, mathematics and computing are shown inFigure 1.Figure 1 The definition of computational science and engineering.Each module has three main components: lecture(s), which are part of physics or engineering courses;CAS solved related-examples; work groups and home-works. In the lecture(s), the theory is presentedand examples of typical and/or real life problems are worked out using the facilities of the CAS. Duringthe work groups, typically during the tutoring session, small groups or individual students are assigned aset of problems to solve. Students are expected to solve additional problems and to study the course text.The project total workload for a term course is about 80 hours for the average student. The main aim ofthe courses and the CAS-based
&M measurements Ü Ability to use instruments such as: o Network analyzers for RF work; e.g. S-parameter and Smith Chart measurements o Spectrum analyzers o Microwave source generators Ü Antenna pattern measurements Ü Transmission line measurements o VSWR o Reflectometry o Matching Ü Introductory ability to use E&M finite element software o ANSYS® o FEMLAB®Results/pedagogyBased on the research just noted, a modular metrology-based E&M pedagogy was developed forthe second semester. Depending on assessment results, the approach may be extended to the firstsemester as well. The modular approach has four global objectives. The
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through WebAssign.WebAssign was chosen because it offers customizable pre-coded questions from a wide range ofmath and science textbooks along with easy-to-use tools that allow instructors to create their ownquestions (Figure 2).14Each participant was given a laptop, a physics textbook, a headphone, and an access code forWebAssign. Although Summer Physics Jam was a self-paced program, it was designed such thata student would be able to finish all the topics covered in a physics course if s/he followed theschedule. Page 23.978.5 List of the assignments Figure (2) List of assignments for both physics
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either individually or in groups. When appropriate, the TAwould attempt to form study groups for students to work together. When the students were stumped,they could ask questions and receive help from the staff.The course material was divided into seventeen units. Each unit summarized the key concepts,background math and methods required to solve the problems, and about ten to fifteen physicsproblems to solve. Often reading assignments were also included on these units in addition to beingposted on the course website.Students were free to work through the unit(s) at their own pace and solve as many problems as theyfelt necessary. There was no requirement of completing these for a grade like the LRE. When astudent felt prepared to demonstrate
., Haines, & A. Hurford (Eds.), Modeling students’ mathematical modeling competencies (pp. 13-41). New York: Springer. (2010).7. R. Lesh & H.M. Doerr. Foundations of models and modeling perspectives on mathematics teaching, learning, and problem solving. In R. Lesh & H. Doerr (Eds.), Beyond constructivism: Models and modeling perspectives on mathematics problem solving, learning, and teaching (pp. 3-33). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. (2003).8. R. Lesh & Sriraman, Mathematics Education as a Design Science, ZDM, 37(6), 490-505. (2005).9. C. Michelsen. Functions: A modelling tool in mathematics and science, ZDM, 38(3), 260-280. (2006).10. Beichner, R. J., Saul, J. M., Abbott, D. S., Morse, J. J., Deardorff, D. L
both “marketpenetration” and development of transferable programming skills: they recommended exposingstudents to it, but not restructuring the course around it.)We thus kept VB6 in Sensor Lab, knowing that we would eventually need to change. Thischange was ultimately demanded by our university’s conversion to 64-bit Windows 7 (Win7):our IT support person advised that there were issues surrounding VB6’s access of the COM portsin 64-bit Win7, and that it may be time to move on. (A survey of several online programmingforums showed this to be true. While there may be some workarounds that “fix” this issue, thesedid not seem worth it, given that the rest of the world is moving past VB6, especially for newapplications.)We considered Microsoft
‟ attributes on their position in theSCALE-UP network. Similar to QAP multiple regression, estimate standard errors andsignificance will be estimated using the random permutations method. Both statistical testingprocedures were performed in UCINET 6, a package for social network analysis. Table 1 givesan overview of our research questions and the statistical techniques that were used to examinethem.Results We first examined the major avenues of how information about SCALE-UP spread andclustered the items from the survey into meaningful categories: (1) Talks/Workshops, (2)Interacting with other user(s), (3) Website, (4) Reading, (5) Don‟t know, and (6) Other. Theresults indicate that vast majority of respondents learned and heard about SCALE-UP
also be used to introduce thevertical strain concept which will be very helpful and utilized in consolidation settlementestimation. The difference of can be obtained from normal consolidated or over consolidatedsoil consolidation test curves. The original void ratio can be estimated from the followingthree phase diagram as well.Wa = 0 Air (a) Va = e – Va = e - wGs Vv = Va + Vw =Ww = wWs = w1Gs γw =wGs γw Water (w) Vw = Ww/ γw = wGs eWs = Vsγs = Vs Gs γw = 1Gs γw Solid (s) Vs = 1Wt = Ws + Ww + Wa Vt = Vs + Vw + Va = 1Gs γw + wGs γw + 0 =1 + e =(1+ w)Gs γw = Gs γw (1+ w
