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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 160 in total
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yufang Jin, University of Texas, San Antonio; Timothy Yuen, University of Texas, San Antonio; Stephanie Ann Garcia, University of Texas, San Antonio; Robin Lynn Nelson, University of Texas, San Antonio; Ruitao Jin, University of Texas, San Antonio
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Electrical and Computer
capability for engineering education.Dr. Timothy Yuen, University of Texas at San Antonio Timothy T. Yuen is an Associate Professor of Instructional Technology in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research investigates how learning technologies and transformative practices can improve learning, engage students, and broaden participa- tion in computer science and engineering.Stephanie Ann Garcia, University of Texas, San Antonio Stephanie Garcia is a Graduate Research Assistant with a MAED from the University of Texas at San Antonio with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction. Her work with TRESTLE involves training Peer Assisted Learners (PALs) and
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 13
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Afroditi Vennie Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University; Umit Ozgur, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Electrical and Computer
(s)”, as in an industrial setting. In this way, we acknowledge the different nature of the dynamic between ourselves and the students while reminding them that we have the responsibility to evaluate their performance throughout this experience. It also sets the stage for how we establish the reporting structure as well as the self- and peer evaluations. 4. Discuss the syllabus and the expectations rubric in terms of an “employee evaluation”; in an industry environment, these would be the goals of the project as well as expectations of individual employee performance and attitude towards the task at hand as well as towards their colleagues. The rubric is more qualitative than quantitative, emphasizing
Conference Session
Capstone Design in ECE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Borowczak, Erebus Labs; Andrea Carneal Burrows Borowczak, University of Wyoming
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Electrical and Computer
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. In addition to his industry experience, he has spent two years, while completing his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, as a National Science Foun- dation GK-12 fellow - teaching and bring real-word STEM applications in two urban high schools. He has authored peer-reviewed articles, presented at national/international conferences, and taught under- graduate/graduate courses in both Hardware Security (computer science & engineering) as well as STEM Education and Outreach.Dr. Andrea Carneal Burrows, University of Wyoming Dr. Andrea C. Burrows received a Curriculum and Instruction: Science Specialization research Ed.D. from the University of Cincinnati, M.S. in Science
Conference Session
Insights for Teaching ECE Courses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bridget Benson, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Joseph Callenes, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Amin Malek, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Electrical and Computer
lecture and lab are combined in one course setting) that meets for 110minute time blocks, 3 times per week, for 10 weeks. The course leads students throughdesigning a 32-bit RISC-V processor in SystemVerilog (a hardware description language) andteaches students how to write assembly and C code to run on their processors. We implementedthe diversity and inclusion activities in two sections of the same course (one section had 25students while the other had 30 students) taught by the same instructor.Getting Students to Know One AnotherThere exist many ‘ice-breaker’ techniques that can help students get to know one another [17].The technique we decided to use included weekly seat rotations (so that students would sit nextto different people each week
Conference Session
ECE Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aaron Carpenter, Wentworth Institute of Technology; James R. McCusker PhD, Wentworth Institute of Technology
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, resulted in a higher grade (maximum of 79).Students were then asked to share how they came to the new/correct answers, whether fromwebsites, videos, peers, or other resources. These resources were not factored into the grade butwere used to help guide that student and the entire class to useful resources. If a student wereusing potentially incorrect or weaker sources, the instructor corrected it. If the sources werestrong, they could be shared with other students to help the entire class build a database of usefulresources.A similar, but separate retake policy was also implemented in a junior-level Signals & Systemscourse, where students were able to retake examinations, in order to improve their grade andbetter understand the material. This
Conference Session
First-Year Issues in ECE Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carlotta A. Berry, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Daniel Chang, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Christopher Miller, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Electrical and Computer
that each student gained the necessarytechnical skill to be able to be an active contributor to the team project and be successful in theremainder of their academic career. It is vitally important that every ECE student be able to solder,build circuits, and write basic programs as early as possible in their curriculum. There was also asignificant reduction in the amount of documents that the students had to submit. This wasnecessary due to the higher level of difficulty required to complete the projects.Quantitative ResultsThe quantitative results were obtained by evaluating the individual and team assignments as wellas the final course grades for the original course during the Fall 2014 and Winter 2014 quartersand the enhanced course during
