraduate science and engineering teaching needs improvement.” ScienceDaily, 21 May 2012. Web. 29 May 2012[3] Bransford, J. D., Brown, A., & Cocking, R., 2000, How People Learn: Mind, Brain, Experience and School, Expanded Edition, Washington, DC: National Academy Press.[4] Committee on How People Learn, A Targeted Report for Teachers, How
for the Page 24.1383.7 week, there were numerous possibilities: knowledge acquisition/review from readings (where the humble true/false question was often good enough), problem-solving using problems similar to ones covered in lab or the readings, exercises that would require result interpretation or reflective thinking, problem-solving that would require adaptation and transference of learning, etc.2. How much time should students expect to the week's autograded work will take, and how will you make your question selection fit within that time budget? Despite its use of autograding, our course emphasizes
) Fig. 1. Community of InquiryBut it is also appropriate for learning environments that are partly face-to-face and partly on-line. The three principal elements of the CoI model are social presence, cognitive presence andteaching presence. Social presence may be defined as the degree to which participants in thelearning environment feel affectively connected one to another; cognitive presence represents theextent to which learners are able to, via interactions with each other, construct and refine theirunderstanding of important ideas through reflection and discussion; and teaching presence is thedesign of various instructional activities such as lectures as well as activities intended to facilitateinteractions among students to help their
on a given course. From data gathered across all five courses, wefound that on average students spend 3-4 hours per week on online materials/videos, 1-2hours per week on online quizzes/assessments, and 3-4 hours per week on paper-basedproblem sets (if they are part of the course). (See Figure 1 below.)The total time spent outside of class time is therefore 7-10 hours per week. Given that thesecourses are 3-4 units apiece, this is consistent with the definition of a Carnegie unit, whichstates that 1 unit of academic credit reflects approximately 3 hours of work per week inside oroutside of class. To confirm this conclusion, we calculated the hourly range that each studentreported spending on the course overall, and defined that range as low
to be provided for them. Although these instructors were previously aware of some ofthe concepts students found challenging, they pointed out that the written assessments providedinsight as to why students struggled with these ideas. For example, in a question about genetics,one instructor noted that the reports revealed that many students thought that transcription andtranslation are the same process. We learned valuable lessons from this pilot study about 1) how to improve the presentationand user-friendliness of reports; 2) how to improve the scheduling of the AACR assessments andto incentivize homework assignments; and 3) the need for professional development to supportfaculty use of these assessments. These lessons are reflected in
, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and software (Windows,Linux, iOS, Android, etc.) platforms of their choice to virtually situate users at the LEWAS fieldsite. As part of this Work-in-Progress, the PIRMS is being applied to water sustainabilityeducation at multiple undergraduate levels. Initial results and a demonstration of the PIRMS willbe given in the presentation.AcknowledgementThis work has been supported by NSF/TUES type I grant (award# 1140467). Any opinions,finding, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the author (s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. National Research Council, 2012. Challenges and Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences. Washington