organization during the memorable semester. Page 11.1444.9 Donated Foods for Spaghetti Dinner 90 80 70 60 pounds 50 40 30 20 10 0 er ti p es s
withIET faculty at IUPUI on this long term initiative to apply expertise in QualityManagement to the Healthcare Industry focusing on the Northwestern Indiana/ SouthSuburban Chicago regions. Purdue West Lafayette faculty and Purdue North Centralfaculty joined the effort in Fall 2005.Use of IE techniques in healthcareNoted pioneer of IE techniques, Frank B. Gilbreth, realized the beneficial application ofthe IE profession in the healthcare arena in the early 1900’s. He witnessed hundreds ofsurgical operations and began intensive studies with hospitals in 1910 including workwith the Mayo Clinic. One of his most noted improvements resulting from these studieswas the now common practice of doctors, as they perform an operation, to extend theirhand and
, with its characteristic parabolic shape, and overlaying thehorizontal (X) and vertical (Y) distances required for impact. Next the chronometric method wasanalyzed. V (X) V (Y) Deviation from Kinematic Sources V (q) 39.00 37.00 Velo city D eviatio n , (fp s) 35.00 33.00
Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, 2005, Portland, OR[3] Clark, J.V., Minorities in Science and Mathematics: A Challenge for Change, Virginia Parent Information and Resource Center, 2000[4] Clark, J. V., Minorities in Science and Math, ERIC Clearinghouse for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education, ED433216, May 1999[5] Milbourne, L. A., Encouraging Girls in Science and Math, The ERIC Review, Vol 6, Iss. 2[6] Takahira, S., Goodings, D., and Byrnes, J., Retention and Performance of Male and Female Engineering Students: An Examination of Academic and Environmental Variables, Journal of Engineering Education, 87(3), 1998, pp. 297-304[7] Swann, W.B. Jr., Kwan, V. S., Polzer, J.T., and Milton, L.P
Paper ID #20249Summer Engineering Experience (SEE) Program - A Program to PrepareFreshmen Students for Engineering StudiesDr. Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Dr. Hossein Rahemi is a professor and department chair of Engineering and Technology at Vaughn Col- lege of Aeronautics & Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM
Construction Engineering Technology program is“to produce highly competent and technically trained graduates who possess a solidunderstanding of the fundamental[s] of engineering and construction/civil concepts.” Theprogram is designed to prepare graduates with the ability to work in the construction industryalongside various stakeholders. Graduates of the program are expected to be capable to workalong-side contractors, engineers, architects, operators and owners in the various phases of theconstruction process. The program offers instruction in modern techniques of construction toprovide students with competent technical and management skills needed in the constructionindustry.The graduates are granted a Bachelor of Science degree accredited by ABET
for Rockwell Hardness of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. Retrieved August 15, 2017, https://compass.astm.org2. ASTM D638 – 14 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. Retrieved August 15, 2017, https://compass.astm.org3. W. Vian, N. Denton, (2018) Tensile Comparison of Polymer Specimens Produced with Different Processes, Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference, paper ID #227734. S. Krause, C. Waters, W Stuart, E. Judson, C. Ankey, and B. Smith (2016). Effect of contextualization of content and concepts on students’ course relevance and value in introductory materials classes, Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference, paper ID #14943.5. B. Benson and F. DePiero
) Calculate the apparent power VA, VAR, Real Power and power factor, V and I are voltage and current phasors into an element or a subnetwork 17 Pf(PT, QT) Calculate the power factor in a 1-phase network that consumes real power PT and reactive power QT. 18 power_ph3(V, I) Calculate apparent power S, reactive power Q and the real power P, the power factor Fp in a 3-phase network, V and I are column of phasors in all 3 phases. 19 line2phase( EAB, EBC, Line voltage to phase voltage converter in 3-phase ac circuits ECA) 20 phase2line(Ean, Ebn, Ecn) Phase
resultssummarized in Table 1. The lab is primarily designed to ensure that students have a completeunderstanding of the magnetic starter. This item in particular improves by 42% based on the fivequestions given to the students. In addition there is an improvement of 23% in overall PLCknowledge as defined by the combined results. Based on these results the PLC Lab will beadded to the existing course.Bibliography[1] A. Eslami, A. Oxendine and C. Daniels, "A Plc Project In A Control Course Laboratory," in ASEE 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, , 2008.[2] S. Hsieh, "Outcomes and Case Studies of Undergraduate Student Participation," in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, 2017.[3] S. Pandian, "Intelligent Mechatronic
