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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 45 in total
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadia Kellam, University of South Carolina; Veronica Addison, University of South Carolina; Michelle Maher, University of South Carolina; Mann Llewellyn, University of Queensland; David Radcliffe, University of Queensland; Walter Peters, University of South Carolina
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
l t y P e r s p e
Conference Session
Curricula of the Past, Present, and Future
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Banzaert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John Duffy, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; David Wallace, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. His research focuses on using computation to elucidate alternatives and tradeoffs in integrated, concurrent product development involving the collaboration of many organizations and experts throughout the world. Page 11.1150.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Strategies for Integrating Service-Learning into the Engineering Core at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractWhile the pedagogy of Service-Learning (S-L) has been applied beneficially in a variety ofdisciplines, only recently have engineering
Conference Session
Use of Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margherita Landucci, Liceo Artistico Statale; Fabio Garganego, Municipality of Venice
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
into any meaningful parts.In contrast, the words trees, eating seem to be made up of two parts: the word tree, eat plusan additional element, -s (the ‘plural’) or –ing (the ‘past o present participe’). In the sameway our intuition tells us that the chemical word Fe can not be broken down into anymeaningful parts. In contrast, the word Fe(s) seems to be made up of two parts: the word Feplus an additional element (s), wich indicates the solid state of aggregation.Inflectional versus derivative morphemes‘Tree’, ‘eat’ and ‘Fe’ are called free morphemes; while ‘–s’, ‘-ing’ and ‘(s)’ are calledbound morphemes. Two or more morphemes in combination give a complex morpheme (acomplex word).Bound morphemes can be inflectional morphemes as in the above
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Sullivan, University of Utah; April Kedrowicz, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Student Teams and Design Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gül Okudan, Pennsylvania State University; Madara Ogot, Pennsylvania State University; Girish Rao, SPRINT
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
3 3 5 5 5 Statement External Search 10 6 6 9 10 4 6 8 10 S S S S Benchmarking 10 8 8 10 10 8 9 7 8 Dissection 10 8 8 9 9 2 9 8 9 Concept Generation 10 5 9 5 9 4 9 8 10 T T Concept Selection
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara Lovitts, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
characteristics (basic information about each study), evaluation(method by which the intervention was assessed), outcomes (the main result(s) of the study).Below we describe how articles were screened and selected for inclusion in the database andhow articles were coded. We then present summary data on the 307 articles that were in thedatabase on December 15, 2005, organized, in part, by the major categories mentioned above..We conclude with some observations about the state and quality of engineering educationresearch articles in the database.Article Screening and SelectionArticles were screened and selected for inclusion in the database in two phases. In the first phase(Phase One), articles were culled from chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 of a draft of
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Veronica Burrows, Arizona State University; Michael Oehrtman, Arizona State University; Anton Lawson, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. He received his Ph.D. in 1973 from the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Lawson' s research centers on the nature and development of scientific reasoning patterns such as hypothetico-deductive, probabilistic, proportional, combinatorial, analogical and correlational reasoning. Major interests involve determination of factors that influence the development of these reasoning patterns during childhood and adolescence and determination of their relationship to each other and to scientific concept acquisition. Page 11.470.1© American Society
Conference Session
Building Communities for Engineering Education Research
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Adams, Purdue University; Philip Bell, University of Washington; Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Helen Chen, Stanford University; Larry Leifer, Stanford University; Lorraine Fleming, Howard University; Bayta Maring, University of Washington; Dawn Williams, Howard University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
2006-1740: A MODEL FOR BUILDING AND SUSTAINING COMMUNITIES OFENGINEERING EDUCATION RESEARCH SCHOLARSRobin Adams, Purdue University Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She is also leads the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE). Dr. Adams received her PhD in Education, Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Washington, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Dr. Adams' research is
Conference Session
Student Teams and Design Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Durward Sobek, Montana State University; Joshua Ruder, Montana State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
doing method comparisonsthat has a fairly straightforward protocol and simple diagnostics, yet contains statisticallyrigorous internal and external validation. This work will hopefully aid in the development and Page 11.623.9validation of additional tools and methods for use in engineering education.AcknowledgementsFunding for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation, award # 9984484.References1. Wallace, K. and Burgess, S., Methods and Tools for Decision Making in Engineering Design. Design Studies, 1995, 16, 429-446.2. Pahl, G. & Beitz, W., Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach, pp. 139 and 400, 1996
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mica Hutchison, Purdue University; Deborah Follman, Purdue University; George Bodner, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
