improved by video-taping team activity. Also, scoringwith a combination of a standards-based rubric and a content or observations analysisseems the best way to assess the design preparedness of the students. In addition, morequestions could be included to reveal the group dynamics. A reflective interview with allthe students may also be an appropriate tool to consider for capturing the attitudinal andconceptual learning, and particularly the perceived change or growth that has occurred inthe students over two semesters of learning. Some of these ideas are already beingimplemented in the 2005-06 academic year.Acknowledgement1) The authors wish to thank the Boeing Company for its financial support of the projectand its evaluation, upon which this
topics in sustainability through a presentation on life-cycle assessment (LCA) and a hands-on activity using a sustainability simulation tool. Followingthe SolidWorks Sustainability tutorial [11], the students modified materials assigned to a mugdesign. In the modifications, they also sought to reduce the total material used. The changes indesign and material were examined using LCA that characterized the environmental impacts interms of Carbon, Energy, Air and Water.Post SurveyFollowing the in class activities, the two groups were asked to answer Questions 8-14 in the presurvey in addition to a question to reflect on the effects on the respective in class activities.Results and DiscussionBoth the pre and post activity surveys were conducted in
via exploration of artwork. Students were pairedtogether to play characters provided to them as part of a popular role-playing game with theintent of shortening the development time of the comfort level of students with respect to sharingtheir observations and perspectives as well as enhance the esprit de corps of the class. The role-playing game utilized here is a cooperative game requiring students playing characters withdifferent skills to overcome conceptual and combat challenges. The game was played in a labsection, with modifications to suit it to the purposes of the course. While the game was not thefocus of the work, the comments in the course reflections indicated it was an effective way tofacilitate student interaction and
; Pictures of Final Prototype; Flowchart; CommentedCode; Design Limitations; and Appendix. The required sections and structure of the final designproject deliverables aim to facilitate students in reporting and reflecting on the integrative,iterative nature of the design project in this course. Figure 2: Module 01: Course Introduction and Makerspace Safety Figure 3: Module 02: Human-Centered Engineering DesignFigure 4: Module 03: Teamwork, Memos, Ethics & Environment Figure 5: Module 04: Solid Modeling & 3D VisualizationFigure 6: Module 05: Additive Manufacturing & 3D PrintingFigure 7: Module 06: Sensors, Microcontroller, & Actuators Figure 8: Module 07: Programming & Flow DiagramsFigure 9: Module 08: Final
11.1096.5 Fig. 3 Advanced Surfacing and Tangency (a) Starting point (b) Normal loft approach (c) Incorporation of tangency The importance of the individually selected projects cannot be understated, as there aregenerational issues in interest and environment that are not reflected in standard texts andassociated examples. These contemporary objects are in turn a reflection on contemporary designand manufacturing methodologies. A counter point is the hand-held screwdriver exercise typicalof a final examination in the existing syllabus. This contrasted with the more dynamicgeometries of cell phones, gaming consoles and skateboard surface and truck assemblies in themodified syllabus. At a point in which the
where they must reflect upon the choices made in the designprocess and what they could have done to improve their outcome relative to the winning team.We have found this activity to be highly reusable; for example, by simply adjusting thedesignated costs or earning per widget, a previous winning design can be rendered ineffectivegiven the new constraints. Further, this activity is a pedagogical approach that is not discipline-specific; we expect that it is well suited for students in all engineering fields. Page 24.149.22. Motivation & BackgroundDesign for manufacturability (DFM) is the practice of engineering products such that they aremore easily produced in volume [1-3]. Nearly 70% of the cost to manufacture a
within this environment. Class sizes must be small, or else it is possible for anindividual’s contribution to be lost to the team atmosphere. Even with small class sizes, asidefrom an exit survey, it can be difficult to assess the design skill of any given student.Design Outcome DistinctionTrue design requires open ended problem solvers, exhibiting the following attributes8,9: Are willing to spend time reading, gathering information, and defining the problem. Uses processes, as well as a variety of tactics and heuristics to tackle problems Monitor their problem solving process and reflect upon its effectiveness Emphasize accuracy rather than speed Write down ideas and create charts / figures, while solving a problem Are
