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Displaying all 30 results
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Olivia W. Murch, Purdue University ; Daniel M. Ferguson, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #22589Comparing Peer-to-Peer Written Comments and Teamwork Peer Evalua-tions.Dr. Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants Catherine E. Brawner is President of Research Triangle Educational Consultants. She received her Educational Research and Policy Analysis from NC State University in 1996. She also has an MBA from Indiana University (Bloomington) and a bachelor’s degree from Duke University. She specializes in evaluation and research in engineering education, computer science education, teacher education, and technology education. Dr. Brawner is a founding member and former
Conference Session
Motivation, Identity, and Belongingness
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Lee Perkins, North Carolina State University; Matthew Bahnson, North Carolina State University; Marissa A. Tsugawa-Nieves, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Cheryl Cass, North Carolina State University
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Educational Research and Methods
significantly more likely to skip at least one offour items: three items which asked about their salient identities when writing peer-reviewedpapers, and one that asked about participants’ overall identity as a scientist (see Table A6 foritem text and regression values).Positive and Negative AffectA 3x2 MANOVA (survey type x affect type) was run to test for effects of survey type onparticipants’ emotional state (i.e., positive or negative affect). Results indicated there was nosignificant effect of survey focus (i.e., engineering identity, identity-based motivation, and futuretime perspective) on positive or negative affect, F(4,646) = 1.075, p = .368 (see Table 1 for fullmeans, standard deviations, and univariate effects). These results indicate that
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzette R. Burckhard, South Dakota State University; Joanita M. Kant, South Dakota State University; Francis Arpan; Ross Peder Abraham, South Dakota State University; Gregory J. Michna, South Dakota State University
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Educational Research and Methods
conducted research into heavy metals concentrations in plants and soils on Pine Ridge Reservation and ethnographic research on Rosebud Reservation. That reservation research is part of an ongoing National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Pre-Engineering Education Collabora- tive led by Oglala Lakota College (a tribal college) in cooperation with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and SDSU. She has recently served as a principal investigator for a South Dakota Space Grant Consortium project designed to create interest in STEM education and careers among high school girls at Flandreau Indian School. She has publications in peer-reviewed regional conference proceedings and international journals and has recently
Conference Session
Design Thinking and Creativity
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Kirsten A. Davis, Virginia Tech; Barbara G. Ryder, Virginia Tech; Margaret O'Neil Ellis, Virginia Tech
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Educational Research and Methods
environments in different ways thantheir male peers altering their continued interest in computer science.Personal FactorsPersonal factors such as motivation, sense of belonging, personal fulfillment, and identity caninfluence persistence to degree. Research shows that while these personal factors are unique toeach student, educational environments can be structured or altered to influence some personalattributes in ways that positively impact retention.Motivation can impact how students face and persevere through challenging concepts and coursework. Research using project based computer game development has shown that assignmentscan be structured to facilitate student motivation and encourage them to work through difficultmaterial [13]. Motivational
Conference Session
Maker Communities and Authentic Problem Solving
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhammad Pervej Jahan, Miami University; Shahnaz J. Aly, Western Kentucky University
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Educational Research and Methods
other benefits of UR are found to be better operating skills of the equipment and machine tools, better understanding of technical and professional writing, better interpersonal and public speaking skills and so on. Those interpersonal and professional skills better prepare them for industry jobs. All the students participating in UR were more successful in job searches as compared to their peers. • Faculty also benefitted from UR, especially with more teaching loads at primarily undergraduate institutes. The findings from this study suggests that both faculty and students can be benefitted by engaging undergraduate students early in their college career and engaging them longer in the project
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzette R. Burckhard P.E., South Dakota State University; Joanita M. Kant, South Dakota State University; Gregory J. Michna, South Dakota State University; Ross Peder Abraham, South Dakota State University; Richard Reid P.E., South Dakota State University
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Educational Research and Methods
on Pine Ridge Reservation and ethnographic research on Rosebud Reservation. That reservation research is part of an ongoing National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Pre-Engineering Education Collabora- tive led by Oglala Lakota College (a tribal college) in cooperation with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and SDSU. She has recently served as a principal investigator for a South Dakota Space Grant Consortium project designed to create interest in STEM education and careers among high school girls at Flandreau Indian School. She has publications in peer-reviewed regional conference proceedings and international journals and has recently co-edited a book about bringing engineering to Native Hawai
Conference Session
