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Conference Session
ETD Learning Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Matthew DeMonbrun, University of Michigan; Michael Geoffrey Brown, University of Michigan
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Engineering Technology
? Methodology We employed weekly academic classifications in an early warning system (EWS)for students in an undergraduate engineering course at a research-intensive university inthe Midwest. Coupled with the EWS, we used data from students’ use of variousinstructional technologies during the course through a digital coaching application calledE2Coach. The E2Coach system provides students with a variety of resources including:weekly help messages, exam preparation (before the exam) and reflection (after theexam) tools, a weekly checklist of tasks that will help students prepare for the class, agrade calculator so students can estimate their grade based on past and planned futureperformance, and various online systems for reviewing academic
Conference Session
ETD Curriculum
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Troy Harding, Kansas State University, Polytechnic Campus; Thomas E. Mertz, Kansas State University, Polytechnic Campus; William E. Genereux, Kansas State University, Polytechnic Campus; Sue A. Guzek, Kansas State University, Salina; Timothy Bower, Kansas State University, Polytechnic Campus
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Engineering Technology
observed that students are often unable to see a broader perspectiveof why they are studying various topics and required classes. Students seem to be less able tomake the connections that they need to make between the different classes and disciplines. Thispaper discusses a computer technology curriculum and its weaknesses, subsequent changes thatwere implemented with a program overhaul, and an assessment plan that was devised todetermine if those changes were effective towards meeting the learning goals.The changing expectations of both students and their future employers motivated us toreexamine and overhaul the way we teach computer technology. We revised our student learningoutcomes to better reflect industry needs and to make assessment more
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheree Buikema, Purdue University; Robert J. Herrick, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Wanju Huang, Purdue University
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Engineering Technology
Reviewer. Wanju enjoys collaborating with faculty to design online and blended courses. She strives to transfer faculty’s expertise and teaching philosophy in different learning contexts and enhance students’ learning experiences. She has published and presented research papers related to online learning and instructional design at national and international conferences. She holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Technology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Using Technology to Reinvent a Learning EnvironmentAbstract:This is a reflection describing the process of redesigning a lower
Conference Session
ETD Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gangjian Guo, Bradley University; Joseph C Chen P.E., Bradley University
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Engineering Technology
-world challenges and problems [6]. PBL is particularly helpful for engineering students.Students learn about a subject by working for an extended period of time to investigate on acomplex question, challenge, or problem [6]. Therefore, a four-stage project is required forstudents to develop an injection molded product, which starts from product conceptual design,developing detailed 3D models and 2D engineering drawing, conducting Moldflow simulation toimprove the design, applying Mastercam to generate CNC tool path for mold fabrication,installing the mold and machine setup, fabricating the parts, inspecting the quality, and writing aself-reflection report to summarize the learning and analyze how to improve the quality andeliminate molding
Conference Session
MET Papers 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
T. Sean Tavares Ph.D., University of New Hampshire
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Engineering Technology
. Becauseof the low cost of purchase and operation of the pumps, each laboratory group can have its owntest setup. It has been found beneficial to have lab groups swap pumps after a first round oftests. Comparisons of performance results obtained by different groups with a common pumpallows for reflection on discrepancies that may have resulted from differences in experimentaltechniques, care taken with measurements, and differences in compensation for various sourcesof loss (such as hydraulic friction in the pump discharge tubing) which are not necessarilydirectly attributable to the capabilities of the basic pump.IntroductionAn ability to plan, execute, and interpret experimental tests is an important part of the skill setfor engineering technology
Conference Session
MET Papers 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Austin Creasy, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Engineering Technology