team may be more likely to occur.This paper will address the experiences and the evolution of project team formation and thestudent selection process. It has now evolved to include an online process that allows the studentto identify individual preferred project selections. The process also includes the ability to captureindividual student academic and career interests as well as the expertise that may be offeredtowards the project and team.Typical class size is between 75 and 110 senior ME students resulting in 15 to 22 projects andteams each year. The Capstone projects include Industry Partnered, Research Partnered, StudentCompetitions, and Independently created projects. The Capstone projects reflect the technicalexpertise of the department
makea flower that conveyed an emotion and create a scene that reflected that emotion. Work wasdocumented during the process and students were instructed to present their learning duringthe design process through a student-defined criterion referenced e-portfolio. Table 2: Timeline of Project Week Workshop Activity Week 2-5 Students engage in 4 activities that develop the necessary skills and knowledge for the design project. Material processing, material selection, etc. Week 5-12 Students design and realise decorative design projects and complete an e-portfolio in tandem. The e-portfolio and artefact
memorizedand recited a definition provided in the training session, while the other reframed it in their ownwords. A short video was also used to familiarize students with some core activities of human-centered design, such as interviewing and ideating. Students then worked in dyads or triads tocomplete an activity aimed to simulate an HCD process while TAs facilitated discussions betweengroup members as needed. Students were instructed to interview each other about their experiencesrelated to staplers, staple removers and other paper fasteners. These interviews were repeated inseveral rounds to allow for reflection. Students often needed additional guidance from TAs to findnew questions and perspectives to better approach the problem. Students were
be an impediment during the design process.In psychology, sketching and drawing has long been thought to reflect how individuals think.Children’s sketches of human figures (the Draw-A-Person Test) have been considered to reflecttheir developing intelligence [45], [46]. Cognitive milestones have been tied to featuresreflecting the complexity of spontaneous drawings, with older children including articulatedparts such as fingers [47]. Research has also identified drawing as a cognitive aid, showing it ishelpful in organizing and remembering information [48]. Because sketches reveal designers’thinking [49], we reason that designers’ mindset about HCD may be similarly evident in theirsketches.MethodResearch GoalThe goal of our research was to
process, such as including adding a sixth session, were made by the entire group.Throughout the design sessions, all participants offered their insights into everyday practices andco-constructed knowledge relationally and through open dialogue, thus contributing to aparticipatory research and design approach [22, 23]. Within small, large, and “mixed” groupformats, and with an awareness of their relative positions of authority in the School, theparticipants worked together on identifying underlying issues in diversity and inclusion inprofessional formation of engineers and collaborated to create prototype solutions.In design session 1, participants mapped their own professional journey, while reflecting onmoments in childhood, teenage, college
because so many of our human activities are related to and dependent uponproducts and processes engineers design and develop. As we have no doubt learned, andas is reflected increasingly in academia and industry, the answers to many humanproblems are not to be found in specific and discrete disciplines. We need to determinewhich disciplines need to be integrated into engineering practice as we continue toaddress critical problems facing our planet and people. This is a profound obligation andan exciting challenge, especially for higher education. Page 13.1131.3 Sustainability is a controversial topic because it appears to be an
other engineers will work through the first four stages of design as stated by Ullman [13] (product discovery, project planning, product definition, and conceptual design) in detail throughout the remainder of the semester. Aspects of the design process which have been stressed in this course should be reflected in your design team's methodology and approach to the problem. To culminate the course, a final report will be turned in to the instructor and a presentation will be made to the class regarding your design process and final design."The above project statement reflects the primary learning goals of the course, where the projectis intended to be the culmination of the course requirements. In addition to the above
engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1995. Page 25.88.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 A Pilot for Multidisciplinary Capstone Design incorporating a Systems Engineering FrameworkSynopsisIn this paper we discuss a pilot project to develop an approach to multidisciplinary capstonedesign that incorporates a systems engineering (SE) framework which can be a model for broadimplementation. It is a reflection of the growing demand for engineers educated to recognize theoverarching significance of systems engineering approaches for the
