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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 160 in total
Conference Session
Computer-related Issues
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wesley Allen Hotalen Jr., ECU Department of Technology Systems; Te-shun Chou, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Paper ID #23486A Multiplayer Peer-to-Peer Cyber Attack and Defense InfrastructureMr. Wesley Allen Hotalen Jr., ECU Department of Technology Systems Mr. Wesley Hotalen is an Undergraduate student studying Computer Science at East Carolina Univer- sity. His research interests include programming languages and web application graphical user interfaces (GUI’s). Mr. Hotalen is a student web developer for the Department of Engineering and Technology at East Carolina University.Dr. Te-Shun Chou, East Carolina University Dr. Te-Shun Chou is an Associate Professor in the Department of Technology Systems at ECU. He received his
Conference Session
Issues in Engineering Technology Education II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
number of undecided answers,41%, were on question 6 asking how this assignment helped to learn the use of databases andelectronic library resources to search for reliable information. While the instructor put a lot ofeffort in explaining the importance of peer reviewed publications, in their final papers manystudents still included websites as references and did not search for peer-reviewed referencepapers published in journals and conference proceedings.Conclusions and Future WorkIntroducing a technical writing assignment in a lower division electrical circuits course was apositive experience for the instructor as well as the students. The majority of the studentsparticipating in the survey agreed that technical writing is important for their
Conference Session
Assessment Methods and Learning Pedagogy II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farrokh Attarzadeh, University of Houston; Deniz Gurkan, University of Houston; Mequanint A. Moges, University of Houston; Victor J. Gallardo, University of Houston; Mehrube Mehrubeoglu, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi; Morteza Sameei, Houston Community College Northeast
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, aconcept mapping activity was used in order to channel the peer-to-peer interaction towards aframework of knowledge and skills transfer. A concept map is a spatial representation ofconcepts and their interrelationships that is intended to visually represent the structuralknowledge that a learner has stored in long-term memory6-7. The process of building a conceptmap engages the learner with the content and is considered an active learning strategy. A numberof concept mapping software applications are readily available that have also been used for thisproject. By incorporating CMaps with the peer-to-peer mentorship program, we sought to createstudents with increased capacity to engage in real world problem solving, increased writing andoral
Conference Session
Innovations in Computer Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Veeramuthu Rajaravivarma, SUNY-Farmingdale
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2008-881: CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE OF PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKTECHNOLOGY AS NEXT GENERATION TELEVISIONVeeramuthu Rajaravivarma, SUNY-Farmingdale V. Rajaravivarma is currently with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at SUNY, Farmingdale State College. Previously, he was with Tennessee State University, Morehead State University, North Carolina A&T State University, and Central Connecticut State University. Dr. Rajaravivarma teaches electronics, communication, and computer networks courses to engineering technology students. His research interest areas are in the applications of computer networking and digital signal processing
Conference Session
Capstone and Design Projects in Engineering Technology
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmine C. Balascio, University of Delaware; Beth (Becky) Kano Kinney, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
variety of disciplines to create an online peer evaluation system.The system accommodates numerical grading schemes in which student team members can useinstructor-defined rubrics or other criteria to evaluate or rate contributions to the team effort ofthemselves and fellow team members.To provide beneficial feedback to the students, the system encourages essay responsecommentary that students can write about themselves and other team members. The commentscan be compiled by the system and forwarded to the instructor. To insure anonymity and thatcomments released to students are constructive, the system gives the instructor the ability toexamine all comments and provide appropriate editing before the comments are anonymouslyforwarded to the
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Paper ID #17861Assessing Communications and Teamwork Using Peer and Project SponsorFeedback in a Capstone CourseDr. Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University Dr. Michael D. Johnson is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and In- dustrial Distribution at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the faculty at Texas A&M, he was a senior product development engineer at the 3M Corporate Research Laboratory in St. Paul, Minnesota. He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University and his S.M. and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Johnson’s
Conference Session
Student Learning and Teamwork