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE Courses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ahmed Dallal, University of Pittsburgh; April Dukes, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
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Electrical and Computer
experience. Finally, thirteen percent (13%) of interviewees stated each of thefollowing as positive aspects of this teaching approach: 1) promotion of liveliness, engagement, orattentiveness during class, and 2) repetition or reinforcement of material, sometimes aiding memory orleading to clarification of difficult material. These results are in line with the significant difference in thelab report scores in the two classes. With more communication and interactivity, students were able to askspecific questions, communicate their interpretations, and receive feedback from instructor and peers. Thislikely helped them to write clear explanations and discussions of their results in the lab report. Table 4: Summary of Interview Responses
Conference Session
Technology in the ECE Classroom
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Jakob Fritz, Oklahoma State University; Wira Mulia, Oklahoma State University; Sohum Sohoni, Oklahoma State University; Kerri S. Kearney, Oklahoma State University; Mwarumba Mwavita, Oklahoma State University
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Electrical and Computer
-72.19. S. Schaffert, et al. Learning with Semantic Wikis. in Workshop on Semantic Wikis. 2006.20. B. Mcmullin, Putting the Learning Back into Learning Technology. Emerging issues in the practice of university learning and teaching, 2006: p. 67-76.21. A. Cheville, C. Co, and B. Turner. Improving Team Performance in a Capstone Design Course Using the Jigsaw Technique and Electronic Peer Evaluation. in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Expo. 2007. Honolulu, Hawaii.22. L. Grant. Using Wikis in Schools: A Case Study. 2006 11/17/2010]; Available from: X.D. Pedro, et al., Writing Documents
Conference Session
Capstone Design in ECE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Howe, University of Evansville; Dick Blandford, University of Evansville; Deborah J. Hwang, University of Evansville
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. Originally this was done as a wayfor students to display their work to their peers and underclassmen while gaining experience in areal world setting. The poster session also allowed an opportunity for the underclassmen to seethe exciting work done at the senior level, and to provide motivation for them to begin thinkingof their own future projects. The poster session gradually grew into a more formal presentationused for assessment when the working engineers began participating in the session.Present Structure of the Senior ProjectThis section details the three course structure of the capstone sequence at the University ofEvansville mentioned earlier. The first course is EE 494, which is non-credit course but requiredfor graduation. It is taken in
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas E. Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology
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and confidence.Lab 2 Arduino Pulse Width Modulation: instead of using the bench top instrument of a functiongenerator to make the PWM signal, the students needed to write software on an Arduinomicrocontroller. With software and the microcontroller board, the students generated the samePWM signals that they had previously made with the function generator. This lab exposedstudents to the process of writing computer programs, downloading to hardware, running andtesting that hardware. The trial and error experimentation and control of the motor alloweddevelopment of insight and confidence.Lab 3 Sensors and Conditionals: sensor input to the microcontroller was introduced. Studentsactivated sensors, setup analog-to-digital conversion on the
Conference Session
First-Year Issues in ECE Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Backens, Christopher Newport University; Anton Riedl, Christopher Newport University; C. Gerousis, Christopher Newport University; Dali Wang, Christopher Newport University
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Electrical and Computer
retention rates. These include peer tutoring, learning communities,faculty mentoring, scholarships, summer programs, improved academic advising, research withfaculty, integration with industry, engineering learning communities and many more 6. Oneconsensus resulting from this research is the importance of the First-Year EngineeringExperience (FYEE) 7. These FYEE programs have been proven to improve retention in a varietyof universities. Common themes are building student community, a hands on teaching style, andfaculty interaction.A popular approach to the first-year experience has been to develop a first-year engineeringcourse with a focus on activities to improve retention instead of exclusively on technical content.These course are becoming
Conference Session
Embedded System Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Kimbrough, University of Tennessee at Martin; Rhett Chrysler, University of Tennessee at Martin; Somsak Sukittanon, The University of Tennessee at Martin
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Electrical and Computer
write firmware for the new processorusing C and assembly languages. Conventionally, the majority of engineering courses revolvearound the analytical analysis of real world problems and challenges; however, there is a need toaddress certain aspects of real world problem-solving that extends beyond what is covered withintraditional written analysis based courses. The ENGR460 class has created an alternate approachto develop such skills, by creating a challenging and motivating learning environment.The first half of the course consists of lectures covering basic microcontroller functions andsensors, with corresponding labs each week. Examples of sensors that students explored in thelab include ultrasonic rangefinder, RFID reader, and accelerometer
