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study conducted by the Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention indicated that the areas with the speed cameras saw a decrease in thedrivers’ mean speed [4]. They also conducted a phone survey of the drivers within thecommunity and found that 95% of the drivers were aware of the cameras and 76% of themreduced their speed. One such example of a speed radar system is patented by Eliot S. Gerber.Their design utilizes a sign that displays the license plate number, owner’s name, and thevehicle’s speed [5]. It also uses a database to store the license plate numbers, owner’s name, andmake and model of the vehicle. Similar systems were patented by James A. Fowler and Leon O.Stenneth [6], and Carl Kupersmit [7].This paper presents the design
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infecting plants inspected.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe team thanks the generous support of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), PlantProtection Act (PPA) Section 7721 for the three FY2020, FY2021, and FY2022 years.ReferencesSvane, S. F., Dam, E. B., Carstensen, J. M., & Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2019). A multispectralcamera system for automated minirhizotron image analysis. Plant and Soil, 441(1-2), 657-672.Rahman, G., Sohag, H., Chowdhury, R., Wahid, K. A., Dinh, A., Arcand, M., & Vail, S. (2020).SoilCam: A Fully Automated Minirhizotron using Multispectral Imaging for Root ActivityMonitoring. Sensors, 20(3), 787."Management of soybean cyst nematode." Morning AgClips,"Image
plan is to introduce more examples of determining MMC as well asdoing more in class examples of position verification. The mathematical calculations for thesetypes of assignments are not difficult, but the decision-making concepts appear to give somestudents difficulty.References1. ASME, Dimensioning and Tolerancing, ASME Y14.5-2018. NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2019. ISBN 978-0-7918-7219-2.2. S. Neumann and A. Neumann, GeoTol Pro: A practical guide to Geometric Tolerancing per ASME Y14.5-2018. Longboat Key, FL: Technical Consultants, Inc., 2020. E. R. Evans, “Solid models, virtual inspection and the position tolerance.” in Proceedings of the 59th
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aligns with the loading test and falls within therange of reported laboratory tests as documented in the work of Yang et al12. Using theseparameters, the stability analysis indicates that the first mode of lateral buckling is produced with630 pounds, as shown in Figure 11-b. The lateral buckling from the laboratory test occurs with290 pounds, however the buckling shape is like the theory. The disparity between the predictedand observed loads is attributed to misalignment of the upper chord and other imperfectionsinherent in the construction process. 100 pounds a. Deflections under 100 s applied at center Mode 1: 630 pounds Mode 2: 680 pounds Mode 3: 710 pounds Mode 4: 890 pounds
= INT 1, but 1 [ft/s] does not equal 1 [m/s]Conclusion It appears that PackML provides a clear method for developing control systems formany, if not all manufacturing environments. Standardization is appealing in a world that ismoving towards larger, totally connected systems; PackML simplifies otherwise com.Appendix B – Lab #2 Lab #2IntroductionThe PackML Trainer allows the user to observe the PackML states as they are manipulated. Thetrainer was developed to provide hands-on experience with PackML without the bulk of anactual machine. It shows all 17 states and the transitions between them through animation [4].The trainer has multiple modes to simulate various levels of control
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follows.Question 1 - For/In which course(s) below that you have used ChatGPT (or other chatbots)?Choose all that apply. (Note: students could select more than one course) (1 respondent) RAE 301 - Mechatronics An introduction to mechatronics with an emphasis on industrial applications. Topics will include sensors, actuators, wiring, controllers, programming, applications, and safety. The course will emphasize application of standards for controlling industrial equipment and products. 2 Lecture, 2 Lab. Prerequisites EE 200. (4 respondents) EE 200 - Computer Utilization An introduction to the use of computers and computing methods to solve
,students apply these skills to a simple series circuit that is the model of a small VAWT. Thiscircuit is used to predict the peak performance of the VAWT. Students are asked to make acomparison of the dissipated power in the resistors in order to decide how to set the value of theload resistor to maximize the load power when the VAWT is tested in the laboratory.References[1] S. Turns and P. Van Meter, “Applying Knowledge from Educational Psychology andCognitive Science to a First Course in Thermodynamics,” in 2011 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Vancouver, BC, June 2011.[2] E. Bjork and R. Bjork, “Making things hard on yourself, but in a good way: Creatingdesirable difficulties to enhance learning,” in Psychology and the Real World: Essays
set data points within thesystem was challenging and possessed a steep learning curve. The equipment alsocontributed its share of constraints. These pre-project existing challenges were drivenby Creality CR-10’s restricted access to proprietary information that legally restrictedconnection/integration with the 3D printer’s operational technology. However, againwith the aid of the LIMS team, the student did obtain non-ideal legal access to andcontrol of the printer to execute and complete this project’s production target.The students provided two Recommendations and/or Next Steps to facilitate the nextteam of student’s interaction with this integrated learning environment. The first was thecreation of a “shortcut” manual that include the
