equally difficult, or equallyvaluable. Some require significant understanding and reflection; others are straightforwardsimple tasks. By providing an indication to the students as to which milestones are which,the students have more information with which to plan their work.For instance, a ±10% error margin may be acceptable in the project specification, but a ±1%is preferable. If the accuracy milestones are rated for difficulty, students who find themselveswithin the 10% margin can then decide whether they wish to invest the time and effort toachieve the smaller tolerance, and thus the additional mark, or whether to focus their energieselsewhere.Four difficulty categories were chosen for the milestones: Easy, Standard, Hard andChallenging. The
their design. Thefinal section was a reflective analysis in which each team discussed the process of designing andtesting their improvements; specifically what worked well and what did not. This section alsoincluded proposed future improvements for their design. Ideally, the students would recognizethat many of the irreversibilites in their design presented an opportunity for potentialimprovement. Finally, this included a comparison with other sources of conversion technologiesin terms of capital costs, fuel costs, and efficiency while including proper citations. Acomparison with current technologies demonstrated that the efficiency of the student designswere roughly 1000-10,000 times less than modern engines and power plants, thus adding
howthey view their trade--“making”--and engineering. Hacker and hobbyist appeared several timesin context of making and the maker movement. Makers often referred to engineering asprofessional or single-output or similar phrases. Despite this a common theme of building andinnovating was expressed in both descriptions. It would seem that the means of making andengineering differ but the general goal overlaps. The following methods describe in further depththe results and analysis of the respondents. Page 24.881.2Makers Reflecting About MakersThe definition of Making was captured via an ad-hoc approach at the September 2013 WorldMaker Faire New York2
: the assignment is driven by a motivating problem to be addressed and requires somekind of end product, be it a report, presentation or physical artifact 2. Other commoncharacteristics of projects are students working in teams3 and the greater emphasis on theapplication, rather than acquisition, of knowledge4.Projects are a natural fit for engineering education because they reflect professional practice andprovide an opportunity for students to develop the teamwork and communication skills they willneed5. Furthermore, the broader use of projects in engineering curricula is compatible withrecommendations for improving engineering education, such as including design early in thecurriculum6. Projects are also reported to improve student
VT Engineering Com- munication Center (VTECC). She received her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in English from the University of Georgia. Her research interests include interdisciplinary collabora- tion, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include interdisciplinary pedagogy for pervasive computing design; writing across the curriculum in Statics courses; as well as a CAREER award to explore the use of e- portfolios to promote professional identity and reflective practice. Her teaching emphasizes the roles of engineers as communicators and educators, the foundations and evolution of the
, it was decided to increase the number ofsets (of 25 springs). The fact that the cost decreases as the number of ordered springs increase,was an added encouraging factor in this decision. The cost of 200 springs would be no morethan 60% (more than the 100). Table (D1), in Appendix “D” reflects on the possiblecombinations of four (4) sets of springs based on the availability of six (6) distinct sets. Table(D2), provides data for possible combinations of three (3) sets of springs5. Establishment of the Desired Range and Frequency of the Data SetsThe next step in the process is the creation of six distinct sets of samples. To accomplish thistask, the combined effect of the ranges and the frequencies of each set must be unique. There aremany
the single most important dis-criminator between a correct and incorrect forecast [25]. At the current time, student activities are numerous. Computing algorithms are studiedand implemented that convert radar data from the phased array radar into environmentalmeasurements known as spectral moments – very similar to previous researchers associatedwith conventional rotating weather radars [26, 27, 28]. Spectral moments (reflectivity, radialvelocity, and spectrum width) are the essential, required radar meteorological measurementsthat are used to make decisions about cloud locations, storms, rain fall, tornados, downbursts,hail and other interesting weather phenomena. Microbursts are strong downbursts of airfrom evolving rain-clouds which can
