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Displaying results 481 - 510 of 759 in total
Conference Session
Assessment & Accreditation in ECE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zia A. Yamayee, University of Portland; Peter M. Osterberg, University of Portland
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Electrical and Computer
curriculum are involved in course-embeddedassessment. The choice of courses is guided by the followingprinciples: • Each Student Outcome will be assessed with student work in a course(s) termed “benchmark course(s).” • Required courses in the program curriculum will be selected as benchmark courses. We chose this approach because all students take the required courses. • Although a benchmark course will likely address multiple Student Outcomes, typically one or two of its learning outcomes will be designated for course-embedded assessment. • Because Student Outcomes are assessed in two groups on a rotating schedule, the benchmark courses are organized and assessed in two alternating
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas E. Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology
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Electrical and Computer
.99CH37011 2, 12D4/26–12D4/31 (Stripes Publishing L.L.C, 1999).[13] Erwin, B., Cyr, M. & Rogers, C. LEGO Engineer and RoboLab: Teaching Engineering withLabVIEW from Kindergarten to Graduate School. at[14] Williams, A. B. The qualitative impact of using LEGO MINDSTORMS robots to teach computerengineering. IEEE Trans. Educ. 46, 206–206, 2003.[15] Grahame, K. S., Freeman, S., Goldthwaite, D., Love, J., Pfluger, C., Maheswaran, B., Hertz, J., Variawa, C.,"Shall I Try This? An interactive workshop on assessing hands-on teaching", American Society for EngineeringEducation (ASEE) Northeast Section Conference, Boston, MA, April 30, 2015.[16] Hitt, J. Problem-Based Learning in Engineering. United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 2010.[17] Bédard
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 6
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
H. Bryan Riley, Ohio University
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Electrical and Computer
technologies and areas. As part of the background and familiarizationapplying them to a robotics/machine intelligence application. with current autonomous vehicle relatedSuch applications require efficient, reliable, and high technologies, the students reviewed consumerperformance sensors. The paper reports the rationale for product literature including documentation on theselection of an IR sensor rather than ultrasonic sensors, Audi A4, Tesla Model S, and Chevy Bolt by GM,RADAR, or a camera to perform the sensing function. technical reports, along with many IEEE conferenceAfterwards the team proceeded with the design, papers. Students became aware of many
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 8
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Faycal Saffih, University of Waterloo
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Electrical and Computer
Paper ID #17771Artificially Intelligent Method (AIM) for STEM-based Electrical Engineer-ing Education and Pedagogy Case Study: MicroelectronicsDr. Faycal Saffih, University of Waterloo Dr. Fayc¸al Saffih (IEEE, 2000) received B.Sc. (Best Honors) in Solid-State Physics from University of S´etif-1, Algeria, in 1996, M.Sc. degree in Bio-Physics from University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1998, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2005. In 2006, he joined the Communication Research Laboratory, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, where he developed a versatile FPGA
Conference Session
New ECE Laboratories
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Junfei Li P.E., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Cara Li; Jae Sok Son, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Weidong Kuang, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Edgar Gil, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
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Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
shows that the first error in the sourceis highlighted after compilation error occurs. This will help students fix the compilation errorsone at a time. Fig. 1b shows the simulation results where s=1, f=i[1]=1. This is important forstudents to identify logical errors as the simulation is fast and doesn’t need the hardware board.Fig. 1c shows the DE2 board interface. Eighteen switches and four key presses are used as inputscontrolled by mouse clicks on a computer. Eighteen led red lights, eight led green lights and, eight7-segment displays are used as outputs. Anyone can access the board as a viewer. When there aremultiple users using the board as controllers, since there is only one hardware board there is awaitlist. The active controller is set
Conference Session
New Developments in ECE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alan Johnston, Villanova University; Edward Stephen Char Jr.