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenifer M. Shannon, Pennsylvania State University, Berks; Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
one of the key attributes future engineers need in order to becompetitive in the global market according to the National Academy of Engineers1. Yet surveysfrom industry employers often indicate that the communication skills of recent engineeringgraduates are unsatisfactory2. This paper describes a strategy to improve student writtencommunication skills and student engagement with the subject matter by developing the use ofcritical thinking skills during the writing process. The modified pedagogy discussed in thispaper provided students with detailed guidance and clear expectations for each writingassignment. A combination of peer review and instructor comments was used as a means ofproviding feedback for students to incorporate lessons
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Weissbach P.E., Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Ruth Camille Pflueger, Pennsylvania State University in Erie, the Behrend College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
process, butoftentimes engineering technology students have few opportunities to develop their skills in thisarea as they matriculate through their chosen degree program. Many programs require only oneor two writing courses outside of the major. In addition, courses that require communication inthe form of laboratory reports often provide minimal feedback regarding appropriate writingstyle, the effective support of results with analysis, and maintaining efficiency in writing.In this paper, a new approach is presented that unburdens some of the responsibility from theinstructor to peer tutors outside of the engineering technology major who are skilled writers.Although this effort has been ongoing, with engineering technology students required to
Conference Session
Curriculum in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology: Part II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
HongLi Luo, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
applications ≠ Know the fundamental lossless compression and lossy compression techniques ≠ Know the current image compression and video compression standards ≠ Know the basic technologies in designing adaptive multimedia applications ≠ Know the different protocols for multimedia transmission ≠ Write a simple Internet networking application using socket programming ≠ Know the current peer-to-peer multimedia networking applications ≠ Gain hands-on experiences on multimedia transmission technologiesTo accomplish these objectives, the course is composed of lectures, homework, laboratoryassignments, literature readings and course project. Hands-on laboratories are mainly designed tohelp students get familiar with the multimedia compression
Conference Session
Topics Related to Telecommunications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steve Hsiung, Old Dominion University; Walter F. Deal III, Old Dominion University; Lacides Agustin Osorio, Norfolk Ship Support Activity; Mathew Henderson, Tidewater Community College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
other devices to joinits network. The peer-to-peer topology also has a PAN coordinator. However, it differs from the startopology in that any device can communicate with any other device as long as they are in rangeof one another. Peer-to-peer topology allows more complex network formations to beimplemented such as a mesh networking topology. Applications such as industrial control andmonitoring, wireless sensor networks, asset and inventory tracking, intelligent agriculture, andsecurity would benefit from such a network topology. Beacons are used to synchronize the attached devices to the network to identify the PANand describe the structure of the super frames. Any device desiring to communicate during thecontention access
Conference Session
Electrical ET Curriculum and Projects
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Spezia, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Student Self-Assessment Peer Assessment Instructor Assessment Figure 9. Comparison of Assessment Processes in Frequency Response Tester ProjectIn observing student performance over the project history, several interesting points and areas forcontinued instructional design refinements have been discovered. One area of concern is thatgroup members have difficulty writing and applying information from circuit designdescriptions. This is evident in the comprehensive technical reports that require group membersto use peer materials. To help eliminate this deficiency, model circuit descriptions will be takenfrom technical publications and given to students for review. The instructor
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Design I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carlos R. Morales, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
compelling manner that can enhance education.It is also evident, the technology to create and deploy eBooks has reached a tipping point.However, there are few guiding principles for how the eBook publishing process can exist withinthe requirements for tenure track faculty to undertake the Promotion & Tenure process with itsrigorous peer review component. There is also a lack of compelling evidence for how to beststructure interactive educational activities to maximize learning across a variety of differentdevices (PC, Tablets, mobile phones).This paper presents the best practices developed by a collaboration of faculty and an eBookpublisher to best maximize learning and address the unique requirements of tenure-track facultypublishing eBooks
