staffing/human resources RG, MY leadership delegation Legal business/tax legal structure S,C,sole,LLC,LLP,LTD nonprofit: 501c3, etc. Intellectual property Copyrights Trademarks Page 13.1360.13 trade secrets utility and design patents RG, MY provisional patentsTopic
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Technologist at S-3 Engineering in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Manufacturing Technology from Eastern Michigan University, graduating Cum Laude in December of 2004; and was awarded an Excellence in Manufacturing scholarship. She is a member of various professional societies such as Society of Automotive Engineers, Society of Plastics Engineers, the Engineering Society of Detroit and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers - from which she earned her Manufacturing Technologist Certification. She is currently a Manufacturing Engineer at Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance in Dundee, MI
versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A 116(39):19251–19257. Available at: Deslauriers L, Schelew E, Wieman C (2011) Improved learning in a large-enrollment physics class. Science 332(13 May):862–864.4. Foster C, Wigner A, Lande M, Jordan SS (2018) Learning from the parallel pathways of makers to broaden pathways to engineering. International Journal of STEM Education 5(1)Available at: Jordan S, Lande M (2013) Should makers be the engineers of the future? Frontiers in Education (Oklahoma City, OK), 815–817. Available at: http
real software products.Tech Startup Model. The Tech Startup process begins with the onset of the semester, when instructors presenta general overview of semester-long projects and charge students to brainstorm project ideas forsoftware to develop. With the popularity of social media, web services, and prevalence ofsmartphones, most projects proposed involve web and/or mobile applications. In the followinglecture, the project proposals are shared among all students and each student expresses whichproject(s) to which they wish to contribute. Based on their preferences, we form teams of about 5software engineering students with 1-2 entrepreneurship students. Students are expected toarrange times outside of class to meet regularly to work
surveyed said they would consider implementing laptopcomputers, 68.7% said they would consider implementing tablets, and 56.7% said they wouldconsider implementing iPod or iPod touch to deliver digital instructional materials. According toApp Store Metrics, the iTunes App StoreSM currently has over 90,000 education apps10.Consequently, M-Learning continues to be a major technology trend as we move in future.Currently, for the remote laboratory applications development, more and more remote laboratorysoftware systems have selected web services technology and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)to implement the Browser-Server (B/S) architecture remote laboratory11,12. To integrate theremote laboratory application to mobile devices (e.g., PDAs
responsibilities, and market cycle economics.Course FormatIn this course, information on relevant innovation topics is delivered by traditional lecture, classdiscussion, and through readings. The learning strategy keys on the operationalization of thegained knowledge. In our approach, each topic is presented in a lecture or a series of lectures.Students then receive assignments consisting of two parts, the first asks them to reflect on andexplain the implications of the topic within the framework of innovation in materials or materialintensive industries. This ensures the students have completed the suggested readings and haveunderstood the content of the lecture(s). The second portion of an assignment asks the student tooperationalize the knowledge of
, “National Academies Issue Report on U.S. Innovation,” Mechanical Engineering, Vol.134, No. 11, Nov. 2012, pp. 10.6. Lord, M., “The Right Kind of Innovation,” Prism, Vol. 2, No. 9, Summer 2012, pp. 49.7. Graham, R., “The One Less Traveled by: the Road to Change in Engineering Education,” Journal of EngineeringEducation, Vol. 101, No. 4, October 2012.8. Jawaharlal, M., Fan, U.-J. and Monemi, S., “Implementing Service-Learning in Engineering Curriculum,”Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL, Paper 2614, June 2006.9. Kirpatrick, A., “Reduction to Practice,” Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 11, November 2012, pp. 38-39.10. N. Dukhan, M. Schumack and J. Daniels, “Implementation of a Service-Learning Component in
years.The University of Rochester has transitioned its focus from big businesses to smaller start-upventures. The University of Rochester is committed to helping local economic development. TheRochester community was stable for most of the 20th century because of entrepreneurs likeGeorge Eastman (Eastman Kodak), Joseph Wilson (Xerox) and Jon Jacob Bausch and HenryLomb (Bausch and Lomb). By the end of the 20th century, the employment for all threecompanies was significantly lower than it was in the 1980’s. In 2008, the UR became the largestemployer in the greater Rochester area.In 2004,The Council of Competitiveness studied Rochester, New York and produced a reportentitled “Fanning the Flame”. The Council reported that Rochester has a well
theeffectiveness of the activities they created; we need to know to what degree a specific learningactivity accomplished the objective(s) intended. The need for guiding criteria is especially acutewhen faculty members are integrating new learning outcomes into their courses.“Closing the loop,” or leveraging assessment data to identify deficiencies in class activities,courses, or programs, and as a guide on how to address those identified deficiencies, is acommon weakness of assessment programs. Rubrics provide a powerful tool for guiding thedevelopment of learning activities that cultivate specific elements of the entrepreneurial mindset.Rubrics are equally powerful tools for assessing the effectiveness of class activities designed toadvance specific
Lecturers, Assessment Series, LTSN Generic Centre, York.Brown, S. and Dove, P. (eds) (1991) Self and Peer Assessment, Standing Conference on EducationalDevelopment, Birmingham.Brown, S. and Glasner, A. (eds) (1999) Assessment Matters in Higher Education: Choosing and UsingDiverse Approaches, Open University Press, Buckingham.Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman.Barr, R., & Tagg, J. (1995). From teaching to learning: A new paradigm for undergraduate education.Change, 27(6): 12-25.Bedwell, L.E., Hunt, G.H., Touzel, T.J., & Wiseman, D.G. (1991). Effective teaching: Preparation andimplementation. 2nd Edition. Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas Publishers.Chickering A.W., & Reisser, L. (1993
