discussionis over what is to be included in the bar raising?“Raising the Bar” for Civil EngineeringThe stated objective of ASCE is to “raise the bar” for entry into the profession of civilengineering; the concern being that the BSCE degree awarded today does not prepare thegraduate to the level of education that was provided 55 or 40 years ago4. Many of us ‘old-timers’ agree that our under-graduate education of the 1960’s and early 1970’s was more intenseand technically demanding than currently required. In her recent book, Galloway compares thehigher level education needed in 1900 and in 2000 between civil engineering and medicine, andnotes that it still only takes four years of academic study to become a P.E. in civil engineering,whereas it now
.” magazine of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Spring 2007, p 34[2] Sadeghi, Ramin, Moslephour, Saeid “Distance learning, the philosophy of its existence, general definitions and its place in electronic government.” American Society of Engineering Education, 2006[3] R. Uhlig, S. Viswanathan, J. Watson, H. Evans “Effective Instruction of an Online Engineering Course.” American Society for Engineering Education, 2007.[4] Darnell Austin “A web- based program in industrial technology.” Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education, 2007[5] Entering the mainstream: The Quality and Extent of Online Education in United States, 2003 and 2004, Solan –C and the Solan Center for Online Education[SCOLE],2004[6] B.Nasseh, “A brief
Outcomes Course Improvement Objectives Program Assessment Actions Outcome(s) Method & List any improvement(As found on Metrics actions that will be course (ABET Standard Results Acceptable?incorporated as a result of syllabus) Specific a-k) (How do you feedback received. These measure Y/N actions will go on the
rating to obtain the total.Therefore, the total would be: 1 from Member-A + 3 from member-B, + 2 from member-C, + 3from member-D + 3 from member E. The total rating from the five members would be1+3+2+3+3 = 12. Therefore, advisors rated the importance for this particular competency(Hazard Assessment Protocol) to be covered in OLS 331would be12. This approach will be Page 14.125.11utilized to rate each identified competency for the courses.Step 7: Modify a course based on the curriculum matrix.Each instructor teaching the course is now ready to use this matrix to develop or revise theircourse(s). After obtaining the average rating
objectives.The PBL simulation activities still have their limitations because of the difficulty inimplementing the activities in a self-paced classroom situation and the time required forstudents and teachers to master the complex software. Given adequate preparation, PBLactivities offer an advantage for technology educators that are in need of a tool that offersstudents the opportunity to test out solutions to problems in a simulated environment.The design simulation activities in this study offer many advantages to the user invisualizing results and being able to predict more accurately answers to problems.References1. Albanese, M. A. and Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-based learning: a review of literature on its outcomes and implementation
9 Speed 2400 14.86 7.2 2600 14.9 7.7 8 2800 14.7 8.1 7 3000 14.55 8.5 6 3200 14.3 8.9 3400 14.1 9.3 5 3600 13.85 9.65 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 3800 13.6 10Figure 1 Example design of calculations for torque and speed done in Microsoft Excel®The front end and steering assembly was based on discovered research from a vehicle designedin the 1970’s know as the “Trimuter”1. An AutoCAD® drawing of
holistic view of their field.References Cited1. NCE/AME, A Novel Curriculum for the Associate Degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology. 2000, Dayton, OH: Advanced Integrated Manufacturing Center.2. Anderson, S., Curriculum Assessment Checklist. 2002, Advanced Integrated Manufacturing Center: Dayton, OH.3. HEERG, Pedagogical Analysis of Learning Modules Developed Using the Module Architecture Model. 2003, University of California Berkley: Berkley, CA.4. Savery, J.R. and T.M. Duffy, Problem Based Learning: An Instructional Model and Its Constructivist Framework. Educational Technology, 1995. 35(5): p. 31-38.5. Savery, J.R. and T.M. Duffy, Problem Based Learning: An instructional
