. These figures show the comparison of the various parameterchanges with respect to the blade span at 5ms-1 Effect of Angle of Incidence variation on Effect of Angle of Incidence variation Tangential Force Coefficient CD on Drag force from baseline at 5m/s Normal Force Coefficient CN Lift force from baseline at 5m/s
asking students to sketch thermodynamic cycles on a temperature-entropy T-s or pressure-volume P-v chart. The typical analytical steps involving propertyretrieval followed by depiction on a property chart is disjointed and reversed. If property valuesare acquired directly from a property chart, the process is integrated into a single intuitive stepthat promotes deeper understanding. While printed charts exist, they can be challenging to readconsidering a single point must supply up to six discrete values (namely P, T, v, u, h, and s).Instead, an interactive property chart that displays properties values for user-identified states canbe highly effective visual aid. This was the inspiration behind the Clausius app. Clausius allowsusers to simply
activities were internalized, benefitted their development, and could possibly be improved to maximize impact on subsequent cohorts.A. Academic outcomes from the project C.1 The objectives of this project were consistent with my research interests C.2 This experiential learning project had an impact on my hands-on/laboratory skills and data collecting skills Which one(s) in particular? C.3 This project had an impact on my presentation skills Which ones(s) in particular? C.4 This project developed my technical skills C.5 This activity enhanced my content knowledge? C.6 I was able to integrate knowledge from many different sources and disciplines (example, chemistry, biology, engineering, technology, computer science, environmental sciences, etc)B
characteristics of solar cells and isa powerful teaching tool to facilitate hands-on experiments to the students, thus achievingimproved student learning.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to acknowledge financial support under the ‘Course Design EnhancementFund (CDEF)’, 2015 awarded by the ‘Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)’,Kennesaw State University for this work. Also, the author would like to thank senior ElectricalEngineering undergraduate students, Alan Gregg Jr., Mathew Ginn, and Duane Wright for theirhelp in building the prototype solar module.References[1] http://www.thesolarfoundation.org/national/[2] http://fortune.com/2015/01/16/solar-jobs-report-2014/[3] S. Das, R. N. Bhattacharya, and K. C. Mandal, “Performance
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currently interns for thecompletion of the project in various aspects of installation. In addition, after the project iscompleted, an important future work is the thorough analysis of the solar PV system’soperational characteristics in terms of actual savings and carbon foot print reduction through theeducational component available to the campus community.Bibliography1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s PVWatts Calculator: http://pvwatts.nrel.gov/2. Frank Andorka, “Increasing Your Array-To-Inverter Ratio Improves Solar Economics,” Solar Power World, June 24, 2013. Available at http://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2013/06/supersize-it-oversize-your-array- to-inverter-ratio-to-improve-solar-system-performance/3. U. S. Energy
Paper ID #15181Improving a Flipped Electromechanical Energy Conversion CourseThomas E. McDermott, University of Pittsburgh Thomas E. McDermott is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, with over 30 years of industrial experience in consulting and software development. His research interests include electric power distribution systems, renewable energy, power electronics, electromagnetics, and circuit simulation. Tom is a registered professional engineer in Pennsylvania and an IEEE Fellow. He has a B. S. and M. Eng. in Electric Power from Rensselaer, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia
operate at higher efficiency during the duration of theraces. Based on the desired speed of the bike in race track, shaft rpm of pump and motor wasdetermined as function of time. Table 1 shows the bike speed, corresponding track length, shaftrpm and its duration. The data is used to calculate a Speed Factor (S) at each pump and motorspeed as fraction of total race time. ti Si … (1) TWhere, Si = Speed Factor ti = Duration of a specific speed T= Completion time of race.For each wheel velocity, the corresponding shaft speed is calculated based on wheel rpm andgear ratio. In the
Sustainability Education, 8.3. Gotch, C. M., Langfitt, Q., French, B. F., and Haselbach, L. (2015). “Determining Reliability Scores from an Energy Literacy Rubric.” Proceedings of 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA.4. Asif, M., and Muneer, T. (2007). “Energy supply, its demand and security issues for developed and emerging economies.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(7), 1388–1413.5. Turcotte, A., Moore, M. C., and Winter, J. (2012). Energy Literacy in Canada. School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.6. US Department of Energy (DOE). (2011). “Strategic Plan.” DOE/CF-0067.7. DeWaters, J. E., and Powers, S. E. (2011). “Energy literacy of secondary students in New York State (USA): A