objective of this Engineering 112 project is to introduce students to anindividualized design process. A secondary, but nonetheless important, objective is to introducestudents to sustainability in four contexts (environmental, social, economic, and technical).Since students had no experience with the design process (but had been introduced to problemsolving processes earlier in the semester), our approach was fairly strict: Each student had tofollow the prescribed cognitive approach to developing a design, which included structuredproblem solving, visualization, drawing, and reflection to build a product that would solve aproblem with his or her dormitory room. We asked students to examine their rooms looking for“design flaws” or problems they had
proficiency in the engineering designprocess, however, portfolio assessment offers a promising alternative.While there is no single definition of an assessment portfolio, among features that manyportfolio-based programs, both past and ongoing, have in common is their understanding that aportfolio is “a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits to the students (and/or others)the student’s efforts, progress, or achievement in given area(s). The collection must includestudent participation in selection of portfolio content; the criteria for selection; the criteria forjudging merit; and evidence of student self-reflection.” 28 Archbald and Newmann 29, andPaulson, Paulson, and Meyer 30 were among the first proponents of the idea that students
AC 2010-2142: DESIGN OF AN INSTRUMENT TO ASSESS UNDERSTANDING OFENGINEERING DESIGNKristen Facciol, University of TorontoLisa Romkey, University of TorontoJason Foster, University of Toronto Page 15.360.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Design of an Instrument to Assess Understanding of Engineering Design Division of Engineering Science, University of TorontoAbstractEngineering design education is an important element of any undergraduate engineeringcurriculum. It is also an element undergoing constant evolution, reflecting the rapidly evolvingneeds of engineering industry and academia
, engineering has a diversity problem in terms of who is in the workforce andwhose voices are being heard at the engineering table. Because of the largely homogeneousengineering population, the designs the field produces also fail to reflect a wide range of culturaland linguistic competencies. When not confronted with diversity, the training of engineers tendsto leave out broader social issues [5], [6], [7], [8]. And to be clear, these issues are not simplymatters of social justice; researchers have argued that the inclusion of traditionallyunderrepresented voices and the development of sociocultural competency in engineering is aneconomic and national security imperative [1].The importance of considering various perspectives and broadening
development process of cross-domain linkages C-K Mapping Template: visually structures Assignment: practice developing the knowledge transfer process cross-domain linkages and reflection Figure 4: C-K Theory-based Instructional Resources4. Background for the Comparative StudyOur comparative study to test whether the C-K theory instructional approach improves thequality of bio-inspired design concepts was carried out on second-year engineering students in anengineering design course at James Madison University. These students are in the first semesterof the engineering design sequence of the curriculum and are learning the engineering
processes that influence their attention and effort.In this phase, self-control strategies enable students to focus on a task and their efforts tooptimize a solution or outcome. Aspects related to self-control strategies include: Attentionfocusing which enables students to use a variety of techniques to improve their attentionalcontrol. Task strategies enable students to select essential parts of a task and reorganize them in ameaningful manner. Another aspect is self-observation where students track specific aspects oftheir performance, the conditions that surround it, and the effects that it produces [8].In the self-reflection phase, students engage in self-judgement and evaluation. Self-Judgemententails self-evaluating a performance or outcome
engineering courses. Most of the SDPs are real-world inspiredprojects, which are externally sponsored by industry and government agencies, and many of themare multidisciplinary in nature involving engineering as well as non-engineering students. Inaddition to carry out these design tasks, they are also required to interact with students in the EDMclass and provide feedback to their junior-level peers while enhancing their skills incommunication and design implementation through reflective learning. Pre and post-class surveysand feedback sessions are conducted to not only gain inputs from students to improve thecoordinated learning process, but also to engage them in self-reflection for continuous learning.The crux of the effort here is to develop an