System 1 in Engineering Education and Research
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Huff, Harding University; Kanembe Shanachilubwa, Harding University; Stephen Secules, University of Georgia
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Educational Research and Methods
interview howshe felt that she maintained a good interpersonal relationship with her engineering peers and professors.Additionally, as the epigraph of this paper indicated, Rebecca was a high-performing student and hadachieved several markers of traditional success as an engineering student, including high grades andprestigious internships. Furthermore, at the time of the interview, she had planned to pursue a degree in aprofession outside of engineering following her graduation. However, as will be clear in our findings, herrole as an engineering student was important to understanding her core identity. 1We chose to present Rebecca’s case of shame as a mechanical engineering student because it
Conference Session
Active Learning Methods in Action
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya A. Manohar, Robert Morris University; Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University; Peter Y. Wu, Robert Morris University; Mary A. Hansen, Robert Morris University
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Educational Research and Methods
-doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon Uni- versity, Pittsburgh (2001 – 2003) and BHP Institute for Steel Processing and Products, Australia (1998 – 2001). Dr. Manohar held the position of Chief Materials Scientist at Modern Industries, Pittsburgh (2003 – 2004) and Assistant Manager (Metallurgy Group), Engineering Research Center, Telco, India (1985 – 1993). He has published over 65 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences including a 2007 Best Paper Award by the Manufacturing Division of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), three review papers and three book chapters. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences. He is a member of ASM International, TMS, ACerS, AIST, ASEE
Conference Session
Social Dialogue on Diversity and Inclusion
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Urmi Ghosh-Dastidar, New York City College of Technology and the City University of New York; Diana Samaroo, New York City College of Technology and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York; Armando Dominguez Solis; Sandie Han, New York City College of Technology
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Educational Research and Methods
currently working on writing a book chapter for Algebraic and Combinatorial Computational Biology, an Elseiver publication. Additionally, Prof. Ghosh-Dastidar has extensive experience mentoring more than thirty students through different programs such as the NYC-AMP program, City Tech’s Emerging Scholar Program, and MAA NREUP grants.Dr. Diana Samaroo, NYC College of Technology and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York Diana Samaroo is an Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry Department at NYC College of Technol- ogy, CUNY. Her pedagogical research is the area of peer led team learning in Chemistry and integrating STEM into curricula. With a background in biochemistry, her research interests are in the
Conference Session
Social Dialogue on Diversity and Inclusion
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mayra S. Artiles , Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Stephanie G. Adams, Old Dominion University; Coletta E Johnson Bey, Old Dominion University
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Educational Research and Methods
expectations held for a role incumbent” [6, p. 12]. This stage consistsof the preparatory and recruitment phases of a student into the doctoral program, where the student’sknowledge about graduate education is mostly based on stereotypes and generalizations. In the formal stageof the socialization process, the student receives formal instruction regarding the role. The student, as anapprentice, observes older students in the same role of pursuing a Ph.D. and learns the normativeexpectations of the role. The student’s interactions are mostly informative and aim to integrate them into therole. The informal stage consists of the student learning of the informal expectations of the role. In thisstage, student “develop their own peer culture and social and
Conference Session
Practice III: Multimedia Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Faye Linda Wachs, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Juliana Lynn Fuqua, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Paul Morrow Nissenson, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Angela C. Shih, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Michael Pavel Ramirez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Laura Queiroz DaSilva, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ; Nguyen Nguyen; Cheyenne Romero, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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Educational Research and Methods
report improved levels of satisfaction in studies of flipped classrooms [9],[23] andspecifically in engineering courses [4],[13]. Research has shown a student preference for theflipped class model relative to traditional models [9],[24]-[27]. Student engagement within theclassroom setting and with peers is also facilitated by the flipped class model [23]. Interestingly,some research suggests high-performing students benefit more than weaker-performing studentsfrom a flipped class [27]. In addition, flipped classrooms have been shown to be impactful forretaining people of color in STEM [28].1.3 Why did we attempt a flipped class?While the flipped classroom approach may not be appropriate or effective for all types ofcourses, instructors, or
Conference Session
Active Learning Methods in Action
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Sanders, Colorado School of Mines; Sam Spiegel, Colorado School of Mines; Jennifer Zoltners Sherer, University of Pittsburgh
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Educational Research and Methods
