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Displaying all 12 results
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Teams
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Behzad Beigpourian, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Daniel M. Ferguson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Frederick C. Berry, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Siqing Wei, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Design in Engineering Education
University. Recent research has focused on 1) using writing and communication assignments to improve the teaching of engineering design and 2) developing a flexible mobile studio pedagogy using the Mobile Studio Instrumentation Board.Dr. Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette Matthew W. Ohland is Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. He has degrees from Swarthmore College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Florida. His research on the longitudinal study of engineering students, team assignment, peer evaluation, and active and collaborative teaching methods has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation and his team received Best Paper
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Teams
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Fowler, University of Michigan; Laura K. Alford, University of Michigan; James A. Coller, University of Michigan; Stephanie Sheffield, University of Michigan; Magel P. Su, California Institute of Technology
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Design in Engineering Education
faculty and staff. Since students are usually more willing to share concerns with their peermentors, the peer mentors are an invaluable resource for determining student needs, and thefeedback allows the instructional team to adjust each semester accordingly to best serve students.Reflections on Teamwork Topics. In the course management system, students complete weeklyreadings and reflections on teamwork topics. Reflection is a critical component of learning fromexperience [18], and we believe that directed reflection helps students to abstract lessons fromtheir teamwork experiences. Most of the weekly lessons include a link to an outside reading;topics included collaborative writing tools, giving and receiving feedback, the value of diversityon
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Practices
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly B. Demoret P.E., Florida Institute of Technology
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Design in Engineering Education
working). These peer comments and thenumerical peer feedback grade are used along with reported hours as part of the instructorevaluation grade described below.Instructor Evaluations. In aerospace senior design classes, 20% of the grade comes from"Individual Participation", which consists of two instructor evaluations each semester along withattendance, in-class exercises, and individual writing assignments. As stated in the syllabus, "Theinstructor evaluation considers time card data, input from staff members, faculty and industryadvisors, feedback from student leaders and peers, and the subjective assessment of the courseinstructor." To come up with a grade, first the instructor develops a formula using a weightedcombination of hours worked
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Methodology
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa A. Shay PE, U.S. Military Academy; Tanya Thais Estes, United States Military Academy; David Paul Harvie, United States Military Academy
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Design in Engineering Education
“fresh start” when they begin theircapstone project.At the end of the AGV project we ask the students to reflect on their experience both on thetechnical and interpersonal dimensions. On the technical dimension, the project report requiresthe students to explain how they tested the subsystems, how they performed integration testing,and to evaluate how their prototype met (or failed to meet) specifications. The AGV reportevaluation rubric is shown in Appendix A. Regarding the human dimension, each student isrequired to submit a peer-assessment and self-evaluation in which they write at least one bulletedstatement on each team member’s strengths and areas needing improvement, as shown inAppendix B. All aspects of the project should be considered
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Teams
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Jamie Gomez, University of New Mexico; Martin A. Watkins, University of New Mexico; Tryphenia B. Peele-Eady Ph.D., University of New Mexico
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Design in Engineering Education
and authentic, the belief thateach member brings different and potentially useful information to the task, and theopportunity to iterate design ideas over time. Framing agency provides a lens forunderstanding the kinds of design learning experiences students need to direct their ownlearning and negotiate that learning with peers in design projects.IntroductionManaging design projects in undergraduate coursework is challenging, in large partbecause design problems are ill-structured, meaning there are many possible solutionsand framings of any design problem [2]. As engineering programs have increasinglyincorporated design challenges into first year and core courses, faculty must makedifficult decisions about feasibly managing design
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Mental Frameworks
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Armando A. Rodriguez, Arizona State University; Nirangkush Das, Arizona State University; Brent Wallace, Arizona State University; Phil Blake McBride, Eastern Arizona College; Clark Vangilder, Central Arizona College; Tim S. Frank, Glendale Community College; John W. Griffith, Mesa Community College; Russell Cox, Mohave Community College; Eddie W. Ong, Phoenix College; Ernest Moulinet Villicana, Phoenix College Engineering; Celia . Jenkins, Cochise College
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Design in Engineering Education
. Despite this, the nation still struggles to produce the ENG talent it needs. Given this, programs to increase the number of ENGs that graduate have been promoted across the nation [1]-[3]. Such programs focus on recruitment [4], retention principles [5], persistence [6], as well as practices that help students with critical thinking [7]-[8], academics [9]-[10] and professional development [11]-[12]. The latter includes mentoring by faculty [13]-[14], peer mentoring [15], project-based learning [16]- [26], research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) [27]-[28], internships [29], preparing for graduate school [30], career planning [31], etc. We at Arizona State University’s (ASU’s) Fulton Schools of Engineering, have