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. References[1] CubeSat, Accessed on: January 30, 2020. [Online]. Available:[2] The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, Accessed on: January 30, 2020. [Online].Available:[3] Spencer, Mark, ETP CubeSat Simulator (Part 1, the technical part), Accessed on:January 30, 2020. [Online]. Available:[4] The CubeSat Simulator Project Page, Accessed on: January 30, 2020. [Online].Available:[5] Caverly, R. H., & Weinstein, R., & O'Brien, J. C., & Park, S., & Char, E. S., & Komlos,J. (2015, June), A Core Course Component in a Project-based First-year EngineeringExperience Paper presented at 2015
Conference Session
ECE Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosemarie Guzman, University of the Pacific; Michael Golanbari, University of the Pacific
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
designed and incorporated into the existing prints. Because installation of a fullyfunctional temperature monitor device and completion of Unit 3’s annunciator system will mostlikely not occur until mid-2008, a scaled down example of a temperature monitor is used in thisproject for demonstration purposes. The scaled down example successfully demonstrates theoperation of the temperature monitoring process and activation of the alarm and unit trip at settemperature points.Theoretical BackgroundCalifornia’s State Water Project is the largest state-built multipurpose water project in thecountry. With construction beginning in 1957 and continuing indefinitely, it is comprised of 29storage facilities, 18 pumping plants, four pumping-generating plants
Conference Session
ECE Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Doug Sterk, Virginia Tech; Tim Thacker, Virginia Tech; Elizabeth Tranter, Virginia Tech; Richard Goff, Virginia Tech; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
unique in their integration intothe Center’s diversity strategic plan, which specifies the goals, commitments, and results for eachpartner campus in the areas of student recruitment and undergraduate program development.Through the CPES Education Program, REU and LSAMP REU participants have theopportunity to apply for short-term travel scholarships, which enable their continuedparticipation in Center-related research during the academic year. This has proved an effectivemechanism for continued engagement of undergraduates in Center programs, and occasionally,for integration of summer research into the student’s undergraduate capstone design project(s).The Center’s consortium format also allows participants from partner universities to establish
Conference Session
ECE Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Idowu, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Gordon Brinton, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Harley Hartman, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Scott Neuhard, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Resmy Abraham, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Eric Boyer, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
100 N VA 0 J N I W S Installed Gen. Capacity K E N Consumption
Conference Session
Recruitment, Retention and First-year Programs in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Howe, University of Evansville; Dick Blandford, University of Evansville
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. Version R2012a2. Chiang, K.H., Evans, B.L., Huang, W.T., Kova, F., Lee, E. A. Messerschmitt, D.G, Reekie, h.J., and Sastry, S. S.,Real-Time DSP For Sophomores Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1996. ICASSP-96. ConferenceProceedings, 1996 IEEE International Conference, May, 1996.3. Hoffbeck, J.P. "Enhance Your DSP Course With These Interesting Projects" ASEE Annual Conventionpresentation, 2012, San Antonio, Texas.4. Black, B.A., "Implementing DSP First at Rose-Hulman", Proceedings of IEEE SPE, 2000 - spib.ece.rice.eduMcClellan, J.H., Schafer, R. W., Yoder, M.A., "Experiences in teaching DSP first in the ECE curriculum",Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1997. ICASSP-97., 1997 IEEE International Conference, April, 19975. Maher
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University
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Electrical and Computer
noise; using ADS in amplifier design;transistor biasing; nonlinear effects and their measurement; power amplifiers; mixers; completereceiver design. Weekly lab activities include: design and test of Wilkinson and quadrature- Page 23.198.2hybrid combiners; active devices and their DC and S-parameter characterization; design ofamplifier matching circuits; LNA design and layout; noise figure measurement of amplifiers andother devices; using ADS to design amplifiers; on-wafer measurements using probe stations.Emphasis during this term is on producing a working prototype of an active circuit, e.g.designing, fabricating and testing an LNA using
Conference Session
ECE Curriculum Improvement
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arlen Planting, Boise State University; Sin Ming Loo, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
