Engineering Education from Purdue University.Dr. Charles Xie c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Reflection in Time: Using Data Visualization to Identify Student Reflection Modes in DesignAbstract: In design, reflection is a central practice that helps designers evaluate past strategies,synthesis knowledge they’ve gained and plan future actions. For novice designers, developingreflection abilities may be particularly important as it may both help them develop this specificability and more broadly develop their design thinking abilities. However, the design process isfluid with distinct design stages that may happen in varying order and repeat or cycle in asequence unique to the
Paper ID #31679Work in Progress: Quantifying Learning by Reflecting on Doing in anEngineering Design, Build and Test CourseMrs. Shan Peng, University of Oklahoma Shan Peng is a pursuing a MS in Data Science and Analytics at the University of Oklahoma. Shan is working with Professors Janet K. Allen and Farrokh Mistree in the Systems Realization Laboratory at OU. Her MS thesis is about design and development of a text mining program to facilitate instructors gain insight about students’ learning by analyzing their learning statements in engineering design, build and test courses. Shan is a winner of the ”2019 NSF/ASME
Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching (CELT), a professor in Human Centered Design & Engineering, and the inaugural holder of the Mitchell T. & Lella Blanche Bowie Endowed Chair at the University of Washington. Dr. Atman is co-director of the newly-formed Consortium for Promoting Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE), funded by a $4.4 million grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. She was director of the NSF-funded Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE), a national research center that was funded from 2003-2010. Dr. Atman is the author or co-author on over 115 archival publications. She has been invited to give many keynote addresses, including a
Service-Learning Design CourseAbstractThe development and skill of empathizing with others has become a necessity for successfuldesign engineers. To develop this skill, learning experiences are needed that encourageengineering students’ understanding of their users and stakeholders. Studies have shown an“authentic” experience involving real-world contexts reflecting the work of professionals helpsto develop and foster empathy. At Purdue University, a service-learning design program partnersmulti-disciplinary teams of students with community organizations to address needs and solvereal-world problems. In previous research on the program’s design process, findings showed howstudents perceive the human aspect of engineering design and how they
developcategories of students for further inquiry. Students (n = 22) completed a systems engineeringdesign task, The Solar Urban Design, in which they worked to optimize solar gains of high-risebuildings in both winter and summer months within Energy3D as a part of their engineeringscience classroom. Energy3D is a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) rich design tool withconstruction and analysis capabilities. As students design in Energy3D, a log of all of theirdesign actions and results from analyses are logged. In addition, students took reflective noteswithin Energy3D during and after designing. We computed percentile ranks for the students’design performance for each of the required design elements (i.e. high rise 1 and high rise 2) foreach of the required
lower empathetic designtendency scores? This study was conducted in a junior-level design course of 76 BME students.We collected and analyzed three data sources: students’ self-reflection reports about theirreframing processes, empathic design tendency scores, and interviews with selected teams andinstructors. The results demonstrated that more than half of the students perceived the connectionbetween empathy and their reframing decisions and that they usually had one reframing momentin the stages of problem definition and concept identification. Also, the findings suggested thetriggers for their reframing moments, information sources guiding their reframing processes,changes made through reframing, and influences of reframing decisions on team
insights about howstudents’ frame their decision making, surfaced by difficulties encountered in applying theframework; and 3) five strategies the students use to seek information. We conclude that DSAholds promise as a framework from which to develop a bridging language. However, futurework is needed to investigate the feasibility of applying it in real time as a reflective tool. Wealso suggest a number of implications for how the lens of DSA might support students' in havingstronger design rationale through development of information seeking practices.2: Design as Decision Making2.1 Design as Decision MakingPeople use metaphors to think and reason about abstract concepts and the metaphors we useaffect how we understand these concepts [9]. Design
interchangeably [2]. Likewise, Atman andcolleagues reference work by those who exclusively discuss framing [3-5], yet refer to that workas scoping. Influenced by Schön’s [6] view of design as a reflective conversation with materials,we use the word he commonly used—framing [7], though we are influenced by work usingothers terms.In framing design problems, designers make many decisions that are consequential to theproblem. They decide what to include and exclude from the problem, bounding it [8]. To do so,they gather information to fill in gaps in their understanding [9]. Experienced, skillful designersengage in framing and reframing deliberately and repeatedly, throughout design process [3, 10-13]. They pay attention to the customer/stakeholder needs