, targeted student interviews, classroom observations andinstructor reflection. Preliminary findings described herein will be used to informimplementation of the online learning forum in the Calculus I and II treatment sections, as wellas serve as a baseline condition for comparison with data gathered during the next phase of theproject.Introduction Efforts to graduate more engineering students and to promote their entry into the U.S.workforce as engineers are considered vital to our country’s ability to maintain a position ofglobal leadership, economic prosperity and national security1. Within Science, Technology,Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, data suggests that the U.S. is no longerproducing sufficient graduates, in terms of
both were chosen because they were good collaborators.Figure 2 illustrates the institutional diversity of our participants, using “size of institution” as aproxy measure. There were participants from small- and mid-sized public and privateuniversities, as well as from very large public universities. The majority of our participants camefrom institutions with between 10,000 and 20,000 students, potentially reflecting the distributionof engineering faculty and students more generally. Page 24.1359.3Figure 1. Locations of home institutions for Circuits VCP participants. University Enrollment 7
lab tasks, which is a small sample size, andconclusions should be considered cautiously. There does not appear to be a relationship betweenanxiety score and SSSQ post score for engagement, distress, and worry. This would imply thatthe anxiety score does not reflect stress or worry as assessed by the SSSQ as was expected.There appears to be a significant (p < 0.05) relationship between the expertise score and theSSSQ distress score. The relationship is positive, indicating that an increase in distress iscorrelated with an increase in expertise score (a surprising result). There does not appear to be arelationship between expertise score and change in SSSQ score for engagement and worry. Itshould be noted that the hard and easy tasks were
for thestepped tube, and reflection/extension. This section describes what the students are asked to doas the exercise proceeds. The entire worksheet is included as Appendix 1.To determine an equation to use for the pressure transducer the students are given two datapoints and told that the transducer is linear over its’ useful range. On the surface it is a simpletask to determine the equation of the straight line describing the calibration curve, and thestudents do manage to complete this task. However, observations during the lab exercise exposethat many students do not really understand the concept of transducer calibration and strugglewith this. While some students manage this task quite easily, others need guidance to get themgoing in
shake table experience on student understandingof concepts and the development of skills in the classroom. There was a good deal of variation across institutions in students’ responses to theselearning outcomes. These may reflect the variation in course composition of the students, Page 22.883.10characteristics of the instructors, variation in implementation of the shake tables, developmentsover time in the technology, etc. While a larger sample and a more thorough data collectioneffort necessary to estimate associations between all possible variables were beyond the scope ofthis study, we are able to partition the variance into within
experiments.III. Basis for Developing ADLabThe digital electronics aspect of the present electronic and electrical engineering curriculumat Obafemi Awolowo University has been deficient for some time. The curriculum has notbeen reviewed in close to a decade and it does not reflect the rapid changes that have beenwitnessed in high chip-count digital electronic in the last two decades. Specifically, although Page 14.163.4the design of application specific ICs are treated under the microelectronics aspect of thecurriculum, programmable logic devices are not (figure 2 shows the spectrum of digitalelectronic devices). In the laboratory however, there are
lab manual is alsorevised to reflect the new experiments. The major course component to develop higher learningskills for students is by introducing group projects related to engineering experimentation. Thispaper discusses the revamping of the course describing experiments, projects, and relatedmaterials, relevance of these experiments and projects to ABET outcomes related toexperimentation, and the evaluation of student projects and their assessments. Responses andfeedback from students are also presented to evaluate the effectiveness of new experiments andgroup projects.Course DescriptionThe following is the course description listed in the undergraduate catalog: MEEN 3210: Measurements Laboratory Credit 2 (1 hour lecture, 3 hour lab
data previously discussed.Student performance was examined relative to their starting abilities, as reflected in theircombined GPA across four prerequisite courses, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, andDifferential Equations.2 In the previous study7 that examined results from two of the four delivery modalities, student performance wasmeasured using results from 12 multiple choice questions (6 questions each from Nonlinear Equations andInterpolation) as part of the final examination. The six questions of each topic were based on the corresponding sixlevels of Bloom’s taxonomy16. Since Summer 2004, only 4 questions are asked in the final examination on each
