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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 160 in total
Conference Session
Recruitment & Retention in ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raju Dandu, Kansas State University at Salina; John DeLeon, Kansas State University at Salina
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Engineering Technology
fall 07, 27 scholarships were awarded in the amount of $1800/semester.Administering the grant in its first year has been rewarding and challenging. This paper willprovide insight into the structure of the award winning proposal and information related to Page 13.824.2application demographics and the selection process.Grant Proposal StructureSuccessful grant proposal needs an excellent teamwork, leadership, and administrative support ofan academic institution. The grant writing team has been mindful of specific instructions,limitations, and requirements of S-STEM proposal.ELITE ProposalKansas State’s Enhancing Lives through Technology and
Conference Session
STEM Issues in ET II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jimmy Ching-ming Chen, Wayne State University; Gene Yeau-Jian Liao, Wayne State University; Roger C. Lo, California State University, Long Beach; Praveen Shankar, California State University, Long Beach
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
paper we present the working processes and activities of acurrent one-year ECR: PEER (EHR Core Research: Production Engineering Education andResearch) project funded by NSF organizing two workshops held by two institutes. Theseworkshops are to solicit and synthesize insights from experts in the academic, for-profit, andnon-profit sectors to describe the future and education of production in mechatronics. Eachworkshop is planned to be two days, where the first day will be dedicated to the topics ofworkforce education and training in mechatronics. The topics in the second day will be slightlydifferent based on the expertise and locations of the two institutes. One will focus on themechatronics technologies in production engineering for
Conference Session
ET Leadership, Administration, and Articulation
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Samples, University of Pittsburgh -Johnstown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
to new instructors as theylearn to teach. Many are the way of ABET, faculty and student evaluations, and the expectationsof ones peers. They have been updated to reflect the changing methodologies of teaching andthe “student centeredness” of learning in Chickering and Gamson’s3 "Seven principles for goodpractice in undergraduate education." 1. Encourages contacts between students and faculty. 2. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students. 3. Uses active learning techniques. 4. Gives prompt feedback. 5. Emphasizes time on task. 6. Communicates high expectations. 7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.Note that there is no reference to knowing the subject matter as this is certainly a given
Conference Session
Web-Based Learning in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlie Edmonson, University of Dayton
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Engineering Technology
it helps create a feeling of community and classroom cohesion. Students get to know the instructor and other students through verbal interactions.Disadvantages of Asynchronous On-line Learning - Lack of human contact. Some students need or want the face-to-face contact with instructors and other students. Some students say that they learn better when they can see a person's face and converse in real time with a peer or instructor. - Requires self-discipline. The primary drawback of asynchronous on-line learning is that students must be self-disciplined. Students must take the initiative to login to participate in on-line discussion groups and to complete other course assignments. Some students
Conference Session
Engaging Students in Learning
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Val Hawks, Brigham Young University; Ronald Terry, Brigham Young University
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Engineering Technology
concepts of delegation and direction, and the difference between leadership andmanagement.Students are also given the opportunity to use a 360 self-evaluation instrument developed byMerrell to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses as leaders and as seen by others.They are then expected to formulate one area in which they can improve, work on that areaduring the semester, and write their observations in a paper submitted at the end of the course.To serve as a ‘capstone’ type of project for the leadership section of the course, the students areasked to develop a personal leadership theory and defend it in a short paper.Question 1: Do the students see themselves as leaders?Although, no formal assessment was made of the students during the
Conference Session
Student Learning Techniques & Practices in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Ryan Beasley, Texas A&M University; Ana Elisa Goulart, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
is the teacher’s responsibility to teach themeverything they need to learn. These students like the traditional teaching method oflecturing. It has been extensively studied in the literature that other learning styles such asactive learning, self-learning, and cooperative learning are more effective1. As pointedout by Donawa et al2, the primary purpose of all education is to teach students how tolearn effectively. Various efforts have been made to get the students actively involved in thelearning/teaching process3, 4, 5 over the last century. Extensive research on peer teaching4suggests that having students teach each other is an extremely effective way to increasestudent learning. Recently, Plett et al6 experimented with students grading