engineering and artistic design processes and connections between the two disciplines.These goals reflect modifications to the goals associated with a “traditional” core studio artscourse (SA 224 Two-Dimensional Design), with specific changes made to reflect (i) 3-D ratherthan 2-D design and (ii) the integration of CAD and engineering into the course. To support theachievement of these goals, a specific set of measurable learning outcomes was created, three ofwhich were adapted from the core studio arts course (a, b, and d): By the end of the course, students will have demonstrated the ability to a) create original works of art using a combination of physical and computer technology; b) engage in critical thinking in class discussions
Introduction module, students first learned about the National Academy of EngineeringGrand Challenges for Engineering. As part of discussion groups, they were asked to prioritize thechallenges and identify those that most interested them. Most students were previously unawareof these challenges. In reflecting what was learned in this module, one student stated: I learned the responsibility of engineering. With all the rewarding aspects of engineering comes responsibility. The grand challenges emphasized the responsibility engineers have to society. If engineers have the tools to create, they should use them to create good. This is important to acknowledge so that engineering can remain ethical and just.Students were then
,creative thinking and hands-on skills [8]-[10]. Moreover, it was hypothesized thatengagement in the SDPs was closely associated with the steep growth in students’epistemological development during the last year of college [1]. Students’epistemological thinking refers to their reflections on “the limits of knowledge”, “thecertainty of knowledge”, and the “criteria for knowing” [11]. Expert engineers tendedto demonstrate more sophisticated manner of epistemological thinking than novices[12]. Nevertheless, few studies have specifically explored engineering students’epistemological thinking and the associated factors in the context of SDPs. Therefore, in order to further explore the epistemological development ofengineering students and its
, collaborate and build, monitor progress, and reflect on tasks. However, research onPBL engineering discourse has placed a stronger focus on self-regulation than shared regulationprocesses [6], [7]. Understanding how students jointly regulate efforts may help to structurecollaborative tasks and promote efficient regulatory and design processes—two critical learningoutcomes in PBL [1], [7].MethodsStudy setting & participants. The study is part of a series examining the relation betweenperceived social network and collaboration patterns in engineering design. We followed fourfirst-year student teams in a two-term project-based engineering course in California in the 2018-2019 academic year. The goal of this elective course is to introduce students
backgrounds, and various contextual influences.The proposed framework capitalizes on the use of existing survey tools and course data toconduct a mapping of faculty mentor beliefs/practices against student perception and recognitionof those practices. In conjunction with student reflective memos containing self-evaluations oftheir project and team experiences, interactions with faculty mentors, and overall satisfactionwith their educational experience, this data will combine to provide a multifaceted assessment ofwhich factors are influential and are value-added to the program. The mixed methods approachwill include quantitative statistical analysis of programmatic data, qualitative social networkanalysis-based assessment of peer evaluations, and
classrooms. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the deploymentof product dissection modules in graduate-level engineering classrooms—both in an online (non-co-located) setting and in a residential classroom setup. This concept was introduced to graduatestudents in an engineering leadership and innovation management program course that focused onproduct innovation in a corporate setting.This study aimed to understand the usefulness of virtual product dissection in online classroomsthrough the implementation of an online virtual product dissection module where studentscompleted individual reflections and written discussions. The results from this case study yieldrecommendations for the use of product dissection in non-co-located classrooms for
provided focused and specific instruction in the safe operation of the prototyping and manufacturing tools • In-class discussions between teams to practice lecture material through role-playing as “designer” and “user”2.3 Course Assignments The course included a number of both team and individual assignments to aid students’learning, provide hands-on experience with the material covered, promote self reflection andevaluation, formulate constructive criticism of others’ work, and foster a rich and interactivelearning environment. This section describes the main course assignments in detail.2.3.1 Masterpiece Assignment To help introduce students to makerspace equipment and demonstrate the practice ofemploying different