, Seattle, Washington, June 14-27, 20153 Voss, David L., K Alexander, M. Ford, C. Handy, S. Lucero, and A. Pietruszewski, Educational Programs:Investment with a Large Return, 26th Annual AIAA/USU, Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, SSC12-VII-1, Aug. 20124 Welcome to the University Nanosat Program (UNP). Retrieved March 19, 2014, fromhttp://prs.afrl.kirtland.af.mil/UNP/index.aspx5 Voss, Hank and Jeff Dailey, “TSAT Globalstar ELaNa-5 Extremely Low-Earth Orbit (ELEO) Satellite” SmallSatellite Conference, Utah, August, 2014, paper SSC14-WK-66 Sargent, T., Kiers, J., and Voss, H. (2014, March). ELEO-Sat Design Process for a Boom Deployment Systemwith Monte Carlo Aerodynamics Simulation. Paper presented at ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section
, evaluating functions, and plotting functions), and in their ability to use laboratory equipment. Data from Table 7. References[1] 2014-2015 Factbook, pp. 1, 35, 48, 197-199, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, Queensborough Community College.www.qcc.cuny.edu/oira/docs/factbook- 2014-15/FactBook2014-2015.pdf.[2] 2015-2016 College Catalog, p. 27, Queensborough Community College. www.qcc.cuny.edu/academics/college-catalog.html.[3] “Long Island’s Troubling High School Graduation Gap,” Newsday, By The Editorial Board, Jan. 18, 2016. www.newsday.com/opinion/editorial/long-island-s-troubling-high-school- graduation-gap-1.11337114.[4] “Data: High School Students
class advanced. This single device allowed students to explorenearly every concept in first-term general physics, with the exception of static equilibrium andgravitation. Student response to the use of the device in the classroom was positive, although formalanalysis of student knowledge gain was inconclusive. A larger study would allow for a morecomplete examination of the application of a modular and increasingly-difficult touchstonemodel device; furthermore, specific knowledge gain goals should be assessed in order to analyzethe effect of the TM1’s use on persistent physics misconceptions. With proper design, theseexperiments could be used to inform further curriculum development if the results are shown tobe promising. A
chemistry. We begin by discussing the historical origins of quantumtheory, why it was such a radical departure from classical physics, why it became necessary toaccept such a totally different approach to understand the world, and why the “quantum picture”continues to be anti-intuitive and difficult to accept. Next, we examine the postulates ofquantum mechanics and how we can “shut up and calculate” everything that is determinable forquantum systems, including tunneling, and low-dimensional quantum systems, such as 1D and2D quantum wells. We then extend the quantum analysis to real systems from quantum dots tothe hydrogen atom and touch on the chemistry of the “s-p-d-f” quantum states and hybridizedouter orbitals. Finally, we look at electrons in
Methods: a Handbook for Research on Interactions. New York, NY: Irvington Publishers, Inc.[4] Scaife, T. M. and Heckler, A. F. (2012). “The Dependence of Instructional Outcomes on Students' Individual Differences: An Example from Simple DC Circuits.” In S. Rebello, P. Engelhardt, and A. Churukian (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 Physics Education Research Conference. (in press.)[5] Keppel, G. and Wickens, T. (2004). Design and Analysis: A researcher’s Handbook (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.[6] Haskell, T. (2007). FLXLab (Version 2.0) [Software]. Available from http://flxlab.sourceforge.net/[7] Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ
not come directlyout of the course textbook and/or the lecturer’s notes. Critics of this method say that mostlecturers are incapable of being engaging or even holding their students attention. Some havedescribed this as though the lecturer were reciting a monologue to a room full of inattentive ears. Student’s course grades are mostly determined by homework and exams. Many worrythat students are more likely to focus on rote memorization of formulas and examples, and neverdevelop independent thinking or the foundational understanding. Redish (1994) uses an analogycalled “the dead leaves model”: …it is as if physics were a collection of equations on fallen leaves. One might hold s=1/2g*t^2, another F = m*a, and a third F
present study, the students in universities of technology hold somealternative conceptions in Electricity. Therefore, the physics teacher should think how to teachthe topics of electricity in an effective way. Furthermore, more research is need on developingmore effective teaching strategy to enhance UT students’ conception about electricity. Finally, itis found that the UT students did lack of the ability/intention in reasoning and explanation. It issuggested that physics teacher should encourage students and provide them more opportunities toengage in reasoning activities in physics course.AcknowledgementThe funding of this research work is provided by the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC,under grant NSC 97-2511-S-259-008-MY3