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Paul M. Schoch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Kathy Ann Gullie Ph.D., Gullie Consultant Services; Dianna Newman, University at Albany-SUNY; Shayla Sawyer Armand, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jeffrey Braunstein, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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time was then focused on what the students gave asfeedback for the more difficult topics and example problems. My peers and I found this to be amuch more helpful way of using time. This student and her partner were in the second semesterof the Beta Labs experiment. She said that my lab partner and I participated in these and I caneasily say they have had the biggest impact on my learning techniques and abilities of anything Ihave done in my other classes thus far. I learned to be proactive in my learning, to fight to learnon my own … to write full and comprehensive lab reports, and to take pride in my work throughthe presentation of my design.Another student was both a Circuits student as well as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. As astudent that
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cordelia Brown, Purdue University; David Meyer, Purdue University
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Electrical and Computer
utilization of the on-line Index of Learning Styles(ILS) tool, in an effort to help guide students into the division that best matched their individuallearning style. There are three primary learning outcomes in the junior-level course, each of which isassessed using a comprehensive, in-lab practical exam: (1) an ability to write programs for acomputer in assembly language, (2) an ability to interface a microprocessor to various devices,and (3) an ability to effectively utilize the wide variety of peripherals integrated into acontemporary microcontroller. Each exam consists of three components: (a) standardizedmultiple-choice questions that gauge understanding of content; (b) analysis/design questions thatgauge basic skills; and (c) application
Conference Session
New Developments in ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zvi S. Roth, Florida Atlantic University; Hanqi Zhuang, Florida Atlantic University; Ali Zilouchian, Florida Atlantic University
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have been studied by many researchers. However, therefinement of EE curriculum with the integration of design component in all EE courses withemphasis on the overall design experience for capstone project is a transformative approach inEE undergraduate education. This paper presents the details of such integration throughout theadapted curriculum for all the courses. Such refinement may provide a national model for possibleadaptation by other institutions around the nation.The collected student survey data for the past five years (2013-2018) is presented to validate theeffectiveness of the approach and the resulting students’ satisfaction in comparison with theirpredecessors and with peers in other institutions.Keywords: engineering education
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Golanbari, University of the Pacific; Rick Garlikov, Garlikov.Com
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Electrical and Computer
self-directed and independent, yet collaborative, learners who possess animproved ability to speak, write and listen and the mental discipline needed to applysound judgment and problem-solving skills to novel problems.Motivation for Using the Socratic Questioning and Some Specific Techniques forImplementing the Socratic MethodTeaching occurs not just through imparting information but also through arousingintellectual passions and enthusiastically presenting an example of thought in action. Allknowledge, like all education, is ultimately driven by the questions asked. Asengineering educators, one of our tasks is to pose the right questions, and help students tolearn to ask the right questions and to learn to formulate reasoned answers. These
Conference Session
New trends in ECE education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Jacobson, Iowa State University; Thomas Daniels, Iowa State University
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Electrical and Computer
4 programming assignments where the students write a packet sniffer program. The first three programs build on each other and have the students decode the packets they get from an isolated network. The fourth program has the students writing code to send spam email. The figure below shows the test bed network used for CprE 530. 10/100 Hub Router 10/100 Hub Campus Network IDS Filter Spock Bones Scotty Borg (file server)CprE 530 Test bed Network. Page 11.757.62. CprE 431: Basics of Information System Security Textbook: Security
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 8
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David John Orser, University of Minnesota; Kia Bazargan, University of Minnesota; John Sartori, University of Minnesota
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Electrical and Computer
design industry for IBM and Broadcom for over ten years. He holds five US patents, several publications, and has circuits in over a billion chips around the world. His current research interests include laboratory teaching pedagogy, matrix converters in electric drives, and the application of power electronics in HVDC power systems.Mr. Kia Bazargan, University of Minnesota Kia Bazargan is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Has has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters related to FPGAs and VLSI computer-aided design. He received his Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, and the MS and
Conference Session
ABET Accreditation, Assessment and Program Improvement in ECE.