Conference Session
Assessment & TC2K Methods
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kim Nankivell, Purdue University-Calumet; Jana Whittington, Purdue University-Calumet; Joy Colwell, Purdue University-Calumet
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Engineering Technology
at Purdue University Calumet began in fall of2000 with a few courses. During the building and promotion of the new degree program, corefaculty conducted informal surveys of current students. These surveys were completed in classand the number of surveys completed consisted of 30 to 150. (Variables were due to programgrowth). We were interested in how students found out about the program, what they liked aboutthe degree program, and what they looked for in a program degree in relation to career goals.Top responses (in order of number of responses) were as follows: How they found out about the program 1. They heard about the degree from family and peers 2. They heard about the degree from counselors in area High Schools and Community
Conference Session
Focus on ETAC Accreditation
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ilya Y. Grinberg, Buffalo State College, The State University of New York; Jill Singer, Buffalo State College, The State University of New York
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Engineering Technology
activities is provided for the course instructor. More information aboutEvaluateUR and EvaluateUR-CURE are found at 1. EvaluateUR-CURE Outcomes Outcome Categories Outcome Components Communication • Uses and understands professional and discipline-specific language • Expresses ideas orally in an organized, clear, and concise manner • Writes clearly and concisely using correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and sentence structure Creativity • Shows ability to approach problems from different perspectives
Conference Session
Issues and Direction in ET Education and Administration: Part I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Wolcott, Rochester Institute of Technology; Todd Dunn, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Engineering Technology
acceptance (sometimes a bias issue),and avoiding professional prejudice. However, this document will report that some of theseadvantages are not as clear today as in the past. In fact, the graduate school and licensureopportunities for holders of BS degrees in CE or CET may be nearly identical in the future.2. Proposed CurriculumA proposed CE course list (Figure 1) and block schedule have been developed based on ABET-EAC criteria for 2008-2009 Accreditation Cycle21, conversations with ABET-EAC/TACevaluators, and review of curricula at selected peer institutions. The existing CET check list ispresented in Figure 2 for comparison. Courses that have been dropped from the existing CETcurriculum are shaded. Please note that our University is on a
Conference Session
Graduate Education and Undergraduate Research in ET
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Visser, South Dakota State University; Kurt Rosentrater, USDA-ARS
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
laboratory. A delineated project was assigned with the goal of developing bio-basedcomposite materials using biofillers and adhesives. After receiving appropriate training, the firsttwo weeks were essentially an open-ended investigation by the student to become accustomed tothe laboratory techniques, processes to be employed, and typical behavior of the materials. Atthis point in time, the student and research advisor, who was an ARS research scientist,developed a formal experimental design. The following eight weeks were then devoted toexecuting this experiment, collecting data, and writing a report. In fact, this report is currently inpreparation for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal – which in itself is an excellentopportunity for
Conference Session
Best Practices in Industrial Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Regena Scott, Purdue University; Edie Schmidt, Purdue University; Kathryne Newton, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
important as experience.A worthwhile college or university education will give students a foundation ofinformation that will propel them into the work environment ready to take onleadership roles. Katz, 1995, suggests a researcher specializing in the study ofleadership approaches, suggests that effective leadership in the workplacedepends on the leader having three personal skills. First there are the technicalskills are those, which demonstrate the leader’s proficiency in specific workactivities. Next, human skills or people skills that a leader uses with upper-levelmanagement, peers and subordinates and finally conceptual skills, those skills thatdemonstrate the individual’s ability to translate ideas and concepts in tosuccessful projects.Lab
Conference Session
ET Projects
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Eydgahi, Eastern Michigan University; Payam Matin, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Lukman G. Bolahan Anidu
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Engineering Technology