analyzed.Previous WorkAccording to one of the well documented and widely accepted learning theories, Kolb1 in hisexperiential learning cycle theory claims that people learn best if they follow a cycle consistingof four steps (axes): experiencing (concrete experience), watching (reflective observation),thinking/modeling (abstract conceptualization), and applying/doing (active experimentation).This learning theory has been implemented in various engineering education programs such ascivil2-4, mechanical4, chemical2,3,5, industrial6, aeronautical4, and manufacturing2,3,7 engineering.While there was only a single student team that built and programmed the humanoid robotsmany other engineering and non-engineering students benefited from the workout challenge
in becomingprofessionally competent writers; such an approach often prompts for writing in draft stages andresponds to or intervenes with each draft as required, demonstrating to students that writingshould take place over time, in part to gain better control over the process (Fulwiler, 1987b;Bean, 2011).As a second example of the alignment of our approach with that of others, the teaching of higher-level writing skills, including synthesis and argumentation, in one upper-level biomedicalengineering course was done using an interactive coaching approach. One of the main lessonslearned was that writing must be assigned with sufficient time for students to receive feedback,reflect, and revise (Yalvac et al., 2007). Thus, feedback must be well
Student Assessment of LearningGains (SALG), student generated portfolios containing individual reflective statements by eachstudent8, and statistical data from the formative quizzes. The statistical data from formativequizzes is used primarily to improve formative evaluation and the level of in-class assignmentsrather than to measure summative changes in student learning.The Student Assessment of Learning Gains is used to analyze student perceptions of teamfunction, the case study, the design projects, written reports, and peer evaluations. SALG resultswere compared with one page reflective statements from each student given in the projectreports. A qualitative review of personal statements and SALG responses was performed toassess student
described as a process of “enculturation,” in which the learners arelike apprentices learning to use domain-specific knowledge as tools as they develop anunderstanding of the rules and culture rooted in the community of practice. Thus, the learningprocess should resemble the ordinary practices of the culture, which usually involvecollaboration, interaction, and social construction of knowledge. Herrington and Oliver’s [10]critical elements of situated learning provide a useful framework to analyze the learning process,which include: (1) authentic contexts, (2) authentic activities, (3) access to expert performancesand modeling, (4) multiple roles and perspectives, (5) collaborative construction of knowledge,(6) reflection, (7) articulation, and (8
discussed codes for each interview until we agreed unanimously on all codes to reduceindividual variation in perceptions about students’ statements. Second, after theme development,we conducted peer debriefing where we asked two peers with knowledge of the course redesignproject and of relevant qualitative methods who were uninvolved in the study to debrief with uson our themes from the interviews. Through this process, we uncovered any interpretive leaps wemade during theme development and further refined our themes. Third, we carried out memberchecking by sharing a complete draft of the manuscript with the interviewed students and askingwhether it accurately reflected their experiences in the course. All students approved thepresentation of their
, conference papers from 2008-2012, and a pedagogic research statement for the field, (2) personal reflections on three related conferences and a study relevant PhD theses; and (3) meeting notes of an engineering education research special interest group from 2009 – 2013. The final outline includes 13 first-level terms and 43 second-level ones.Outcome: From the three commissioned keyword outlines, Access Innovations (the nation’s largesttaxonomy creation firm) created a draft taxonomy. They integrated and refined the outlines, normalizedterms, and worked to consolidate the two-level structure into a more hierarchical one. The resultingtaxonomy (version 1) included 1,079 keywords arranged in 13 branches and seven levels.Mapping the
(i.e., average) to thequestions were 8%, 11%, and 9%, respectively, in the accumulative responses of the surveys.However, strong disagreement responses (i.e., poor) were negligible in most questions, anddisagreement responses (i.e., below average) were ranged between 0% and 5%, respectively.Active learning is generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in thelearning process.11-12 These survey-results reflected the effectiveness of learning modules invarious lab activities.15-17Some negative responses were to be considered in Questionnaire 2 which measured a level of thecomprehension of the learning modules for the POGIL lab activities. Such negative responsesshowed that students, who had limited experiences in POGIL