-125.5. Carter, J. F., and Van Matre, N. H. (1975) Note taking versus note having, Journal of Educational Psychology 67, 900.6. Von Konsky, B. R., Ivins, J., and Gribble, S. J. (2009) Lecture attendance and web based lecture technologies: A comparison of student perceptions and usage patterns, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 25.7. Larkin, H. E. (2010) "But They Won't Come to Lectures..." The Impact of Audio Recorded Lectures on Student Experience and Attendance, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 26.8. Craig, P., Wozniak, H., Hyde, S., and Burn, D. (2009) Student use of web based lecture technologies in blended learning: Do these reflect study patterns, Same places, different
Conference Session
ETD Curriculum
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Soumitra Basu, Fitchburg State University
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Engineering Technology
personalinterests and bias does not affect thecontent development process. It is only their expertise that comes into the picture. If this conditionis not met, the curriculum development process will cease to benefit students and society at large).Relationship ArrayThe curriculum committee discussed, atlength, the relationship of needs andlearning objectives. The weights (1 – 3)reflect the consensual opinions (at thetime) of the faculty body, incollaboration with content experts, aboutthe relationship (weak = 1, moderate = 2,strong = 3, no relation = 0) between theweighted needs and the learningobjectives. Table 5 Relationship array in the Needs to Learning
Conference Session
EET Papers 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikunja Swain P.E., South Carolina State University and Excelsior College; Shambhu Shastry, Excelsior College; Shou-Bang Jian, Excelsior College
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Engineering Technology
societal considerations, continuous improvement, and lifelong learning.Course ActivitiesThe Integrated Technology Course at Institution X consists of the following activities:Integrated Technology Assessment Report (resume & learning statements)Integrated Technology Assessment (ITA) report development and submission is an importantcomponent of this course, as it engages students in reflecting on their past academic and/or professionalexperiences, as well as the project developed throughout the course. To assist the student to complete thereport in a timely manner, the report is prepared in accordance with the outline listed in the syllabus.Each section of the report is formulated as an assignment posted within the course tools
Conference Session
EET Papers 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University; Shiny Abraham, Seattle University; Samy El-Tawab, James Madison University
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Engineering Technology
scenarios with low mobility. For stationary scenarios the positions of the transmitter andthe receiver are fixed and students can experiment with power attenuation measurements in orderto validate the appropriate wireless channel model. The experiment involves the following mainsteps, which allow the students to learn about the multipath propagation associated with wirelesschannels.  With transmitter and receiver at close distance, the line of sight (LOS) path between transmitter and receiver corresponds to the dominant and the range equation is applicable for propagation modeling.  Placing the transmitter and receiver further apart in an average size lab room, propagation modeling should include also reflections
Conference Session
MET Papers 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Cynthia Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Nan Yao, Beihang University
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Engineering Technology
approach mimics industry/job environment where students will have limitedtime to solve problems but still more than just one hour typically allowed in academia. Inaddition, additional stress induced by the presence of instructor is eliminated and reflects workenvironment in industry, as one would expect in most cases that supervisors would not bemonitoring employees as they solve problems. Although there may be occasions where studentswould have to solve problems quickly, one would not expect that to be applicable to cases whichwould require lengthy calculations which would be common for design problems involvingsystems dynamics.The students are asked to sign University Honors Code at the beginning of the semester. If thestudents do not sign the
Conference Session
MET Papers 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Orlando M, Ayala, Old Dominion University; Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the students, for them to become conscious of the needto watch the recordings before coming to the class. For these implementations of the course, thestudents were asked as graded homework assignment to take notes while watching the videosand submit those notes along with a reflection paragraph about what was learned from thelecture. They were also informed that the Blackboard tracking feature was activated to keep trackof whether they actually watched the video or not. In-class ActivitiesDifferent strategies were used for in-class activities also, and the variations among the foursemesters were as follows: SPRING & FALL 2015: A critical problem in implementing the flipped classroomtechnique during these semesters was due to
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ilse B. Nava Medina , Texas A&M University ; Angie Hill Price, Texas A&M University; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
