interventions and b) standing on a set of sustainability-thinkingskills. Data on these two outcomes of interest are gathered through the use of end ofsemester surveys as well as written reflection activities included in student projects.Student survey results are analyzed with descriptive statistics and thematic analysis foropen-ended items. Written reflections are scored with institute-developed rubrics tied toeach system-thinking skill, depending on the nature of a given reflection prompt.Initial results from thematic analysis of open-ended student survey items suggest thatafter experiencing the sustainability intervention, students exhibit an initial understandingof the three key components of sustainability: social, economic, and
skills and critically reflect on their own learning experiencesThe next section of the paper describes the implementation of the spatial visualization skillsintervention during the course labs along with pre and post-test data.Spatial Visualization Skills InterventionIn order to obtain a measure of spatial ability, the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test ofRotations (PSVT:R) was administered to all students who were in attendance during the firstlecture of the semester. One hundred and twenty (120) students completed the pre-test. Theresults for this are detailed in Table 4. As this test was administered during the first week ofsemester 1, it is valid to compare with the scores reported
respect to their everyday lives. This idea wasreinforced with the integration of reflection questions interspersed within the everyday usessection where students are encouraged to elaborate on their personal experiences with a specificconcept. Examining the topic of orthographic projection, the idea of using a glass box to containa fragile sample for viewing in a museum environment like the bird nest in Figure 2, wouldlikely be familiar to most students making it a relevant example to incorporate into the PBLM.Figure 2: Everyday uses example: bird nest for observation.A corresponding reflection question inquires about places the student may have seen somethingsimilar, such as sports memorabilia. This real-world example helps put into perspective
self-developed survey, followed by focus group interviewsof the students to reflect students’ attitudes toward classroom attendance and their learningefficacy under this innovative self-regulated learning. Three rounds of surveys wereconducted to examine students’ changes in attitude and preferences as well as theirperceptions of their learning efficiency. Based on students’ self-reports, the average rate ofphysical classroom attendance was 26%. More than 60% of the students preferred this“soft classroom” learning. In addition, they reported on how efficient this course was inresponse to this new learning environment. The results from the three rounds of surveysand focus group interview provided evidence of the success of the current case
of autism, and reflect on their care practices (Doğa, 2020). Over adecade's research has shown that computer-assisted technology can be used as an educationaland therapeutic tool in this population (Ploog, 2012). The design of the augmented and mixedreality environments in this study has been done to facilitate a simple learning experience.Another critical aspect that is closely interrelated to design is ‘cueing’. The role and importanceof visual, auditory, and tactile cueing in designing augmented environments has been highlightedby many notable works (Angelopoulos, 2018; Janssen, Steveninck, Salim, Bloem, Heida, &Wezel, 2020; Miller, Cooper, & Szoboszlay, 2019; Pangilinan, Lukas, & Mohan, 2019). Visual,auditory, and tactile
attainment of the learning outcomes, whichdo not explicitly reflect SV skills, and can thus not be used to quantify improvements inSV. A further challenge is the difference in the order of topic presentation that the twoexperienced instructors favor, thereby inhibiting the development and use of a formativeassessment method to quantify the impact of the individual pedagogic measures on thestudents SV skill development. There are a number of tools that have been developed to assess SV development,with perhaps the most widely used (in the US) being the Purdue Spatial VisualizationTest (PSVT 34), of which often only the rotations section is used (PSVT:R) 35. Sorby andGorska 4 and Study 24 present a comparative of a number of available tests
researchers observed that improving 3-Dvisualization leads to better performance in engineering graphics and in most other engineeringcoursework resulting in improved retention and graduation rates. The majority of the 3-Dvisualization exercises currently being used by students in Design and Graphics classes presentthe objects in isometric views already in 3-D, asking the viewer to create multiple views, foldpatterns, manipulate, reflect, or rotate them. Other exercises present the objects in incompletemulti-view projections and ask the students to add missing lines. The newly proposed methoduses a different approach. It uses the standard multi-view projections to show a number ofrectangular bricks arranged in various patterns. The viewer must count
. In DFM, a more functionally constrained project could accomplish the same thing.• Building the Connection between Function and GD&T This follows from the previous point and reflects the challenge noted earlier that students experience the greatest difficulty when they are required to come up with the correct controls, and more so specific values of tolerance that will result in a desired function. In industry, this experiential knowledge has been acquired over time and is captured in standards and procedures for dimensioning and tolerancing the specific products that are designed and manufactured. Though it is difficult to reproduce this in an academic setting, tooling design again represents a good application
