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Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael Porter, Alabama A&M University; Ralph (Phil) Bording, Alabama A&M University; Yujian Fu P.E., Alabama A&M University
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Computing and Information Technology
regarding the project is shown in Table III below. Table III. Project Evaluation Regarding The Learning Objectives O1. Master the fundamental concepts of OO design and syntax of (four) UML models The classes are identified with correct attributes, and operations and defined in correct UML notations. The class model was developed with correct relations. All states were properly defined and captured the key observable transitions. Sequence of functions were identified in the proper use cases and reflected in the related scenarios. Control flow was modeled with correct activities and execution sequences are captured in the activity diagram. O2. Understand and implement the modeling skills with the instructions. Each element as well as
Conference Session
Computing & Information Technology: Curriculum and Assessment
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Oudshoorn, Northwest Missouri State University; Rajendra K. Raj, Rochester Institute of Technology; Stan Thomas, Wake Forest University; Allen Parrish, United States Naval Academy
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Computing and Information Technology
accreditation visit and the accreditation process in general.ABET assigns a team chair and typically one program evaluator per program being evaluatedwith a minimum of two program evaluators assigned for an initial accreditation visit. The teamchair and institution negotiate a visit date which is typically scheduled between September andDecember.Self-study. The institution then has until July 1 to complete and submit its self-study to ABET, akey aspect of the accreditation process. The institution generates a self-study report that addressesthe accreditation criteria directly and is the primary document used by the ABET team to evaluatethe program prior to their arrival on campus. It is intended to be a self-reflective document inwhich programs have
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jia Zhu, Florida International University; Leila Zahedi, Florida International University; Monique S. Ross, Florida International University
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Computing and Information Technology
with the extracted strategic directions to determine whether there is a mismatchbetween CSER’s research foci and the strategic directions with the academic publications. Theauthors of the papers often selected the publication keywords based on their work knowledge,mainly using generic terms as they reflect a rough overview of a scientific discipline or representpopular themes [3]. To investigate whether the keywords chosen by authors align with the topicsrepresented through the paper abstracts, we explored the NLP technique named Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf).Tf-idf [45] is a method that identifies important terms by the product of two statistics, term fre-quency and inverse document frequency. It is intended to reflect
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alyssa Mendlein, Temple University; Thuy-Trinh Nguyen, Temple University ; Aunshul Rege, Temple University
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Computing and Information Technology
in both parts of the project.3.5 DeliverablesThe teams were required to produce mini-reports at the end of each part, in addition to an overallfinal report and presentation at the conclusion of the project. At the end of Part 1, teams had tosubmit a word document providing the answers to each of the clues, along with specificstrategies and steps they took to reach the answers. The teams also had to submit a worddocument at the conclusion of Part 2, including selfies in front of the target building and uniqueclue, alongside written descriptions of their physical observations and details about the uniqueclue. Final reports and presentations included consolidated versions of the mini-reports above, aswell as reflections about team challenges
Conference Session
Computing Technology Applications-II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vuk Marojevic, Virginia Tech; Antoni Gelonch-Bosch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; Jeffrey Reed, Virginia Tech
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Computing and Information Technology
to thefundamentals during all project phases and, especially, while conducting the analysis of theirmeasurements during the testing, revision and evaluation phases. The Virginia Tech class followsa top down approach, where the instructor provides a broad overview and the students analyzesome of the specifics of a standard trough different class assignments.The two classes consistently achieve the expected outcomes in terms of student performance,learning objectives, and instructor and class evaluations. We could observe a high student interestin 4G LTE, reflected by the students’ efforts in mastering the corresponding class assignmentsand project milestones. Interestingly, at Virginia Tech we observed that this motivation spillsover into
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leila Zahedi, Florida International University; Stephanie J. Lunn, Florida International University; Samira Pouyanfar, Microsoft; Monique S. Ross, Florida International University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Computing and Information Technology
institution, which may affect how well thesefindings can be generalized [12].When exploring which factors from high school are most predictive of college graduation,between standardized test scores (SAT and ACT) and students’ high school GPA, GPA isconsistently considered the winner, in terms of which variable has the greatest impact [13–15].The hypothesized rationale for this observation is that although standardized tests considerintellectual abilities in certain domains, the overall GPA considers different intrapersonal qualitiesas well that were useful for positive outcomes in college [15]. More specifically, although gradescertainly do reflect skill levels on specific content, it may also include individual factors such asstudents’ attitudes