not make good candidates for automaticassembly (thus Part A in Figure 2 is the correct choice).Figure 2. Assessment for Task in Figure 1 Which is the better design for automatic assembly?The result was no difference in performance between the students completing the labs on campuswith traditional equipment and those completing the labs at home. The details of this experimentwere reported in [14].Lean Manufacturing Content. Perhaps the most inspired application of the UbD philosophyconcerns lean manufacturing. This set of manufacturing principles introduced by Toyota in the1970’s [15] has become very important to the industry. Graduates of this program need to bewell versed in it.After thoughtful consideration, it was decided there would be no
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Ramrattan, S., Multi-mode Learning andFluid Mechanics to Fluid Power: an Undergraduate Curriculum Reform, Proceedings of ASEEAnnual Conference, AC 2008-2770, 2008.6. Choudhury, A. and Rodriguez, J., A New Curriculum in Fluid Mechanics for the MillennialGeneration, IEEE-RITA, vol. 12, No.1, 2017.7. Flexible Process Control Laboratory Kits: Teaching Process Control Synthesis, NSFGrant# 0127231,,2012.8. Kolb, D., 1984, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning andDevelopment, Prentice-Hall, 1984.9. Moor, S. and Piergiovanni, P., Experiments in the Classroom: Examples of InductiveLearning with Classroom-Friendly Laboratory Kits, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference
, New Orleans, Louisiana.11. Foertsch, J., Moses, G., Strickwerda, J., and Litzkow, M., "Reversing the Lecture/Homework Paradigm Using eTEACH® Web‐based Streaming Video Software." Journal of Engineering Education 91.3 (2002): 267-274.12. Garrick, R. (2018, June), Flipped Classroom Video Analytics Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah.13. Gehringer, E. F. (2015, June), Resources for "Flipping" Classes Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington.14. Holliday, L. M., & Pena, C., & Ghosh, S. (2015, June), Flipping a Structures Class in a Construction Science Program Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mechanical Engineering, 2012.13. Rao, R. V., & Padmanabhan, K. K. (2007). Rapid prototyping process selection using graph theory and matrix approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 194(1), 81-88.14. Mahesh, M., Wong, Y. S., Fuh, J. Y. H., & Loh, H. T. (2004). Benchmarking for comparative evaluation of RP systems and processes. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 10(2), 123-135.15. Masood, S. H., & Soo, A. (2002). A rule based expert system for rapid prototyping system selection. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 18(3), 267-274.16. Brown, R., & Stier, K. W. (2002). Selecting rapid prototyping systems. Journal of Industrial Technology, 18(1), 2.17. Microsoft Expression Web 4.0: https
questionscores, average scores and normalized gain values were generated for each student’sperformance for each question overall score. Results indicate that students had more incorrectpreconceptions regarding bandwidth than with resource reservation, network utilization andefficiency. This study will expand the breadth of knowledge about student preconceptions inSTEM by including the subject of QoS in the telecommunications discipline, identify thepreconception(s), statistically analyze the effects of these preconceptions and offer instructionalinsights than can ameliorate or eliminate negative effects on student learning related to theseconcepts.ConceptsThe following explanations of each of the paired concepts are provided for readers not familiarwith
appropriate). 8. Control charts process capability templates in Excel (whenever appropriate). 9. Other tools (e.g. access to Minitab statistical software)Course components 1-5 in the list are mandatory as rubric demands varieties of interactivelearning methods active and engaging learning. If at least two out three methods out of quiz,forums or case study is used in each chapter, it satisfies several essential standards.Quiz may contain True/False type questions, multiple choice questions, question requiringcalculations, matching questions, etc.Case study on QC course related topics can be assigned as an individual assignment or groupassignment which student/s post on forum after interacting with group members and other groupor individual
