X 3.08Assemble and test a diodecircuits such as clippers, Simulation 2 X 3.09clamps, rectifiers andvoltage multipliers Laboratory 2 X 3.09Assemble and test s ofBipolar Junction Simulation 3 X 2.5Transistors (BJT)including pnp, npn,common base, commonemitter, common Laboratory 3 X 3.47collector configurationsAssemble and
for the Job," http://hammerprinciple.com/therighttool/items/matlab/c 2012[3] Eddings, S. L., Orchard, M. T., "Using MATLAB and C in an image processing lab course," Image Processing, 1994.Proceedings, ICIP-94., IEEE International Conference .[4] Frontoni, E., Mancini, A., Caponetti, F., Zingaretti, P., "A framework for simulations and tests of mobile robotics tasks",Control and Automation, 2006. MED '06, The 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.[5] Nelson, M.L., Rice, D., "Introduction To Algorithms And Problem Solving", Proceedings 2000 Frontiers in EducationConference, Oct. 2001, Kansas City, MO.[6] Raymond, D.R., Welch, D.J., "Integrating Information Technology And Programming In A Freshmen ComputerScience Course
departments, organizations,and stakeholders was challenge at times. After merging all of the accumulated informationgathered from multiple sources into a design specification, the construction and testing phasesproceeded as scheduled. During this project many other products were identified that requiredesign modifications to make them more usable by people with the widest possible range ofabilities. Redesigning these products using the concepts of universal design will become the nextstep for this project.Bibliography1. Burgstahler, S. (2008). Universal Design of Instruction (UDI): Definition, Principles, and Examples. Retrieved from http://www.washington.edu/doit/Brochures/Academics/instruction.html2. Burgstahler, S. E., & Cory, R. C
Symposium (NAPS), 2009 , vol., no., pp.1,8, 4-6 Oct. 20098. Kezunovic, M.; Abur, A.; Huang, G.; Bose, A.; Tomsovic, K., "The role of digital modeling and simulation in power engineering education," Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.19, no.1, pp.64,72, Feb. 20049. Bloom, Benjamin S., et al. "Taxonomy of educational objectives: Handbook I: Cognitive domain." New York: David McKay 19 (1956): 56.10. Stice, James E. "Learning how to think: Being earnest is important, but it's not enough." New directions for teaching and learning 1987.30 (1987): 93-99.11. Feisel, Lyle D., and Albert J. Rosa. "The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineering education." Journal of Engineering Education 94.1 (2005): 121-130.12. Karady, George
somewhatand absolutely, and 5 = absolutely.Further quantitative data were gathered using a teamwork assessment tool called TheComprehensive Assessment for Team-Member Effectiveness (CATME)8 which was developedthrough support from the National Science Foundation and is available for instructional use ineducational settings at no charge. CATME is a web-based survey found at www.catme.org thatgathers data on team-member effectiveness in five areas: contribution, interaction, keeping theteam on track, expectation of quality, and relevant skills and abilities. The output provides theinstructor with each member‟s effectiveness on a behaviorally anchored rating scale of 1-5,which describes behaviors that are typical of various levels of performance in each
/Industrial-Robotics-News/North-American-Robot-Orders-Jump-24-in-2007/content_id/4234. The Asahi Shimbun, (2004, May 25). Retrieved from http://www.asahi.com/english/5. Ho-Jeng, L. (2005, June 17). Government vows to build robot industry. JoongAng Daily. Retrieved fromhttp://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=25825386. Gaudin, S. (2007, November 13). Korea plans to build two robot theme parks. Computerworld. Retrieved fromhttp://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9046699/Korea_plans_to_build_two_robot_theme_parks7. BBC. (2005, October 7). Europe needs bigger robots push. BBC News. Retrieved fromhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4318622.stm8. IFR Statistical Department. (2009). Executive Summary of 1. World Robotics 2009 Industrial Robots 2
, and lecture-lab timing is suggested.References1. Krupezak, J., Disney, K., and VanderStoep, S., “Laboratory projects appropriate for non-engineers and introduction to engineering.” 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2009-603, American Society for Engineering Education.2. Sinba, A., “Engineering laboratory experiments – an integrated approach of teaching the introductory engineering course,” 2007 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2007-189, American Society for Engineering Education.3. Dekker, D., “Recent developments in mech lab I at the university of south florida,” 2007 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2007-410, American Society for Engineering Education.4. Salehpour, A., and Antoline, S., “Rapid prototyping as an
