Paper ID #11230Active-learning for Physics (Electromagnetism) teachers in an EngineeringCourseProf. Rodrigo Cutri P.E., Maua Institute of Techonology holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Maua Institute of Technology (2001), MSc (2004) and Ph.D. (2007) in Electrical Engineering - University of S˜ao Paulo. He is currently Titular Professor of Maua Institute of Technology, Professor of the University Center Foundation Santo Andr´e, and consultant - Tecap Electrical Industry Ltda. He has experience in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Industrial Electronics and Engineering Education, acting on the following
traditional theoretical and experimental components of the course(s). In a previous paper we proposed an approach to introducing computational physics in the undergraduate curriculum by blending computation and experimentation in the Modern Physics course and laboratory with materials that discuss contemporary physics subjects (quantum dots, LASERs, superconductivity, etc). In this paper we report on the homework problems and laboratories that have been developed as part of this project and the successes and challenges in implementing these materials, and we point to future work to be done in this area.In 2011, the American Association of Physics Teachers approved a “Statement
120 14 12 100 V a lue of S e ns or R e ading 10 80 8 Range (in) 60 6 4 40 2
within the American University community forproviding their thoughts and insights throughout the various phases of this study.IX. Bibliography[1], Accessed 18.10.13.[2], Accessed 19.10.13.[3] Rosser, S. V. (Ed.). (1995). Teaching the majority: Breaking the gender barrier in science, mathematics, and engineering. New York: Teacher’s College Press.[4] National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. (2007). Beyond bias and barriers: Fulfilling the potential of women in academic
would need to crate are moving upward at a be divided by 3 and then given in N. constant speed of 3.0 m/s, how (if any) would the answer above in question #10 differ? (Question #10 asked when the pieces in the crate are not moving, what is the magnitude of force exerted on piece A by rope 2?) (Figure 9 displays the crate configuration for both questions.)Figure 6. Sign Configuration from Question #13 on Beta Instrument 1
interested in assessing studentunderstanding of a particular lecture or class session, it would be best to give it during the lastfew minutes of class time. However, if the goal of the instructor is to assess studentunderstanding of a reading or other homework assignment, the minute paper could be givenduring the first few minutes of a class period.The minute paper is typically structured in the form of two short questions such as: “What wasthe most important thing you learned during our class session today?” and “What importantquestion(s) remain uppermost in your mind as we ended our class session today?” It isrecommended that the students’ answers remain anonymous in order for them to feelcomfortable to share their true understanding (or
that the position data is correct they are asked to use thecode to collect position and time data for a cart moving on a horizontal track. The carts are fairlylow friction and students expect to find a linear relationship between the position and time. Thisproject has been run with 4 laboratory sections (20 different lab groups of 3-4 students) over twospring semesters. Each year one lab group has used the 0.25 s delay between acquisitions as the∆t to build their position vs. time graphs. This produces very good results for a cart that is givena speed of around 0.5 m/s. The rest of the lab groups have relied on the default time variable,Duration, output by the starter sketch, see Fig. (4). This output produces a plot of position vs.time that
Paper ID #14650Ten Ways to Improve Learning Physics as Part of an Engineering CourseProf. Rodrigo Cutri P.E., Instituto Mau´a de Tecnologia Cutri holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Maua Institute of Technology (2001), MSc (2004) and Ph.D. (2007) in Electrical Engineering - University of S˜ao Paulo. He is currently Titular Professor of Maua Institute of Technology, Professor of the University Center Foundation Santo Andr´e, and consultant - Tecap Electrical Industry Ltda. He has experience in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Industrial Electronics and Engineering Education, acting on the following topics
result, using inexpensive deposition equipment, students weresuccessful at constructing working OLEDs.Bibliography1 For details see The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences website, Recombination radiation in anthracene crystals, W. Helfrich and W. G. Schneider, Phys. Rev. Lett., 14, 229- 231 (1965).3 Organic Electroluminescent Diodes, C. Tang, and S. VanSlyke, App. Phys. Lett., 51, 913-915 (1987).4 Light-emitting diodes based on conjugated polymers, J. H. Burroughes, D. D. C. Bradley, A. R. Brown, R. N. Marks, K. Mackay, R. H. Friend, P. L. Burns, and A. B. Holmes, Nature, 347, 539–541 (1990).5 Bringing science policy into the optics classroom: Solid state lighting and United States lighting standards. S. K