on4:30pm Projects Figure 1. FREEDM M Young Scho olars program m at Arizona S State Universiity.1. Class Time The class time consists prim marily of interactive preseentations givven by the grraduate studdentmentors, with an occasional guesst lecture. The presentattions are maiinly concernned with thetopics off electrical en nergy and renewables including: elecctricity and ppower system ms, overview w ofrenewablle energy, ph hotovoltaics (PV), solar thermal, winnd
taile Differe Std. Error Difference F Sig. t df d) nce Difference Lower Upper Wind Velocity Equal variance s 4.46 .039 .817 58 .417 .47 .57 -.68 1.63 assume d Equal variance s not .817 53.84 .417 .47 .57 -.68 1.63 assume d A t-Test comparative analysis (Table 5) revealed that there is no significant differencebetween the wind velocity data at the exit of the shrouds
renewable energy projects in Puerto Rico. She is currently a member of the steering committee of the National Institute of Energy and Island Sustainability of the UPR system. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 The Role of Engineers as Policy Entrepreneurs towards Energy TransformationsABSTRACT - In the early 1990’s engineering professors at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez (UPRM) began broadening their scope of actions by actively promoting andsupporting novel and alternative energy options within professional societies, and among policymakers and government officials (local and state). This paper presents recent initiatives tocontinue this policy
notbeneficial to the students. The homework exercises provided here have been well-received bystudents and allow them to see the integrated effects of the components of a plant to its overallperformance. Even aspects of nuclear power are introduced using student-written computersolutions to generate numerical results as opposed to rote learning from a textbook or from aslide presentation in class. The calculation aspect of presenting the material in this way holdsstudent interest and gives them a more foundational understanding of the physical effects ofvarying system parameters.References[1] S. McClain, “MathCAD Functions for Thermodynamic Analysis of Ideal Gases,”Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Conference, Portland, Ore., June 2005.[2] S. McClain, “A
refine the systemspecifications. Table 1 shows the finalized PVEPS system requirements. Table 1 PV emergency power system requirements ID Requirements 1 Power generated by solar panel(s) shall be stored in lead-acid AGM batteries 2 The batteries shall be able to power the following devices for two consecutive days: 1. Two White LED lights (continuous) 2. The suction machine (used 3 hrs. each day) 3. Two “car-charging sockets” for charging 12VDC appliances (used 3 hrs. each day) 4. One 5V DC USB charger for charging cell phones and tablets 3 The system shall contain on/off switches to individually control each appliance
) where f s(x) is an activation function. Typically this activation function is a sigmoid function, such as (4): (4) An ANN consists of multiple interconnected artificial neurons, arranged in several layers. The neurons are arranged in layers: one input layer, one output layer, and multiple hidden layers. The neurons in the input layer have the activation function f s(x) = x . Hidden layers and output layers may have sigmoid or other activation functions. ANN First Implementation An ANN so implemented is called a “feed forward” network. This consists of two layers of neutrons, in which one of the layers evaluates the synaptic weight of each input and sums the weights as input
traveling and resulted in short reportsafter travel.Site visit reports: Participants completed reports for each site visited. These forms consisted offive question prompts and resulted in formative, reflective reports that captured their experiencesat each visit and also acted as informal journals that they could use in the future to identifytrends, concepts and/or innovations that they found notable. The reports also served as a recordfor their continued investigation into their individual inquiry question(s).Sector Reports: Upon return, participants were paired up on teams based on their specific areaof renewable energy expertise to complete sector reports which compared and contrasted theGerman and U.S. energy industry, educational pathways
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accredited collegesand universities in Michigan to support up to three junior or senior undergraduate engineeringstudents to implement energy efficient technologies in agribusinesses. Any Michigan universitywith an accredited undergraduate engineering college in mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil,environmental or agricultural engineering qualified for the program. The purpose of this grantwas “to provide unique opportunities to students to gain real-world work experience and toimplement projects that have measurable reductions in energy usage and costs for Michiganbusinesses.”(3) Applicant(s) had to provide a detailed itemized budget with an explanation todescribe each budget category. All applicants were encouraged to provide at least 20
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