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Displaying results 91 - 115 of 115 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel R. Putnam, University of Florida; Amy G. Buhler, University of Florida; Caroline Reed, University of Florida; Jean L Bossart P.E., University of Florida; Neelam Bharti; Mickey S. Schafer, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
instructors with the necessary tools and support to ensure instructionalcoherence across all sections of ENC 3246. Developing material for the Failure Analysis ProjectThe Failure Analysis Project was introduced in summer 2017 in order to add a broadlyapplicable writing task that would feature research as an ethical practice, thereby bettersupporting current ABET criteria. Several of the new research tools discussed in this paper,including the credibility checklist and updated course guides, also reflect ABET accreditationcriteria, specifically General Criterion 3 [1, pg. 3] (Student Outcomes) and General Criterion 5(Curriculum) [1, pg. 5].This assignment was further developed in response to a recent initiative from the UF College ofEngineering
Conference Session
Technical Session 3: History and Future of Engineering Librarianship
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kari A. Kozak, University of Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
, and reflection. The collaboration between theEngineering Technology Center and the Creative Space enhances services offered by bothentities to ensure that students can fully explore all aspects of innovation by providingopportunities to tinker, explore, brainstorm, and create.AcknowledgmentsThank you to the Engineering Technology Center for all their support through this wholeprocess, including John Kostman, Matt McLaughlin, Tom Barnhart, Doug Eltoft, ChristopherFomon, Daniel Mentzer, and Danny Tang.Thank you to all those at the University of Minnesota (LATIS [Liberal Arts Technologies andInnovation Services], Medical Device Center, Walter Engineering Library, and DigiFabLab[College of Design]), University of Wisconsin – Madison (Wendt
Conference Session
Engineering Librarians: Impacting the Past, Present, and Future
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amani Magid, New York University Abu Dhabi
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Engineering Libraries
3.1). Listservs have proven to be one of the leading sources ofinformation for finding out about conferences and other professional developmentopportunities.Subclaim 2.3 Take advantage of learning about engineering through TwitterAnother way the author has learned about the engineering subject matter is through setting upa professional Twitter feed. As she liaises to both sciences and engineering, her Twitter feedsand posts reflect involvement in both fields. The author follows different engineering Twitterfeeds, and by reading the daily posts of articles or re-tweets from others, she has gained a fairamount of knowledge about engineering. She liaises to civil, computer, mechanical,electrical, and general engineering and therefore follows
Conference Session
Delivering Value in Publishing and Scholarship
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michelle Spence, University of Toronto; Amber Saundry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Tara Mawhinney, McGill University; Sarah Jane Dooley, Dalhousie University; Eugene Barsky, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
. Among the relatively fewcitation studies that specifically examine where faculty publish (Davis13; Hughes12; Lascar &Mendelsohn9; LaBonte10), even fewer address engineering specifically (Salisbury & Smith14;Tucker15; Wilson & Tenopir16). Several of these researchers explain the importance of havinglocal-level data to inform their collection decisions. For example, as Hughes mentions, “byheavily favoring journals valued by Penn State faculty, as reflected in publications and citings,this study took into account the particular research interests of Penn State faculty”12. None of theexisting studies examines the subject areas - mechanical and civil engineering - covered in thecurrent study. Also, only one of the previous citation
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries: Extending Our Outreach
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan R Sapp Nelson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Libraries
appropriate distribution channels that will reachK-12 teachers, while bearing in mind ways to measure impact via altmetrics. One factor inselecting the distribution channel was the matter of timing. The faculty member wished to createan ongoing outreach but particularly wished to focus on the summer months, when K-12 teachershave some time to reflectively consider pedagogical practices. Because time was not a limitingfactor, but ongoing relationships were a factor in the strategy, it was clear that a socialnetworking site would have assets that a site such as a microblogging site such as Twitter wouldnot have. Ultimately, it was determined that LinkedIn would be the best social network to publicize theavailability of the tools due to the presence of
Conference Session
Information Literacy in First-year Courses and Co-curricular Experiences
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Catherine Woodworth Wong, Merrimack College; Cynthia Helen Carlson P.E., Merrimack College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
[23], a Reacting To The Past game about climate change that was part of the Fall 2017 andFall 2019 semesters. Environmental movie nights took place on Wednesday nights at 7 PM at thelibrary with the librarian and the professor in attendance. Movies were also open to the widercampus community and the public. Students were encouraged to attend via a passport program.Climate Change World Café In addition to the environmental movie nights, first-year engineering students wereinvited to take part in a World Café on climate change during the Fall 2018 semester. One way tofoster resilience is through communication as students are bombarded with information aboutclimate change without the opportunity to digest, reflect, and consider steps for
