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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 440 in total
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David G. Novick, University of Texas at El Paso; Nicholas A. Ramirez, University of Texas at El Paso; Melanie Anne Realyvasquez, University of Texas at El Paso
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
g s ce re e b rt ce rin rit dg ai Jo fo ilu en lG
Conference Session
Learning from Entrepreneurship Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Clement, Purdue University; Edward Coyle, Purdue University; Joy Krueger, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
elect to participate in the EEI, and specifically in the EPICS I2P® Competition,are required to have the permission of both their faculty advisor(s) and their project partner in thecommunity. This is necessary to ensure that the participation in the program is appropriate andadvances the goals of the project partner, not just those of the EPICS students that wish to pursuea commercialization opportunity.No additional academic credit is awarded to the members of EPICS teams that participate inentrepreneurship activities. This activity is considered to be within the scope of the EPICSprogram and to have engineering content because the focus is on product development for amarket. Furthermore, the product being evaluated for commercialization must
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Ahmed Abdalwhab Galaleldin, University of Ottawa; Hanan Anis, University of Ottawa
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
of knowledge, skills, and expertise between students - participants of the CoP-.Interviews conducted based on the principles of (Kvale, S, 2009). Interviews were thentranscribed and analyzed using definitions from Wenger’s CoP model to clarify and verify howthe Makerspace impacted the cultivation of a makers CoP on campus. We looked for evidence ofidea units that emphasized domain, community and practice.ResultsParticipants shared a common interest in “making”, tinkering, and realizing their designs. Therewere five categories of reasons for participation in the Makerspace: accessibility to resources,professional development, self-efficacy, Networking, social interaction and engagement, andlearning opportunities.Making use of Wegner’s
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Blake Hylton, Ohio Northern University; Brock Alexander Hays, Ohio Northern University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
used at a much higher rate since the late 1990’s. [24]Although the rubric has been viewed solely as an assessment tool for quite some time, recentstudies have suggested that it can also be used as a learning instrument. Arter and McTighesuggest that in collaboration with a formative assessment of student’s current un-finished work,the rubric can highlight areas that students are excelling in, as well as show opportunities wherethey can improve. [25] Jonsson and Svingby also note that a great benefit to using a rubric is thatit can be incredibly consistent in regards to the use of judgment when assessing specific studenttraits in class. [23] A prominent example of rubric use, the VALUE Rubrics developed and published by theAssociation of
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Assessment Tools and Practices
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laine E. Rumreich, Ohio State University; Faith Logan, Ohio State University; Zachary Dix, Ohio State University; Nicholas Rees Sattele, Ohio State University; Krista M. Kecskemety, Ohio State University; Ann D. Christy P.E., Ohio State University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
stakeholders.Defining important EM concepts and developing a consistent and clear set of course objectives iscritical to convincing more institutions and faculty to adopt EM curriculum.References1. “The Network,” KEEN - About. [Online]. Available: What is the KEEN Framework?,” KEEN - The Framework. [Online]. Available: N. Duval-Couetil, T. Reed-Rhoads, and S. Haghighi, “Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes”. International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 425-435, 2012.4. KEEN Framework Spread,” KEEN - The Framework. [Online]. Available: https
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division – Epicenter Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Dean Wheadon, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
. Page 26.1658.12ReferencesAnthony, S., Johnson, M. W., Sinfield, J., & Altman, E. (2008). The innovator’s guide to growth: Putting disruptive innovation to work. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.Bilen, S. G., Kisenwether, E., Rzasa, S. E., & Wise, J. C. (2005). Developing and assessing students’ entrepreneurial skills and mind-set. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(2), 233–243.Blank, S., & Dorf, B. (2012). The startup owner’s manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company. Pescadero, CA: K & S Ranch.Christensen, C. (1997). The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Harvard Business Review Press.Duval-Couetil, N., Gotch, C. M., & Yi, S. (2014). The
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 8
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University; Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Analyst. She was the owner and chief systems engineer for Systems Engineering Services (SES), a computer systems design, development, and consultation firm. She joined the faculty of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University in 1997, where she teaches a variety of engineering and computer science classes, she is the Faculty Advisor for the Women in Computer Science (WiCS), the Director of the Computer Science Fellows program, and is a KEEN Fellow. She has authored and co- authored over forty peer-reviewed papers.Dr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical
Conference Session
The Nature of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
between having a family member who is an entrepreneur and intent tominor in entrepreneurship [X2(1, n=694)=6.77, p=0.009].An independent t-test was conducted to examine the second part of this hypothesis, which wasexamining the differences on the Entrepreneurship as Career variable for those with a familymember as an entrepreneur versus those without. The average score for students with a familymember as an entrepreneur was M=11.28 with a standard deviation of s=4.15. The averagescore for students without a family member as an entrepreneur was M=9.64 with a standarddeviation of s=3.73. Students with a family member as an entrepreneur score had significantlyhigher scores on the Entrepreneurship as Career [t(692)=4.672, p<0.000].Table 5: Cross