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Presence and Extent," Journal of Engineering Education, 101(3), pp. 539-564.[2] Pruitt, S., 2014, "The Next Generation Science Standards: The Features and Challenges," Journal ofScience Teacher Education, 25(2), pp. 145-156.[3] Strobel, J., Wang, J., Weber, N. R., and Dyehouse, M., 2013, "The Role of Authenticity in Design-Based Learning Environments: The Case of Engineering Education," Computers & Education, 64(0), pp.143-152.[4] Porter, M. E., and Heppelmann, J. E., 2015, "How Smart, Connected Products Are TransformingCompanies," Harvard Business Review, 93(10), pp. 96-114.[5] D'aveni, R., 2015, "The 3-D Printing Revolution," Harvard Business Review, 93(5), pp. 40-48.[6] Ralston, P. a. S., Hieb, J. L., and Rivoli, G., 2013, "Partnerships and
from allthat is available is problematic. Similar to our counterparts in the industry, educators must selectsoftware which satisfies a number of often competing requirements. Our software acquisitionsmust compliment the curriculum, integrate with the technical capacity of the institution, andprovide sufficient challenge to students, all the while reflecting current industry standards. Weare thus presented with a shared dilemma: how do both educators and industry decide whichsoftware application(s) to acquire?Software acquisition and adaptation decisions often involve comparing alternatives of severalcriteria. However, the end users of the software systems may not necessarily be familiar with theoverall decision-making criteria. To address this
Programming environment.2) This course requires students to have a background in networking so that when the components of socket programming and connectivity are taught in this course, the course is wholly disseminated in their understanding of the system(s), and their learning is made more complete. The ECET department has offered this course (ECET 499) experimentally during the past few semesters.The impact of the above sequence of courses could be measured by the fact that 75% of thesenior design projects utilize the core knowledge gained. Operating System with EmbeddedSystem Design provides a convenient mechanism to design any customize system, regardless ofend usage. This provides the student the knowledge base for Hardware, Software
aparticular problem as well as the complexity or efficiency of their solution as game metrics. References:[1] S. L. Toral, F. Barrero, and M. R. Martinez-Torres (2007), Analysis of utility and use of a web-based tool for digital signal processing teaching by means of a technological acceptance model, Comput. Educ., vol. 49, pp. 957–975.[2] Z.Aydogmus, O. Aydogmus (2009), A web-Based Remote Access Laboratory Using SCADA, IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 52, #1, pp 126-133.[3] S. Hseih, P Hseih., (2005), Web-based Modules for Programmable Logic Controller Education. Computer Applications in Engineerin Education, Vol. 13, #4., pp 266-280.[4] Siemens Basics of PLCs course [Online]. Available
project proposals and the specific subsystem(s) or tasks that need help fromDeVry Brazil team are prepared by DeVry US team and presented to our partner at DeVryBrazil. Then, a search is initiated to find qualified advisors and EE students who are interestedin joining the team to develop the project. This process may take one to two months. Typically,the teams consist of 3-4 students, including one project manager, at the DeVry US campus and 2-3 students at the DeVry Brazil campus; the number of students will vary depending on thecomplexity of the project. In addition, each site has a faculty advisor and a project coordinator.The student project manager responsibilities includes coordinating the project teams (includingthe remote team(s
. D. (2009). “Educating Engineers as Global Citizens: A Call for Action/ A Report of the National Summit Meeting on the Globalization of Engineering Education.” Online Journal for Global Engineering Education, 4(1), 1-27.2. Klahr, S. C. and Ratti, U. (2000). “Increasing Engineering Student Participation in Study Abroad: A Study of U.S. and European Programs.” Journal of Studies in International Education, 4(1), 79-102 3. Grandin, J. M. (2006). “Preparing Engineers for the Global Workplace: The University of Rhode Island.” Online Journal for Global Engineering Education, 1(1), 1-8.4. Downey, G.L., Lucena, J.C., Moskal, B.M., Bigley, T., Hays, C., Jesiek, B., Kelly, L., Lehr, J., Miller, J., Nichols-Belo, A., Ruff, S., and