Conference Session
Orienting Students for Lifelong Learning Success
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary L. Strife, West Virginia University; Robin A. M. Hensel Ed.D., West Virginia University; Marian G. Armour-Gemmen, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
employed the use ofscenarios for classroom discussion. During Week two, students were given engineering-relatedscenarios to decide if plagiarism occurred. There was also a short exercise on when to cite.During week five, students identified parts of and types of citations. Since students were incomputer classrooms, they were also directed to find citations online. Citations were chosenfrom various engineering databases to reflect current engineering topics. During week eleven,students were asked to “Name that Trademark” and search for patents on the USPTO website.Some engineering trademarks were chosen as well as popular trademarks. Patents wereselected from the National Inventors Hall of Fame as well as from campus patents andapplications.In
Conference Session
ELD Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Hubbard, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Libraries
provide systematic archiving in the future, but is of limited use forthe period studied. Considering the move to “publish-to-present” and a decade that broughtsignificant change to the profession, it seems appropriate to reflect upon the past decadethrough such an analysis. The contributors were summarized both qualitatively andquantitatively in terms of authorship, co-authorship, and institutional/organizationsaffiliations. Since full-length papers do not exist for all contributions prior to 2009, contentanalysis is based on titles of the papers and posters. The titles were analyzed using both astandard classification scheme and textual analysis software to identify topics andkeywords/phrases, respectively. These topics and keywords/phrases were
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffery L. Loo, University of California, Berkeley; Lisa T. Ngo, University of California, Berkeley; Cody K. Hennesy, University of California, Berkeley; Brian D. Quigley, University of California, Berkeley; Jean McKenzie, University of California, Berkeley
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Engineering Libraries
and central campus for technology and instructional design support.2. Create problem-based learning, • Center instruction on skills development formultimedia rich, and interactive resolving core information challenges in themodules to facilitate self-directed library research process.learning • Facilitate learner-content interaction for students to elaborate and reflect on the course content through interactive online quizzes. These quizzes could offer automated evaluation
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries (ELD) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay J. Bhatt, Drexel University (Eng.); Kevin P Drees, Oklahoma State University; Tom C. Volkening, Michigan State University; Carol A. Brach, University of Notre Dame; Mary L. Strife, West Virginia University; Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bruce Neville, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Libraries
setting.Enrollment trends at MSU reflect national trends. According to a press release from the Instituteof International Education, the number of international students enrolled in U.S. institutions ofhigher education has continued to increase. “The 2012 Open Doors Report on InternationalEducational Exchange, released today, finds that the number of international students at colleges Page 23.9.6and universities in the United States increased by six percent to a record high of 764,495 in the2011/12 academic year,…”.9 For the same period MSU’s enrollment of international student hasrisen 10.2% over the last year. Both nationally and internationally the number
Conference Session
TS3: Working with Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jodi A. Bolognese, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Evie Dee Cordell, Northeastern University; Alissa P. Link Cilfone, Northeastern University; Brooke D. Williams, Northeastern University
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Engineering Libraries
. Thesereported values are consistent with the reported values from the 2019 survey of 94.8% and88.7% for the same two questions respectively reporting no significant drop off in the quality ofthe workshop from moving to online from on ground.Figure 9: Student Question 3.Figure 10: Student Question 4.Figures 9 and 10 report on the use of citation managers and usefulness in career; 90.3% ofstudents found citation managers valuable in some way, and 96.2% rate it likely that they willuse the information in their engineering careers. The 2019 survey reported these values as 93.8%and 98% respectively. These four tables, taken together, clearly reflect that the students foundthe learning and knowledge valuable, used what they had learned, and regard the
Conference Session
Opening Up: Data, Open Access, and Open Educational Resources
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chris Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Engineering Libraries
, a procaspase-3 activator, in canine Frontiers in Oncologyand human brain cancersOverexpression of prostate specific membrane antigen by caninehemangiosarcoma cells provides opportunity for the molecular PloS ONEdetection of disease burdens within hemorrhagic body cavity effusionsDevelopment of a parameterization image stitching algorithm for Journal of the Society forultrashort throw laser MEMS projectors Information DisplayDoes group velocity always reflect elastic modulus in shear wave Journal of Biomedical Opticselastography?International Cancer Microbiome Consortium consensus statement on
Conference Session
ELD Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce Reid, Pennsylvania State University-Wilkes-Barre
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Engineering Libraries