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Competitions, Challenges, and Teams
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yaxin Huang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Zhinan Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
University,” Sci. Sci. & Manag. S&T, vol. ED-9, pp. 145-149, Sep. 2006.[3] C. Zheng, “Example of Entrepreneurial Universities: Experience of Technical University of Munich,” Jiangxi. Educ., vol. ED-10, pp. 57-61, Mar. 2016.[4] D. Sang, J. Zhu, “Taken Innovation and Entrepreneurship College as Carrier to Promote Effective Development of Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities,” J. Ideo. & Theor. Edu., vol. ED-11, pp. 72-76, Jun. 2011.[5] M. Jin, J. Zeng, M. Do, “Current Situation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Engineering Students,” J. Nat. Sci., vol. ED-9, pp. 293, Sep. 2017.[6] D. Dai, “An Empirical Research of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition on Improving College Students
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Weed Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University; Neeraj Sonalkar, Stanford University; Ilya Avdeev, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Brian D. Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Mohamed M. Megahed, Pennsylvania State University; Pratik Subhash Pachpute, Pennsylvania State University,Great Valley
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
frameworks exist for characterizing individual differences; our choices are basedon the rigor of the underlying theories and the reliability and validity of the related assessmentinstruments. In this paper, we will focus on our use of Kirton’s Adaption-Innovation Theory [27]and the KAI® (Kirton Adaption-Innovation inventory), which measures individual cognitive style[26]. We are also exploring the use of ABAKAS, a validated measure of engineeringinnovativeness based on Ferguson, et al.’s model of that construct [13, 14]; that work will bepresented in future publications. The individual cognitive style data provided by KAI was used inthe current study to supplement the team interaction data provided by IDN to develop a richerpicture of I-Corps™ team
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mathias J. Klenk, Technical University of Munich; Tua A. Björklund, Aalto University Design Factory; Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, SKG Analysis; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christian Schnell, Stanford University; Johann Elmar Nordhus gen Westarp, Technical University of Munich (TUM); Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
findings, Barba-S´anchez et al. [33] identified Financial Motivation as one of the leadingmotivational factors for industrial and computer engineering students. They further elaborate thatmoney is seen as a synonym for well-being, and reflects safety and a good standard of living forthe society. Having the power to act seems to be a strong factor for engineering graduates. Thegraduates value the power to make their own decisions but also to take responsibility. Previousresearch from Barba-S´anchez (2012)[12] identified ”do things my way” as one of the factors, rep-resenting the possession and execution of power. The participants talked about the reputation ofstarting a company and could appreciate additional visibility. A similar factor has been
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Opening General Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qu Jin, Stanford University; Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, Stanford University; Sheri D. Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
was measured on a five-point Likert scale with responses rangingfrom 1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important). On the survey instrument, participants self-reported their “sex” (female and male), whichiidenotes biological and physical differences between the two groups. However, we refer to“gender” (women and men) in our discussion of results, as we propose that the characteristics Page 24.295.5measured in this study are more related to the social roles of the two groups 9 Scutt, H. I.,Gilmartin, S. K., Sheppard, S. & Brunhaver, S. in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition..Career ValuesCareer values are defined as the
Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abigail Jane Kulhanek, University of Pittsburgh; Matthew Raymond Markovetz, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Zachari Lucius Swiecki, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Naomi C. Chesler, University of Wisconsin, Madison; David Williamson Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
. noted in their work, these process based, cognitive theory approaches were derived either adhoc or through controlled experiments that use simple tasks. The suitability of these models fordesign problems that are much more complex has never been investigated. This lack ofinvestigation and difficulties met in process based measurements of ideation effectiveness ledShah et al. to consider outcome based metrics for their study of engineering design [7]. As such,Shah et al. developed a framework to measure ideation effectiveness in simple and complexdesign situations.Shah et al.’s framework includes metrics that measure the effectiveness of formal ideageneration methods. The framework addresses that engineering design must be novel – unusualand
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Assessment Tools and Practices
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University; Siddharthsinh Jadeja, Rowan University; Elise Barrella P.E., Wake Forest University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