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ben Ralph Bernard, North Dakota State University; Jeremy Straub, North Dakota State University
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Computing and Information Technology
response withintwenty-four hours. Students who choose the asynchronous online learning model may feeldisconnected from the campus environment and thus may particularly appreciate a quickresponse from their instructor.Learning ObjectivesKey learning objectives for the HyFlex version of CSCI 159: Computer Science ProblemSolving were for students to learn how the field of Computer Science applies quantitativereasoning to analyze data, create algorithms, and solve challenging problems.The course was divided into four modules. Students first learned the fundamentals ofinformation systems and network infrastructure with assigned readings and facilitated discussionboard reflections on their use and impact [21]. Learners defined and described
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephanie J. Lunn, Florida International University; Monique S. Ross, Florida International University; Zahra Hazari, Florida International University; Mark A. Weiss, Florida International University; Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida; Ken Christensen P.E., University of South Florida; Tiana Solis, Florida International University
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Computing and Information Technology
, job candidates find them “subjective, arbitrary,unnecessarily stressful, non-inclusive –and at times– demeaning to their sense of self-worth andself-efficacy” [25]. Furthermore, candidates expressed concerns about the amount of timepreparation required, and the inherent bias that may give those with more free time an advantage.Others commented that the types of questions asked, and knowledge of data structures expectedto be known extemporaneously is not reflective of the tasks actually encountered in a computingposition.While these findings indeed revealed major concerns, the research did not consider the nuancesthat may arise from individual differences [11, 25]. On HackerRank, 95% of users were male, andthere was no information about the
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bonnie Achee, Southeastern Louisiana University
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Computing and Information Technology
. videos, virtual tours, websites) were offered surrounding that themeand awarded badges for participation/viewing, thus adding another element of gamification.Numerous questions in the CTF reflected the content offered. The CTF opened each day uponthe completion of the synchronous component and remained open until midnight. Figure 2 Sample Capture The Flag (CTF) CluesSynchronous DeliveryThe focus of the synchronous portion of the camp was to immerse the students in a “real world”simulation of a cyber crime there by introducing the concept of cyber security and developingthe skills of research and analysis, critical thinking, teamwork and written and oralcommunication which are
Conference Session
Wireless Technology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Kyle Joseph Wheelhouse, Utah Valley University
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Computing and Information Technology
samples of Senior Design Projects which reflect common studentprojects.Wireless Sensor NetworksA wireless sensor network consists of many wireless-capable sensor devices workingcollaboratively to achieve a shared goal [4]. A WSN may have one or multiple base-stationswhich collect data from all sensory devices. These base-stations serve as the interface throughwhich the WSN interacts with the outside world [2]. The basic premise of a WSN is to performnetworked sensing using many relatively rudimentary sensors instead of utilizing the moreconventional approach of developing a few expensive and sophisticated sensing modules [2].The potential advantage of networked sensing over the conventional approach, can besummarized as greater coverage, accuracy
Conference Session
Cyber Technology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Pickard, East Carolina University; Dale Drummond, East Carolina University; Philip J. Lunsford II, East Carolina University; Ciprian Popoviciu
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Computing and Information Technology
closely reflects the user experience when navigatingto dual-stack sites. Once the measurements are completed, they are sent to a central server forstorage and eventual analysis.The 197 IPv6 reachable domains were polled at 60-minute intervals for a period of 24 hoursfrom four network monitoring agents deployed in Toronto, New York City, and San Francisco.The use of multiple agent location vantage points helps avoid biases associated with anindividual location. The agents at each location were deployed in Virtual Machines (VMs)hosted by Digital Ocean. Each VM ran on CentOS 7.3 with 1 CPU, 512MB of memory, 20GB ofstorage on a Solid-State Drive (SSD), 1TB of transfer data, and was enabled for both IPv4 andIPv6. Digital Ocean was chosen as the
Conference Session
Topics in Computing
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed Al-Haj, Ohio Northern University; Naeem Seliya Ph.D., Ohio Northern University; Collin Lee Kemner, Ohio Northern University
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Computing and Information Technology
Education (NICE) Framework [1]. A list of secure coding practices wascompiled using two different resources: SEI CERT Coding Standard [2] and Open WebApplication Security Project (OWASP) [3]. The selected coding practices are applicable to C++and Java. Each secure coding practice is assigned a weight reflecting its importance and severity.We consider a set of 43 students’ programming assignments in C++ and Java, with all of thembeing anonymized for Personally Identifiable Information. Each assignment typically has differentcoding practices that are relevant, which is a result of the difference in requirements amongassignments. The problem description of each assignment is analyzed to determine the applicablesecure coding practices to each submitted
Conference Session