intervention techniques for the promotion of positive self-efficacy beliefs among students, aimed at ultimately increasing their achievement, success, andretention.Bibliography1. Bandura, A., Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1997.2. Pajares, F., "Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Academic Settings," Review of Educational Research, vol. 66, no. 4, 1996,pp. 543-578.3. Lent, R. W., S. D. Brown, J. Schmidt, B. Brenner, H. Lyons and D. Treistman, "Relation of ContextualSupports and Barriers to Choice Behavior in Engineering Majors: Test of Alternative Social Cognitive Models,"Journal of Counseling Psychology, vol. 50, no. 4, 2003, pp. 458-465.4. Schaefers, K. G., D. L. Epperson and M. M. Nauta, "Women's Career Development
Conference Session
Curricula of the Past, Present, and Future
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University; Robert Pangborn, Pennsylvania State University; David Wormley, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
coalitions in the early 1990’s, the NationalScience Foundation, ARPA, and other government agencies as well as private foundations havemade substantial investments to improve engineering curricula, teaching and learning practices,and the ‘pipeline’ from K-12 into engineering. In 2001, Bjorklund and Colbeck1 reported theresults of their interviews with 27 leaders of engineering colleges and professional organizationsin which they discussed change that had taken place over ten years since the founding of the firstcoalitions. The participants were asked what they believed were the two most significantchanges over that decade. Greater exposure to design and emphasis on effective teaching werementioned by ten of the 27 participants, followed closely by
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Lee, University of South Florida; Mernet Larson, University of South Florida; Jack Heller, University of South Florida; Douglas Lunsford, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
signification processes are often exclusively aimed at the sense ofvision. Thus the movement to representational signs is often synonymous with the removal ordenying of non-vision sensory experiences. Our signs and symbols usually produce visualstimuli, not acoustic, tactile, taste, or smell stimuli. In the spirit of the Good Will Hunting quote,imagine studying a diagram of a guitar and proceeding to claim detailed knowledge of a “guitar”without ever having played or listened to one. Imagine studying a recipe for a particular dishand then claiming to have an appreciation for the culinary aspects without ever experiencing theactual eating experience. Without a basis of direct knowledge of the real or representedobject(s), one might perhaps be able to
Conference Session
Climate Issues for Women Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashlyn Munson; Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines; Wanda Dann, Ithaca College; Stephen Cooper, Saint Joseph's University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
determine the effectiveness of thecurriculum at higher learning institutions, similar attitude and aptitude data are being collected. Efforts arealso underway to examine whether the Alice software can be used to introduce middle school and highschool students to programming concepts.Acknowledgments:We would like to thank Dr. William Navidi from the Colorado School of Mines for his assistance with thestatistical analysis. We would also like to thank Dr. Tracy Camp from the Colorado School of Mines forher consultation regarding computer science education.References1. Cooper, S., Dann, W., & Moskal, B. Java-Based Animation in Building viRtual Worlds for Object-oriented programming in Community colleges. NSF-DUE-0302542.2. Alice v2.ob Learn to
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students III
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brad Kinsey, University of New Hampshire; Erick Towle, University of New Hampshire; Grace Hwang, University of New Hampshire; Edward J. O'Brien, University of New Hampshire; Christopher F. Bauer, University of New Hampshire
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Foundation, 2002, NSB-02-1.3. Sorby, S., “Improving the Spatial Skills of Engineering Students: Impact on Graphics Performance and Retention”, Engineering Design and Graphics Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2001, pp. 31-6.4. Hsi, S., M. Linn, and J. Bell “The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Engineering and the Design of Spatial Instruction”, Journal of Engineering Education, April, 1997, pp. 151-8.5. Rochford, K., A.P. Fairall, A. Irving, and P. Hurly, “Academic Failure and Spatial Visualization Handicap of Undergraduate Engineering Students”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Education, Vol. 6, No. 5, 1989, pp. 741-9.6. Poole, C. and G. Stanley, “A Factorial and Predictive Study of Spatial Ability”, Australian Journal of
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Patrick Brophy, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
gatheringinformation typically considered “experience”. Such experience is typically associated with thehigher level cognitive tasks, synthesis and evaluation, as defined by Bloom and Krathwohl(1984). When used with many practitioners, the technique can yield a database of diverseexperiences that can be incorporated into course instruction and assignments. Some examples ofdata for which the critical incident technique is well suited to obtain include the following:• The criteria designers use to evaluate competing design options.• The most important factors that designers consider in making a decision about which material(s) to use.In contrast, eliciting knowledge about low- to mid-level cognitive tasks such as comprehension,application, or analysis (Bloom
Conference Session
Student Teams and Design Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Mohammed, Pennsylvania State University; Gül Okudan, Pennsylvania State University; Madara Ogot, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
teams that differ in gender composition. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 2630.16. Hirsch, P., Anderson, J., Colgate, J.E., Lake, J., Shwom, B. and Yarnoff, C. (2002). Enriching freshman design through collaboration with professional designers. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 1353.17. Design Projects,, viewed on July 6th, 2004.18. Sheppard, S., Jenison, R. (1997). Freshman engineering design experiences: An organization framework. International Journal of Engineering Education, 13(3), p 190-197.19. Amon, C.H., Finger, S., Siewiorek, D.P., and Smailagic, A. (1995). Integration of design education, research, practice at