comparatively smaller classes (~15-20 students per class for the“Mechanics for Technologists” course and ~15-25 students per class for the “Metallic Materials”course). The MMET 207 lab size was held at a maximum of 16, regardless of semester offering,since this was restricted by physical lab space. It is conjectured that the different class sizes andthe resulting teacher-to-student ratio, and hence the individual attention that could be afforded toeach student could have had an impact on student perception of the topic/instructor and the classin general (and potentially performance) as well, as was reflected in the research. Further, theimpact of missing a class/day was much more significant in the case of the summer sessionoffering. Regular semester
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Behnam Shadravan, Florida A&M University; Yves J. Anglade, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Emmanuel Cofie, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
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Engineering Technology
level. Though it is oftenPrograms in engineering technology grant students a technical base education. However, it doesnot completely prepare students to handle the breadth of the material instructed in engineeringcourses. A Master’s degree offered in the engineering technology department will have to betailored to match qualifications the undergraduates while also meeting the changing demands ofand the progress of the industry .ConclusionThe researchers examined students’ responses and found that they reflect an overall positiveattitude toward their own education in the construction engineering technology program atFAMU. The student responses derived a reasonable assessment of overall student sentiment.The results indicated that the students
Conference Session
ETD Learning Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wesley L. Stone, Western Carolina University; Hugh Jack P. Eng. P.E., Western Carolina University
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Engineering Technology
manufacturing. Students in Engineeringprograms have been very well versed in analysis, simulation, and abstract design. By themselveseach of these programs have strengths and weaknesses. However, when combining students fromboth of these program we develop teams that more closely reflect professional design teams. Theability to successfully implement complex design and build projects is enhanced.This paper outlines the design of a program at Western Carolina University (WCU) thatculminates with a senior capstone project for industry. Projects are done by teams of studentsmixed from the School disciplines of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electricaland Computer Engineering Technology, and Applied Systems Engineering Technology. A
Conference Session
Engineering Technology
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Technology
effect oftheir efforts. Often a true demographic of these students is not understood, leaving organizerswith generalizations based upon activities and interactions in the informal setting. Manysuccesses have been recorded and discussed at length11,13, without a great deal of differentiationof students based on gender, age, or ethnicities. All of them have been proven to influencechoice of major and extracurricular interests.Demographics. Some assert that the demographics of different STEM groups have changed dueto these efforts inside and outside of the formal school setting. However, the demographics havenot changed in ways that reflect current demographics of the population at large14. It is unclear ifthis is due to targeted or convenient
Conference Session
ETD Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David J. Broderick, Central Connecticut State University
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Engineering Technology
set to 1, the secondpoint is now selected as the nearest. Theincorrect selection of the data point causedthe error in the estimates seen in the validationdata set. During the Detailed DesignReview faculty and students determined Figure 4: An illustration of deficiencies foundthat sufficient prototyping was performed during prototyping. 2 dimensional example ofby the team. Issues with the preliminary measurement space. (top) Projection of that samedesign had been identified and a sufficient plan space onto 1 dimensional space. (bottom)existed to address those deficiencies. The teamupdated all documents to reflect the necessarychanges and maintained sufficient focus on the problem identified in the Concept
Conference Session
EET Papers 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine M. Cooney, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Paul Yearling P.E., Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Karl J. Huehne, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
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Engineering Technology
were clarified. Students came to lab more familiar with the circuit and the process to buildit. All these effects contributed to prevent mistakes in the process.To sustain these improvements, the revisions to the lab assignment will be made permanent; theinstructor and teaching assistants will look for clarifications in other assignment instructions. In thefuture, students will be asked to anticipate failure modes and how to prevent them as part of the pre-laboratory assignment, then reflect on those predictions in lab report conclusions. Training on otherLean Six Sigma techniques will be included in the curriculum.This project demonstrates that even a brief, 75 minute Kaizen event held for freshman circuits studentscan improve their
Conference Session
ETD Curriculum
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Behbood Ben Zoghi, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
required to supplement the remote classroom experience. Social activities during this residency will bring cohorts together for a final shared experience. 3. Capstone/Graduation Residency (Reflections) - The culmination of the TCMT program, this residency provides students the forum for final class presentations and assessments. Interactions, discussions, and feedback mark the integration of learning and application. Students participate in Aggie's graduation ceremonies alongside campus students.Residency Week 2017 will be held August 13-17, 2018 in College Station, Texas.Costs & AdmissionsThe 2018-2019 tuition rate for the METM program is $45,000 for in-state and $55,000 for out-of
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mir M. Hayder, Savannah State University; Mohamad A. Mustafa, Savannah State University; Asad Yousuf, Savannah State University; Alberto G. De La Cruz, Savannah State University; Lisa Yount, Savannah State University
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Engineering Technology
degree from a program that isnationally accredited provides the students confidence in the quality of education they receive[5]. Accreditation status provides the opportunity to students to transfer their credits to otheraccredited programs or institutions, if needed and also signals the potential employers that astudent’s degree met the widely accepted standards relevant to his/her program [6]. For a highereducational institution and its programs, accreditation provides the opportunity for self-definitionand self-reflection, and opens the door for continuous improvement effort [7, 8].Savannah State University (SSU) is a SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)accredited higher educational institution. Southern Association of Colleges
Conference Session
Engineering Technology
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Pearson, National Academy of Engineering; Daniel Peter Kuehn, The Urban Institute; Walter W. Buchanan P.E., Texas A&M University; Jeffrey L. Ray, Western Carolina University; Melvin L. Roberts P.E., Camden County College
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Engineering Technology
respondents, butmany of NACE’s employer members are involved in college recruiting.The hiring practices of the federal government also reflect perceived differences in work rolesbetween engineering technologists and engineers. The federal Office of Personnel Management(OPM) places ET under the same broad category, “All Professional Engineering Positions,” thatincludes those with 4-year engineering degrees (OPM, 2012). Technically, this means that somewith 4-year ET degrees from institutions accredited by ABET can be hired by the federalgovernment, but the OPM rules restrict hiring to entry-level jobs (GS-5, pay range $27k-$36k;those with “superior academic performance” may enter at GS-7).Some within the ET field believe that this OPM provision
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tracy L. Yother, Purdue University; Mary E. Johnson, Purdue University; Brian Kozak, Purdue University; James Thom, Purdue University
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Engineering Technology
].Collaborative, student-focused, learning environments are shown to greatly increase and deepena student's understanding of the topic. Discussion among the students while doing an activityengages higher level thinking resulting in better outcomes in the course.This collaborative learning environment is a new way of teaching for many instructors, includingPurdue faculty. The IMPACT program has four goals. Those goals are: • Refocus the campus culture on student-centered pedagogy and student success. • Increase student engagement, competence, and learning gains. • Focus course redesign on research-based pedagogies. • Reflect, assess, and share results to benefit future courses, students, and institutional culture.There are three
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
Satisfied unsatisfiedQ10. Please use this space to provide any additional comments, questions, or suggestions. Also,please let me know if you would like to discuss this project further. Appendix B. Teammate Participation Rubric Reflecting on your teammates’ participation within the group project, rate each teammate usingthe following rubric. Add your teammates’ names on the next page and corresponding pointsyou award them. The teamwork points will be averaged and figured into your teammates’ finalgrade. Trait Criteria 1 2 3 4
Conference Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Cynthia Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Nan Yao, Beihang University; Petros J. Katsioloudis, Old Dominion University
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Engineering Technology
applicationof modern modeling and simulation tools which are reasonably easy to use and could assiststudents in dealing with complex problems. An example of such a tool is theMatlab/Simulink/Simscape set of modeling and simulation tools that can model many complexphysical systems [7].The course that is discussed in this paper integrates fundamental ideas from integrativeexperiences and project based learning. The course builds on the material covered across anumber of different engineering and science courses, and extends student ability from dealingwith simple textbook problems to solving complex real world engineering problems. The courseis going through development stages and reflects a number of lessons learned that already havebeen integrated or
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mert Bal, Miami University; Reza Abrishambaf, Miami University
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Engineering Technology
usabilityassessment method 21. The subscales are defined in SUMI are namely; Efficiency: reflects thedegree to which the software helps the user accomplish their task. Affect: measures theemotional response of the user to the software. Helpfulness: indicates whether system isrelatively self-explanatory, and for which the help system and documentation are good or not.Control: shows the degree to which users feel in control of the software, rather than beingcontrolled by the software. Learn ability: measures how quickly and easily the users felt theycould master the software or a new feature of the software. According to these scales, a systemthat achieves a score in the range of 40-60 is comparable in usability to most of successfulcommercial software
Conference Session
ETD Internet of Things (IOT)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay R. Porter, Texas A&M University; Joseph A. Morgan, Texas A&M University; Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
among university engineering faculty,practicing engineers, and the schools is necessary; it is important to demonstrate to youngpotential STEM professionals the relevance of STEM activities [6]. In addition to interactingwith practicing professionals, authentic experiential learning activities can promote STEMcareers. Experiential learning attempts to rectify what Kolb characterized as the “rejection” ofthe “real-world” by the educational establishment [7]. The key to experiential learning is thecreation of knowledge “through the transformation of experience” [7]. In this project, thisexperience will be the development of connected devices aimed at building automationapplications. This will allow students to experience, reflect, think, and act
Conference Session
MET Papers 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Azar Eslam Panah, Pennsylvania State University, Berks; Amir Barakati, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
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Engineering Technology
carriedout in order to obtain refined velocity profiles to confirm the flow quality in the contraction andtest section. Furthermore, velocity profiles should be measured in different locations through thesection length and with different water levels to verify the flow quality along the channel is asdesired. Subsequently, the flow quality can be improved by screen mesh density and correctionsin the diffuser. The end tank will be also modified to avoid any flow reflection from the end wall.Despite the students spent a lot of time and effort on this project and they were very committedto its completion, they were not able to finish the construction in time. It was originally expectedthat the project could not be finished in two semesters because it
Conference Session
ETD Green Energy/Sustainability
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jesse Gilmore, University of Houston, Downtown; Scott Patterson, University of Houston, Downtown; Lisa Deane Morano; Vassilios Tzouanas, University of Houston, Downtown
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Engineering Technology
Fig.14: Timer Control HMIIV. ResultsThis section summarizes results which demonstrate the functionality of the system and discussproject execution from a cost and schedule viewpoint.System PerformanceInitially, to test the integrity of the sensor, an RS232 terminal named Termite was utilized. Thisterminal allows the user to send and receive data from a sensor based upon written commands.When commands were sent to the sensor through the terminal, desired responses andmeasurements were received assuring that the sensor was in good working order and ready to beemployed. Further experimentation included the testing of the sensor in dry soil and wet soil toconfirm that the sensor’s measurement numbers are consistent and reflect nominal values
Conference Session
ETD Curriculum
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Paul Grimes, Tidewater Community College; Sally Wells Daniel, Tidewater Community College
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Engineering Technology
number offemale students enrolled in engineering. As a new program, we had to demonstrate (1) suchtraining would be beneficial in the retention of our engineering students and (2) could be beoffered with minimal use of resources. Over 14 semesters TCC investigated several methods andformats to structure such a program (see Figure 1).The variety of methods reflects attempts to balance the two objectives above, with the politicaladministrative landscape at TCC toward adopting spatial visualization into curriculumrequirements. If the benefits could be shown, would spatial visualization become a required skillassessment tool, like existing math placement tests? Or would spatial visualization fit better arequired 1-credit course? Despite impressive