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Projects
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoffrey Recktenwald, Michigan State University; William F. Resh, Michigan State University
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Design in Engineering Education
students continue on the project throughtheir education they can see how the engineering sciences interact in design and how changingthe design to improve performance in one area may degrade it in another.The experiential learning elements of the ISD project are many. Multi-year projects are commonin industry, so the ISD experience starts early in the students’ educations to break the classroomexperience that after 15 weeks everything resets and you start over. With the involvement ofstudents over many years, it is common to have Freshmen and Sophomores working with Juniorsand Seniors, providing peer learning, leadership, and mentoring opportunities. The ISDexperience is run more like industrial projects with student teams assigned tasks, and the
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Practices
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kris Jaeger-Helton, Northeastern University; Bridget M. Smyser, Northeastern University; Hugh L. McManus, Northeastern University
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Design in Engineering Education
], but they are certainly more so than students have seen in classroom or lab settings. Students workingin teams of 4-5 must manage team interactions and project planning on an ongoing, iterative basis [5].Finally, students must document and present their work, requiring several different communication skills,and creating at least one round of reflective learning by requiring students to re-tell their story to peer,mentor, and sponsor audiences.Best PracticesAligning with ABET is good practice. The Program Objectives and Student Outcomes set out by ABETserve as a sound standard by which to calibrate engineering curricula and capstone is no exception [6].Table 1 shows the current ABET Student Outcomes mapped to the Senior Capstone Design
Conference Session
Best In DEED
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Reynolds Brubaker, Stanford University; Vikas Rammohan Maturi, Stanford University; Barbara A. Karanian, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; David Beach, Stanford University
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Design in Engineering Education
, incorporating design work, self-assessmentand reflection, prototyping and creation, all with supervision and support. Another corecomponent is empowered peer-to-peer mentoring: PRL course assistants (CAs) are graduatestudents who have themselves been burnished in the cauldron of the PRL. They understand theelation of success and the opportunity within failure – and know how to turn both into learningmoments for students. The PRL CAs are guided by four faculty, and these groups collectivelyform a community of practice with mixed levels of experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities.Students learn from faculty, CAs, and peers; CAs learn from faculty, students, and other CAs;and faculty learn from students, CAs, and each other. This forms a rich fabric
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Student Empathy & Human-centered Design
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colin Dixon, Concord Consortium; Corey T. Schimpf, The Concord Consoritum; Sherry Hsi, Concord Consortium
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Design in Engineering Education
Paper ID #27458Beyond Trial & Error: Iteration-to-Learn using Computational Paper Craftsin a STEAM Camp for GirlsColin Dixon, Concord Consortium Colin Dixon holds a Ph.D. in Learning & Mind Sciences from the University of California, Davis. He researches the development of STEM practices and agency among young people creating things to use and share with the world. He writes about equity and identity in making and engineering, the role of community in science learning, and how youth leverage interests and experiences within STEM education.Dr. Corey T. Schimpf, The Concord Consoritum Corey Schimpf is a Learning
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Student Empathy & Human-centered Design
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devanshi Shah, Florida Institute of Technology; Elisabeth Kames, Florida Institute of Technology ; McKenzie Carol Clark, Florida Institute of Technology; Beshoy Morkos, Florida Institute of Technology
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Design in Engineering Education
theory.16 Self-efficacy is defined as one’sability to complete a task by taking necessary actions towards that goal.16,17 Self-efficacy haveshown signs of connection between student’s performance and persistence.18 Self-efficacy isfurther described as an amalgamation of these four traits which ultimately lead to completion of atask or a goal:171. Previous performance experiences or achievements2. Past experiences of enjoying the participation or work3. Peer/societal persuasions towards something4. Physiological scenariosThese four traits adds up to define a student’s self-efficacy. The term self-efficacy was introducedin the year of 1997.13 Various non-engineering fields have reported to use self-efficacy foranalyzing social skills, behavior
Conference Session
Best In DEED
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susannah Howe, Smith College; Robin Ott, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Cristian Hernandez; Jessica Deters, Virginia Tech; Chris Gewirtz, Virginia Tech; Francesca Giardine, Smith College; Anne Kary, Smith College
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Design in Engineering Education
. I’m nervous that they’re gonna be like,man, she doesn’t know anything. But otherwise, no, [I’m not nervous]. I think just because it'shands-on, I feel prepared for it, you know, like as far as my technical writing skills and my teamwork skills and my people skills and that kind of stuff.[Now that I’ve been at work for 3 months] Mostly my responsibilities are just doing whateveranybody tells me to do, so that can range anywhere from working on [specific softwarepackage], which is something that I actually know how to do personally … or working on areport or attaching wires or testing some sort of a component. I’m not having to learn a whole lotyet, but for the stuff that I’m doing, I feel completely prepared for it. [...] I read up on