significant studies1,2 concerning senior engineering capstone experiences have beenconducted in North America since the 1990's. The study by Todd et al.1 was conducted in 1995and included a array of 360 responses from engineering departments. There are many interestingfindings in the report, including the small number of programs with interdepartmental seniordesign courses and that a significant number of capstone experiences were individual rather thanteam projects. The authors suggested two “areas of improvement in engineering education,”including and increased practice of teamwork and involving industry in order to give studentspreparation for “real-world engineering practice.” There is little doubt that this study impactedengineering programs to
1,11,20 10 7,16,25 11 6,15,24,28,29 Table I DIRECT question number(s) corresponding to the relevant learning objective.Implementation & Results of AssessmentBeginning with the winter 2004 term and continuing through the fall 2013 term, we administeredthe DIRECT assessment to all of the second semester general physics laboratory students,(N=738) at the end of the semester. This group of students includes 284 students taking thecalculus-based physics sequence and 454 students taking the algebra-based sequence. Forpurposes of comparison, the sample size in the original publication of the DIRECT
these topic areas are assigned. Here students haveseveral options and must make efficient choices in order to solve the problem(s) at hand. Theseprojects are intended to challenge students' judgment and creativity as well as their problem-solving abilities. Each student team is required to submit a final written report upon completion Page 13.1112.5of each project.The writing activity in both courses involved the preparation of a professional paper forpresentation at a conference held at the end of the semester. The discussion that followshighlights this writing activity and demonstrates that regardless of class size, the experience canbe a rich
related to the peer-review versus instructor-reviewportions of the writing activity. In addition, a summary the effectiveness of incorporating awriting strategy(s) into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) classroomswill be shared.II. THE PHYSICS FOR A NEW MILLENNIUM COURSE AT AMERICAN UNIVERSITY The writing strategy to be described is used within an introductory level physics course fornon-science majors at American University. The course is entitled Physics for a NewMillennium (PNM) and is a second-tier course in the Natural Sciences portion of the GeneralEducation core. Prior to enrolling in PNM, students have typically taken the first-levelfoundation course in physics. In addition, American University offers a unique
images, it also tells you these theories behind” (Student CE_Se_03). “We use a lot of quantum in doing…like bonding… how the orbital form into bonds… the models of those help me … in pulling out … this is how a s orbital looks like, this is how a s orbital looks like…” (Student CE_Se_01).Integrated with interactive capabilities, students could manipulate and explore a givenphenomenon and understand the abstract concept, for example, one student said, “you could drag electrons like different levels and achieve like different colors and say wow that’s cool why did that happen. And you kind of, work through that in your head” (Student P_Ju_01). To off-load complicated mathematical calculations. Quantum mechanics
, causality binds together reasoning processes that are commonto all STEM disciplines, including making predictions, drawing implications, making inferences,and articulating explanations.PredictionsReasoning from a description of a condition or set of conditions or states of an event to thepossible effect(s) that may result from those states is called prediction. Prediction assumes amore or less probabilistic relationship between causal antecedent(s) and effect(s) because apotentially large number of causal relationships can participate in the occurrence of the effect.The two primary functions of prediction are forecasting an event (e.g., economic ormeteorological forecasting) and testing of hypotheses to confirm or refute scientific
