. pepper tocorrespond to keys 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The robot is activated as is the drink dispenser. Theline following routine initiates and the robot follows a predefined course into the room orlocation of the drink dispenser. Depending on the number(s) pressed by the user, up to threechoices of beverages falls into a holding compartment ready to be pushed into the robot cooler.Upon arrival at the dispensing station, the robot’s presence triggers a sensor circuitry whichactivates the pushing mechanism and the drink(s) drops into the robot. The robot turns aroundand follows the course back to the starting point where the user is awaiting his/her drink.Most of the project is constructed from components that were used in previous projects
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below in Table 2. Table 2. Topics covered in the AE course.Week Date Instructor Topic(s) Location 1 TBA TBA Introduction: NDT and the Acoustic Emission Method TBA Demonstration: AE from Plexiglas Microstructure and AE Sources in Unflawed Materials 2 TBA TBA Microstructure and AE Sources in Unflawed Materials TBA Lab: AE from Brass Tensile Specimen Load, Stress, Strain and Materials AE Source Physics: Energy, Motion and Signal Amplitude 3 TBA TBA AE
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satisfy human need(s)”. If one subscribes to the abovedefinition, then every engineer has to be somewhat knowledgeable of manufacturing methods, ofdrafting (drawing) standards and programming techniques. We are proposing that these topics becovered in freshmen/sophomore level courses. Page 14.308.12Manufacturing Methods CourseManufacturing in the US has been continuously shrinking in the past decades, reaching historicallows (www.infowars.com/us-manufacturing-at-lowest-level-since-1948/). One reason for thedecline can be attributed to the lack of awareness of graduating engineers of the challengespresented in manufacturing a particular product
AC 2007-1883: FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP AND TECHNICAL CURRENCY: 2007STATUS REPORT ON A NATIONAL SURVEY OF ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGY FACULTYAhmed Khan, DeVry University Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a senior Professor in the EET dept. at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. He received his M.Sc (applied physics) from University of Karachi, an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management., and his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in the areas of Fiber Optic Communications, Faculty Development, Outcomes Assessment, and Application of Telecommunications Technologies in Distance Education. He teaches Wireless Engineering, Network Engineering
an average of 0.7, which seems to indicate a significant improvementin the minds of the students. When asked what courses helped and didn’t helped, students werealmost as likely to indicate their first-year composition course. Many frequently mentioned theECET courses that have comprehensive lab reports as helping them improve their writing. Thisseems to be borne out by the response to questions 3 through 5. Question 3 asks whether theEnglish and Comm classes helped and the responses are in the low 3's. Questions 4 and 5, withscores typically above 4, indicate the students believe the curriculum provides sufficientopportunities for them to improve and the ECET professors provide them with feedback Ingeneral, these results seemed to indicate
Interface PWM – Pulse Width ModulationCPLD – Complex Programmable Logic Device QEI – Quadrature Encoder InterfaceCT – Capacitive Touch SPI – Serial Peripheral InterfaceEPI – External Peripheral Interface SSI – Synchronous Serial Interface (SPI compatible)ETH – Ethernet Controller SW – SwitchesFPGA – Field Programmable Gate Array USB – Universal Serial Bus controllerGPIO – General Purpose I/O U(S)ART Universal (Synchronous) AsynchronousI2C – Inter Integrated Circuit Interface Receiver and TransmitterI2S – Inter Integrated Sound Interface
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use 2 trucks spaced 50-ft and consider the 90% of the loads.Service Limit State, Strength I: Qn <= 1.25DL + 1.75LLImpact Factor, IM=1.33 applied to the truck or tandem loads ➔ LL = Lane + IM (Truck or Tandem)Figure 6: Live Loads (LL) from HL-93 loads.a.Stress at beams due Dead Load (fresh b. Stress at beams: LaneLoad + concrete for s/w + hard concrete for railing) 1.33TruckLoad @ Centerline Design Stress at Centerline (tension at bottom flange) = 1.25*15.1 + 1.75*(11.3) = 38.7 ksi Design Stress at Supports (compression at bottom