. Retrieved 3/13/2005 from Thamel, P. (2005, February 24). Lessons in life. New York Times, p.D1. Retrieved 3/20/2005 Page 11.324.13 from the Proquest Database.Welch, J., & Welch, S. (2005). Winning. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.Wooden, J., & Jamison, S. (1997). Wooden: A lifetime of observations and reflections on and off the court. Chicago: Contemporary Books.Wooden, J., & Jamison, S. (2005). Wooden on Leadership. New York: McGraw-Hill Page 11.324.14
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David E. Hubbard, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
research guides specifically dedicated to chemical pricing.The presence or absence of certain sources on a research guide is often governed by perceivedpatron needs and what resources are licensed by the library. If a librarian is not familiar with theneed (or has no requests), they are not likely to include such information. Furthermore, librariesmay have policies that restrict the types and organization of research guides, leaving littlediscretion for a librarian to create chemical pricing research guide or even a chemical pricing tab.On the other hand, the presence or absence of chemical pricing guides may just be a reflection ofthe resources needed and used at a given institution.Many of the sources mentioned by Maizell8 and Reichardt15 remain
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindsay Anderberg, New York University; Matthew Frenkel, New York University; Mikolaj Wilk, New York University
Tagged Topics
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Engineering Libraries
lessons we learned throughout the process aswell. First was the use of a kick-off event. We learned quickly that it was easier to get studentsto attend a kick-off event where they could learn about the competition, find teammates, and signup, than it was to ask students to directly sign up. We also recognize that it is important to havea solid timeline before the competition begins. That timeline should reflect both the dates thecompetitors will need to submit their deliverables, and also the dates of the workshops and otherevents. In planning this competition our original schedule, given out at the kickoff, set theworkshops for a specific week, and the actual date was given out a week or so before hand. Thislead to confusion and scheduling
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric J. Schares, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
DocumentDelivery service which digitizes print material at a patron’s request. Future work could also focuson the other half of ILL, lending. Are the university’s local subject specialties reflected in thematerials requested by others? Do certain titles appear more frequently than others? What is thedistribution of locations lent to, and how many international requests are there? It would beilluminating to do a systematic analysis of Iowa State’s materials which go out the door to otheruniversities, public libraries, and interested parties.6 ConclusionThis study of ILL activity over a five year period shows that Interlibrary Loan services providepatrons with a much broader range of resources than any one library can provide alone, while alsocreating a
Conference Session
Improving and Understanding Engineering Collections and Publication
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan B. Wainscott, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Richard J. Zwiercan, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Engineering Libraries
] describes a subject guide included a list of print standard sets in thecollection and links to licensed and public standards indexes, including the aggregator throughwhich a patron could request an item. Dunn and Xie [13] mention a library guide about standardsin their case study. Kozak [10] describes creation of a list of standards in the collection oravailable through an on-demand aggregator for internal use. There are clearly a variety ofmechanisms used for outreach to patrons and library colleagues, which likely reflect thecommunication modes familiar and available to each library.Academic libraries’ various approaches to providing information about and access to standardsdocuments will likely continue to proliferate. While the engineering
Conference Session
Professional Issues and Opportunities for Engineering Librarians
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Libraries
just moving from the 3.a-k criteria to 1-5 criteria, so I caughtmany institutions in the transition of thinking between the two systems. Thankfully, for thisstudy, 3.g from the legacy outcomes was reproduced exactly as outcome 3 in the new system[18]. Thus, the research question was still relevant for institutions going forward. Since I wasasking for self-study information, the old terminology of 3.g was still in effect, so thedocumentation gathered and discussed here reflects the old terminology.MethodsETAC accredited MET bachelor’s level degree programs were identified from the ABET website ( in October 2018. I identified 66 accreditedprograms. The coordinator of each program was identified from those
Conference Session
Information Literacy in Context: Enabling Real World Problem Solving
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David F. Radcliffe, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
reflect the idea that information is sought to enrich design, the six I-RED phases are expressedas a series of focus questions. This approach aligns with the notion of design as a question askingprocess.25 Pilerot and Hiort af Ornas follow a similar approach in formulating guiding questionsfrom not only a process but also a product oriented perspective.26 For simplicity, I-RED approachconcentrates on ‘product-oriented’ focus questions and treatment.The I-RED model locates the six phases on an ‘information space’ with the orthogonal axes for thevariety of knowledge domains and the level of specialization in a given domain as shown in Figure2. The location of each phase indicates the relative ‘breadth’ and ‘depth’ of the types ofinformation sought
Conference Session
Technical Papers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dana Denick, Drexel University; Jay Bhatt, Drexel University; Bradley Layton, Drexel University (Eng.)