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology Courses
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
write up or the oral presentation. Really did a lot during the project, particularly with the final Tony Romo 1.05 document. Betty Crocker 1.05 Overall good participator. Note: “Total” must equal the number of rated team members or Total 3.00 3.0 Figure A-1: Completed sample peer evaluation by “Johnny Debb” on his fellow group members. Table A-1: Example of Total Group Assessments and Resulting Final Grades: Johnny Tom Tony
Conference Session
Capstone/ET Projects III - Mechanical and Manufacturing Focus
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Byul Hur, Texas A&M University; Yonghui Wang, Prairie View A&M University; Suxia Cui, Prairie View A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
in An Engineering Technology ProgramAbstractMany engineering technology students struggle with theoretical concepts. Cookie-cutterlaboratory activities and courses projects that are more like academic exercises can only providelimited help for student to make the connection between theories they learn in classroom andreal-world problems.Maker Culture is an attractive way of enhancing student learning. The Maker Movement canachieve learning-by-doing in an informal environment, which works well for engineeringtechnology students. Maker Culture also allows for the implementation of several studentcentered learning options such as active learning, cooperative learning, peer-led team learning,peer instruction, problem-based
Conference Session
Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering Technology: Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
teaching with the use of atablet-pc and digital ink technology. Digital ink-technology is the term used for writing on atablet-pc screen using free hand writing. The students in the class did not use tablet-pc. Theauthor had developed complete PowerPointTM based lectures, several animations, multimediacontent and several example problems around this approach targeted to engineers.Based on all the information that was given at the interview and from what had been gleanedfrom literature, the author decided to start his new job by utilizing the blackboard to teach in thetraditional method to address the falsely perceived lack of depth and rigor. The lectures weremostly oriented to writing the notes and solving several example problems on the
Conference Session
Non-Technical Skills in ET
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina; Alysia Starkey, Kansas State University-Salina; Beverlee Kissick, Kansas State University-Salina
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2007-1381: FOSTERING STUDENTS TO BE LIFELONG LEARNERS WITHSCIENCE LITERACY, INFORMATION FLUENCY, AND COMMUNICATIONSKILLSJung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina Jung Oh is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Kansas State University at Salina. She earned her B.S. from Sogang University in Korea and a Ph.D. from UCLA. She was an ASEE postdoctoral fellow at Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division. She was 2004 Wakonse Teaching fellow and 2006 Peer Review of Teaching fellow at K-State. Her interests in scholarship of teaching include cross-curricular innovation.Alysia Starkey, Kansas State University-Salina Alysia Starkey is an Assistant Professor and the Technical Services/Automation
Conference Session
Professional Development and Scholarship
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Warren Hill, Weber State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
eachof these areas and how this weighing is used to calculate an overall rating for the faculty memberundergoing evaluation.Information GatheringThere are several sources of information that are available and used for the purposes ofevaluation. The types and kinds of information sources vary depending upon the area beingevaluated, namely whether one is looking at teaching, scholarship, or service. One sourcenormally common to all three of these is a self-report from the faculty member describing his orher accomplishments in each of these areas over the period for which they are being evaluated.Another common source of information is peer review. In talking about peer review, it isimportant to have the right group of peers doing the evaluation
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Riley Sevan Harding, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis; Patricia Fox, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis; Charles McIntyre, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis; Terri L. Talbert-Hatch, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
in, what major to pursue, and on it goes. Probably the mostcritical aspect of their consternation is to decide on a specific area of study, i.e., career decision.Arguably, most students want to be surrounded by peers who share the same passions andinterests. Many universities and colleges offer programs that provide these kinds of opportunitiesby hosting STEM living learning communities that offer resources that would not be available inother living environments either on, or off campus.Living learning communities provide an opportunity for students to build strong relationshipsinside and outside of the classroom and promotes higher academic performance which results ingreater student success.11 By taking some of the same courses together
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan McGaughey, Carnegie Mellon University; Jeremy Michalek, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