with those observed for situation where an intervention has beenimplemented: there is an overall improvement of scores, with some specific factors (questions)being more influential than others. Particularly, single factors were identified for two of themeasurement of improvement used: Raw and Tier, but multiple factors are needed for apredictive model using Percentage as improvement indicator. It is of interest as well that the one-factor models identify question that belong to the same subset, questions that require rotationabout at least two axes in order to have a correct answer. Thus reflecting the importance of suchexercises for spatial visualization skills.In terms of demographic parameters, the results indicate that they do not have a
69th MidYear Meeting Proceedings, Normal, IL.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1044269. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Page 26.627.10
with dougong isthat it is well-known for its intensive use of dougong in the construction of each level, as shownin Fig. 4., reflecting the first peak in the development history of dougong in that time.Fig. 4: Intensive dougong used in the levels of the Yingxian Wooden PagodaII. Methods --- Graphics Pipeline The methods of establishing the VR simulation of dougong in this paper, known as agraphics pipeline, consist of four stages: (1) initial modeling, (2) advanced modeling, (3) VRproduction, and (4) dissemination for education, as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5: Graphical pipeline to establish the VR simulation In the initial modeling stage, the primary objective was to build the basic 3-D models ofthe components, and to assemble
(outer layer) and rubble (inner core) at the same time.The proposed construction sequence was also based on the assumption that it was a whollynew construction. Renovation or reconstruction would have different sequences, such asintegrating the old wall into the new wall. In addition, evidence of the key-in feature was onlyshown in eastern Jinshanling; this may or may not apply to all sections of the wall inJinshanling. If evidence is presented that the key-in was not used, the authors will update thedesign to reflect this.There was also an inaccuracy in Google Earth’s satellite images of the terrain and locationsof the Great Wall. When a placemark in Google Earth is placed in the center of the toweraccording to Google’s 2013 satellite image
College during the fall of 2014 in the Incubator experience. Although the pilot study did notfind an advantage of teaching integrated courses, it was an important step towards the re-envisioning of the existing curriculum. The Purdue Polytechnic Incubator operated as a facultynetwork that explored best practices on education by deconstructing the models of traditionaldisciplines. This allowed for re-visioning of the traditional educational model by including co-teaching and group reflections as a core component of the experience. The integration ofhumanities and technology provided with a rich ground for student development. Rather thanfocusing only in a mechanistic approach to technology, students were able to draw parallels withtheir cultural
. Page 26.381.7Student performance on a graphics exam in a first-year engineering course required by allengineering majors at Michigan Tech was compared for students taking the PSVT:R on paperand through the LMS to determine if there was a difference in spatial ability between thesegroups. In the first-year engineering course, ENG1101, approximately five 1.5 hour classsessions are spent on sketching topics, followed by an exam. The graphics topics covered in thiscourse include isometric and oblique sketching, orthographic projections of normal, inclined, andcurved surfaces, rotations, reflections, and planes of symmetry. Students scoring 60% or belowon the PSVT paper and LMS versions were excluded from this analysis because they wererequired to
multiple-choice and 13 sketching) 4 - Orthographic Projection (20 multiple-choice and 11 sketching) 5 – Inclined and Curved Surfaces (26 multiple-choice and 15 sketching) 6 - Flat Patterns (36 multiple-choice and 0 sketching) 7 - Rotation of Objects about 1 Axis (28 multiple-choice and 18 sketching) 8 - Rotation of Objects about 2 Axes (25 multiple-choice and 7 sketching) 9 - Object Reflections and Symmetry (24 multiple-choice and 17 sketching) 10 - Cutting Plane (26 multiple-choice and 0 sketching)During Lessons 3 and 4, a few mistakes were identified in the programmed sketching solutions,which led to incorrect grading of sketches. This led to a bit of student frustration, but by Lesson5 these mistakes
learning skills. We will continue to iterate the designefforts. We will re-evaluate and re-design the project activities in order to help our studentsimprove their life-long learning skills and engineering attitudes in the upcoming semesters.Acknowledgement This material is supported by the National Science Foundation under HRD Grant No.1435073. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. David, R., Frischknecht, A., Jensen, C. G., Blotter, J., and Maynes, D., 2006, “Contextual Learning of CAx Tools within a Fundamental Mechanical Engineering Curricula,” PACE Forum, Provo, UT, July.2. Palaigeorgiou, G. and
pillar is sometimes added to reflect the people-related processes. The three Page 26.656.4pillars are (1) Just in Time - optimizing the workflow to respond to customer demand, (2)Thinking People System - developing and utilizing each employee’s entire potential, and (3)Jidoka - delivering high quality goods and services. 1. Just in Time - Smooth, continuous, optimized workflows Heijunka - Minimizing inventory, Producing goods according to demand. Leveling processes. Mura - Unevenness in workload Takt - The rate of customer demand Takt Time - The work-cycle to produce an item for 1 customer