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
also mixed results from the selected-response assessment regarding information literacy competencies. This evaluation was tied to Standards 1 and 2. Students demonstrated varying levels of competency in understanding the various formats and types of engineering information resources. While most students were able to navigate a variety of information retrieval systems, we would have preferred for at least 85% of students show proficiency in each of the performance indicators listed in Table 7. It was difficult to ascertain if the results from the Page 15.278.13 selected-response assessment accurately reflected the students
Conference Session
To Boldly Go... Engineering Librarians Explore New Connections with Users
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne Parker, University of Manitoba
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Engineering Libraries
, which more nearly reflects the environment in which a professionalengineer will have to work; students must learn how to function as a team by planning theteam’s activities and the tasks associated with a project, all within the framework ofmilestones and the deliverables.As we have discussed in our earlier paper [1], one of the major assignments has been theresearch-based final report – a necessity in a course where the students come fromdifferent disciplines and represent different levels of experience within an engineeringprogram. While some, like Irish, might argue that such an assignment is an academicrather than an engineering genre, the final report is far more than just an exercise in“knowledge assembly” [17]. “Staged” assignments are
Conference Session
Considerations for the Collection Conscious Librarian
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Zuber, Brigham Young University
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Engineering Libraries
notwithout reflection), at the hands of barbarians. The risk of loss and the perceived difficulty inrecovering materials is not trivial and likely plays a major part in the perception of some that allcollections should be kept in perpetuity.4 In addition, the fear of program or curriculum changesin the future may tend to temper ideas of ridding the collection of little-used titles that mayreveal their value in the future. Budget / Comparisons Typically, the size of the collection is often used as a metric when considering budgetallocations or making comparisons to other institutions. Additionally, the collection size mayoften be “considered a criterion of the quality of a library.”5 If so, this suggests a strong,defensible rationale
Conference Session
Beneficial Partnerships: Enhancing Library Programming with Strategic Collaborations
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily K. Hart, Syracuse University; Alex Vincent Jannini, Syracuse University; Alexander J. Johnson, Syracuse University; Katy Pieri, Syracuse University
Tagged Topics
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Engineering Libraries
response of “5” meant “stronglyagree.” Due to the topics changing from year to year, only selected statements are used in thispaper. It should also be noted that wording was changed from 2017 to 2018, with input from theSTEM Librarian, to better reflect what was trying to be assessed. For comparison purposes,Table 3 uses a coded statement, and shows the exact wording that was used for both years. Tosee the entirety of the surveys for both 2017 and 2018, see Appendix C.1 and C.2.Table 3. The coded statements used for comparisons, and the corresponding statements used inthe 2017 and 2018 surveys. Coded Statement 2017 Statement 2018 Statement Soft Skills - Soft skills are an important aspect Soft
Conference Session
Technical Session 3: History and Future of Engineering Librarianship
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. White, Queen's University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
ofsignificant information.” Easton called his vision an “intellectual refinery,” a “fully automated,continuously operating” facility that would print publications, books and other materials asneeded. Out-of-date books and redundant information would be a thing of the past.Although Easton had not suggested that libraries would soon be obsolete, the ESLC’s 1964program reflected an understandable level of anxiety among engineering librarians. The firstsession was called “The Elimination of the Technical Library” and featured papers such as“Vitality of the Technical Library” by Sam Cabeen of the New York-based EngineeringSocieties Library and “Future of the Special Librarian: Bright or Bleak?” by Alan M. Rees of theCenter for Documentation and
Conference Session
Engineering Librarians: Impacting the Past, Present, and Future
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J White, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
Paper ID #14486The History of the Engineering Libraries Division, Part 1 - 1893 to 1960Mr. Michael J White, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 The History of the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, Part 1: 1893-19601. IntroductionThe Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education(ASEE) will mark its fiftieth anniversary as a division in 2017. This important milestone is anappropriate time to reflect on the role and impact of librarians within ASEE and in engineeringeducation