in Solid Mechanics, Plasticity and Sheet Metal Forming. Dr. Matin has published more than 25 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Matin is the recipient of NSF MRI award as a Co-PI. Dr. Matin worked in Automotive industry for Chrysler Corporation from 2005 to 2007. He Joined UMES in August 2007. He is affiliated with ASME and ASEE professional societiesMr. Lukman G. Bolahan Anidu c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Design of an Automatic Class Attendance System as an Undergraduate Senior Design ProjectAbstractOne of the goals of senior design courses in undergraduate engineering programs is to involvestudents in a meaningful project so
Conference Session
Distance Learning in ET Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nabin Sapkota, Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Matters Higher Education Rubric has a set of 8 general standards and 43specific review standards. Out of these 43 specific review standards, 21 are considered essentialand each standard is worth 3 points, 14 are considered very important and each standard is worth2 points and remaining 8 are considered important and each is worth 1 point. Any an onlinecourse to be effective course should have minimum overall evaluation score of 84 whenevaluated by QM Peer Reviewers. In this paper, taking quality control course as an example,how technical engineering course can be developed as an effective online course has beenexplained. Quality control course is a mandatory course in all undergraduate degree in industrialengineering and industrial engineering
Conference Session
Engineering and ET Relationships & Professional Development
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daphene Koch, College of Technology - Purdue University
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Engineering Technology
designed to collect the most common responses that would make the final surveyinstrument entirely multiple-choice. Samples included questions asking, “Did anyone influenceyour decision to enter this program?” They were directed to circle yes or no, and if yes, write inthe influential person. A pilot study was conducted with a small sample to validate the directionsand items in the instrument. This survey was initially administered to 78 students in a seniorlevel course in program C.A second pilot study was conducted by administering the survey to 157 students with acombination of different levels (1st year through 4th year) of students at one university. As afurther assessment of the face validity and readability of the instrument, semi
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Design Projects in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jyhwen Wang, Texas A&M University; Steve Liu, Texas A&M University; Angie Hill Price
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
theinstructor of the capstone course, a faculty member or an industry advisor will be a “sponsor” ofthe project. Student teams are organized to match students’ background (work experience andtechnical electives taken) and interests with the proposed problems. The course generallyinvolves proposal writing to define problems and identify solution approaches. Progress reports,mid-term presentations, a final report, and a final presentation are commonly required. Anobjective of the capstone design course is to allow the students to demonstrate the knowledgeand skill they acquired by the time of graduation; thus, the course can be an outcome assessmenttool for continuous improvement of the program. Another key objective of the capstone course isto provide
Conference Session
Curriculum in Telecommunications Engineering Technology
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhammad Hasan, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
memory as illustrated in Figure 4. However, different cache-tagging schemes havevaried hardware complexities and hit rates under different applications. Also, different cachereplacement policies and cache write-policies fit better in different situations.Memory Management Unit (MMU): MMU has a key role in virtual memory implementation.MMU takes care of the page table and the logical-to-physical address translation process. Pagereplacement policies applied to the page table updating comprise of various algorithms. Recentlyaccessed frame numbers can be stored in a cache called Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB).This ensures fast access to the recently used pages
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy III
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sonia Travaglini, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University
Tagged Topics
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Engineering Technology
collaborative and cooperative learning (group work with a commongoal) [4, 5] and group-based instructional methods [6] – [10], and problem-based learning, all ofwhich feature opportunities for students to engage with learning content in a non-passive way.As mentioned, cooperative learning is one example of active learning used in engineeringeducation. The benefits of active learning (including cooperative and collaborative, and incontrast to competitive approaches) include maximized student learning, improved quality ofstudents’ interpersonal relationships with peers, and more positive attitudes to experiences inUniversity, as found by Johnson et al’s [11] meta-analysis of 305 studies of cooperative learning(encompassing active and collaborative
Conference Session
Assessment & TC2K Methods