; ‚ layered, linked, accessible, and reusable course notes; ‚ the ability to monitor student progress in real time; ‚ support for scheduling and team formation; and ‚ support for course co-development. Page 13.1402.13Student interaction benefits include ‚ increased peer to peer interaction; ‚ increased student-instructor interaction; ‚ accessibility of all work in the public domain; ‚ full historical records of individual contributions to group assignments; ‚ support for collaborative writing; ‚ mechanisms to control accuracy; and ‚ growth and reuse of information over time, across courses, and across
Conference Session
Faculty Development and Research in ET
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Denton, Purdue University; Nancy Denton, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, conforming to the requirements for training and certification of personnel specified in ISO 18436.2. Certification examinations are offered in over 20 countries through the Vibration Institute and cooperating societies in Canada, Japan, Korea, and Great Britain10. This certification program began in the 1980s as a three-level five-year specialty certification program meeting the needs of VI members and their employers. The Vibration Institute has attempted to include at least one academic member on its certification examination committees to provide expertise on question writing and a more general perspective on the discipline. I joined the fifteen-member Vibration Institute certification examination committee as they transitioned
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel K. Jones P.E., SUNYIT; Mohammed Abdallah, SUNYIT
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
mid-semester and final oralpresentations provided additional insight. However, the peer-assessments were student biased,and so instructor’s evaluation involved some speculation. An additional teamwork assessment isrecommended in other classes. Also, a single final report was submitted by each group, and so itwas not possible to assess the individual performance for written communication. A more validapproach would be to assess writing skills for individual laboratory reports from other classesduring the senior year. The new rubrics would be much more effective if used in a variety ofcourses.ConclusionA pilot study has been conducted for three new rubrics to assess communication and teamworkskills. Results have been summarized and evaluated
Conference Session
Issues in Engineering Technology Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher R Conty, Editor On Behalf of You
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
increase their odds of success by offering ”pre-signing” development – for which no fee is charged to the author, as publisher pays the fee. For Momentum Press, I recruit academic Collection Editors in Mfg. Processes, Mechanical, Industrial, Instrumentation, Design & Graphics Engineering; then collaborate with these CE’s to develop their Collections by seeking academic author ”experts” to write short (150- page) applied focused titles within larger subject areas – Collections overall are for engineering libraries; individual titles in both digital & paperback formats are for advanced Engr. & Engr. Tech student purchase (via adoption or single copy) for research & course study. Have set foot on over 1200
Conference Session
Recruiting and Retention
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Janice Girouard, University of Hartford; Ivana Milanovic, University of Hartford; Natalie Segal, University of Hartford; Dr. Sallie 'Lee' Townsend
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
-2005. She is currently Program Director for Mechanical Engineering Technology in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture.Natalie Segal, University of Hartford Prior to her appointment as a full-time teacher of technical communications at S. I. Ward College of Technology at the University of Hartford, Assistant Professor NATALIE SEGAL worked for more than 20 years as a technical writer and taught technical writing part-time at Ward College for eight years. She holds her Bachelor's Degree in English Education from the University of Connecticut, a Master's Degree in English from Trinity College and a Master of Fine Arts in
Conference Session
Alternative Teaching Methods
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer A. O'Neil, Rochester Institute of Technology; Martin E. Gordon, Rochester Institute of Technology; Abigail Gordon, Clarence Central School District; Brian Scott Rice, Rochester Institute of Technology; Gary De Angelis, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
chunkin’ project. Students had to essentially repeat the marshmallow project,except in a larger team with a full-scale launcher that was capable of firing a five pound pumpkin100 yards.The concept of technical writing was frontloaded in Fundamentals of Engineering by scaffoldingthe content, as described below.  Project 1 required a one-page summary per team of three;  Students received a lecture on technical writing;  Project 2 required a full technical memo per team of six;  Students completed a peer-review process on their individual Project 3 reports; and  Project 3 required each individual to create a full technical memo.The final concepts frontloaded in Fundamentals of Engineering were the software programs taughtto
Conference Session
Capstone and Design Projects
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Moin Uddin, East Tennessee State University; Keith V. Johnson, East Tennessee State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