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joachim Walther, University of Queensland; David Radcliffe, University of Queensland
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
s Educational background Family background Learning s na l nce n ti o Innate Traits
Conference Session
Factors Affecting Student Performance
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abel Fernandez, University of the Pacific; Camilla Saviz, University of the Pacific; Jeff Burmeister, University of the Pacific
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Camilla M. Saviz, Ph.D., P.E., holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Clarkson University, an MBA from the New York Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from U.C. Davis. She is currently an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of the Pacific. Dr. Saviz' research interests include measurement and modeling of hydrodynamics, water quality, and sediment transport in surface water systems. She has also served as co-principal investigator on several studies to develop and implement strategies to enhance the quality of engineering education.Jeff Burmeister, University of the Pacific Jeffrey S
Conference Session
Use of Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
K-Y Daisy Fan, Cornell University; Clare van den Blink, Cornell University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
electronic voting system and their learning outcomes. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Volume 21 (4) Page 260 - August 2005.7. Stuart, S. A. J., Brown, M. I. & Draper, S. W. (2004) Using an electronic voting system in logic lectures: one practitioner's application. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page 95 - April 20048. Carnaghan,C. & Webb, A. (2005) Investigating the Effects of Group Response Systems on Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in Accounting Education. Paper presented at the University of Waterloo accounting research workshop, the 2005 European Accounting Congress, the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association.9. Williams, J. (2003
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students III
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Guili Zhang, University of Florida; YoungKyoung Min, University of Florida; Matthew Ohland, Clemson University; Timothy Anderson, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the Summer semester or Summer quarter(s), his/her cumulative GPA at the end of the Summer is used as the cumulative GPA for the Spring semester of that academic year. Semester 1 is the first semester of enrollment and can be either the Fall or Spring term as defined above. Non- enrolled semesters do not add to the number of semesters tracked in this study. • Cumulative GPA: Grade point average for all courses taken at the University as obtained directly from the SUCCEED LDB. When a cumulative GPA for a student is missing, the Census GPA at the beginning of the following semester for that student is used. The census GPA is the cumulative GPA at census point of a semester, typically two weeks
Conference Session
Curricula of the Past, Present, and Future
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yvonne Ng, College of St. Catherine; Lori Maxfield, College of St. Catherine
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the curricular components: a. Primary Parallel: Key phrases regarding the project particulars were underlined and classified along one of the parallels. Then the paper was looked at as a whole: The primary parallel was determined by the most frequently occurring parallel. b. Secondary Parallel(s): The secondary parallels were then identified and their relationships to the other parallels were determined.These curricular design components were then considered as a whole, using the PCM. In design,each curricular component seeks to motivate, instruct, or assess students in the content areas. Byusing the PCM “lens,” the relationships of curricular components to the parallels
Conference Session
Student Misconceptions and Problem Solving Abiltiy
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University; Peggy Van Meter, Pennsylvania State University; Monica Wright, Pennsylvania State University; Jonna Kulikowich, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Student Misconceptions and Problem Solving Abiltiy
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ruth Streveler, Colorado School of Mines; Monica Geist, University of Northern Colorado; Ravel Ammerman, Colorado School of Mines; Candace Sulzbach, Colorado School of Mines; Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines; Barbara Olds, National Science Foundation and Colorado School of Mines; Mary Nelson, University of Colorado
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Applications in Power Systems Analysis, Electrical Safety, and Engineering Education. He is a member of IEEE.Candace Sulzbach, Colorado School of Mines CANDACE S. SULZBACH is a Lecturer in the Division of Engineering at Colorado School of Mines and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado. She has taught for 23 years and is the Faculty Adviser for the student chapters of the Society of Women Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers and Tau Beta Pi. She also serves on the ASCE "Committee on Student Activities."Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines RONALD L. MILLER is professor of chemical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines where he has taught chemical
Conference Session
K-12 Activities
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leilah Lyons, University of Michigan; Zbigniew Pasek, University of Windsor
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Engineering Exhibit,“ Proceedingsof the 2006 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE2006), Chicago, IL, June18-21, 2006.9. Macdonald, S. & Silverstone, R.. "Science on Display: The Representation of Scientific Controversy inMuseum Exhibitions." Public Understanding of Science 1, 1, 1992.10. Paris, S., Yambor, K, & Packard, B. "Hands-On Biology: A Museum-School-University Partnership forEnhancing Students' Interest and Learning in Science." The Elementary School Journal 98, 3, 1998.11. Sandvig, C. & Murase E. Social Research Through the Unobtrusive Observation of Network Traffic:Methodological and Ethical Challenges. In Proc. AIR 2000, AIR 2000. Consulted January 27, 2005.