Wireless Technology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Merlinda Drini, Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York
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Computing and Information Technology
, wireless communications and information secu- rity.Her research areas are computer networking, wireless communications and information security. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019Power and Channel Aware Routing in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksMobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) consist of peer to peer networking architecture, where eachnode performs the role of a router, providing the services and routing decisions to the network.They should be adapting to the topology changes, reflecting these changes to their routing tables,as well. Movement of the nodes, results in a frequent connectivity failures between nodes.Therefore an important role in a wireless ah-hoc network routing protocol design should
Conference Session
Computing & Information Technology: Curriculum and Assessment
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Fort Valley State University; Xiangyan Zeng, Fort Valley State University; Chunhua Dong, Fort Valley State University
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Computing and Information Technology
engaging students in interdisciplinary /multidisciplinaryundergraduate research activities. This goal is also fully aligned with the Universitymission that states "FVSU mission is to promote academic excellence for theimprovement of the quality of life for the people it serves"Statement of SignificanceFor the first time, the computer science program at FVSU is planning to conduct a majoreffort to improve and enhance programming knowledge and skills of its students whileprogressing through the program, enhance retention and graduation rates, and engagestudents in enrichment programs. The significance of this project is as follows: 1. Enhance the course curricula of all CS upper level courses (3xxx/4xxx) to reflect the most current
Conference Session
Computing Technology Applications-I
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raja S. Kushalnagar, Gallaudet University; Gary W. Behm, Rochester Institute of Technology; Kevin T. Wolfe; Peter Yeung; Becca Dingman; Shareef Sayel Ali, Center on Access Technology ; Abraham Glasser, Rochester Institute of Technology; Claire Elizabeth Ryan
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Computing and Information Technology
raised a hand and gives that person the floor. Aperson raises any hand and lowers it to obtain control of the captions until another person raises ahand. This form of control based on hand raising takes advantage of social dynamics - whensomeone motions with a hand, others know that person would like to speak or to add somethingto the conversation. It is a method which reflects physical-world experiences. These methodsprovide a more obvious indicator of who is speaking as shown in Figure 3.EvaluationFor the study, we recruited 15 participants through flyers and targeted emails on campus. Of the15 participants, 9 participants identified as deaf, and 6 participants identified as hard-of-hearing.There were 7 participants who identified as women
Conference Session
Wireless Technology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Luis Eduardo Paredes, Guru Labs, L.C.; Jacob Morris, Utah Valley University
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Computing and Information Technology
skills.  Designing and defending a solution to a real-world problem.Overall, students have positive comments about this capstone course and are benefitted greatlyfrom this experience.The following is an example of a senior design project which reflect common student projects.Sample ProjectThis sample project was a group project. Two CE students worked together on this design. Thissenior design project describes the realization of a wireless replacement for the traditionallywired pulse oximeter currently found in hospitals, which is used to monitor oxygen saturationand heart rate. This design allows patients freedom of movement and lack of restriction from atraditional wired device to a monitor. This freedom of movement also allows for
Conference Session
Curriculum and Assessment II
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jingshan Wu, Zhejiang University; Yujie Wang, Zhejiang University; Hanbing Kong, Zhejiang University; Ling Zhu, Zhejiang University
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Computing and Information Technology
interviews with teachers from Faculty of Engineering andFaculty of Information Technology, and also administrative staff from Kochen HonorsCollege. Those semi-structured interviews offer plenty of first-hand information onthe transformations and operations of the Robotics Class;2) Focus group discussion with students in the Robotics Class. Eight participants fromdifferent grades are encouraged to reflect openly and informally on their degreeprogram. The discussion lasts for 60 minutes, allowing us to explore how do studentslearn computational thinking and what are their attitudes on the learning experiences.3) Documental revision on programs, syllabus and other second-hand materials. Theauthors analyze computational components in the curriculum of
Conference Session
Curriculum and Assessment III
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaoyan Gong, Institute of Smart Education, Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries. ; Liang Zhao, Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology; RenHao Tang, Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology; YaNa Guo, Faculty of InformationTechnology,Beijing University of Technology; Xiwei Liu, Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries; Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Jian He, Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology; Fei-Yue Wang, National Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Ying Tang, Rowan University; Wanruo Shi, Beijing Normal University; Xiaojie Niu, Beijing Normal University; Xinzhu Wang, Beijing Normal University
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Computing and Information Technology