to facilitate data analysis. We also collected additional data generatedduring the team’s pre-assessment and assessment activities. Additional pre-assessment phasedata included C-SED training module deliverables such as prior knowledge reviews, contentquizzes, application tasks, and reflections. Additional assessment phase data included a list ofinitial needs statements, recordings of nightly meetings, individual reflection journals, andindividual field notes. These additional data were used to help verify that participant interviewresponses accurately reflected participant conceptions about developing needs statements.Table 2. Examples of protocol questions pertaining to needs statement development
; Pictures of Final Prototype; Flowchart; CommentedCode; Design Limitations; and Appendix. The required sections and structure of the final designproject deliverables aim to facilitate students in reporting and reflecting on the integrative,iterative nature of the design project in this course. Figure 2: Module 01: Course Introduction and Makerspace Safety Figure 3: Module 02: Human-Centered Engineering DesignFigure 4: Module 03: Teamwork, Memos, Ethics & Environment Figure 5: Module 04: Solid Modeling & 3D VisualizationFigure 6: Module 05: Additive Manufacturing & 3D PrintingFigure 7: Module 06: Sensors, Microcontroller, & Actuators Figure 8: Module 07: Programming & Flow DiagramsFigure 9: Module 08: Final
memorizedand recited a definition provided in the training session, while the other reframed it in their ownwords. A short video was also used to familiarize students with some core activities of human-centered design, such as interviewing and ideating. Students then worked in dyads or triads tocomplete an activity aimed to simulate an HCD process while TAs facilitated discussions betweengroup members as needed. Students were instructed to interview each other about their experiencesrelated to staplers, staple removers and other paper fasteners. These interviews were repeated inseveral rounds to allow for reflection. Students often needed additional guidance from TAs to findnew questions and perspectives to better approach the problem. Students were
be an impediment during the design process.In psychology, sketching and drawing has long been thought to reflect how individuals think.Children’s sketches of human figures (the Draw-A-Person Test) have been considered to reflecttheir developing intelligence [45], [46]. Cognitive milestones have been tied to featuresreflecting the complexity of spontaneous drawings, with older children including articulatedparts such as fingers [47]. Research has also identified drawing as a cognitive aid, showing it ishelpful in organizing and remembering information [48]. Because sketches reveal designers’thinking [49], we reason that designers’ mindset about HCD may be similarly evident in theirsketches.MethodResearch GoalThe goal of our research was to
point. Try to come up with different ways to meet the needs you identified, not just minor variations of the same solution.After 10-15 minutes, ask a few participants to share their beneficial ideas, including whether theynoticed something about the problem they had not previously thought about.ReflectReflection is an important part of the learning process [46]. Whether participants are learningabout the problem or how to do the process, reflection deepens the learning. The facilitatorshould guide a reflective conversation or ask participants to reflect in writing. Consider questionssuch as: • Can you share a little about how you felt as you went through the process, from defining the problem, to posing harmful &
focus in engineering and science educa- tion. Founder of the Design Entrepreneuring Studio: Barbara helps teams generate creative environments. Companies that she has worked with renew their commitment to innovation. She also helps students an- swer these questions when she teaches some of these methods to engineering, design, business, medicine, and law students. Her courses use active storytelling and self-reflective observation as one form to help student and industry leaders traverse across the iterative stages of a project- from the early, inspirational stages to prototyping and then to delivery. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020Implementing Abbreviated Personas into
throughexperiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. The core elements of theconstructivist approach are (a) knowledge is not passively received but actively built up bythe cognizing subject and (b) the function of cognition is adaptive and serves the organizationof the experiential world [16]. The constructivist theory is built on the concept that learning issomething the learner does, not that it is imposed on the learner, and emphasizes that thelearner actively constructs his knowledge [1]. In this process the student should be given theopportunity to explore in finding a design solution and learn or construct his/her knowledgein the process.Facilitating the constructivist learning relates to the choice of learning experience and refersto
the impact ofthe makerspace training and course integration. The responses reflect the familiarity withmakerspace equipment and learning process allowing completion of both coursework andextracurricular and personal projects.BackgroundProject-based courses and learning continue to increase in engineering programs and degrees, asuniversities seek to overhaul their curriculum, support different methods of teaching andlearning, and satisfy new ABET criteria [2]. To support these courses, new curricular programshave been developed such as the service design program, EPICS, at Purdue, and the VerticallyIntegrated Projects (VIP) program, started at Georgia Tech [3, 4]. These programs seek tosupport project-based learning from the cornerstone, first