://www.nrel.gov/learning/,Accessed: 19 January 2009.3. U.S Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources,http://energy.senate.gov/news/dem_release.cfm?id=2211794. H. Salehfar, “State of the Art Power Electronics, Electric Drives, and Renewable Energy Systems Laboratories atthe University of North Dakota”, Proceedings, 2005 IEEE PES General Meeting, San Francisco, CA, June 12-16.5. P. Jennings, “New directions in renewable energy education”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, 2009, pp. 435-439.6. J. DeWaters, S. Powers, "Work in progress – energy education and energy literacy: Benefits of rigor andrelevance", Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009. FIE '09. 39th ASEE/IEEE, San Antonio, TX, 2009.7. M. H. Nehrir, “A course on alternative energy wind/PV/fuel
finding that job, including salarynegotiation and networking. They suggested that internships and co-ops s also be mandatory, asshould one-on- one counseling with a technology career counselor for every student. They alsonoted that guidance in the job hunt was available while they were students, but not offered post-graduation.Ten of the engineering technology graduates stated that they had issues with potential employersbecause they had an engineering technology degree. The comments received in support of theseanswers included large corporations don’t value engineering technology and engineering degreesthe same; some had to explain engineering technology was a “real degree.” It was noted that ifthey hadn’t interned at the company first, the
University of Dayton (USA). Signed March 26, 2003. 2. Shanghai Normal University Web Site . [Retrieved 01/05/2007] 3. University of Dayton Web Site . [Retrieved 01/05/2007] 4. P. Kenna, S. Lacey. Business China: A practical guide to understanding Chinese Business culture. Passport Books. 1994. 5. Wikipedia . [Retrieved 01/05/2007] Page 12.834.7
the class meetings. The study will hopefullygenerate enough interest to do further research for deriving models for predicting studentperformance in other courses.Bibliography1. Moore, R., 2005, “Attendance: Are penalties more effective then rewards?”, Journal of Developmental Education, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 26-32.2. Brocato, J., 1989, “How much does coming to class matter? Some evidence of class attendance and grade performance”, Educational Research Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 2-6.3. Devadoss, S. & Foltz, J. 1996, “Evaluation of factors affecting student class attendance and performance”, America Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp. 499-507.4. Murburger, D., 2001, “Absenteeism and undergraduate
developed to meet this expanding need for IET and IT principles in non-manufacturing industries under the guise of ‘Lean Six Sigma.’ Emerging opportunitiessuch as these at various academic institutions will be discussed.IntroductionThe profession of Industrial Engineering has been evolving since its conception in the1880’s when Frederick Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth first began to develop therules and techniques of methods improvement1. Since then the term Industrial Engineerhas been associated with a variety of organizational functions and methodologies thatstem from this one central concept of helping enterprises to drive down costs andimprove organizational efficiency. Topics associated with this over the years haveincluded quality
previous step, students were able touch and feel themechanisms, see them working, and watch the visual aids. The very next step wasabout them getting into the mechanisms for a learning experience that was based onclose contact and practical. Animated toys were selected as the target products sincethe course was based on Animatronics. An example activity is given below in Figure 3.After experimenting with and dissecting the toys, students were asked to generatereports that included: • Function(s) of the toy or the mechanism including motions generated Page 13.76.4 • Structure of the toy and its subassemblies (mechanisms present within
into the cone (see Fig. 2). The nut structure was then changed to a retainer ring structure (Zhong, 2001). However, five years later, on March 16, 2006, the retainer ring structure also broke at the same location (see Fig. 2). A comprehensive investigation was then performed including dynamic analysis of position rods to identify the design problem. References Zhong, S. (2001). Failure analysis and design strength study of piston rod for the Shuikou hydroelectric power unit 6. Large Electr Mach Hydraulic Turbine, 7, 7–11.Second Passage The turbine was put into production in November, 1995. On February 10, 2000, the turbine was found to be