student learning and preparation for industry as the focus.References 1. Bloom, B. S. et al, “Taxonomy for educational objectives: Handbook I: Cognitive domains.”, New York: David McKay, 1956. 2. Bielefeldt, A.R. Pedagogies to Achieve Sustainability Learning Outcomes in Civil and Environmental Engineering Students. Sustainability 2013, 5, 4479-4501. 3. Cordell, R. New Technologies to Get Your Students Engaged. Chronicle of Higher Education 2011, 57, 36, B8-B10. 4. Mott R.L, Untener J.A, Applied Fluid Mechanics, 7th edition, Pearson, 2014. 5. Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe, Technical Paper 410, Crane Company
,students must work in teams and complete a capstone and design project. This project, alsocalled senior project in our terminology, provides students with an opportunity to work oncomplex control problems, similar to ones encountered in industry, and employ a number oftechnologies and methods to provide a practical solution.In general, the senior project entails the design and construction of a process, identification of keycontrol objectives, specification and installation of required instrumentation for process variable(s)monitoring and control, real time data acquisition, process modeling using empirical and/oranalytical methods, design and tuning of controllers, and closed loop control performanceevaluation. Since the senior project is a team
the manufacturing areas that currently has a shortageof highly skilled workers in the U.S. workforce 2. Technical schools and community collegesacross the nation have started mechatronics certificate programs and A. A. S. or A. S. degreeprograms in mechatronics as a result of industry driven initiatives. These efforts are sowidespread that National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education (NSF ATE)program has an entire panel dedicated to mechatronics at the community college level each year.Articulation agreements across the country are enabling pathways among two and four yeardegree programs (2 + 2) 2. Two year programs are focusing on developing curriculum for futureemployees that would use mechatronics knowledge in industrial
to allowsystem-wide use, i.e., instructors in other domains can browse and search for the content, andthen import into a course, but more granular distribution rights can be set, as needed, e.g.,restricted to specific domain(s), and/or specific course(s).The LON-CAPA Academic Consortium Board maintains the authoritative list of nodes anddomains that belong to the network [8]. All nodes in the network retrieve this authoritative listdaily and update locally cached information about network membership. Both forward andreverse DNS mapping is required for the hostname and IP address of each LON-CAPA node,and a static IP address needs to have been assigned. LON-CAPA requires that standard web ports80 and 443 are open, and in addition, a dedicated
] Stein, S., S. Hart, P. Keaney, and R. White. Student Views on the Cost of and Access to Textbooks: An Investigation at University of Otago (New Zealand). Open Praxis. Vol. 9, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2017. pp. 403-419.[6] Donaldson, R.L. and E. Shen. 2016 Florida Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey. Florida Virtual Campus. 2016.[7] McKenzie, L. “Study: High Textbook Prices Lead to Poor Grades” Inside Higher Ed., Sept. 20, 2017. https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2017/09/20/study- high-textbook- prices-lead-poor-grades[8] Paterson, James. “Survey: Students say textbook costs have 'big impact' on finances.” EducationDive, July 26, 2018. https://www.educationdive.com/news/survey-students-say- textbook-costs-have-big
Design Problems,” MS thesis, College of Science& Technology, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY, 2015.[2] N. Parmar, “Design of Fixture: A Review,” International Journal of AdvanceResearch and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2(3), pp. 1992-1995, 2016.[3] Z. Ahmad, T. Sultan, M. Asad, et al. “Fixture layout optimization for multi pointrespot welding of sheet metals,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 32, pp.2967, 2018. doi:10.1007/s12206-018-0553-6[4] J. L. Irwin, S. S. Mehendale, “Simulations and Manipulatives used to BetterUnderstand Graphics, Statics & Dynamics Concepts,” In AJ Hamlin (Ed.), EngineeringDesign Graphics Journal, Greenville: ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division,82(2), pp. 9, 2018.[5] J. L. Irwin
statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose ofcollecting, calculating, or disseminating data. All workers are classified into one of over 820occupations according to their occupational definition. To facilitate classification, occupationsare combined to form 23 major groups, 96 minor groups, and 449 broad occupations. Eachbroad occupation includes detailed occupation(s) requiring similar job duties, skills, education,or experience.5Classification of Instructional ProgramsThe Classification of Instructional Programs, or CIP, is a taxonomic coding scheme that containstitles and descriptions of primarily postsecondary instructional programs that supports theaccurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of fields