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students III
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Claudia Morrell, University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Anne Spence, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Building Communities for Engineering Education Research
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi Diefes-Dux, Purdue University; Robin Adams, Purdue University; Monica Cox, Purdue University; Deborah Follman, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
development.Robin Adams, Purdue University Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She is also leads the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE). Dr. Adams received her PhD in Education, Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Washington, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Dr. Adams' research is concentrated on understanding design knowing and learning (particularly iterative cycles in design
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Turns, University of Washington; Jessica Yellin, University of Washington; Yi-Min Huang, University of Washington; Kathleen Gygi, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
identify and define our key coding categories, briefly discuss the implications ofthese different activities in terms of learning, and, finally, show examples of participantinteraction that illustrate the ideas captured by the coding category. These examples are labeledwith the associated session number (in terms of week), section identifier (Tuesday orWednesday), and participant code (Tuesday participants were indicated with S followed by anumber while Wednesday participants were indicated with T followed by a number). Thecategories are shown in alphabetical order so that no particular activity is privileged in thelisting. The next section focuses on the alignment between our results and three relevant theoriesof learning.Audience. Participants
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi Loshbaugh, Colorado School of Mines; Tawni Hoeglund, Colorado School of Mines; Ruth Streveler, Colorado School of Mines; Kimberley Breaux
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
student’s presentcapacity, making her/him stretch to acquire the new ability or knowledge. If material ispresented at a too-rapid pace or at a level that is significantly beyond the student’s ability, s/hecan become overwhelmed and frustrated; students struggle to gain mastery in such a teachingand learning environment. Additionally, the student’s emotional reaction to the difficulty furthercomplicates her/his ability to gain mastery over the new knowledge. [6] Students who feelfrustrated or defeated by their learning experiences do not gain mastery over new material.MT students repeatedly describe circumstances of unmanageable difficulty. A strong perceptionthat courses are designed to “weed” students out permeates the campus. Physics, Calculus
Conference Session
Factors Affecting Student Performance
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daria Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado-Boulder; Lawrence Carlson, University of Colorado-Boulder; Derek Reamon, University of Colorado
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
implement the lowest level of interactivity (LLI), which is still commonplaceamong engineering departments, and compare the effectiveness of MLI to LLI.Bibliographic Information1 Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 93(3), 223-231.2 Bonwell, C. & Eison, J. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University Clearinghouse.3 Campbell , W., Smith, K. (1997). New Paradigms in Engineering Education. Edina, MN: Interaction.4 Smith, K., Sheppard, S., Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (2005). Pedagogies of Engagement: Classroom-Based Practices. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94(1), 87-101.5 Ruhl, K., Hughes, C
Conference Session
Innovative Classroom Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd Johnson, Washington State University; Reid Miller, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Nikias, C. (2004, December 9). Does Engineering Have to be Boring? Viewpoint – Education Report, Engineering News Record.2. Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (1999) How People Learn. Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.3. Svinicki, M. (2004). Learning and Motivation in Postsecondary Classrooms. Bolton, MA: Anker Press.4. Fink, L., Ambrose, S., & Wheeler, D. (2005) Becoming a professional engineering educator: A role for a new era. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 185-194.5. Halpern, D., & Hakel, M. (2002). Applying the science of learning to university teaching and beyond. New Directions for Teaching and Learning(No. 89) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass