perspective.As discussed in the section relating the impact of the project on infrastructure, the choice ofhealthcare robotics seems to be a good one that manages to satisfy all conditions set for growinga research program. Also notable are the funding opportunities that come with a real-worldoriented project.Bibliography1. Website for Council on Undergraduate Research ( S. Berri, A. Zhang and G. and Gailani. "Importance of undergraduate research in engineering technology Page 23.350.8 programs". American Society of Engineering Education 2012 National Conference, San Antonio, TX, 20123. Multiple Authors, "A research roadmap for
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used for someexperiments) would impact the quality of education by potentially diminishing design creativitywith subsequent course offerings.References 1. Rosentrater, K. A. & Al-Kalaani, Y. 2006. Renewable energy alternatives – a growing opportunity for engineering and technology education. The Technology Interface, 6, 1. 2. Anderson, O. R. 1976. The Experience of Science: A New Perspective on Laboratory Teaching, Teachers College Press, New York. 3. Hofstein, A. and Lunetta, V. 1982. The role of Laboratory in Science Teaching education: Neglected Aspects of Research, Review of Educational Research, 52, 2, 201-217. 4. Edward, N. S. 2002. The role of laboratory work in engineering
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be to use aBASIC Stamp for the servo control. All it needs to do is receive the direction command on twoinput ports and then enable the appropriate servo(s).IV. Firmware DesignThe transmitter firmware, written in combination of the free version Hi-Tech C and MPASMassembler, demonstrates some of the capabilities if the rfPIC12F675 by transmitting the status ofthe two buttons GP3 and GP4 on the transmitter4 5. A 0x23h is transmitted if the left button ispressed and a 0x43 is transmitted if the right button is pressed. The Xmit function used totransmit the data uses a simplified KeeLoq protocol based on the assembler code provided withthe PICkit 1 and has been adapted to interface to the Hi-Tech C compiler. The Xmit functions
with the system demonstration (15 minutes teampresentation).Design Team: The project is executed by two member teams. A formal Project Report (consistingof Abstract, introduction, Design Description consisting of Schematic(s) and Software Code andBibliography) will be prepared by each member of the group.Duration: Week 13, 14 and 15Project Grading: Five points for the design features, 10 points for successful execution anddemonstration, 5 points for code quality and organization, total 20 points, which is the 20% of the Page 25.515.5total class grade. IV. STUDENT AND FACULTY FEEDBACKThis class is offered in every
tangible or intangible rewards. His original theories were extreme and could be interpreted to mean that human beings do not have real freedom of action, but merely respond to their environment. Albert Bandura’s theory of observational learning, also known as social learning19,20, states that people learn by observing the behavior of others and then imitating the behavior that produces a desired reward. For example, if the student sees others getting good grades and recognition, s/he will be motivated to copy the behavior to achieve the same results. 2. Cognitive theories According to Jean Piaget21, individuals have an innate need to organize their experiences
: 1. Understand the basic logic gates and combinational logic functions, symbols, truth tables, timing diagrams, and logic circuits. 2. Simplify complex logic circuits by applying Boolean algebra laws and theorems 3. Understand the operation of basic counters, decoders, multiplexers and arithmetic circuits. 4. Convert between the decimal, binary, and hexadecimal number systems. 5. Understand binary, and BCD, and the need for alphanumeric codes, especially the ASCII code. 6. Perform binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on binary (using the 2's-complement system) and hexadecimal numbers. 7. Understand the basic types of flip-flop. 8. Understand sequential logic systems including
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. Bertoline, Dean, College ofTechnology at Purdue University. Dean Bertoline penned an unpublished work titled FutureCollege of Technology. This document formed the underlying vision and detailed plan forcreating preeminence in defining and developing the 21st Century Technologist; this, throughreinvention of the College of Technology at a tier 1 research intensive university. Subsequentconversations to advance this objective yielded the collection of thought reflected in this paper. Page 25.217.12Bibliography1 Zakaria, F. (2011). Innovate Better. Time Magazine. June 13.2 Lohr, S. (2011). When Innovation, too, is Made in China. New York Times
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not reflect the views of DHS.Bibliography:1. Patrick S. Roberts, “What Katrina Means for Emergency Management”, The Forum, Volume 3, Issue 3, Article 2, 2005.2. Jeremy I. Levitt and Matthew C. Whitaker, Hurricane Katrina: America's Unnatural Disaster, University of Nebraska Press, 2009.3. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Fundamentals of Emergency Management, Emergency Management Institute, Independent Study 230 (a), 2010.4. George D. Haddow, Jane A. Bullock, and Damon P. Coppola, Introduction to Emergency Management, Elsevier Science, 2010.5. Emergency Management Institute, Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams, Department of