the current industry features provide. If the FPGA-based developmentboards currently used for the course were to become obsolete, there are currently at least fourother off-the-shelf boards that could be used as is or readily adapted to continue using the same Page 25.866.7processors. Even though the original reason for and usage of the soft core processor in themicroprocessors course at Boise State University have evolved, the soft core processor continuesto provide a viable and relatively stable platform for teaching the basics of microprocessors.Bibliography1. A. Planting and S. Ming Loo, “On the Use of a Soft-Core Processor in Junior
Conference Session
New ECE Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lin Zhao, Gannon University; Yuzhe Zhang, Gannon University; Jiawei Zhang, Gannon University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Education annual conference 2011. [13]. Bret Bosma and Gregory Kallio, “Renewable-energy labs for an undergraduate energy-systems course”, ASEE annual conference 2009, paper AC 2009-1621. [14]. Bosco Mansel Oliver, John R. Wagner, Elham B. Makram, and Rajendra Singh, “Renewable energy education at Clemson University-A certification program with solar, wind & electrical grid classes” ASEE 2013, M526 [15]. Tan Ma, Osama A. Mohammed, and Ahmed Taha Elsayed, “educational experiments in renewable energy analysis, forecasting, and management in hybrid power system”. ASEE 2013, T526 [16]. Oxana S. Pantchenko, Tiffany Wise, Michael S. Issacson, and Ali Shakouri, “enhancing student
Conference Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bradley Lance Pirtle, University of Oklahoma; Chad Eric Davis P.E., University of Oklahoma; Jessica E Ruyle, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
“that is what I am going to do when Iget to college”. OU-ECE plans to use the Capacitive Touch Workshop again in future outreachevents in order to better assess its effectiveness. VI. References:[1] "America Desperately Needs More STEM Students. Here's How to Get Them." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 09 July 2012. Web. 03 Jan. 2014.[2] Engler, John. "STEM Education Is the Key to the U.S.'s Economic Future." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 15 June 2012. Web. 03 Jan. 2014.[3] Zimmer, Marc. "Are American Scientists an Endangered Species? | Inside Higher Ed."Are American Scientists an Endangered Species? | Inside Higher Ed. Inside Higher Ed, 2 July 2007. Web. 03 Jan. 2014.[4] C. Davis, M. Yeary, and J. Sluss, “Results and best
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Meehan, Virginia Tech; David Fritz, VA Tech
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
concepts inelectrical and computer engineering at a much deeper level so that they can participate fully inthe design, construction, and testing of mechanical systems. This is forcing changes in theundergraduate ME curriculum. Starting in the 1970‟s,5,6 microprocessors have been incorporatedinto ME courses, usually in a senior technical elective or laboratory course at a number ofschools. Coursework on mechatronics, a discipline form at the overlap between mechanical,electrical, and computer engineering, exist in almost all engineering schools with minors anddegree programs available at some institutions.While a two-course sequence in mechatronics is routinely offered to seniors at Virginia Tech anda Minor in Mechatronics is under consideration
Conference Session
Software and Web-based Learning in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anahita Zarei, University of the Pacific; Jinzhu Gao, University of the Pacific; Jason Roy Ortiz; Alan Joe
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
validuniversity ID numbers. We are planning to make this resource available to the public uponadministrative approval.Bibliography[1] W. Swart and Bengu, “A computer-aided, total quality approach to manufacturing education inengineering,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 415–422.[2] “nsf08204.pdf.” [Online]. Available:[3] C. A. Canesin, F. A. S. Goncalves, and L. P. Sampaio, “Simulation tools for power electronics coursesbased on java technologies,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 580–586, Nov. 2010.[4] Fraser, D.M., R. Pillay, R.L. Tjatindi, and J.M. Case. “Enhancing the learning of fluid mechanicsusing computer simulations”. Journal of Engineering Education 96 (4
Conference Session
Projects in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheila Patricia Werth, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kaung Myat Win, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Sergey N. Makarov, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
(and perhaps more expensive) radio laboratories are available – see [3]-[7].Bibliography1. S. Makarov, R. Ludwig, and S. Bitar, Electric Circuits and Circuit Components, Wiley Custom, Hoboken, NJ, 2011, ISBN 978-1-118-23356-8.2. Laboratory #6, ECE2010-Intro to ECE, ECE Dept., WPI 2011-2012.3. Online: Online: Online: Online: Online:
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John J. Devore, Kansas State University; David L. Soldan, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
very easy todetermine which product terms are true, and for those that are false to determine exactly whythey are false (i.e. which literal(s) is(are) false). Performing this inspection for all combinationsof inputs for simple sets of equations, or an interesting subset of those combinations for complexsets, can lead to an in-depth understanding of any specific design and of HDL described designsin general. As stated earlier, both combinational and sequential logic are supported inVisiBoole. Combinational assignment equations have only a variable name to the left of anequal sign. Sequential logic assignments use a variable name with a “.d” sufix. When formattedfor the display, the variable name and the “.d” are separated by a space. The