students’ weaknesses and strengths in domain knowledge [16].Instructors can assess students at earlier time points in a course, to identify potential areas ofweakness that can be addressed throughout the remainder of the instruction. In order toassess student learning, either formatively or summatively, an instructor needs to select anappropriate scoring method(s) for the concept maps. Several quantitative and qualitativescoring methods have been developed and applied to engineering students’ concept maps,with each taking a different approach to capturing a map’s complexity. Concept map scoringmethods typically include measures of conceptual depth, breadth, and connectedness [19].A concept map can be used before the start of a course to assist
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra Furnbach Clavijo P.E., Stevens Institute of Technology; Leslie R. Brunell, Stevens Institute of Technology; Keith G. Sheppard, Stevens Institute of Technology; Kishore V. Pochiraju, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
instructors work with their technical counterpart(s) toensure the classes are in unison, and that any concerns can be quickly addressed.To implement this course, we worked with the individual senior design course coordinators foreach program and have created and implemented a synchronized timeline and milestones planthat is used across all majors – see Table 4. We have designated sections of our innovationcourses that the students can conveniently fit into their schedules. This current design andinnovation pedagogy has now been implemented across all engineering programs in the Schoolof Engineering & Science and is comprised of biomedical, mechanical, civil, environmental,naval, chemical, electrical, and computer engineering, as well as the
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanjie Xie, Zhejiang University; Wei Zhang, Zhejiang University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
ecosystem.Reference[1] Acs, Z. J., Autio, E., & Szerb, L. (2014). National systems of entrepreneurship: Measurement issues and policy implications. Research Policy, 43(3), 476-494.[2] Zimmer, C. (1986). Entrepreneurship through social networks. The art and science of entrepreneurship. Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 3-23.[3] Arruda, C., Nogueira, V. S., Cozzi, A., & Costa, V. (2015). The Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem of startups: an analysis of entrepreneurship determinants in Brazil and the perceptions around the Brazilian regulatory framework. In Entrepreneurship in BRICS (pp. 9-26). Springer, Cham.[4] Clark, B. K., & Bruno-Jofre, R. D. (2000). Creating entrepreneurial universities: organisational pathways of transformation
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Education Session 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Elizabeth C. Kisenwether, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University; Jacob Dean Wheadon, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Conference Session
The Challenges of Tech Transfer
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael McCorquodale, Mobius Microsystems, Inc.; Richard Brown, University of Utah
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
AC 2007-756: MOBIUS MICROSYSTEMS: A CASE STUDY IN THECOMMERCIALIZATION OF GRADUATE RESEARCH IN ELECTRICALENGINEERINGMichael McCorquodale, Mobius Microsystems, Inc. Michael S. McCorquodale was born in Richardson, TX, on November 12, 1974. He received the B.S.E. degree with honors in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1997. For the next year, he was with Hughes Space and Communications Co., El Segundo, CA, where he developed GHz InP and SiGe digital integrated circuits. In 1998, he began graduate work at the University of Michigan where he completed the M.S.E and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 2000 and 2004, respectively, in the National
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Beyond the Classroom
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Antonie J. Jetter, Portland State University; Gerald W. Recktenwald, Portland State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
pollution as a member of the engineering faculty at another institution.Kristina R. and Nick S.: Dog Safety HarnessThis team developed a harness that allows dogs to be clipped into seat belt restraintswhile they are riding in automobiles. Traditional designs of “seat belts” for dogs aim toprotect the lives of drivers and passengers by restraining the dog. In a serious accident,those restraints can do serious harm to the dog. The design created by Kristina and Nickprotects the dog’s vulnerable shoulder bones. Kristina had the idea when a friend’s dogdied in an accident and she could not find a good seat belt for her own dog. The teamreceived positive feedback that demonstrated that there may be a market, but the team didnot pursue these leads very
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William A. Kline, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Douglas E. Melton, Kern Family Foundation
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
culturally desirable shape of a fish6. Thisexample underscores that value is ultimately in the eye of the beholder(s), and includesperceptions founded within cultural norms and other individual preferences. Another exampleincludes the notion of value within behavioral economics, a field founded on contextualizedeconomic preferences.Other common concepts of value is that it is relative, perceived by the user or customer, and thatit may be situational, seasonal, or temporal7. The perceived value of a snow shovel or bottle ofwater would be vastly different considering a seasonal viewpoint of summer or wintertime.Results from the field of systems engineering provide additional insights into system modelingand value8,9,10. Key findings here include that
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Bielenberg, Khalifa University of Science and Technology; Ali Bouabid, Khalifa University of Science and Technology; Sami Ainane, Khalifa University of Science and Technology
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
University of Maryland, Baltimore County c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Paper ID #22296Mechanical Engineer 1989-1995 EEC Consulting Rockville, MDPresident, Dome Enterprises 1989 - 1993 Bethesda MDHONORS AND AWARDSBest Presentation Award, ICESEEI 2016 : 18th International Conference on Educational Sciences andEffective Educational Instructions. Paris France 2016 Outstanding Service and Commitment to the En-richment of the Science and Technology Program, Eleanor Roosevelt H.S., Greenbelt MD, 05/2003SELECTED PUBLICATIONS1. A. Bouabid, B. Bielenberg, S. Ainane, N. Pasha, ”Learning Outcomes Alignment across