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nirmal Das, Georgia Southern University
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Engineering Technology
fall. Changes to theobjectives and outcomes are agreed to by consensus of the faculty. Changes are then reviewedby the industrial advisory committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting—the IAC typicallymeets once per academic year. Major changes are now reported to the administration afterreview typically via the Institutional Effectiveness Report and Program Review. Page 11.248.3 GSU Mission Annual Faculty Institutional Peer Review
Conference Session
Electromechanical & Manufacturing ET Curriculum
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Li Qian, South Dakota State University; Teresa Hall, South Dakota State University; Shanzhong (Shawn) Duan, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, select, and justify tooling that will produce high quality manufactured products economically, reliably, and quickly. • Demonstrate the theoretical and practical knowledge required to measure precision part parameters and propose appropriate corrective action. • Demonstrate communication skills with respect to the ability to define a project, support choices made in the decision stage, and clearly communicate the parameters of a design to the professor and, in the future, to workplace peers. • Identify appropriate information sources, assess validity, and integrate information sources in the design of tooling. Page 11.790.3
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alok K. Verma P.E., Old Dominion University; Stephanie G. Adams, Old Dominion University; Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Nestor Escobales P.E., Old Dominion University; Isaac L. Flory IV, Old Dominion University
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Engineering Technology
Technology criteria, EC-2000requires an assessment and continuous improvement plan. Since the first publication ofoutcome based criteria in 1995, considerable discussion has taken place on this issue.1,2In 2001 a similar outcome based criteria were published for the engineering technologyprograms. A number of studies were conducted and published under the GatewayEngineering Education Coalition outlining strategies for developing and institutionalizingsuch programs.3-5 Many of these studies address important but only specific areas of theEC-2000 and TC2K criteria. For example, a study by Besterfield-Sacre et al. defines theeleven outcomes a-k in terms of blooms taxonomy.4, 6 McGourtny, et. al., discussincorporation of student peer review and feedback
Conference Session
Electrical/Electronic ET Issues
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Delvicario, University of Hartford; Dominick Gerard Lauria, University of Hartford; Patricia Mellodge, University of Hartford; Ying Yu, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. I. Ward Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Hartford. Her current research interests are audio and speech signal processing, promoting critical thinking through the engineering curriculum, promoting diversity and inclusion in the academic environment, and teaching with new educational methods, including peer instruction, personal response systems, video games, and state-of-the-art CAD tools. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Promoting critical thinking through troubleshooting exercises in fundamental electric circuits labsAbstractThis paper presents a study conducted in the fall semester of 2017 that aimed to
Conference Session
Issues and Directions in ET Education & Administration: Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerry Marekova, Drexel University; Vladimir Genis, Drexel University; David Spang, Burlington County College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Applied Engineering Technology@ BCC Transfer articulation agreement 187.5 creditsCourses Completed @ BCC AAS.MHT Transfer Credits into Drexel AET-MHT Course # Course Description Credits Course # Course Description CreditsENG 101 College Composition I 3 ENG 101 Expository Writing & Reading 3ENG 102 College Composition II 3 ENG 102 Persuasive Writing & Reading 3 0 ENG 103 Analytical Writing & Reading 3MTH 130 Pre -Calculus 4
Conference Session
Capstone and Design Projects in Engineering Technology
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Biswajit Ray, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
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Engineering Technology
Introduction to Engineering Technology course,offered to freshmen electronics engineering technology students, are presented. The primaryobjective of this course is to improve the quantitative and qualitative problem solving skill offreshmen students during their first semester of college experience. This in turn contributes totheir preparedness for subsequent science, math, and engineering technology courses, positivelyimpacting student retention rate. The course presented herein also includes a number of hands-on projects to introduce the concepts of engineering design, prototyping, and testing. Soft skillssuch as formal report writing and team work, and orientation to engineering profession andindustry are also key components of this course. Course
Conference Session
Active Learning and Undergraduate Research in ET
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Paul M. Yanik, Western Carolina University; April Tallant, Western Carolina University
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Engineering Technology