based on our past experiences, cultural perspectives, innocuous misconceptions, orsubjective biases. Measuring these different mental models poses a unique challenge sinceconceptualizations are held in the mind and any description of them is simply a representation ofthe mental model and not the mental model itself; in other words, we are seeing a reflection ofthe mental model through a dirty mirror. In this work, the previously published instruments usedto elicit undergraduate students’ mental models [1-3] are deployed without intervention to makeprogress on validation of the instruments for future research studies, therefore cleaning thatmetaphorical mirror. Despite the impossibility of perfectly representing a mental model, thiswork takes a
. Given that engineering starts and endswith people, it may be helpful to have students reflect on the impacts of their design work onstakeholders and the environment at different phases within the design process. Lastly, this resultalso highlights the need for the broader engineering design curriculum within senior design andpossibly earlier required courses to examine how to better support students’ thinking about theimplications of engineering and its relationship to society.The lack of deep consideration for stakeholders seen in the preliminary results of this work inprogress is consistent with previous studies of students from a large public institution.Researchers found that learning activities focused on stakeholders supported students
others interested in the project to discuss skill sets and to make ageneral determination of their compatibility as teammates.During each lab time, up to 75 students mingled and placed sticky notes on up to 25 posters. Weallocated about 45 minutes for this mingling process. Students were encouraged to monitor thenumber of sticky notes, colors, and names on a particular project poster in order to gage the levelof interest and note which other students were interested in the project. Based on thisinformation, they had the opportunity to adjust their choices. Pictures of the activity as itprogressed are shown in Figure 5.After this first 45-minute round, we asked the students to stop and reflect: Did their first-choiceproject include people with
the course, after a key milestone;and the third interview set was between 1-3 months after the end of the course project. Thisspread allowed data collection which would capture temporal and situational contexts toinfluence the data, as well as allow the liaisons to regularly reflect on the value of the project,enabling rich data.The interview methodology used followed the semi-structured, intensive interviewingapproach, where the premise is to create a directed conversation with individuals who haverelevant experiences, which – with the help of the interviewer – are reflected upon in-depth ina way that is rare in everyday life [36]. Broad open-ended questions were devised toencourage interviewees to explore the notion of value for themselves
strive forin their own learning, monitor their progress towards those goals, and adapt and self-regulatetheir cognition, behaviors, and motivation in order to reach those goals. Students who believethey can learn (personal efficacy) and perceive their efforts to learn will result in desiredoutcomes (outcome expectancy) [18], [19] are more likely to report the use of self-regulatorystrategies associated with task orientation [23], [24].Self-regulatory strategies are important because they can be used by learners to manage theiracademic time on projects or tasks, prioritize and reflect on their progress towards learning goals,and seek help when experiencing difficulty [20]. By contrast, students with low self-efficacymay perceive that they aren’t
sets were significant across the classroom types (p < .05).Figure 2. Sprint Retrospective Reports Analysis. Error bars indicate standard deviation. *indicates significant difference with Pro Mentor classroom type (p < .05).Sprint Retrospectives are progress report documents generated by the student team every 2weeks. These reports include a list of tasks committed and completed during the last workperiod (a two-week "sprint"), a breakdown of the relative effort of the team members, descriptionof the feedback received by the team from their project sponsor, and a reflection on teaminteractions.As seen in Figure 2, across the Sprint Retrospective averages, the ProTA mentored students hadthe highest average score, followed by the Fall 2019
reflects the individual student’s average rating acrossall five categories as compared the average of the team overall. This factor can then be used toadjust team deliverable scores to individual grades. CATME has been widely used in engineeringeducation across a range of disciplines and levels of students, with use at over 1000 institutionsby nearly 6000 instructors and over 300,000 students ( is important to understand the extent to which peer ratings may be influenced by unconsciousor implicit bias [8]. Studies of unconscious bias have established the following situationalelements as being more likely to result in unconscious bias: lack of information, time pressure,stress from competing tasks [9