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client and student group(s)progress. Late scope changes are discouraged as the students are under pressure, not only in thiscourse, but also in 4-6 other courses in their programs.At the same time the students are developing specifications they are encouraged to develop abasic project management plan. This involves identification of all of the various tasks associatedwith the project and an estimate (no matter how far off) of the time required to complete eachtask. The students are encouraged to identify an individual responsible for each one of the tasksand to create tasks that are no more than one week in duration. The one week duration for tasksis an attempt to keep the groups on track and to ensure that the students have a focus for each
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overwireless operating at 0.6 Mbps, programs still tend to stall during play. This is especiallyapparent when an advertisement is being retrieved from the network. It seems to stall for 10’s ofseconds as it retrieves a 10 second advertisement. This will obviously not satisfy viewers. It wasobserved and other articles and blog entries anecdotally mention that picture quality is not quite Page 13.295.9as good as it needs to be to compete with broadcast television. As mentioned earlier, the Joostwebsite says it encodes content to be rendered DVD quality to play a show on full screen mode at1600 x 1200 resolution really displays a significant amount of
” decisions. Because licensure would nottherefore be required to accomplish many of this P.E.’s work tasks, much of the work could becompleted by a highly skilled Civil Engineering Technologist. The question is then, how muchof a P.E.’s workday time is actually spent doing civil engineering analysis and design tasks thatcould just as well be done by a civil engineering technologist?Will the civil engineering industry be willing to undertake the creation of a category of positionsthat have different prerequisites and career paths from those of the Professional Engineer? Tocreate such a position would at a minimum require there be established formalizing of credentialsfor the Technologist, complete with educational requirements, examination
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adjustment of one or more actuators connected to it. Anexample of this would be to add a decision making thing to the above example that “subscribes”to the temperature, light and motion data that has been ‘published” by the sensing devices.Using a control algorithm, the decision making device would “publish” new actuator positions tothe broker that would store these instructions. When a third actuator device logs into the IoTsystem, it can subscribe to the subset of instructions pertaining to it actuators and makeadjustments based on the instructions published by the decision-making device(s). This systemcan operate without constant human intervention and does not have to be fully connected at alltimes – thus the creation of an IoT system. Finally
1 month after site visit 11. Office of Assessment distributes narrative report to 1 week after receipt of narrative report Department chair, Dean, and others involved in site visit; department distributes to program faculty and staff and initiates discussions regarding improvement 12. Office of Assessment meets with department chair Before November of next academic year and college dean to discuss recommendations and identify outcome(s) to be added to program’s IE plan. 13. Office of Assessment enters outcomes into IE plan. By December of next academic year 14. Department report on progress of outcomes annually. July 1st (annually)team. A team of 4 to 6 members - 2 to 3 external reviewers (at least
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job pyramid that started with manufacturing jobs in the 80’s and 90’s. CAD/CAM graduates will increasingly have to compete with skilled and lower paid workers from countries like China, India and the developing world.• An Expansive Curriculum: A stand-alone program will need to have opportunities to expand the curriculum to allow specialization. The current curriculum through the proposed technical electives already to some extent captures alternatives. However, there is room for additional courses that would both compliment and supplement the current experience. These would be in the following areas: o Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): Exposure to the setup and use of a Product Data Management system would be
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simple, custom object using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Laminated Object Modeling (LOM)-based printers.Table 1: Weekly schedule of the Lecture Topics and Lab ActivitiesWeek(s) Lecture Topic and Lab Activity Lecture: Course Introductions. Definition and history of additive manufacturing. Comparison of additive manufacturing with traditional manufacturing. Exploring the types of 3D printing. Basic forms of Additive Manufacturing. Advantages and limitations of 3D printing processes. 1 Lab Orientation: Lab Safety, Tour of Additive Manufacturing Lab. Introducing the 3D printing equipment. 3D printing demonstration. Lecture: How does 3D