. Examining the pattern of instructor and student activity during the observed class (seeTable 1) suggests that these activities were both active and well-aligned with the learningoutcomes. For example, the instructor only spent a small portion of class time lecturing (20%)and addressing students as a whole group (24%). Instead, he directed students to work in smallgroups, where they spent the majority of class time (76%). The instructor assigned five grouptasks during the observation and spend his time monitoring students’ work (56%) and interactingwith small groups (56%). Students, in turn, spent most of class discussing with their peers (68%)and engaging in Level 1 activities (64%), such as calculating and following procedures, andLevel 3
Conference Session
Active Learning Methods in Action
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Abney, East Carolina University; Mark Angolia, East Carolina University; Leslie Pagliari, East Carolina University
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Educational Research and Methods
demand for graduates who have hands-on experience with ERP software has increasedsignificantly [14]. More so, graduates who have completed ERP coursework have seen a nearly a$4,000 higher average salary than their peers who have no ERP experience [10]. This iscomparable to previous research that has shown career success regarding salaries and promotionsfor students related to performance on simulations [8].An effective set of simulations to develop student knowledge of business process and ERPsystems has been developed by the ERPsim Lab at HEC Montreal TheERPsim Lab has a suite of business simulations using a live SAP ERP software environmentaccessed through the SAP University Alliance (UA). The SAP UA has over 3,200
Conference Session
Practice III: Multimedia Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shamima Mithun, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Nancy Evans, Indiana University
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Educational Research and Methods
performancerelative to the traditional instructional format [14].In STEM education, the flipped classroom model has been found to be used mostly used to teachpure science and mathematics courses. This model has rarely been used to teach subjects from theapplied science, technology, and engineering fields [5]. In a recent study of fifty-eight peer-reviewed research studies on flipped learning in the higher education STEM disciplines, resultsindicate that only about 6% of these studies were conducted in the applied science, technology,and engineering domains [5]. There are a few works where a flipped model has been usedsuccessfully in the applied science, technology, and engineering disciplines ([3]; [7]; [10]; [11];[13]; [10]; [16]). Similar to the non-STEM
Conference Session
Works in Progress I
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Lei Xie, Texas A&M University; Michael Beyerlein, Texas A&M University; Rodney Boehm, Texas A&M University; Jill Zarestky, Colorado State University
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Educational Research and Methods
assess impact of good supply chain practices such as coordinated decision making in stochastic supply chains, handling supply chains during times of crisis and optimizing global supply chains on the financial health of a company. She has published her research in Journal of Business Logistics, International Jour- nal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and peer-reviewed proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.Lei Xie, Texas A&M University Lei Xie is a doctoral student at Texas A&M University. He is currently majoring in Human Resource Development in the Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development. His research interests include conflict
Conference Session
Cognitive Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin David Lutz, Oregon State University; Allyson Jo Barlow, Oregon State University; Nathaniel Hunsu, University of Georgia; Cassandra J. Groen, Virginia Tech; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Olusola Adesope, Washington State University; Denise Rutledge Simmons P.E., Virginia Tech
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Educational Research and Methods
social engagement is a critical component of an engineering students’ educationalexperience. Students who are more engaged with their university, social groups, courses, andother aspects of university life are more likely to succeed and perform higher than their lessengaged peers. As a result, it is critical that educators, administrators, and other key stakeholders,work to increase students’ engagement within engineering classrooms and the field ofengineering broadly. Though most engineering education researchers are in agreement regardingthe importance of student engagement for learning and success in school, articulating howengagement is manifested in observable, measurable ways within the classroom remains asignificant challenge within the
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Cao, Oregon State University; Christina Smith, Brown University; Benjamin David Lutz, Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
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Educational Research and Methods
active learning environments and thus increase studentengagement and improve learning [2] - [4]. To realize and enhance active learning classes,undergraduate learning assistants (LAs) appear as catalysts. LAs are undergraduate students whohave typically completed the particular course and return to assist with its instruction. PracticingLAs increase interactive engagement of the students in active learning classes by providing near-peer help. The processes of facilitating student learning are also construed as a learningexperience of LAs themselves.The generalized LA program developed by the Learning Assistant Alliance has three coreelements [5]. First, LAs receive professional development in pedagogy during their firstacademic term as an LA
Conference Session
Institutional Change
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Massie Chance, Dublin Institute of Technology ; Gavin Duffy, Dublin Institute of Technology
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Educational Research and Methods