defined KEO(s); must be assessable. One such objective is proposed in a prior section. • Identify the KEEN Outcomes that ABET does not cover (very well or not at all) – mapping process • Identify key DNA attributes that entrepreneurially minded graduates must possess and map to KSOs • Develop curriculum/extracurricular activities to enhance the essential attributes • Ensure alignment of KSOs “up and down” • THEN develop an assessment planBIBLIOGRAPHY[1] website –[2] website -[3] CRITERIA FOR ACCREDITING ENGINEERING PROGRAMS, (2012-2013 Accreditation Cycle), Engineering Accreditation Commission, October 29, 2011[4] Owe Petersen
thinking skills during the activity, as well asgive feedback about the activity to provide insight on how to improve design activities in thefuture. As demonstrated by the results of the assessment described, design-based activitiesprovide students with the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their innovative thinkingskills.References1. Atkinson, R. and S. Andes. The Atlantic Century: Benchmarking EU and US Innovation Competitiveness. 2009 [cited 2013; Available from: innovation-and-competitiveness.2. Lechletier, J., America's Growing Innovation Gap, in Wall Street Journal. 2009, Dow Jones and Company: New York, NY.3. Pappas, E. Cognitive Processes Instruction in
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Entrepreneurial Mindset Attribute(s)Open-ended, real world problem tolerance for ambiguityIll-defined tolerance for ambiguity opportunity recognition persistenceStudents identify, find, and use creativityappropriate resources innovation Page 23.266.4 creative problem solving critical thinkingStudents work in groups teamworkLearning is active, integrated, teamworkcumulative, and
data collected in the second phase of the study will be extremely instrumental in further Page 15.79.14understanding faculty beliefs about entrepreneurship education and how these translate intoteaching practices.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge grant support from NSF-EEC #0835992,“Entrepreneurship Education and Its Impact on Engineering Student Outcomes: The Role ofProgram Characteristics and Faculty Beliefs.”Bibliography:1. Katz, J. A. 2003. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education 1876- 1999. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(2): 283-300.2. Ohland, M. W., Frillman, S. A
new way is related to the observation.Potential Artifacts: persuasive essay, blog, journal, presentationAdditional Information: 1. Observations may be made of customers, clients, co-workers, suppliers, companies, etc. 2. For example, “Students check their text messages more frequently than their email, so faculty could send course emails as text messages to the class.”--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discovery Competency D4: Develop new insights by provoking unexpected responses in anexperiment or series of experiments.Primary Traits: A passing submission for this criterion must: 1. Describe the experiment(s): what/who is the subject of the experiment(s
technological aspects within macro- idea development; technology iterative cycle experimentation; prototypingThe Process dimension described the phase(s) of an engineering project during which innovativeactivity occurred. Participants within one category may have been aware of phases outside theircategory’s placement, but their descriptions of the innovation experience were predominantlylimited to the phases aligned with their category. For example, Category 1 participantsacknowledged idea generation, but did not substantively incorporate it into their
of innovation on economic development, and sustainability-driven innovation. She is a Faculty Fellow for Innovation and Director of the Missouri NSF/S&T I-Corps Site Program. Bonnie co-leads the Pathways to Innovation initiative with colleague and Entrepreneur in Residence, John Lovitt. She is an adjunct professor in the Executive MBA program at the University of Missouri-Columbia and Visiting Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology in the International MBA program. Prior to this position she was Sr. Director, Strategic Technology Deployment and Mechanical Technology for Flextronics International and managed design and development teams in Italy, China and the US. She also had profit-loss
commonalities in their individual ways of experiencing innovation(see Table 1). These categories formed a hierarchical progression from less comprehensive tomore comprehensive ways of experiencing innovation along two dimensions: Focus ofInnovation Activities and Extent of Innovation Process (see Figure 1). It should be noted that thefinal four categories (5–8) were each at the highest level of comprehensiveness in the outcomespace. They differed primarily on the Focus of Innovation Activities dimension.The Focus of Innovation Activities dimension addressed the area(s) that individuals prioritizedduring innovation activities (e.g., technical, human, or enterprise). In less comprehensivecategories (1–4), this dimension represented participants
Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, 1990.[6] B. Garbers and K. Periyasamy, "A Light-Weight Tool for Teaching the Development and Evaluation of Requirements Documents," in ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, 2006.[7] D. Brown, "Requiring CS1 students to write requirements specifications: a rationale, implementation suggestions, and a case study," in SIGCSE '88 Proceedings of the nineteenth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, Atlanta, 1988.[8] W. Hankley, "Software Engineering Emphasis for Engineering Computing Courses: An Open Letter to Engineering Educators," in ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, 2004.[9] J. Preston and S. Acharya, "Using Software Engineering Concepts in Game Development - Sharing Experiences at
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, Audi, Bosch, Department of Defense, German Telekom, Junghans, Metso, Siemens, Thomson ISI, and UPM Kymmene. Prior to joining the Smith School he was Assistant Professor for E- Business at National University in San Diego and CEO for German-based consulting firm Scenario Management International (ScMI AG). He has consulted for such organizations as AstraZenica, Audi, Bosch, and the U. S. Department of Defense. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Paderborn in Germany. ≠ Dr. Judy K. Frels, Marketing in Technology-Driven Industries. Dr. Frels is Executive Director of Marketing Communications, Senior Director of Custom Programs, and an Executive Education Senior Fellow at the Robert H
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