to put in anextra effort to prove that they are effective in increasing the understanding of the concepts theyare designed to teach. We feel we have a good start toward reaching these goals, but more work Page 14.1058.14needs to be done. 14Acknowledgements This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE 0633754. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
, the instructor`s videos were recorded during live lectures. This semester theclass was taught in traditional way but the videos recorded served as the backbone of this flippedclassroom implementation. They contained the lectures in which the concepts were introduced aswell as the solutions to some sample problems, but they also contained the class discussionsrecorded live during the Fall 2014 class. Nevertheless, during the subsequent semesters, whenthe flipped classroom approach was implemented, the students were asked to watch the recordedlectures before coming to the class. Throughout the 4 semesters considered in this study theinstructor made syllabus changes to ensure that the students are watching the recorded lectures asrequired. Some
that the population in the United States is nolonger as diverse as it once was[5]. As people have emigrated from all parts of the world,cultural groups are represented in much different percentages than 10 years ago. Over the lastcentury much of the diversity evident in the early 1900’s has assimilated into what is referred toas a melting pot, constantly changing. However, universities do not reflect the type and level ofdiversity of the current population[2, 3]. Both of the engineering and engineering technologyprograms, despite higher levels of one underrepresented group or another, still has much higherlevels of white students. Thus the general population that was once in the minority are moving toa more balanced number as related to the
this purpose.References1. Marshall, P. A., Lafond, S., Valente, J. (2012). “Do Students Learn in Summer School College Majors Classes? Grade Comparison and Student Self-Assessment Indicate In the Affirmative.” Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 43(2), 61-66.2. Ghanat, S. T., Brannan, K., Welch, R., & Bower, K. C. “Comparison of Direct and Indirect Assessment of a Summer Engineering Economy Course taught with Active Learning Techniques.” Proceedings Of The 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.3. Geltner, P. , Logan, R. “The Influence of Term Length on Student Success” Santa Monica Coll., Research Report, RR-2001.4.1.04. Daniel, E. “A Review of Time-shortened Courses Across Disciplines”, College Student
commitment to this worthwhile, industry-necessary endeavor.Bibliography[1] Stone, W. L., & Chang, G. A. (2013). An Evolving Capstone Course used in ABET Assessment. Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.[2] Goldberg, D. E., & Somerville, M. (2014). A Whole New Engineer. Douglas, MI: ThreeJoy Associates, Inc.[3] Downing, C. G. (2011). Using Design for Six Sigma Practices to Develop a “Rose” Belt Course. Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC, June 26-29, 2011.[4] Jackson, A., Jackson, S., & Mehta, Merwan. (2009). Applying The Six Sigma
when structuring a faculty training program. Internet and Higher Education, 6(1), 53–63.6. Roblyer, M. D., McDaniel, M., Webb, M., Herman, J., & Witty, J. V. (2010). Findings on facebook in higher education: A comparison of college faculty and student uses and perceptions of social networking sites. Internet and Higher Education, 13(3), 134–140.7. Baltaci-Goktalay, S. s., & Ocak, M. m. (2006). FACULTY ADOPTION OF ONLINE TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(4), 37-43.8. Löfström, E., & Nevgi, A. (2008). University teaching staffs’ pedagogical awareness displayed through ICT- facilitated teaching. Interactive Learning Environments, 16(2), 101e116.9
and then discusswhy the correct response is correct and the distractors (incorrect responses) are not. 16iv. Minute Papers, Direct Paraphrasing, Application Cards, and Lecture SummariesThese are examples of individual approaches. In minute papers or clearest/muddiest point, theinstructor should stop two minutes before the class period ends and ask students to write mainpoint(s) of the lecture and the “muddiest” or least clear point(s). Collect the papers and useresponses to plan the next lecture. In direct paraphrasing, the students should write a definitionin their own words. In application cards, students should provide a specific real-worldapplication for the topic covered in class; and finally in lecture summaries, students shouldwrite