experience atthis institution of converting a physics course to PBL (Bowe & Cohen, 2004), supervisingeducation research PhD projects, and reading and writing about the topic (Bowe, 2007).While this effort seems minor in comparison to institutions like as Aalborg (Moesby, 2002), it wasa significant development for engineering education at DIT, and it has been sustained in the periodof years since this case study was conducted. The shift is in line with recommendations byEastman, McCracken, and Newstetter (2001), McKenna et al. (2011) and the National ScienceBoard (2007). As such, the context for our study was this prevalent and sustained transformation—from a traditional teacher-centered pedagogy to student-centered learning—through
Conference Session
Practice II: Curricular Innovations
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan M. Hicks, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Kerrie A. Douglas, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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Educational Research and Methods
grading in the semester prior to the implementation of training versusthat of the semesters that used training. In the future, this data will be used to further modifygrading and training procedures, and data will continue to be collected and analyzed.References[1] ABET, “Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2017 - 2018,” 2016.[2] G. W. Clough, “The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century,” Washington, DC, USA, 2004.[3] P. E. Dickson, T. Dragon, and A. Lee, “Using undergraduate teaching assistants in small classes,” Proc. 2017 ACM SIGCSE Tech. Symp. Comput. Sci. Educ., pp. 165–170, 2017.[4] S. Ashton and R. S. Davies, “Using scaffolded rubrics to improve peer assessment in a MOOC writing
Conference Session
Practice I: Academic Success
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pradeep Kashinath Waychal, Western Michigan University; Charles Henderson, Western Michigan University
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Educational Research and Methods
at College of Engineering Pune (COEP) as the founder head of the innovation Center. Dr Waychal earned his Ph D in the area of developing Innovation Competencies in Information System Organizations from IIT Bombay and M Tech in Control Engineering from IIT Delhi. He has presented keynote / invited talks in many high prole international conferences and has published papers in peer- reviewed journals. He / his teams have won awards in Engineering Education, Innovation, Six Sigma, and Knowledge Management at international events. His current research interests are engineering edu- cation, software engineering, and developing innovative entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. He was chosen as one of the five outstanding
Conference Session
Maker Communities and Authentic Problem Solving
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Carol Hulls P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Derek Wright P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Andrew J. B. Milne, University of Waterloo, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering; Eugene Li, University of Waterloo; Sanjeev Bedi P.Eng., University of Waterloo
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Educational Research and Methods
callEngineering Design Days, has been implemented in slightly different ways to engage the variouscohorts of students and to investigate best practices.Each instance is two days with no traditional classes, labs, or tutorials, where the students workin teams to design and build solutions to open-ended problems. These problems are designed tointegrate knowledge from across multiple courses. Students solve design problems by makingphysical systems using off-the-shelf components. The solutions are presented and tested in frontof their peers at the end of the second day.Students and course instructors from each implementation provided feedback through surveys,focus groups, and interviews. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and indicates anincrease
Conference Session
Cognitive Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rongrong Liu; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Educational Research and Methods
been produced before, newproduct, very innovative. If there was any company that thought of the plan as recommendable,then it could be put into production. It’s an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest, so for it beput into production, we needed to write the business plan in the start-up part, the final proposalwas a commercial proposal.”—Linda “When we finished the product…we had to change our thinking into, just as our teacher said,project management thinking, how we can better sell our product, presenting it to the audience,how we can introduce the product to those experts to catch their interests and how to present itsfunctions in a better way. Different ways of presenting can have very different effects.”—DavidFeasibility
Conference Session
Assessment and Research Tools
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carey Whitehair; Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Educational Research and Methods
the role of peer mentoring andsocialization in most graduate departments 19–21. Other research at the graduate level has hinted atthe role that non-technical competencies have in the ability to complete, such as academicengineering writing 22. However, the psychological decision-making processes by which studentsdecide to leave their programs is still unknown and represents an enormous gap in the scholarship.Furthermore, it is important to employ creative sampling methods in order to study students whoare actually considering leaving or who have left their programs, but this has proven to be quitedifficult.The explicit objective of a broader project this paper represents is to capture and analyze thenarratives of engineering graduate student
Conference Session
Research Methods
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University - Engineering Education; Karen Hazel Washburn Washburn, Utah State University; Indhira María Hasbún, Virginia Tech
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Educational Research and Methods