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark William Redekopp, University of Southern California; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California
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Electrical and Computer
begs further inquiry.Other modifications of the typical "flipped" classroom approach are also documented besidesvideo prelectures. Bland15 took problem-based learning (PBL) approach to a flipped classroom,where students were presented with assignments before an upcoming class meeting that usedconcepts that had not been discussed prior. Students were expected to find and utilize availableresources (textbook, web, peer-based learning, etc.) to complete the assignments. The goal forthis pedagogical approach was to develop individual learning skills that would better preparestudents for careers in industry where sparse guided assistance is available and moreresponsibility is on the learner to find, evaluate, and then integrate sources of
Conference Session
Flipping ECE Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jia-Ling Lin, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Paul Imbertson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University
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mid-western university.7 To flip lectures, we utilizedproblem-centered learning combined with group discussions and contextualized lecturing duringregular in-class sessions. Students were instructed to know theories and content by watchingonline video modules before coming to the class, and solve problems with peers inside theclassroom. The design of the instructional model drew on an established framework for activelearning, which includes the Four Practices: (1) anticipating, (2) monitoring, (3) connecting andcontrasting, and (4) contextualized lecturing. The model has been implemented, and willcontinue to be modified through iterative cycles.8In our previous report, we used design-based-research (DBR) methods to study how the
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean-Claude Thomassian, State University of New York, Maritime College; Anoop Desai, Georgia Southern University
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Electrical and Computer
students per group). They had to build a night lamp given somespecifications, write a report, and give a 5-10 minute Powerpoint presentation. This exercisefostered a collaborative learning environment that facilitated student engagement where learningis active and interactive amongst themselves, their peers, and their professors inside and outsideof the classroom.PSpice, Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis, is a general purposeanalog circuit and digital logic simulation software used to check the reliability of circuit designsand to predict circuit behavior. SPICE4 was originally developed at the Electronics ResearchLaboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. PSpice is a commercial version of SPICEand is now
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahrasadat Alavi, California State University, Chico; Arash Kialashaki, California State University, Chico
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University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) in Electrical Engineering in 2012. She was an Assistant Professor at the Electrical and Instrumentation Department of Los Medanos College during 2016-2017 academic year. She was an Adjunct Faculty at San Francisco State University and Diablo Valley College during 2015-2016 academic year, and an instructor at UWM from January 2014 until May 2015. She has taught Control Systems Design course several times, and has adopted different methods of teaching in her classes. She is a member of IEEE, and has several publications in IEEE and peer reviewed journals. Her primary research interests include nonlinear control, adaptive control, and robust control, and simulation of linear and
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jin-Hwan Lee, University of Cincinnati; Ali Asgar Bhagat, University of Cincinnati; Karen Davis, University of Cincinnati; Ian Papautsky, University of Cincinnati
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Electrical and Computer
in an active laboratory experience.5 Both senior projectswere designed to give undergraduate students an opportunity to introduce and experience amultidisciplinary research project, which is common to the fields of MEMS and BioMEMS. Page 13.1042.3Furthermore, team projects provided an opportunity for peer learning, teaching, and tutoring aswell as expository instruction from faculty members.II. Typical project structureA typical senior project in BioMEMS consists of three quarters, and an additional fourth quarteras an advanced optional research during the following summer. Throughout the course of theirprojects, senior students are required to
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wenbing Zhao, Cleveland State University; Xiongyi Liu, Cleveland State University; Chaomin Luo, University of Detroit Mercy; Xiong Luo, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, and Beijing Key Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering for Materials Science
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California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Zhao joined CSU faculty in 2004. He is currently serving as the director of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, and the Chair of the Graduate Program Committee in the Department of EECS, the ABET coordinator for the BS in Computer Science Program, and a member of the faculty senate at CSU. Dr. Zhao has authored a research monograph titled: ”Building Dependable Distributed Systems” published by Scrivener Publishing, an imprint of John Wiley and Sons. Furthermore, Dr. Zhao published over 150 peer-reviewed papers on fault tolerant and dependable systems (three of them won the best paper award), computer vision and motion analysis, physics, and education. Dr. Zhao’s research is
