, is a social and discursive practice and understanding itrequires paying close attention at the micro-level. The concept of genre, in turn, highlightsthe recurrent and situated nature of discursive practices, and provides robust methodologicaltools for studying the production, reproduction, and change of discourse. For example, instudying the electronic discourse of a group of computer scientists, Orlikowski and Yates[18] identified the repertoire of genres enacted by the participants over time and showed howthese discursive actions reflected their collective purposes as well as the shared norms andrelations of their occupational community. Similarly, learning in any given setting that relieson repeated discursive acts, which can be
following conclusions are warranted: • Student’s performance at the beginning of semester is highly correlated to their performance throughout the semester. This enables developing an early alert system by monitoring students at the beginning of semester. • Early semester homework assignments, mid-term exams, and in-class practice problems can be employed as Students Performance Indicators (SPI) for developing the prediction model. • Among the considered SPIs, the in-class practice problem indicator that reflects the active involvement of students in class exercises showed the highest regression coefficient. This emphasizes the importance of student’s participation in class activities on their
studied using the implementation in a variety ofengineering schools.Acknowledgements: Support for this work is provided by the National Science Foundation Award No. DUE 1504692 and1504696. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References:[1] Crawley, E.F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D.R., and Edström, K., "Historical accounts of engineering education", Rethinking engineering education: Springer, 2014, pp. 231-255.[2] Froyd, J.E., Wankat, P.C., and Smith, K.A.," Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education", Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 100, No. Special
: built into the key program features were evaluation criteriathat efforts be “radically, suddenly, or completely new; producing fundamental, structuralchange; or going outside of or beyond existing norms and principles” [6]. With an innovativedepartment head or dean at the helm, change had to be rooted in engineering education research,a social science understanding of organizations, and a theoretical change framework that couldmove research to practice, with team composition reflecting this varied expertise. Facultydevelopment efforts, incorporation of professional practice, and a plan for scalability thatcountered anticipated obstacles had to be baked in to the original vision and project plan.With NSF investing relatively large amounts of
& Lechuga, 2017; Trowler, 2014).Researching such learning communities involves a systematic exploration of many contextualaspects, including “the culture of the institution, the administrative hierarchy, students, faculty,and external constituencies” (Pasque & Lechuga, 2017, p. 2).The recent surge in ethnographic or participant-centered, qualitative research in higher educationaligns with an increased awareness that classrooms, programs, lectures, work sessions and thelike all operate within a system that is multilayered and often hierarchical (Bryk, Sebring,Allensworth, Easton, & Luppescu, 2010). As such, final scores or reflections may hint at thecomponents, activities, and resources most useful to, or constraining the
of Peer Designed Instruction? 2. Does Peer Designed Instruction increase student motivation when compared to other courses students have taken at the University of Texas at El Paso? 3. Does motivation in this context change based on gender? 4. Does motivation in this context change based on the student having been a Student Instructor?To answer these questions, a mixed-methods approach was used to collect student feedback via athree-part survey. In the first part, a series of multiple choice and open-ended questions wereincluded to allow students the opportunity to reflect on their experience. Questions one throughten are a set of introductory open-ended questions related to the
the total activity time and total lecture time on a specific concept. From Figure9(b), we observe that the basics concept had the highest weight in the exam. However, the pointsallocated to exam questions on conditions and functions does not align well with the timeallocated for class time. Conditions, which has the least class time, accounted for 9.17% of theexam grade, whereas functions accounted only for 5.42%, despite devoting the highest amount ofclass time. This analysis empowers instructors to design fair exams based on their in-class timeallocation or adjust the in-class activities to reflect the exam expectations.Preceptor SurveyTo measure the overhead of the FEAL form administration and its impact on the preceptors’ability to
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Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education.Dr. Helen L. Chen, Stanford University Helen L. Chen is a research scientist in the Designing Education Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of ePortfolio Initiatives in the Office of the Registrar at Stanford Univer- sity. Chen earned her undergraduate degree from UCLA and her Ph.D. in Communication with a minor in Psychology from Stanford University. Her current research interests include: 1) engineering and en- trepreneurship education; 2) the pedagogy of ePortfolios and reflective practice in higher education; and 3) redesigning the traditional academic transcript. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017
. Additionally, it was found thatstudents did not want an easy course; they were aware of the challenges that lay ahead them asengineers. However, they did enjoy the excitement that the course added to their curriculum,while preparing them for their future career. The feedback reflected student’s interest in thecourse and reinforced the strong and positive elements of the course’s structure.Improving math skills, Providing community-based support system: Weatherton et al.30 tried toincrease retention by providing freshman students with academic support services in calculus andbasic mathematics. They studied the retention and performance of incoming freshmen that wereinvolved in one of four freshman interest groups (FIG), called FORCES (Focus on