, Criterion e.2 “Solve electrical and computer engineering problems involvingbasic theory of circuit elements, electronic devices, and digital logic,” three measures are theoverall score on the common final and two selected problems on the common final with a goal ofthe median score being 80% or better. • Final: Students are required to have a C or better on the final examination, e.g. 65%-70% (the minimum cutoff percentage selected for each final) . • Problem: Students will be given a transistor (BJT or FET) circuit and will be asked to determine the DC operating point. • Problem: Students will be given an OpAmp circuit and will be asked to determine the output voltage or current as a function of input signal(s).For
n similar. This T way wee can know hhow much sttudents havee learned froom practicing in the virtuual lab. Pre-Exp periment tesst The pre--experiment test is con nducted befo fore performming the virrtual experim ments. The main purpose ofo conductinng this test iss to assess th he student’s theoretical kknowledge, i.e. understaanding of certainn concept(s)). With succh a baselin ne, we can m measure the effect of ruunning the vvirtual experimeents on the level l of undeerstanding of o the conceppt(s) by the student. Alsso, by identifying areas of struggle, reemedial actiions can bee
assessments will help the instructor tailor the followinglecture(s) to address any remaining difficulties, and will also guide the revision of thelaboratories. Students’ responses to exam questions will then be used to assess students’understanding once again.(2) Modeling + Experiment: Computation is now a ubiquitous tool in science and engineering,complementing theory and experiment. There have been several successful efforts to introducecomputation in the introductory physics sequence and upper-level curriculum (for example,Matter and Interactions,8 the course developed by J. Tobochnik and H. Gould,9 and projects atLawrence University10 and Brigham Young University,11 among others12), using VPython,Maple, and other computational languages. However
conducted, we have uncovered, timeand time again, that our students come into our classes with issues that have a direct or indirectbearing on their ability to learn physics. One central question this paper aims to address is: Arethe factors that impede or enhance student learning in physics any different in the millennial age?IntroductionToday’s classrooms are largely populated by millennials. For the past two decades we have seenincreased use of variety of terms used to describe them. The millennial is often considered to bean individual born sometime between approximately 1980 and 2000. We often refer to thissubset of the population as Generation Y or Gen Y. Other names given to this group ofindividuals include Echo Boomers and 24/7’s
– 30). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 7. Rebello, N. S. (2009). Can we assess efficiency and innovation in transfer? AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1179, 241 – 244. 8. R. J. Beichner, "An Introduction to Physics Education Research," in Getting Started in PER, edited by C. Henderson and K. A. Harper (American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, MD, 2009), Reviews in PER Vol. 2, . 9. Hake, R. R. (1998). A six thousand student study of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. The American Journal of Physics, 66(1), 64 - 74. 10. Connolly, P. & Vilardi, T. (1989). Writing to Learn in Mathematics and Science. New York: Teachers College Press. 11. Countryman, J. (1992
. Brewster, C.; Fager, J., “Student Mentoring,” Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory’sInformation Services pp 1-53, 1998.2. Matthew, S.; Jace A,; Donlad H.; Terri F., “Work in Progress -Implementing a Freshman Mentor thProgram,” Frontiers in Education Conference, 38 Annual pp. F2H-1/F2H-2, 2008.3. Matthew, S.; Donald, H.; Terri, F.; “Work in Progress – Improving Self-Efficacy with a Freshman thMentor Program,” Frontiers in Education Conference, 38 Annual pp. F3D-5/F3D-6, 2008.4. Sash, R.; Detloff, H.; Chen, B.; Grandgenett, N.; Duran,, D., “Work in Progress – Retention of
research work is supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan,under grant 97-2511-S-259-008-MY3. The authors thank Shu-Chen Kuo for her help incollecting and analyzing the data in this study.Bibliography1. Carnegie Corporation of New York and Institute for Advanced Study (2009). The Opportunity Equation: Transforming Mathematics and Science Education for Citizenship and the Global Economy. Retrieved Jan. 8, 2010 from Palmer, D. H. (2009). Student interest generated during and inquiry skills lesson. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(2), 147-165.3. Lester, F., Garofalo I., & Kroll, D. (1989). Self-confide, interest, beliefs and meta-cognition: key influences on problem