projects were completed on timeand met the design specifications and requirements.References 1. Hoole S.R.H. (1991) Engineering Education, Design, and Senior Projects, IEEE Transaction on Education, Volume 34, Issue 2, pages 193-198. 2. Ellis B.D., Berube K., Allen J. (2018) Introduction of Electromechanical Projects within a Mechanical Engineering Technology Capstone Program, ASEE Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, San Antonio, Texas, session ETD 425. 3. Allison B., Ludwick S., Birmingham W.P. (2012) A Mechatronics Capstone Project with an Interdisciplinary Team and an Industrial Partner, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 4. Jezernik K. (2010) Mechatronics Projects
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to accommodate different learning styles. The quiz tool facilitates rapid evaluationof student performance, enabling instructors to work with students more efficiently. The methodwas implemented in one group and evaluated based on students’ feedback, demonstrating itsefficacy in both regular lab classes and self-learning sessions. Future plans include implementingthe method in different courses to further evaluate its effectiveness.REFERENCES[1] M. Ainley, “Connecting with Learning: Motivation, Affect and Cognition in Interest Processes.” Educational psychology review 18.4 (2006): 391–405. Web.[2] A. Elkhatatt, S. Al‑Muhtaseb, “Hybrid online‑flipped learning pedagogy for teaching laboratory courses to mitigate the pandemic COVID‑19
Technology at Tennessee Technological University. His research and teaching interests are in additive manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, distance learning.Dr. Fred Vondra, Tennessee Technological University Currently, Dr. Vondra serves as a Professor of the Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology and Foundry Education Foundation Key Professor at Tennessee Tech University. His research and teaching interests are in metal casting, maintenance, S ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Implementation of Project Based Learning in a Senior-Level Class in the Engineering Technology Program to Enhance Employment OpportunitiesAbstractEngineering technology has become one of
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. Theirmailing campaign that was struggling to breakeven in the beginning was producing impressiveresults with minimum efforts. The most important thing was, they turned it around using structuredproblem solving. They did this by increasing the Value-added time and minimizing the non-value-added time – again two other Lean engineering terms. Their Time standard after the final iterationwas so much better than when they started. They used less resources, less space and the customerwas happy.The industry has a term called Cost of Doing Nothing (CODN). This means keep pushing peopleharder and harder without wanting to get to the root cause(s) or even after knowing the rootcause(s) not willing to make the change because it is a new way and has not been done
across engineering curriculum. AEE Journal, 6(2).3. Brunell, L. R. (2019). A real-world approach to introducing sustainability in civil engineeringcapstone design. In 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.4. Scott Stanford, M., Benson, L. C., Alluri, P., Martin, W. D., Klotz, L. E., Ogle, J. H., Kaye,N., Sarasua, W., and Schiff, S. (2013). Evaluating student and faculty outcomes for a real-worldcapstone project with sustainability considerations. Journal of Professional Issues inEngineering Education and Practice, 139(2), 123-133.5. Valdes-Vasquez, R., and Klotz, L. (2011). Incorporating the social dimension of sustainabilityinto civil engineering education. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education &Practice, 137(4
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. With the students being able to understand the modal analysis easier than thefrequency response analysis, more emphasis will be placed on future exercises as they relate tomanufacturing processes covered in the mechanical engineering technology curriculum. Beingable to relate a vibration concept to an actual process helped to solidify the usefulness of theanalysis tool.References[1] Rao, S.S., “Mechanical Vibrations”, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing ISBN 0-201-52686-7.[2] Zhang, S., 2020, “Visualizing the Inherent Properties and Animated Responses of VibratingSystems Based on Finite Element Modelling”, ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, 10.18260/1-2-35490.[3] Irwin, J.L, Labyak, D.M., 2020, “FEA Taught the Industry Way”, ASEE Virtual
semester to pull the current course content outline, and secondly, at theconclusion of the semester to complete their IAI. A Google Form is the user interface that thefaculty member will complete their request for a course outline or IAI data entry form, seeFigure 2. If the request is for a course outline, the faculty member will receive an email with adated PDF course outline attachment. If the request is for an IAI, the faculty member will receivean email with a link to a dynamically generated Google Form specific to the requested course. Adynamic IAI form is necessary because each course has specific CLOs which must be assessedindividually, and each course may also include SOA(s) which must also be entered. Herein liesthe inherent strength of
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