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division – Entrepreneurship Education in New Contexts
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark M. Budnik, Valparaiso University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
. Merrill, "CEDA: A research instrument for creative engineering design assessment," Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, vol. 2, no. 3, 2008.3. C. Charyton, and J. Merrill, "Assessing general creativity and creative engineering design in first year engineering students." Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 98, no. 2, 2009.4. M. Perl, "Developing creativity and innovation in engineering and science," Inter. Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 23, no. 27, 2008.5. H. S. Fogler, S. E. LeBlanc, B. Rizzo, Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2013.6. T. Simpson, R. Barton, and D. Celento, "Interdisciplinary by design," Mechanical Engineering, vol. 130, no. 9, 2008.7
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ajay P. Malshe, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Salil T. Bapat, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
has also worked extensively with high schools to advance student learning success. Malshe’s notable honors include: Membership in the National Academy of En- gineering (NAE) for ”For innovations in nanomanufacturing with impact in multiple industry sectors”; Society of Manufacturing (SME)’s David Dornfeld Blue Sky Manufacturing Idea Award for ”Factories- In-Space”; SME-S.M. Wu Research Implementation Award; three Edison Awards for Innovation; Tibbett Award by the US Small Business Association sponsored by EPA for successful technology transfer; R&D 100 Award, (the ”Oscar” of innovation); Fellowships to the International 1. Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP), 2. the American Society of Materials (ASM), 3
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abdullah Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Kathleen Marie Hauser P.E., Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Marietta R. Scanlon, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
one another’s work and provide constructive feedback in both in-person and remote learningclasses. In addition, the course professors commented that the workshop helped to reinforce theconcepts that their students had been learning before the workshop. These promising resultsencouraged us to adopt our other workshops (e.g., Design Thinking Workshop and Idea Sprints),which were also originally designed for in-person instruction, for remote learning.AcknowledgmentThis research is sponsored by the VentureWell Faculty Grant ( #17926-18). Any opinions andfindings expressed in this material are of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe VentureWell.References[1] A. Konak, S. Kulturel-Konak, and W. Cheung Gordon, "Teamwork
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship Education: Assessment and Integrating Entrepreneurship into the Curriculum
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hak Tam, University of California, Santa Barbara; Gary Hansen, University of California, Santa Barbara; Sally Blomstrom, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Peter Robinson, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
0.032 0.337Innovation 0.010 0.087 0.744Personal Control 0.009 0.088 0.749Self-esteem 0.400 0.010 0.133 Attached to the post-test survey is a set of open ended questions which began with thequestion: Does taking the TMP course(s) change your attitude toward entrepreneurship? 88students responded while 11 did not answer any questions. 73 out of the 88 responses were yes(82.95%), punctuated with emotive remarks such as “absolutely”, “it makes me even moreinterested”, “very much so”, “a lot more excited about starting business” and “motivates me”.Four responses were
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University; Bruce D. Oestreich, Rowan University; Scott Duplicate Streiner, Rowan University; Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
items (see Table 2), determine if scores on the 3C’s varied by product choice, andidentify which aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset are most targeted by Product Archaeology(and likewise, which aspects need further development in regards to EML). The results aresummarized in Figures 1 and 2 and Table 3 below. Table 2. KEEN-related Rubric ItemsKEEN 3C’s Rubric Item(s)Mapped to Curiosity Historical Research (information, sources, and research questions)Mapped to Connections Experimental/Technical WorkMapped to Creating Value Analysis Figure 1. Average Rubric Scores for Final Report color coded by general (yellow), Curiosity(blue), Connections (green), and Creating
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Michael R. Ladisch, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Soohyun Yi, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
National Conference. www.nacua.orgBlank, S., & Dorf, B. (2012). The startup owner's manual: K&S; Ranch.Boh, W. F., De-Haan, U., & Strom, R. (2012). University technology transfer through entrepreneurship: faculty and students in spinoffs. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-9.Carney, S. (2001). Faculty Start-Ups: The Tangled Web. Paper presented at the National Association of College and University Attorneys. www.nacua.orgCreed, C. J., Suuberg, E. M., & Crawford, G. P. (2002). Engineering Entrepreneurship: An Example of A Paradigm Shift in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education, 91(2), 185-195.Duderstadt, J. J. (2001). Preparing Future Faculty For Future Universities. Paper
Conference Session
Post BS Entrepreneurship Education Needs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Barbe, University of Maryland; James Green, University of Maryland; Dean Chang, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Page 15.5.3continuum, and it is believed that by providing a continuum of resources to entrepreneurs andstartup companies, the probability of success is significantly increased. Details of each of theprograms listed in the figure will be discussed below. Students Companies Re sea rch • H inm an CEOs • On- campus I ncubat or Base • Tech St ar tup Boot Cam p • B- Plan Competition • 2 n d stage I ncubator I nnovat ive Concepts • H illm an Entr epr en eur s