a search using the terms “culturally 1responsive” in peer-reviewed qualitative methodology journals such as Qualitative Inquiry andInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods. If a validation strategy related to culturalresponsiveness appeared in two or more articles, we discussed its application to Walther et al.’sframework and to engineering educational research in general. We then included it in our review.However, this review is not intended to be an exhaustive search or comprehensive systematicreview on validation strategies, and thus there may have been validation strategies that wemissed due to our limited search methods
Conference Session
Problem Solving, Adaptive Expertise, and Social Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carolyn Plumb, Montana State University; Rose M. Marra, University of Missouri; Douglas J. Hacker, University of Utah; John Dunlosky
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Educational Research and Methods
assistant/associate professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research at The University of Memphis. During those years, he worked in the areas of reading and writing processes, metacognition, self-regulated learning, teacher education, and school and program evaluation. Dr. Hacker moved to the University of Utah in 1999 and has continued his research in the previous areas and has added to them research in the area of the detection of deception. Also at the University of Utah, he served as chair of the Teaching and Learning Department. His publications have appeared in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, and
Conference Session
Motivation, Identity, and Belongingness
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan D. Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Michael D. Gross, Wake Forest University
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Educational Research and Methods
environments with the goal of improving learning opportunities for students and equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities. One of the founding faculty at Olin Col- lege, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creating curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests, motivation, and desire to persist in engineering. Through this work, outreach, and
Conference Session
Practice III: Multimedia Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John T. Solomon, Tuskegee University; Eric Hamilton, Pepperdine University; Vimal Kumar Viswanathan, San Jose State University; Chitra R. Nayak, Tuskegee University; Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee University
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Educational Research and Methods
maximum) In-class Lecture, students takes Lecture using KACIE video (5-15 min.) notes, solve problems Each student work on his/her KACIE based on white board sheet developed for EACH of the demos concepts Mandatory submission of sheets Peer discussions allowed Teacher work with individuals on demand Repeated view of video lectures
Conference Session
Social Dialogue on Diversity and Inclusion
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego; Beena Sukumaran, Rowan University; Ella Lee Ingram, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Anthony A. Maciejewski, Colorado State University; James D. Sweeney, Oregon State University; Thomas Martin, Virginia Tech; Joseph M. LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeremi S. London, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Noah Salzman, Boise State University
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Educational Research and Methods
faculty at Rowan University since 1998 and is currently Professor and President’s Fellow. She was Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering until very recently. Under her leadership, the Civil and Environmental Engineering Program had seen considerable growth in student and faculty numbers. Her area of expertise is in micro-geomechanics and has published over 100 peer reviewed conference and journal papers including several papers on engineering education and the unique undergraduate curriculum at Rowan University, especially the Engineering Clinics. She has been involved in various outreach activities to recruit more women and minorities into engineering and is Program Chair Elect of the Women in Engineering
Conference Session
Cognitive Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Petr Johanes, Stanford University
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withresearch and/or engineering problems that lend themselves to integration. Then, the task of thestudents is to assemble the insights and techniques they believe to be the most pertinent and findways to verify their attempt with their peers. This is by no means an easy task, but one that materialsscientists and engineers routinely engage in.What kinds of assessments can we craft for evaluating students’ integration capability? Thisremains an open question. Nonetheless, below are some ideas: • Recognizing diverse epistemologies o What kind of questions about [phenomenon] would be interesting to [community]? o When publishing a paper with a brand-new finding, what do you think are the standards that [community] would
Conference Session
Motivation, Identity, and Belongingness
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacqueline Ann Rohde, Purdue University; Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Geoff Potvin, Florida International University; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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, 2].In engineering education research, belongingness is often investigated through the experiences ofwomen in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) majors and careers [6, 7].Tonso found that “Women belonged only in the social arenas of Greek societies, not asengineers” [8, p. 365]. Women were excluded from the social activities in engineering availableto their male peers and thus had decreased perceptions of belonging. In a survey of 288undergraduate engineering students, Cech and colleagues [9] found that students, especiallywomen, who developed confidence in their fit with the engineering profession were more likelyto persist in engineering. Other studies have also shown that creating an alignment betweenwomen’s