and cases of AI technology in real life, and have a visual cognition of core algo-rithms used by AI. Visualization of teaching cases: Through analysis of teaching modes of AI courses, visualteaching tools will make students' learning more efficiently. Visualization of teaching cases ismainly reflected in two aspects: visual explanation and visual programming. 1) Visual Explanation Usually at class, when teachers need to explain certain complicated problems, if they useonly verbal language to describe them or use abstract methods such as formulas, studentsmay find it difficult to understand. However, if teachers use visual explanation methods suchas animation to visualize complex problems graphically, students might find it easier toaccept
Conference Session
Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vigyan Jackson Chandra, Eastern Kentucky University
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Computing and Information Technology
that may be overlooked bynovices. The content knowledge of experts is organized in ways reflecting a deeper underlyingunderstanding of the content, allowing them to flexibly retrieve and apply key aspects of it whilesolving problems. By providing students with experiential learning opportunities, avenues forworking with scaled-down versions of technical problems, they too can begin buildingcontextual understanding, allowing them to notice subtle difference between similar situations.This will allow students to learn the information more effectively and to retain it longer,facilitating better transfer of knowledge and skills from the classroom to the workplace. In [2]emphasis is placed on the importance for learners to organize key ideas into
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeong Yang, Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Brandon Earwood, Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Young Rae Kim, Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Akhtar Lodgher, Texas A&M University - San Antonio
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Computing and Information Technology
one. They design and build it as aprototype. Then they test and revise it to meet the needs of their client successfully. Finally,student groups present their solutions and ideas in the whole class, and they are given time forself-reflection and final revision of their models.3. Implementation of Security Modules with Model-Eliciting Activities3.1 Incorporation of Cyber Security ModulesFor each of the 9 lessons introduced in the CS 1 course, an explanation is provided of how thatlesson was incorporated into the course curriculum. Table 1 presents the lessons and the MEAproject in relation to the chapter of the textbook that is covered at the time that lesson is introduced.The book used for the course was Starting Out With Java: From Control
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Sarah Korkes, North Carolina State University
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Computing and Information Technology
addition, the data for number of minutesbetween the first and the last attempt did not reflect a consistent trend of one group taking moretime than the other. It is possible that these results are not the best metric of learning efficiency, Category Solution Explanation Expected This solution represents what we ex- numODD = 0; pected as a solution - a while loop that %Add your while loop here iterates through a range of numbers, n = 1 while n <= 7 checking if the current number is odd if rem(n,2) ˜=0 (and
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 7
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hassan Rajaei, Bowling Green State University
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Computing and Information Technology
specific system. Cache simulation tools provide support for diverse configurations ofthe system and help to capture the real world scenarios to ensure that the system performs at anoptimal level.We surveyed cache simulation studies to better understand the needs for cache simulation. Then,we designed numerous scenarios using different cache configuration and sizes to reflect thescalability. Keeping the focus on achieving maximum performance, cache associativity is alsoobserved and extensively studied to verify the gains in performance were made possible. Varioustypes of cache associativity were examined and their benefits and limitations are summarized. Wealso studies that the relationship between cache associativity and cache coherency. One
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Franz J. Kurfess, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Maria Pantoja, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Irene Humer, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Computing and Information Technology
. This exposed our students tocollaborators among different fields, with their own terminology, goals, work methods andpractical approaches. Our paper reports on the initial experiment during the Fall 2019 term,involving two sections of an Artificial Intelligence class and one section of a Deep Learningclass. We are planning to continue this collaboration in the future.Keywords: Collaborative Learning, Interdisciplinary, Inter-Class teamwork 1. IntroductionStudents at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) are exposed topractical, hands-on educational activities throughout their course of studies, reflected by theuniversity’s “Learn by Doing” motto. In the Computer Science, Software Engineering andComputer
Conference Session
Computing & Information Technology: Curriculum and Assessment
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Predrag T. Tosic, University of Idaho; Julie Beeston, University of Idaho
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Computing and Information Technology
ii) having manyconversations, formal and informal interviews, and other interactions with business leaders,companies’ CEOs and CTOs, other Data Scientists working in the private sector, as well as manyhigh-tech, financial sector and other recruiters (those from individual companies’ HRs as well asexternal “head hunters”) searching for the data analytics talent. Some disclaimers are in orderhere. Thoughts that follow are personal observations and insights based on personal experience(from working in and interacting with industry), and need not reflect an official position orprevalent attitudes towards how to best educate and train the next generation of Data Scientistseither of the author’s most recent prior employer, Washington State