, Washington, 2013.[5] K. D. Purcell, "5 Ways to Get Girls into STEM," Edutopia-George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2015.[6] Girl Scout Research Institute, "Generation STEM: What Girls Say about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math," Girl Scouts of the USA, New York, NY, 2012.[7] G. M. Faitar and S. L. Faitar, "Teachers’ Influence on Students' Science Career Choices," American International Journal of Social Science, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 10-16, July 2013.[8] S. Flynn, "Brain Blasts," 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 January 2016].[9] R. Pica, Early Elementary Children Moving and Learning: A Physical Education Curriculum, St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press, 2014, p. 8.[10] Phoenix Contact
result in reverse rotation. Two additionalfunctions, Forward() and Reverse() handle this. These function both receive an integer input thatcorresponds to the number of times to step through the array of function pointers:// --------------STEP THROUGH THE FUNCTION ARRAY FROM Step0() TO Step7() AND REPEAT--------------- Void Forward(int length) // Declare the function name Forward that has an integer argument length { int i; //Declare the variable i to be used to iterate through the loop. void (*s)(); for (i=0; i1000) length =1000; //Set
prospective students, visitors, and guests.Moreover, the lab modules, the software, and hardware employed to complete this project can beadapted to future laboratory and project developments in other areas such as DigitalCommunications, and Digital Control Systems curricula.References:1. Feisel, L. D., and Rosa, A. J., “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education.” Journal ofEngineering Education 94(1): 121-130, 2005.2. Buket D. Barkana, “Curriculum Development of an Audio Processing Laboratory Course.” Signal & ImageProcessing, March, 2011.3. S. Shelke, M. Date, S. Patkar, R. Velmurugan, P. Rao, “A Remote Lab for Real-time Digital Signal Processing.”Education and Research Conference (EDERC), 5th European DSP, January
imparting critical thinking skillswould be necessary to determine the success of the exercises used by engineering technologystudents.References1 Douglas, E. P. Defining and Measuring Critical Thinking in Engineering. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 56, 153-159 (2012).2 Gardiner, L. F. Redesigning Higher Education: Producing Dramatic Gains in Student Learning. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 7. (ERIC, 1994).3 Sax, L. J., Astin, A. W., Korn, W. S. & Gilmartin, S. K. The American College Teacher: National Norms for the 1998-99 HERI Faculty Survey. (ERIC, 1999). Page 26.424.74 Ahern, A
., and Hernandez, A., “Designing Effective Project-based Learning Experience usingParticipatory Design Approach,” 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2015-11660, American Society forEngineering Education.[5] Ericksen, S., “The essence of good teaching,” San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984.[6] Chickering, A.W., and Gamson, Z.F., “Seven principles for good practice,” AAHE Bulletin 1987, 39(7), 3-7.[7] Kaul, S., and Stone, W.L., “Learning outcomes of a junior-level project-based learning (PBL) course:preparation for capstone,” 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2014-11102, American Society for EngineeringEducation.[8] Widmann, J.M., Self, B.P., Slivovsky, L.A., and Taylor, J.K, “Motivating design and analysis skills acquisitionthrough the
., “Development and Assessment of a Freshman Seminar to Address Societal Context” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 2005. 5. Blowers P.., “A Course on Freshman Survival Skills” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2002. 6. Cheshier, S. “Studying Engineering Technology: A Blueprint for Success.” Discovery Press, 1998. 7. Miller A., Martinazzi R., and Murad M., “The Alchemy of Helping Freshmen Turn Dreams into Reality.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2004. 8
, and the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Cen- ter at Carderock, Md. Dr. Tawfik is the co-author of more than 60 research papers in the areas of Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Biomass Energy, Thermo- fluids and Two Phase Flow published in prestigious peer reviewed journals and conference symposiums. He holds numerous research awards and owns the rights to four patents in the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells area. Currently, Dr. Tawfik is a SUNY Distinguished Service Professor and the Director of the Institute for Research and Technology Transfer (IRTT) at Farmingdale State College of the State University of New York.Dr. Yeong Ryu, State University of New York, Farmingdale YEONG S. RYU graduated from Columbia University