AC 2008-238: DEVELOPMENT OF AN EET LECTURE COURSE IN IPOD©FORMATJohn Hackworth, Old Dominion University John Hackworth is an associate professor and director of the Electrical Engineering Technology program at Old Dominion University. He holds a B. S. Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and a Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, both from Old Dominion University. Prior to joining the Old Dominion University faculty, John had approximately 20 years of industrial experience in test engineering and plant automation with General Electric Company. He is the co-author of two textbooks which are currently in use by several electrical engineering technology programs at
Project,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Section 1648, June 2005.3. Wang, J., Liu, S., and Price, A. H., “The Dancing Marionette - An Interdisciplinary Capstone Design Experience for Engineering Technology and Computer Science Students,” ASEE Annual Conference, June 18- Page 13.536.11 21, 2006, Chicago, Illinois.4. Pocius, A. V., Adhesion and Adhesives Technology – An Introduction, Hanser Verlag, 2002.5. Gerhard Gierenz, Werner Karmann. “Adhesives and adhesive tapes”, 2001, New York.6. Philippe Cognard. “Handbook of adhesives and sealants”, 2003, New York.7. Phillips, J., Adams, B
skills that have been acquired in their pursuit of a Bachelor ofScience Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Purdue University,Calumet.The paper examines in detail the previous research and development schemes that were used increating the structure(s), housing of the electronics and propulsion systems of typical remotelyoperated vehicles. The paper focuses on the advantages and benefits achieved in the currentdesign of the Internet Controlled Underwater Vehicle.The paper elaborates on the electronics used in the control and communication between the enduser and the vehicle. Furthermore, details of the of the propulsion system, control system, andthe necessary communication protocols are furnished.I. IntroductionThe
all but the smallest parts.0805 size resistors and capacitors are easy to place this way, 0402’s are slightly more difficult,0201’s are very difficult. Page 11.661.14The board or boards are then placed in the modified toaster oven, which is heated toapproximately 20 degrees C above the specified melting temperature of the solder paste, kept atthat temperature for about 1 minute, and then cooled by turning off the oven and opening thedoor. If lead free solder paste is used, which melts at 246 C, it may be necessary to bypass thetoaster oven’s thermostat. In any case, the thermostat setting should not be trusted. Thetemperature should be
Responsible Assessor Indicated Outcome Assessment Benchmark Status Tool(s) 1 Rubric Evaluation of a Capstone See Rubric Summary Every Course Offering— Instructor reports CIE Project in TEET 4630 E4630-Project-Rubric once per year results to Program (1) Triggered Benchmarks Coordinator 2 TEET 4245 Student Exit Survey See Survey Summary Every Course Offering— Instructor reports CIE Question 15* TEET-4245-Survey once per year results to Program No Triggered Benchmarks
- 6 sided, HR Multi- HMD system: standard CAVE ) Projection Screens, Cluster(s) Samsung 7000C 46" Barco NW7 - Rear Projected Oculus Rift:Display 3D LED TV projector at Optically Blended 1200x800 Standard LCD 1920x1080 @ 60hz 1356x1080 per MP system (600x800 per eye) Monitor (120hz after display @ 120hz (> 2 million, at 60hz. Stereo interpolation) Active Each projection - 8' minimum) provided by side- stereo
a substantialenhancement of the telecommunication course’s academic tools. The collaboration of thetechnical people in charge of the university network is a key component if any other institutionwants to replicate what we have done. Without their expertise and collaboration it would be verydifficult to build the access network appropriately. We believe that the final evaluation and fine-tuning of the laboratory guidelines will be complete within a year after we gather more data fromour students regarding their experience with the course and laboratory practices. Page 24.711.12References[1] Yoo, S., & Horis, S. (2004, March). Remote