/mentoring sessions and regularly communicating with the course professors and project director about their tutoring/mentoring activities. To further enhance the communication between tutors and course instructors as well as to better familiarize the tutors with the students and class activities, the tutors would be required to attend 2 to 3 classes per week (maximum 3 hours/week) for the course(s) they tutor. The attendance in these classes would be considered as part of their tutoring load. Identify at least 5 qualified students for tutoring/mentoring task. These students have performed at least at a level of B or better in the gate keeping courses, have junior/senior standing, and have a GPA of at
allowing the synthetic transaction to follow the same path that is taken by thestudent's and teacher's sessions when accessing the cloud-based resource.After the solution for the authentication of the web filtering application is verified, the agentdeployment will be expanded to the additional schools, with the final goal of having multipleagents deployed at each school in the school district, the school district’s central office and theirInternet Service Provider.© American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 2018 ASEE National ConferenceReferences[1] S. Stein, J. Ware, J. Laboy, H. E. Schaffer, “Improving K-12 pedagogy via a Cloud designed for education,” International Journal of Information Management
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web-based environment for administering computer assignments. The platform is effectiveand easy to use as long as some attention is given in crafting the problem statement and estab-lishing grading rubrics. Two additional tools that were instrumental for the course included thecombination of video recording (Panopto) with live notes using PDFAnnotator on a smart screen.In addition, the video-conferencing app, Zoom, enabled live participation in the class from onlinestudents and online office hours. Finally, the LMS provided an adequate environment to collectcourse resources, communicate information, and exchange assignments.References 1 B. S. Bloom; J. T. Hastings: and G. Madaus. Handbook on formative and summative evaluation of student
serve as a reference for enhancing student thinking about ethics of hacking.AcknowledgementsThanks to the W.M. Keck Foundation for funding this study. Thanks to the many undergraduatestudents who made this project and paper possible.References1. KEEN. KEEN - The Framework [Internet]. [cited 2020 Jan 16]. Available from: https://engineeringunleashed.com/mindset-matters/framework.aspx2. Gentile MC. Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What?s Right [Internet]. Yale University Press; 2010 [cited 2015 Mar 30]. 256 p. Available from: http://books.google.com/books/about/Giving_Voice_to_Values.html?id=Y7yrKBVflgkC &pgis=13. Logan PY, Clarkson A. Teaching students to hack: curriculum issues in
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andSystem Implementation in Section 5. Discussion and conclusion are given in Section 6. 2. Related WorksFor many institutes, a student self-server or student information system or SIS, typicallyencounters bugs and glitches due to poor configuration as well as an increasing number ofstudents. With a vase amount of data, a student information system can experience systemoutages which can result in the student(s) not being able to retrieve specific information in atimely manner.As SIS begins to increase throughout numerous campuses, an ongoing issue steadily arises. Thecost to successfully build, test, and implement is relatively high. For most institutes, the cost canrange from 500,000 to several million dollars. However, the main question is “Is
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Socket_Server (Bind_Port, B_Size): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', Bind_Port)) s.listen(5) conn, addr = s.accept() print "Connected with", addr Total = 0 while True: data = conn.recv(B_size) if not data: break print "Received Bytes: ", B_size Total = Total + B_size print "Total Bytes:", Total conn.close()#Run the Serverprint 'Prepare the server to be started'os.system ('pause')Socket_Server (Bind_port, B_size)print 'Connections closed'os.system ('pause')Client Side:#Script to establish a client side socket to test maximum bandwidth based on hardware resources#Using a file to send data for an
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controllers of the system, the type of data can be collected, andwhere the data can be collected. Data sources need to be identified when any type of attackperformed to the system. Needless to say, documentation of the actions taken during this phase iscritical and essential for a forensically sound investigation.Phase 3- Preservation, Prioritizing, and Collection: In this phase, the identified data is collectedfrom the known locations, and it is preserved and prioritized for the purpose of repeatability andpresentation. In this phase, it is also critical to collect volatile data as it might be destroyed easily.For instance, data can be collected from databases, computer workstation(s), PLC, etc.Phase 4- Examination: The purpose of this phase is the
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designed in the early 1980’s to reduceemissions by monitoring the performance of major engine component. The major component ofthe OBD is the Electronic Control Unit (ECU, Figure 3(a)), which receives inputs from varioussensors and control the actuators. OBDs provide digital trouble codes (DTCs) that can beaccessed via the Digital Link Connector (DLC, Figure 3(b)). (a) Components of OBD (b) OBD-II Port Figure 2. On-board Diagnostics (OBD)The latest version of OBD is OBD-II, which is available on all cars and light trucks built since1996. The OBD-II standard specifies the type of diagnostic connector and its pinout, theelectrical signaling protocols available, and the messaging
. This first year will serve as a pilot to gain insight and feedback into the survey andassignment.Below is the table containing KEEN framework category [3], KEEN related course outcomes[4], and the artifact(s) that will be used to assess each outcome. Appendix B provides theInstructor/Peer Video Rubric and Self-Reflection Rubric and appendix C contains the surveysgiven to the students. Category of KEEN KEEN Related Course Assessment Plan Related Course Outcome [4] Outcome [3] Related to Curiosity Take ownership of, and express Grade on Video interest in topic/expertise/project. Communication Present technical information Grade from rubric on these portions
and lidar sensor. In 2015, Teslaintroduced its autonomous car. Google and Tesla take different approach in their design. Googleuses LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and Tesla uses an array of cameras for computervision. The autonomous cars can be fully autonomous without a need for a driver or can bedriver-managed autopilot-enabled. Google SDC is an example of an autonomous car without adriver and Tesla Model S is an example of the second type.The area of autonomous vehicle design has been gaining a tremendous growth in recent years. Amajor aspect of this growth has been advanced technology, a rich set of sensors and cameras,advances in computational intelligence and machine vision. The autonomous vehicle hasattracted the researchers, the
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recently, as Vice Chair of ACM SIGSOFT and General Chair of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering. She has participated in many CRAW and ACM mentoring events; is a founding adviser of MSU Women in Computing, the MSU ACM-W Chapter; and co-led TechKobwa, a technology camp for secondary-school teachers and female students in Rwanda, for three summers. She was awarded the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award in 2017.Ms. Michelle Slattery, Peak Research Michelle Slattery has more than 30 years’ experience as a professional evaluator working with diverse clients on complex project evaluations. Her business, Peak Research LLC, is celebrating 25 years of providing services to evaluate S-STEM, BPC, RED
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presentation.Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify relevant topics from previous courses and then apply them to their project 2. Identify and specify design requirements from general problem descriptions 3. Communicate design ideas and information 4. Demonstrate creative thinking 5. Display information gathering skills 6. Demonstrate oral and written communication skillsTraits: Upon successful completion, students should have the following attitude(s)/traits: Confidence in their ability to design. Confidence in their ability to communicate technical information effectively.Our senior design course is structured as a collection of independent or group student projects.This capstone course is offered every semester