recording. Each instructor wasalso individually interviewed about their experiences. These interviews ranged between 30 to 60minutes. The semi-structured interview protocol focused on following questions: What preparation did you go through for this activity? Individually? With the others? Can you reflect on the experience of introducing the design heuristics to your course? What went well? What didn’t go as well? What would you do differently? What changes did you make between the first and second class session? Why did you make these changes? [note the difference in time and depth of examples/application between the two] How did the students react to this idea generation method? What are the implications for introducing idea
60 80 100 120 140geological, materials, mining, Number of Respondentsnuclear, and petroleum Figure 1: Number of Respondents by Departmentengineering as well as generalengineering (15% of the "Other Engineering" category). As is clear from Figure 1, therespondent population for both the 1994 and 2005 surveys spanned across the disciplines, withno single discipline overwhelming the others. The substantial increase in "Other Engineering"departments responding to the 2005 survey likely reflects the rise of specialized,interdisciplinary, and general engineering departments in the past decade9.Figure 2 depicts the percent overlap between the survey respondents from
frameworkwere included, reflecting the attributes of complex system design in the projects of interest here.For instance, the high levels of performance on the Stakeholders in Design rubric adapt some ofthe constructs of the higher levels on the Understanding the User scale to encourage students tounderstand and leverage stakeholder considerations without necessarily requiring that they haveinteractions with stakeholders. In addition, the level related to Context was removed to avoidconfounding student understanding of stakeholder considerations with student understanding ofother contextual considerations. Overall, the scoring scale was created to meet the first andfourth objectives of the rubric, i.e., allowing for the evaluation of how students
activities thatwill proceed completely around this cycle, providing the maximum opportunity for full comprehension.This model has been used extensively to evaluate and enhance engineering teaching. The designiettesmay be designed to provide learning experiences in the Kolb cycle that are not well met with traditionalcourse instruction. Specifically, each designiette may be based on actual engineering and need-basedproblems. This provides the “Concrete Experience” part of the cycle in a similar manner as a case study.The “Reflective Observation” part of the cycle is accomplished by asking questions throughout thedesigniette which may be designed to encourage the students to reflect on the innovation history,processes, problem, ideas, and / or
Reflection in Engineering Education. Helen holds an undergraduate degree in communication from UCLA and a PhD in communication with a minor in psychology from Stanford University. Her current research and scholarship focus on engineering and entrepreneurship education; the pedagogy of portfolios and reflec- tive practice in higher education; and redesigning how learning is recorded and recognized in traditional transcripts and academic credentials.Dr. Swetha Nittala, Stanford University Swetha is currently a Lecturer and a Science and Engineering Education Fellow at the Mechanical Engi- neering Department, Stanford University. She recently completed her PhD from the School of Engineering Education at Purdue where she
point. Try to come up with different ways to meet the needs you identified, not just minor variations of the same solution.After 10-15 minutes, ask a few participants to share their beneficial ideas, including whether theynoticed something about the problem they had not previously thought about.ReflectReflection is an important part of the learning process [46]. Whether participants are learningabout the problem or how to do the process, reflection deepens the learning. The facilitatorshould guide a reflective conversation or ask participants to reflect in writing. Consider questionssuch as: • Can you share a little about how you felt as you went through the process, from defining the problem, to posing harmful &
changes should only reflect on the variance of quality and notimplicitly introduce new criteria. Each descriptive indicator for a criterion should avoid bothunclear and unnecessary negative language use. Additionally, the descriptive language usedshould be sufficiently rich to allow for student self-evaluation, and it should be reliable such thatit enables consistent scoring across both judges and time. This requires that evaluative language(“excellent,” “poor”) and comparative language (“better than,” “worse than”) is transformed into Page 11.1409.4highly descriptive language that specifies the distinctive features of each performance level
focus in engineering and science educa- tion. Founder of the Design Entrepreneuring Studio: Barbara helps teams generate creative environments. Companies that she has worked with renew their commitment to innovation. She also helps students an- swer these questions when she teaches some of these methods to engineering, design, business, medicine, and law students. Her courses use active storytelling and self-reflective observation as one form to help student and industry leaders traverse across the iterative stages of a project- from the early, inspirational stages to prototyping and then to delivery. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020Implementing Abbreviated Personas into