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Conference Session
EM Program Design
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary A. Viola, School of Engineering, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
’ understanding of moral issues and their ability to assess these issues through ethical standards and analysis. • Enable moral analysis in a more systematic, coherent way. • Encourage reflection on students’ own moral values, rules or guidelines. • Facilitate development of students’ own definition of moral leadership and how it can be translated into action. • Elevate self-awareness and to expand students’ abilities in ‘perspective-taking’. • Develop reflection skills for professional and personal growth.Module Learning OutcomesAs a result of this module students will: • Understand how moral leadership is different from leadership in general. • Be able to recognize and analyze different types of
Conference Session
Tools of the Trade
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig G. Downing, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
feasibility of designing a 10-week course thataddressed all the concerns communicated by the interviewees. After having discussions withcampus stakeholders and other interested faculty members, a new scope was established tooptimize the course design while operating within the current resource constraints. Additionally,two major concerns were explicitly expressed: 1) Create a course that maintains the academicexcellence and rigor reflected in other Rose-Hulman STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,and Mathematics) courses and 2) Integrate experiences to help students build the leadershipskills required of successful project leaders. Given these criteria and the original interviewfindings, the final scope read as follows: Design a 10-week
Conference Session
EM Program Design
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn D. Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology; Anirban Ganguly, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
from the research results and recommendations provided alongwith posssible directio ons for futurre research. Engineering E managemennt program directors d anddcourse deevelopers caan utilize the findings of this study too help orientt and restructture theirquality/process manaagement couurses to betteer reflect currrent trends inn graduate engineering emanagem ment program ms, with partticular emphhasis on certaain topics ovver others.Importaance of Quallity / Processs Managem
Conference Session
Tools of the Trade
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas H. Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American; Connie M. Borror, Arizona State University, West
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
reflective of the UTPA student demographics. Thirteen of the 15 studentsidentified themselves as Hispanic and two students identified themselves in the Other category.One of the students who selected the other category specified Latino. Thus 14 out of 15 or 93%of the students were Hispanic. Male students comprised 60% of the course. Two-thirds of thestudents reported a family income of $60,000 or less. An interesting statistic is that only 6.7% ofthe students responding had English as a first language.Table 2 contains the evaluation of student performance for the first DOE laboratory. Studentperformance was classified as either exceptional, effective, acceptable or unsatisfactory. Theselevels of performance correspond to approximately A-level, B