ofproblem-based learning are reflected in every aspect of the learning environment created.Problem-based curriculum should document accomplishments at the upper levels of Bloom'sTaxonomy Triangle. Scholars in the area of cognitive science and educational psychology have Page 22.250.2identified four features that clearly separate a problem-based curriculum from a traditional,topic-based curriculum. Dr. Barbara E. Walvoord is Fellow of the Institute for Educational Initiatives andconcurrent professor of English at the University of Notre Dame. She has been the foundingdirector of four faculty development programs and consultant to more than
beliefs about active learning, their current application of active learning exercises in their courses, and connectivity with other workshop participants.Assessment of workshop effectivenessThe impact of the workshop on participants was assessed with reflective open-ended surveyquestions. For that purpose, three surveys were developed and administered in sequence tocollect information on participants’ belief of active learning and conceptual assessmentexercises, the extent they are connected to curriculum development network, and the influence ofthe workshop on participants’ classroom practice. To accumulate data on each category, surveyswere administered at the beginning of the conference on the first day, at the end of theconference
application of test/simulation/manufacturing tools to design projects; (ii)communications skills via writing lab reports and oral project presentations, including thepresentation of data and design choices; and (iii) team skills via a modified BESTEAMS [Schmidt,et. al 1999] curriculum; all are skills used in subsequent courses.In 2006, we obtained the Circuit Concept Inventory from Helgeland and Rancor [personalcommunication, 2006]. This test was modified to reflect the content of the course and administeredto 15 students as a pre/post-test in 2007. The blue marker in Figure 1 indicates the average gainachieved by those students. Figure 1 was created in the manner of Hake [1998] who comparedlearning gains obtained in introductory physics courses that
direct or reflected beam viewing. Class IV lasers are also a fire risk as they may also ignite combustible materials.3. Components of the ePIV systemIn this section, the ePIV hardware will be discussed followed by the software. Typical operationprocedure will also be explained.3.1. ePIV hardware – Interactive ExperimentThe Interactive Experiment hardware can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2. The ePIV systemThe interactive experiment system is portable and it consists of a rugged module, housing all thesystem components. The components include a PCB mounted digital camera, a laser, an opticallens for the laser light, a small variable speed water pump, a reservoir, and aninterchangeable experiment module. All the
other ISSST sessions, reflecting back to participants whatwe heard and saw but through the lens we were developing on sustainability. To prepare for thesession, the research team spread across three concurrent sessions of ISSST, and took notesbased on the following items: 1. What do people consider “sustainability”? 2. What are things our students should understand, know, be able to do? 3. Do we see evidence of our initial gateway concepts: Time; Scale; Feedback; Energy; Modeling 4. What mentions of contexts are made: values; social; political; technical 5. To what degree are conversations focused on US or globally? 6. Any mentions of corporate, industrial, governmental, educational contexts? 7. What did we miss in
0.00 4.79 critical thinking Treats all students in a consistent R12 92.86 7.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.93 manner R13 Exams reflect the material covered 85.71 14.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.86 Willingly assists students outside of R14 78.57 21.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.79 class R15 I found this class to be challenging 64.29 28.57 0.00 0.00 7.14 0.00 4.43 Item
“big picture” themes. This project at RiceUniversity seeks to improve the effectiveness of laboratory exercises in a required undergraduatemechanical engineering system dynamics course via student-centered learning and laboratorytopics featuring haptic paddles, devices that allow users to interact via the sense of touch withvirtual environments. One outcome of these improvements is a cohesive set of laboratoryexperiments using the haptic paddles as a single experimental test bed for multiple experiments.The Haptic Paddle exercises are unique because they allow the students to analyze and buildtheir own haptic interface, or force-reflecting system. The students are able to see many subsetsof mechanical engineering come together in a series of
essentially adaptations of the R. R. Moore Industrial FatigueTesting Machines which cost in excess of $150,000. The goal is to produce an affordable and afully functional version of the apparatus that produces dependable results. The time factor forconducting fatigue testing in an educational environment has been incorporated in the designprocess. The process for the design of the apparatus, its subsystems, and the features ofcomponents are discussed. The results of two sets of tests conducted on two different materialsare presented. Summary of an assessment reflecting on the positive educational outcomes due tothe use of the EFTM is shared with the engineering community.I- IntroductionLaboratory experimentation is a critical final link for a