class students etc faculty 100% 89% 67% 11% students 100% 70% 70% 0% Fig. 2 Expected deliverables.As one faculty member points out, the deliverable should depend on the students, namely, theirparticular projects in certain courses. Depending on the nature of the course and the project, wecan adjust our expectations and requirements. Also, if one has never tried any of the proposeddeliverables, it would be fun to try. For instance, if a faculty member has never asked the HonorsCollege student to present to his/her peers in the class, then s/he may
Conference Session
New Directions for Engineering Technology
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Osazuwa John Okundaye Jr., Texas A&M University; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Francis Quek, Texas A&M University; Sharon Lynn Chu, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
practices such as coordinated decision making in stochastic supply chains, handling supply chains during times of crisis and optimizing global supply chains on the financial health of a company. She has published her research in Journal of Business Logistics, International Jour- nal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and peer-reviewed proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.Dr. Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University Dr. Mathew Kuttolamadom is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology & In- dustrial Distribution and the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Texas A&M University. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science &
Conference Session
Utilizing Digital Technologies in Classroom and Distance Learning in ET Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nasser I Alaeddine, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Hamid R. Parsaei, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Konstantinos Kakosimos P.E., Texas A&M University at Qatar; Bing Guo, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Bilal Mansoor, Texas A&M Qatar
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
calculation and risk analysis” published by CRC Press) and more than 20 papers in international peer-reviewed journals.Dr. Bing Guo, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Bing Guo is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and a Dean’s Fellow at Texas A&M University at Qatar. He teaches introductory engineering mechanics, thermal dynamics, thermal fluid sciences, and experimentation design. Dr. Guo has been involved in teaching innovation with technology since 2013, with notable products such as an app for enhanced learning of 3-D objects and a video lecture library for statics and dynamics. Guo received his bachelor’s degree and doctoral degrees in Thermal Engineering from Tsinghua University.Dr. Bilal Mansoor
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement & Assessment of ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nirmal Das, Georgia Southern University
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Engineering Technology
(for GSU Mission Annual Faculty Institutional Peer Review Merit Review Effectiveness of Faculty Review (Annual) COST Mission Every 3 years Success Faculty Review
Conference Session
Issues in Engineering Technology Education II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University - Addison; Aminul Karim, Higher Educational Consultant
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Engineering Technology
42 46 50 30 34 0 Participation in Presenting / Writing Attending Conf./ Reading Books / Keeping up-to-date Knowledge / Skills Working as Prof. Org. Papers Workshops / Journals via Internet transfer from Sr. Consultant Seminars faculty 2003 2007 2013 201612. Institutional Affiliation: Figure 2 shows the frequency
Conference Session
Capstone and Senior Design in Engineering Technology
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Johnson, Purdue University; Sergey Dubikovsky, Purdue University
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Engineering Technology
completeAT496 and AT497. (See Figure 1.) A significant portion of a student’s grade depends on peerevaluation which is conducted two to four times a semester. There is a consensus among facultymembers teaching the senior level courses that the best way to handle those peer reviews is tohave a single form for this purpose across most, if not all, senior level courses14. AT496 AT497 AT408 Applied Research Applied Research Advanced Mfg Proposal Project Processes DMAIC or DMEDI DMAIC or DMEDI DMEDI Identify project, form Conduct project
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Progress Reports: Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Stier, Illinois State University
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Engineering Technology
to develop these outcomes the Engineering Technology faculty at MU had to complete acareful analysis of each required course in the curriculum as well as the technical electives. Themodel suggested by Angelo was used in this process21. The model is based on four basicpreconditions: shared trust, shared vision and goals, shared language and concepts, and sharedguidelines22. Shared trust is one of the most important preconditions needed for a meaningfulanalysis of the curriculum and to identify outcomes that will be high quality assessmentindicators. Angelo points out that in order for trust to occur the “participants need to feelrespected, valued, safe, and in the company of worthy peers”23. To facilitate this approach, theEngineering