Conference Session
Technology in the ECE Classroom
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dale S.L. Dolan, California Polytechnic State University; Vladimir I. Prodanov, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Taufik Taufik, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
”, Information and Management 43 (1) (2006), pp. 15–273. P. Herder, E. Subrahmanian, S. Talukdar, A. Turk, W. Westerberg, “ S”. “The use of video-taped lectures and web-based communications in teaching: A distance-teaching and cross-Atlantic collaboration experiment”, European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 27, Issue 1, pp. 39 – 48, March 2002 Page 22.1335.7Appendix A LECTURE VIDEO SURVEY This questionnaire is designed to assess your perceptions of the use of lecture videos as a means to increase time for in class problem solving applications. Please answer the questions as
Conference Session
ABET Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Improvement in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tammie Lea Cumming, New York City College of Technology, CUNY; Iem Heng, New York City College of Technology; Rachel Tsang, New York City College of Technology, CUNY
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Weight Outcomes /Performance Questions Value Classification of test Criteria #s Use basic laws (Ohm’s 3(b) – 3: Apply Knowledge 1/(30) 2 1.89 law, power law, appropriate Comprehension 1/(29) 3 2.83 Kirchhoff’s law) to knowledge of Analysis 1/(24) 5 4.72 analyze and solve series scientific, circuits, parallel
Conference Session
Technology in the ECE Classroom
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul J. Weber, Lake Superior State University
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Electrical and Computer
of the each classperiod which the students were required to answer prior to the start of the next class period. Todo so, students were required to log into a course management system (CMS), within which thequestions were posted. For these classes, the chosen CMS was Blackboard, but similartechniques could be used in other CMSs. Immediately after answering the questions, studentswere provided with the correct response(s) to the question. In addition, the answers were alsoused as part of a brief recap of that lecture during the next class period, and time was madeavailable for discussion about the questions. Page 22.1528.2The remainder of the
Conference Session
Innovations in Power Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed Sean Monemi, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Nipun M. Patel; Jesse Gurr; Yee Cheung Tsang; Christopher John Bolton; Bryon Scott Watkins
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. S. Monemi, B. Watkins, C. Bolton, A. Manimbo, Y.C. Tsang, N. Patel, J. Gurr, J. Huynh, “Smart Grid Design and Implementation” Senior Project Report, Cal Poly Pomona, June 2010.2. S. Monemi, “An outage Restoration Management System for Power Distribution Networks” ESRI Electric and Gas user conference, Fall 1999, Phoenix, AZ.3. Brown and Vranesic, “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design”, 2003, McGraw Hill.4. R.C. Jaeger and T.N. Blalock, “Microelectronic Circuit Design”, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, N. Y. 2008.5. Mazidi, McKinlay, and Causey, “PIC Microcontroller and Embedded systems using assembly and C for PIC18”,Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2008
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Gibbon, University of The Witwatersrand; Ian Jandrell, University of the Witwatersrand
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Electrical and Computer
AC 2010-695: CHANGING THE MINDSET: THE LECTURER’S RESPONSIBILITYWHEN PRESENTING A FIRST YEAR COURSE.George Gibbon, University of The Witwatersrand George Gibbon obtained a National Diploma in 1973 and was awarded an MSc(Eng) in 1990 and a PhD in 1995 by the University of the Witwatersrand. Before joining Wits in 1986 he worked at S A Philips (now Philips South Africa) from 1971 to 1974, and the Chamber of Mines Research Laboratories (1974-1986) where he was responsible for the design and development of instrumentation for seismic, rock mechanic and sequential blasting research. His research interests include measurement systems, marine electromagnetic radiation and its influence on sharks
Conference Session
ABET Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Improvement in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra A. Yost, University of Detroit Mercy; Elizabeth Roberts-Kirchhoff, University of Detroit Mercy; Pamela Zarkowski, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
EngineeringPrograms on ABET Inc.’s website. 2The University of Detroit Mercy is currently designing a new Core Curriculum that is based onstudent learning outcomes. Engineering and other externally accredited programs are anticipatingthe flow of assessment information from the liberal education part of the core to satisfyaccreditation criteria. (To date, systemic assessment of the current core has not taken place, atleast not in a form that is made available to all academic units.) Key aspects of the core will bedelivered by departments whose members are relatively new, and in some cases resistant, tooutcomes based assessment. Thus it is critical for those within the institution who haveassessment expertise to partner with those who will be delivering the