transistor (field-effect transistor), since the conduction path between drain(D) andsource(S) is electrically isolated from the gate(G). The fact of the technology is emphasizedby the circuit symbol and the requirement of a reasonably high gate field. The figure and thefacts emphasize that this requirement can be accomplished at the low voltage levels ofintegrated circuits only if the gate is separated from the semiconductor substrate by a thininsulation layer, which, for the choice of silicon as substrate, is SiO2, one of the bestelectrical insulators known. Since this oxide layer must be on the order of nanometers (10-9m), the strong link to technology is immediate and recognizable.The transistor action is also relatively simple and reasonably
: two rounds of a perception survey related to the learning of physics and a survey particularly designed for reflective quiz self-correction activity; a pre- and a post-mechanics baseline test at the beginning and the end of the semester plus two tests and a final exam (quizzes and exams are the same as what were used in the previous semester without this intervention); two quiz mistake categorization reports.III. Results, Discussions and Conclusions Some sample materials used and data collected from the project are given below. Sample quizzes questions: Example 1: A car moving with constant acceleration covered the distance between two points 60.0 m apart in 6.00 s. Its speed as it passed the
15 students for each professor. Let S = number of students and P = Page 11.156.7number of professors. As a mathematical expression this statement is Responses (percent) (count)1. S = 15P 72.73% 82. P = 15S 27.27% 33. S*P = 15 0% 0 Totals 100% 113.) Q2. Consider a function f = 2(x^3)y. The partial derivative of f with respect to x is
students if they feel the summercamp was beneficial to them in terms of academic performance, and transitioning from highschool to college.References1. M. Yilmaz, J. Ren, S. Custer, and J. Coleman, "Hands-On Summer Camp to Attract K–12 Students to Engineering Fields," IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 144- 151, 2010.2. J. O. Attia, "Increasing electrical and computer engineering enrollment: A multi-faceted approach," 37th Annual Frontiers In Education Conference - Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports, Milwaukee, WI, 2007, pp. S4A-9-S4A-12.3. L. Anderson, and K. Gilbride, "Pre-University Outreach: Encouraging Students to Consider Engineering Careers
Coalition”, Proceedings 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, ASEE (2003).2. J. Carpenter, “Integrating Calculus and Introductory Science concepts”, Proceedings 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, ASEE (2007).3. L. Gentile, L. Caudill, M. Fetea, A. Hill, K. Hoke, B. Lawson, O. Lipan, M. Kerckhove, C. Parish, K. Stenger, and D. Szajda, “Challenging Disciplinary Boundaries in the First Year: A New Introductory Integrated Science Course for STEM Majors”, J. College Science Teaching, 41(5), 2012, pp. 44-50.4. M. L. Temares, R. Narasimhan and S. S. Lee, “IMPaCT - A Pilot Program”, 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, ASEE (1996).5. D. Pines, M
local, regional, and international conferences. The courseappears to have performed well with respect to many of the ABET outcomes. Page 25.729.9References[1] Bowman, R. J. “Electrical Engineering Freshmen Practicum,” Proceedings of the 2003American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2003.[2] Farrow, D., and R. LeMaster. “Automation laboratory development enhances studentlearning.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL, June 18-21,2006.[3] Scott, S., R. Athinarayanan, Xiaobing Hou, and Shuju Wu. “Integrated curriculum andlaboratory development of an undergraduate
. M. Saul, D. Deardorff, D. S. Abbott, R. J. Beichner, “Evaluating introductory physics classes in light of the ABET criteria: An example from the SCALE-UP Project”, 2000 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, (June 2000). 10. S. Mitra-Kirtley, “Thoughts on Studio Physics”, Optics and Photonics News, (Sept.1998). 11. S. Mitra-Kirtley, “Studio Physics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology”, 2000 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, (June, 2000). 12. Doyle Davis, “Vidshell software”, New Hampshire Technical College 13.; tml; 14. Kate Kirby, Roman Czujko, and Patrick Mulvey, The Physics Job Market: From Bear to Bull in a
statistical concepts which are frequentlymisunderstood by students at this level16.It should certainly be pointed out to students that this approach provides a very conservativenumber because it assumes worst case addition of inaccuracies and that more sophisticatedtechniques will be introduced later. If students are familiar with basic statistical techniques wecan differentiate between random and systematic errors and show that random errors can bereduced by averaging the results of repeated measurement. In this case, for random errors, therange can be replaced with 2s / n , where s is the experimental standard deviation and n is thenumber of samples averaged. This gives a 95% coverage interval for normally distributed dataand, by Chebyshev’s