mitigate the problem. It was anticipated that the students would learnabout international business environment, cross cultural elements of engineering problems, andsustainable solutions. Students learning outcomes were evaluated using pre and post survey,focus group’s evaluation, and peer evaluation. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted tojustify effectiveness of new learning outcomes. All students agreed that the course projectincreased their knowledge and skills to solve engineering problems in global settings. About92% students responded that the project increased their interest about different cultures andmulti-perspective analysis, and 72% students, up 52% from pre-survey, said that the project washelpful understanding engineering and
Conference Session
ETD Freshmen Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Shouling He, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Margaret Ducharme, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
their load distribution, students applied these concepts to theirexamination of a basic Warren truss bridge. Finally, students participated in a Technical Writingseminar and workshop in which they learned how to revise their writing and how to make asuccessful oral presentation. Before the final program presentations, the students performedpractice versions of these demonstrations for their classmates. A scoring rubric was employed inorder for the students to benefit from peer evaluations of their classmates’ work.Each Friday, the speakers from the industrial seminar and workshop sessions introduced studentsto real-world engineering systems, and they provided them with the opportunity to work withengineering principles in a hands-on environment
Conference Session
Professional Development and Scholarship
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandy W. Feola, Sinclair Community College; Steven Wendel, Sinclair Community College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
companyallow, tape recording the question responses is an excellent way to supplement notes. project and career profile worksheets provide a place for students to keep theirnotes organized and help feed into the template used to publish onto the site.Write: More readers than just my teacher!The questions were asked, notes were taken, a full day of listening and learning from the jobshadow mentor has completed. The end result of many student job shadow projects culminates ina written report to the teacher who in turn, grades and returns the report back to the student.Would the student’s effort and quality improve knowing their mentor and peers will be readingwhat they write? Writing skill is an important characteristics employers look
Conference Session
Capstone and Senior Design in Engineering Technology
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ivana Milanovic, University of Hartford; Tom Eppes, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Page 14.1051.7All capstones use peer assessment administered at the end of the semester during the finalpresentation. MET capstones employ an external panel of judges, a natural extension of industry-sponsored projects. The quality of assessment and interaction between the panel and the teamsduring the final presentation is good since some judges have been indirectly involved in theprojects. The peer and panel assessment data is both semantic (comments) and objective(numerical). The writing consultant provides input on the final grade to the instructor. EETcapstones do not use a judging panel therefore assessment of student work rests solely with theinstructor. Table 6 lists the pros and cons of assessment techniques. Peer
Conference Session
ET Curriculum and Programs I
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mohammad Moin Uddin P.E., East Tennessee State University; Keith V. Johnson, East Tennessee State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, curriculum, student experience, faculty,learning resources and administrative support. A two-day long site visit was conducted by apanel of two external and two internal peer reviewers. This paper presents planning, preparationand lessons learned from this recent academic review of the program. Some of the highlightedlessons learned are plan early, develop and implement a continuous improvement plan, securefaculty and administrative support to drive success in a graduate program.IntroductionAccreditation is an integral part of most undergraduate Engineering Technology (ET) programsin the USA. Accreditation bodies like ABET ensure that a program meets the quality standardsthat produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce (ABET, 2019
Conference Session
Capstone and Design Projects
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emad Y. Tanbour, Central Michigan University; Molu O. Olumolade, Central Michigan University; Oumar Rafiou Barry, Central Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
1 and the following are major definitions of assessment instruments that were embeddedinto the course:  Project Journal: The maintenance of a bound design project journal is a requirement of the course by each team member.  Teamwork (Peer-assessed): At least twice in the semester students are requested to complete a written evaluation of team members’ performance.  Project Portfolio: This is an ongoing maintenance of a project portfolio. Records of team meetings, and updated plans for upcoming work are maintained in the portfolio, and are reviewed in project meetings with the instructor and industry’s sponsor. Standard contents of the portfolio reflects all proceedings of the team work on the