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Youakim Kalaani, Georgia Southern University; Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University
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Electrical and Computer
engineering experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data (b) - Function effectively on multi-disciplinary teams to accomplish assigned tasks (d)4- Inquiry Skills (SLO4) Page 24.124.3 - Conduct research in electrical engineering discipline as part of life-long learning (i) - Evaluate engineering systems as pertained to novelty and contemporary issues (j)5- Profession Skills (SLO5) - Apply the rules of the code of professional conduct and ethics in electrical engineering (f1) - Provide alternative outcomes for a given conflict of interest or dilemma (f2)6- Communication Skills (SLO6) - Write technical reports that conform to standard
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Assessment in ECE III
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Kelnhofer, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Stephen Williams, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Owe Petersen, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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formally required continuous improvement, effective engineering faculty andprograms utilized many ad hoc procedures to improve their performance. For example,instructors constantly assess student learning through comparison to standards that representcompetency in course material. Self-reflection and peer interaction often occur during and afterteaching a course. These ad hoc procedures and interactions create tribal knowledge that form aninstitutional history. Such a history can enrich and improve the program on a continuous basis.However, in such an environment program administrators are challenged to collate and leveragethe collective knowledge of the program’s faculty in their efforts to steer the overall curriculumtowards greater
Conference Session
Recruitment, Retention, and First-year Programs in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Constance D. Hendrix, U.S. Air Force Academy; Marcus L. Roberts, U.S. Air Force Academy; William J. Eccles, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Jeffrey Butler, U.S. Air Force Academy; Randall Deppensmith, U.S. Air Force Academy
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Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 2. Overall, the course is: 1-Very Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 3. On average, for every hour I spent in this class, I spent about ___ outside of class completing work in this course (including studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, etc.). 1-1/2 hour or less, 2-More than 1/2 hour, but less than one hour, 3-More than one hour, but less than two hours, 4-More than two hours, but less than three hours, 5- More than three hours 4. The course activities (e.g., assigned readings, lectures, discussions, labs, projects, etc.) were effective in helping me accomplish the learning
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Lu, University of Portland
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category can be graded by the consistency ofcontents throughout the report. The depth of discussion category closely reflects the integrationof knowledge category so that reports showing good elaborations will have higher scores andreports with many hardware or software specification details will have lower scores.Cohesiveness category can be graded based on how well the report contents flow. The spelling& grammar category can be graded based on common writing basics such as a figure captionshould be under the figure and the table caption should be above the table; figure and tablecaptions and their corresponding figures and tables should be on the same page; and paragraphsshould have adequate lengths.The sources category can be graded based
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kuang Xu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Elizabeth Van Ruitenbeek, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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AC 2009-1897: PROMOTING UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN ECE (PURE):CONNECTING UNDERGRADUATES WITH GRADUATE RESEARCH MENTORSKuang Xu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Kuang Xu is a senior in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He conducted research on PAPR reduction for beamforming OFDM networks under Dr. Douglas L. Jones during his Junior year. He is currently working on peer-to-peer live streaming under Dr. Bruce Hajek. He is Director of the Promoting Undergraduate Research in ECE (PURE) program.Elizabeth Van Ruitenbeek, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Elizabeth Van Ruitenbeek is an Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate student
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 9
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Reed Campbell, Robert Morris University
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one or more subsystems ofthe Theremin to convert from a circuit diagram to a breadboard layout. Every subsystem wasassigned to each least two students so that there was more than one person who has studied eachportion of the schematic. Students were also assigned topics for a literature search in preparationfor writing a journal article on the project. + - A B C D E F G H I J + - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6