. Course4 Course Category Proposed OEOE Proposed OEOE Proposed OEOE Proposed OEOE Course Number Certification(s
analogies are bothhighly relatable and quickly sketched. For example, while discussing the types of networkcabling required between various network devices such as routers, switches, hubs, or computersystems, the analogy of a burger, as shown in Figure 2, can be used.Figure 2. Ethernet cabling between network devices shown using the analogy of a burger. "R" fora router, "S" for switch, "H" for hub, "Comp" for computer, and "X" for crossover cables. OtherEthernet cables connecting networking devices are straight-through.Connections between similar network devices (router to router, for example) require theinterchange of the transmit and receive pins on the connectors at each end of the cable. Weachieve this using crossover Ethernet cables. Under
, "The Next Level in TC2K: Continuous Quality Improvement," published in the Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 20-23. Available from http://www.asee.org/acPapers/2004-1262_Final.pdf. 4. Neff, Gregory and R. Roley, "Using the SME Certification Exam in TC2K or EC2000 Outcomes Assessment," published in the Proceedings of the ASEE 2004 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, February 3-6, 2004 at Biloxi, Mississippi. Available from http://www.pa.utulsa.edu/CIEC/Papers/neff_roley.pdf. 5. Neff, Gregory, S. Scachitti, and J. Higley, “Counting Down to 2004: Some Insights and Strategies for Satisfying TC2K While There is Still Time
proxies for the program andcourse outcomes, all of these instruments deal directly with the outcomes themselves.2 Inthe following section, the three primary instruments that form the M.E.E.T.(“Measurement and Evaluation in Engineering Technology”) system will be described. 1. Student Performance. Faculty are presented with a list of their students, along with a list of the course-level outcomes associated with their course(s). They are asked to rate each student’s ability to perform each outcome using a 3-point scale (“Exceeded”, “Met”, “Not Met”). They are then asked to specify the evidence Page 11.915.2 used to make this judgment
technology program will greatly be beneficial not only to students but to theprofessors as well.Bibliography1. D'Onofrio, A. & Bowes, K. (2007). Hybrid Instruction 101: It’s in the Design. In T. Bastiaens & S. Carliner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007 (pp. 1500-1506). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Page 25.541.42. Spilka, R., (2002, March). Approximately "Real World" Learning with the Hybrid Model. Teaching with Technology Today, 8 (6).3. Young, J.R. (2002, March 22). 'Hybrid' teaching seeks to end the divide between traditional and online
produced specimens. Once the usable specimens wereproduced, the students proceed to the testing station.The samples were tested on a Tinius Olsen H10KT tensile testing machine. They were extendedat 0.02cm/s and the test continued until the failure (fracture) of the specimen. The students notedthe elongation to break (strain) and ultimate strength (Mpa) of the specimens. Given that thethree groups had to begin at various stations to make the laboratory time effective, samples weregiven to the initial testing group to test. The group that began with testing moved to thesimulation station next.Once the three groups had completed the three different exercises at the three stations, they metand discussed their results and finding. The goal was to have
Modulus Strength (g/cc) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (MPa) S-Glass 2.59 86 4.14 Epoxy 3.12 75.8 Kevlar 49 1.45 131 3.62 Polyester 3.4 55 Carbon-PAN 1.75 230 3.24 PEEK 3.24 100 Figure 13: Modulus and ultimate strength of a few commonly used fiber materials.Composites are anisotropic heterogeneous materials, which simply mean material properties Page 15.1201.13depend not only on directions but also on locations. Micromechanics is a branch of physicalscience, which studies the
Sources 170 (2007) 1–12, April 20072. T. Lopes, E. Antolini, F. Colmati, E.R. Gonzalez, J. Power Sources 164 (2007) 111.3. E. Antolini, J.R.C. Salgado, E.R. Gonzalez, J. Power Sources 155 (2006) 161.4. S. Rousseau, C. Coutanceau, C. Lamy, J.-M. Leger, J. Power Sources 158 (2006) 18.5. D. Zhang, Z. Ma,G.Wang, K.Konstantinov, X.Yuan, H. Liu, Electrochem, Solid State Lett. 9 (2006) A423.6. F. Colmati, E. Antolini, E.R. Gonzalez, Appl. Catal. B: Environ, 73 (2007) 106.7. S.S. Gupta, J. Datta, J. Electroanal. Chem. 594 (2006) 65.8. D.M. dos Anjos, K.B. Kokoh, J.M. L´eger, A.R. de Andrade, P. Olivi, G. Tremiliosi-Filho, J. Appl. Electrochem. 36 (2006) 1391