: A decision-making evaluation and ranking model. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 8(3), 201-212.8. Wong, K. V., & Hernandez, A. (2012). A review of additive manufacturing. ISRN Mechanical Engineering, 2012.9. Rao, R. V., & Padmanabhan, K. K. (2007). Rapid prototyping process selection using graph theory and matrix approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 194(1), 81-88.10. Mahesh, M., Wong, Y. S., Fuh, J. Y. H., & Loh, H. T. (2004). Benchmarking for comparative evaluation of RP systems and processes. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 10(2), 123-135.11. Masood, S. H., & Soo, A. (2002). A rule based expert system for rapid prototyping system selection. Robotics and Computer-Integrated
lab sessions were used for project-based learning. Introduction of these andsimilar activities earlier in the course would further benefit the students.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Mr. Shahram Marivani in the Department of EngineeringScience for his assistance in conducting the laboratories and Dr. Jeremy Qualls for his support inconducting activities at the SSU Makerspace.References[1] J. Macias-Guarasa, J. M. Montero, R. San-Segundo, A. Araujo, and O. Nieto-Taladriz, “AProject-Based Learning Approach to Design Electronic Systems Curricula,” IEEE Transactionson Education, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2006.[2] R. H. Chu, D. Lu, and S. Sathiakumar, “Project-Based Lab Teaching for Power Electronicsand Drives,” IEEE Transaction on Education
, practicalreal-world engineering training for their students and graduates. This is usually achieved throughstructured laboratory-based courses and project-based learning courses throughout theircurriculum. In the EET program at Kennesaw State University, the Capstone Design courseexperience was offered through a menu of project-based senior design courses that students gotto choose from based on their specific electrical areas of interest. This served the program wellfor several years but did not always offer the students a uniform design experience as thatdepended on the instructor(s) teaching those classes in a given semester. As a result, the EETfaculty concluded that in order to offer a more uniform experience to each cohort of students, itwas best
. A. J. Mohr and E. S. Mohr, "Understanding Generation Z Students to Promote a Contemporary Learning Environment," Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Vol. 1, Iss. 1 , Article 9, 2017[2] M. K. Eagan et al., The American freshman: Fifty-Year trends, 1966–2015, Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA, 2016[3] J. Selingo, J., The New Generation of Students: How colleges can recruit, teach, and serve Gen Z, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018[4] M. B. B. Magolda and P. King, Learning Partnerships: Theory and Models of Practice to Educate for Self-Authorship, Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2004[5] K. Masterson, “How to Make Orientation Stick,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 22
accreditation purposes depends on a myriad of activities. Areview of both best practices as well as common pitfalls and shortcomings can focus effortsthroughout the accreditation cycle. In addition, targeted decisions prior to the development of aself-study can promote the success of accreditation review.References[1] C. Bern, B. Steward, A. Kaleita-Forbes, S. Mickelson, and T. Brumm, T, “Abet Is Coming!Getting Faculty Involved.” in Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education2005 Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 2005.[2] B. Christe, and E. Cooney, E, “Meet the ABET “Student Work Sample” requirements:Document student learning.” in American Society of Engineering Education Annual ConferenceProceedings, Austin, TX, June 2009.[3
one-factor approach usuallyprovides advantages only under specific condition [7].The different thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant operating the cycle are usually plottedon a P-h (pressure-enthalpy), P-T (pressure-temperature) diagrams and charts or T-s(temperature-entropy) as shown in Figure 2. Students usually work an in-class example duringtheir course work and most of the cycles that they analyze are theoretical. Figure 2. An example of the relations between different thermodynamic properties of the refrigerantsMost refrigeration or air conditioning units built for educational purposes would cost between
, H stands for Hands-On, PU stands forPartner University, V stands for Virtual Classroom/Lab, S stands for Simulation, and I stands forInternship. • HPU Model: Students spend one or two semesters in a partner university to finish the capstone courses. This partner university could be one of the universities of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) and the National Nanofabrication User Network (NNUN). The students can fully utilize the nanotechnology infrastructure sponsored by federal agencies. • HVI Model: Uses virtual collaboration for courses and hands-on experience through intensive internship. The students stay at their home university for lecture/laboratory classes and