Conference Session
Topics in Computing and Information Technology-II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arshia Khan, University of Minnesota, Duluth
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Computing and Information Technology
than women in various areas ofthe industry, academia and business [1, 2]. The female computerscience students make less than 20% of the total undergraduatestudent population [1]. When it comes to graduate school only afraction of these undergraduates is pursuing graduate schoolleading to fewer female students in graduate school are researchingin computer science. This phenomenon is reflected in othercomputer science related fields such as computer engineering aswell [2]. For example only 30% of women are employed incomputer science. The ripple effect can be observed in making thesituation even worst by creating a very small pool of positivefemale role models for women in CS [3, 4, 12]. This results inmaking it harder for women in CS to succeed
Conference Session
Curriculum and Assessment I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Kailee Parkinson, Utah Valley University; Elham Vaziripour, Utah Valley University; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University
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Computing and Information Technology
University, North Carolina University, Michigan State University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Illinois Collected Data Points: Prerequisites to the course, main topics covered, subtopics included, referenced materials, programs utilized, assessment standardsSince Data Science courses offered on online platforms reflect the current expectations of theindustry, we’ve included a small sample of Data Science courses offered by Coursera Our approach for gathering data from these courses was the same as our approachtowards universities to keep our data consistent.The data points mentioned above were then used to create a
Conference Session
Curriculum and Assessment III
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosa Maria Castro Fernandes Vasconcelos, University of Minho; Victor F. A. Barros, University of Minho; Luis Alfredo Martins Amaral P.E., University of Minho; Emilia Rodrigues Araújo, University of Minho; Isabel Ramos, University of Minho
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Computing and Information Technology
be extended over a longer period, what, on the otherhand, turned out to be beneficial, thus allowing greater internal dissemination of the projectThe working groups allowed to confirm the general unawareness of gender inequality at theuniversity. However, if at the beginning of the discussion, people argued that gender issues at theUniversity were almost irrelevant (since no problems had been reported), in the course of thedebate people started to reflect more about the subject, admitting several situations of inequalitydue to gender.The next challenge consisted in discussing possible solutions for the identified issues, which turnedout to be also very difficult, not only to find solutions but also to recognize good practices in
Conference Session
Topics in Computing
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Janis P. Raje
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Computing and Information Technology
expressed in thispaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References 1. UVU Fact Book 2017, Office of Institutional Research. Online at 2. NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM), Program Solicitation NSF 17-527. Online at . 3. Warnock, John (2019), Utah’s Engineering Initiative has boosted state’s high-tech boom, Salt Lake Tribune, January 21, 2019. Retrieved from 2019/01/31/john-warnock-utahs/ . 4. Utah System of Higher
Conference Session
Computing Technology Applications-II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yun Dai, University of Southern California; Tianmeng Li, University of New South Wales; Ang Liu, University of New South Wales; Stephen Lu, University of Southern California
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Computing and Information Technology
question was phrased to be too general, the feedback would be short ofclarity. On the other hand, if the question was phrased to be too specific, it would trigger awide range of feedback (i.e., a normal distribution curve with a high deviation).According to the instructor, the P2P platform was somehow functionally coupled with thelearning management system (LMS). From time to time, students needed to visit the LMS towatch the lecture recordings to reflect the previous concepts during the self-study of newconcepts. Once students developed a routine habit of using the platform, it was also used bythe instructor to make important course announcements and conduct course surveys.Conclusion, Limitation, and Future WorkThis paper presents a new learning
Conference Session
Topics in Computing and Information Technology-III
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Landon A. Braden; Scott Alexander Kaiser, Utah Valley University; Reza Kamali-Sarvestani, Utah Valley University; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Paul Weber, Utah Valley University
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Computing and Information Technology
components will enable a wide range ofcolleges and universities to train the next generation of nanotechnology engineers.AcknowledgementsThis project is supported by the National Science Foundation through the ATE program, AwardNo. ATE 1700695. Any opinions, findings, and recommendations expressed in this paper arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References 1. Poole, Charles P., and Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley, 2003. 2. R. Feynman,”There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”, Engineering and Science, 23(5): 22-36, 1960. 3. Mongillo, John, “Nanotechnology 101”, Greenwood Press, 2007. 4. The National Nanotechnology Initiative – Strategic Plan, December