Conference Session
Teaching Analog and Digital Communication: Novel Ideas for Lecture Courses, Laboratories, and Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay Wierer, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Edward W. Chandler, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Electrical and Computer
. The TIMS-provided Page 22.203.5experiment was modified in several ways. First, a careful distinction is made between powersignal-to-noise ratio, S/N, and the energy signal-to-noise ratio, Eb/No commonly encountered forplots of bit error rate (BER). The theoretical plots are actually in terms of Eb/No, although thevalues of S/N and Eb/No are approximately equal for the signaling in this experiment. Secondly,the observation of eye diagrams with various levels of noise is done in this BER experimentrather than as a separate experiment. Another modification was to have the students observe thesignal that has a pulse at each sampling time (called
Conference Session
Web-based Learning in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sumit Dutta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Shreya Prakash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; David Estrada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Eric Pop, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
NDSEG Graduate Fel-lowships (D.E.), and the NASA Aeronautics Scholarship (S.D.).Bibliography1. J. Santos, et al., "Instrumentation remote control through Internet with PHP," in IEEE International Conference on VECIMS, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008, pp. 41-4.2. H. A. Basher and S. A. Isa, "On-campus and online virtual laboratory experiments with LabVIEW," in IEEE SoutheastCon, Memphis, TN, 2006, pp. 325-30.3. D. Grimaldi, et al., "Java-based distributed measurement systems," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 47, pp. 100-103, Feb 1998.4. W. Winiecki and M. Karkowski, "A new Java-based software environment for distributed measuring systems design," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Conference Session
Web-based Learning in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dale Buechler, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
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Electrical and Computer
Traditional Electrical Engineering Courses for Non-Traditional Students,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 20083. M. Plett, D. Peter, S. Parsons, and B. Gjerding, "The Virtual Synchronous Classroom: Real Time Off-Campus Classroom Participation with Adobe Connect," Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2008.4. J. Crofton, J. Rogers, C. Pugh, K. Evans, "The Use of Elluminate Distance-Learning Software in Engineering Education," Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June, 2008.5. H. Salehfar, J. Watson, and A. Johnson, "Internet Based Class Presentations to Enhance Distance Engineering Degree," Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander Ganago, University of Michigan; Inger Bergom, University of Michigan; Britton Wolfe, Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Woolfolk: The educational psychology of teacher efficacy. Educational Psychology Review, 16, 153–176. 4. Ashton, P. T. & Webb, R. B. (1986). Teachers' sense of efficacy, classroom behavior, and student achievement. In P. T. Ashton and R. B. Webb (Eds.), Teachers' sense of efficacy and student achievement. 125-144. 5. Coladarci, T. (1992). Teachers' sense of efficacy and commitment to teaching. Journal of Experimental Education, 60(4), 323-337. 6. Midgley, C., Feldlaufer, H. & Eccles, J. S. (1989). Change in teacher efficacy and student self- and task-related beliefs in mathematics during the transition to junior high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81(2), 247-258. 7. Ross, J. A. (1992). Teacher
Conference Session
Innovations in Computer Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph P Hoffbeck, University of Portland
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Electrical and Computer
(see the 555 datasheet for details). It is unlikelythat a tie will occur if the clock frequency is very high.A breadboard with the circuit was passed around during the lecture so that students could see thecircuit in operation (see Figure 2). Vcc CD4013BE 14 Vcc LED 0 6 Vcc S q0' 1 14 3 5 q 1 q0
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Ellingson, U. of St. Thomas, School of Engineering; Kundan Nepal, University of Saint Thomas; Megan Rose McGill, University of St. Thomas; Mitchell J Hoffmann, University of St. Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
undergraduateengineering curriculum.Our project, which began with the intent of programming a robot to give guided tours of ourengineering department, allowed us to explore many topics in robotics including multi-floormapping and navigation. Using a Turtlebot[6], as shown in Figure 1, and the Robot OperatingSystem (ROS) environment, our team successfully developed a mapping and navigation systemcapable of guiding a robot through the hallways and elevator in our engineering department. Page 23.917.2 ASUS netbook Kinect Speaker s