the School. It should be stressed that thetechnology professor teaches engineering concepts to the students and is explicitly notattempting to “steal” engineering students.3.2 Data collectionData were collected for six years in three forms: transcript information, number of majors, andbrief in-class surveys. The six years involve twelve semesters: six fall semesters and six spring Page 25.1421.4 semesters. Here, a semester is referred to as the academic year with a “F” or “S” for fall orspring; e.g., the last semester examined was the spring of the 2010-2011 year, or “1011S'”.The transcript information was collected for EGR120 students from
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Cobb paradox – why projects fail. The Standish Group, “Unfinished voyages”, 1996. 4. S Robbins, “Understand what motivates your boss”, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, May 13th 2006. 5. “Skills needed to get hired” Video from NSF-sponsored project, Page 22.342.10
management,quality management, software ergonomics, and systems engineering.[2]As of 2004, the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 760,840 software engineers holding jobsin the U.S.; for comparison, in the U.S. there are some 1.4 million practitioners employed in allother engineering disciplines combined.[3] The term software engineer is used very liberally inthe corporate world. Very few of the practicing software engineers actually hold engineeringdegrees from accredited universities. There are estimated to be about 1.5 million practitioners inthe E.U., Asia, and elsewhere. SE pioneers include Barry Boehm, Fred Brooks, C. A. R. Hoare,and David Parnas
future engineers willalso think more green energy efficient in the original designs they perform since they will nowhave the tools to evaluate options and present the long term savings of a greener energy designthat might have a slightly more initial cost. It is hoped that more programs will find room intheir programs for a similar course to the one presented in this paper.Bibliography1. Capehart, B. L., Turner, W. C. & Kennedy, W.J., (2008). Guide to Energy Management Sixth Edition, Fairmont Press , ISBN 978-1-4200-8489-4.2. Doty,S. & Turner, W. C. (2009). Energy Management Handbook Seventh Edition, Fairmont Press, ISBN 978-1- 4200-8870-0.3. U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2010, DOE/EIA
modeling methods also improved.These proxies for the understanding of design intent all improved after the course. This resultedin spite of the students having significant experience and confidence in using other higher-endCAD tools prior to their experiences in this course.Bibliography1. D. A. Field, "Education and Training for CAD in the Auto Industry," Computer-Aided Design 36 (14), 1431- 1437 (2004).2. S. D. Eppinger and A. R. Chitkara, "The New Practice of Global Product Development," MIT Sloan Management Review 47 (4), 22-30 (2006).3. B. Caldwell and G. M. Mocko, "Ttite," in ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences (Brooklyn, New York, 2008
MaximumLeast MostNot significant Most SignificantNot Relevant RelevantNot Applicable ApplicablePart One: Please answer the following questions by ranking them 1. Rate your experience/exposure to the resources of the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website. 1 2 3 4 5 2. The product idea was based on developing a solution to a problem. 1 2 3 4 5 3. The product idea was based on fulfilling a specific need. 1 2 3 4 5 4. The patent search (PS) made the team more aware of the potential
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the Internet-controllable vortex tube consists of:̇ Source of compressed air (5HP electric compressor and air dryer unit)̇ Pressure transducers (Omega Dyne Inc; Model: PX209-200A5V)̇ Temperature transducers (Omega Engineering Inc; Model: TX91A-K2) Page 15.550.6 ̇ Vortex Tubė National Instrument-DAQ card (16 inputs, 16 bits, 200KS/s, Multifunction I/O for USB)̇ LabVIEW software and server (Host Computer, IP Address:̇ Client (PC downloaded with LabView Runtime Engine)̇ Network IP Camera (Toshiba, Model: IK-WB21A with 22 x optical zoom, pan, tilt features)̇ Flow Transducer
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. S. Patent Awards so far. He received a masters degree in interdisciplinary engineering from Purdue University Calumet and graduated from Purdue University with a B.S.M.E.Prof. Gregory P. Neff, Purdue University, Calumet (Tech) Gregory Neff is professor of mechanical engineering technology at Purdue University Calumet. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, a Certified Manufacturing Engineer, and a Certified Manufacturing Technologist. Greg is active in ASEE where he won the Meryl K. Miller award in 1994 and in SME where he is education & certification chair and webmaster for chapter 112. He is faculty advisor and webmaster for SME student chapter 161 and advisor for Tau Alpha Pi. He is active in ASME
criteria to solve problems without to solve problems, but not without some problems, but the solution (s) contains to solve problems; solutions provided are any errors. minor errors and/or omissions. significant errors and/or omissions with totally inconsistent with the design respect to design parameters. criteria.Perform design/analysis of Provides ample evidence of Provides adequate evidence of Provides some evidence of application of Provides little or no evidence ofbeams for
theprojects. The position of technical advisor for each of the project groups is split among the EETfaculty, based on the faculty member’s area of expertise.The EET program has defined, with the approval of alumni and its industrial advisory board,sixteen Student Outcomes that students should achieve by graduation, labeled a) - p). Thesebegin with the ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes a) - k), and then add the Electrical /Electronic(s) Engineering Technology program specific requirements, and some universityrequired student outcomes, which are labeled l) - p). There are seven, of the sixteen total Student Outcomes, that are assessed by the Capstone courseinstructor and project technical advisors, based on the Capstone project work, both during