orientation toward cultural differences 35 Learning self-efficacy instrument: confidence in self-directed learning25, 36, 37 Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale (MGUDS-S) survey – cultural competency38, 39 Need for Cognition Scale: self-directed learning measure40 Pittsburg Freshman Engineering Attitudes Survey (PFEAS) 41, 42 Situational Intrinsic Motivation Scale: base motivation measure 43 Student Self-Determination Scale (SDSS) 44 Student Thinking & Interacting Survey 27, 28Bland notes that quantitative data such as the IDI should be linked with qualitative information,because the IDI can show that movement is taking place along the
Recovery Dismantle & Remanufactur OEM e Reuse Retail/Service Provider Maintain/ Prolong User s Collection End of Life Landfill Incineration (with or without energy recovery)Figure 1
new formative assessment probes. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association, 2016.[6] P. Keeley, Uncovering student ideas in science, Volume 1, Second edition. Arlington, Va.: NSTA press, National Science Teachers Association, 2018.[7] S. Foroushani, “Misconceptions in engineering thermodynamics: A review,” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, p. 030641901875439, Feb. 2018.[8] D. Hammer, “More than misconceptions: Multiple perspectives on student knowledge and reasoning, and an appropriate role for education research,” Am J Phys, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 1316–1325, Oct. 1996.[9] J. P. Smith, A. A. diSessa, and J. Roschelle, “Misconceptions Reconceived: A Constructivist Analysis
175 students (2019) 40 20 0 Appl Eng S Chem Eng Civil Eng Env Eng Math Other MajorFigure 1. The composition (by year and major) of the class in the control year (2015) comparedto the study year (2019).Video TutorialsDuring the summer of 2019, eighteen video tutorials (8-12 minutes long each) were generated bythe author using audio recording with Microsoft PowerPoint. The PowerPoint slides includedtyped text with animations, typed equations, annotations generated with a stylus pen anddiagrams from the textbook or from
(SEM608)The innovative approach here is to have the teams design games, create and play them(demonstrate) game that would demonstrate one or more of the sustainability 3 Es.This approach served and supported multiple purposes. The project needed to be practicalenough to demonstrate in a game. As the teams developed the projects from concept and movedtowards implementation, they also needed to think about what and how to design anddemonstrate the project objectives in their game. In other words, teams were not designing agame totally independent of the subject matter involved in their project. Their project needed tosupport the course learning objective(s) – so this becomes an integrated approach. The gamesapproach also bring in some ‘randomness
funded by the National Science Foundation Award # 1744006. The authors aregrateful to the help provided by the following research students at Angelo State University: JesseLee, Maria Ochoa, Austin Poole, Nicholas Manrique and Timmons (TJ) Spies.References[1] ODPM, 2004. The Egan Review: skills for sustainable communities. London: Office of theDeputy Prime Minister.[2] AlWaer, H., R. Bickerton, and R. D. Kirk. 2014. Examining the Components Required forAssessing the Sustainability of Communities in the UK. J Archit Plann Res. 31 (1): 1–26.[3] Male, S. A. 2010. Generic Engineering Competencies: A Review and Modelling Approach.Education Research and Perspectives, 37(1), 25-51.[4] Ritchie, H., Sheppard, A., Croft, N., Peel, D. 2017. Planning
Jamesargued that knowledge was essentially useless unless it could be directly applied 7. The roots ofservice learning come from these ideas of „learning while doing.‟There are many benefits to service learning, as noted in the text “Where‟s the Learning inService Learning” by Janet Eyler and Dwight Giles. Eyler and Giles cite as benefits thedevelopment of problem solving skills, interpersonal development, cognitive advancement, andenhanced world views 5. The role of reflection is also noted to be a critical component in servicelearning. This period of evaluation of ones learning, goals and experiences is important tohelping students realize the connections between theory and practice 5.Experiential learning like service learning is an increasingly
impressive. The statistical analysis of the results of these contestspresented above provides a quantitative measure of the performance of students on a universitywide basis for undergraduate students and on a state wide basis for graduate students. Recentpublished proceedings are listed in the reference section of this paper. REFERENCES1. Beddingfield Mario, Khalid Ahmed, Roger Painter, and T.D. Byl. Desorption Isotherms for Toluene and KarsticMaterials and Implications for Transport in Karst Aquifers. In E.L. Kuniansky, editor, U. S. Geological SurveyKarst Interest Group Proceedings, Rapid City, South Dakota, October 12-14, 2005, p.188. Also available athttp://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2005/5160/PDF/sir2005
Engineering Education 93, 223-231 (2004).2. King, D. B. & Joshi, S. Gender differences in the use and effectiveness of personal response devices. Journal of Science Education and Technology 17, 544-552 (2008).3. FitzPatrick, K. A., Finn, K. E. & Campisi, J. Effect of personal response systems on student perception and academic performance in courses in a health sciences curriculum. Advances in Physiology Education 35, 280-289 (2011).4. Karaman, S. Efffects of audience response systems on student achievement and long-term retention. Social Behavior and Personality 39, 1431-1440 (2011).5. Draper, S. W. & Brown, M. I. Increasing interactivity in lectures using an electronic voting system. Journal of
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Paper ID #24810Utility of Reading Assignments in Environmental Engineering Education forEffective Learning and Greater Student Engagement in an Era of InnovativePedagogy and Emerging TechnologiesDr. Sanjay Tewari, Missouri University of Science & Technology Dr. Tewari is Assistant Teaching Professor of Civil Engineering at the Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO. Prior to joining Missouri S&T, he worked as Assistant Professor at Louisiana Tech University. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) and Master of Technology (Chemical Engineering) in India. He later joined Texas A
(Brundtland Report). Oxford: Oxford University Press.2 Blewitt, J., & Cullingford, C. (Eds.) (2004). The Sustainability Curriculum: The Challenge for Higher Education.Earthscan: London, UK.3 Shephard, K. (2010). Higher education’s role in ‘education for sustainability’. Australian Universities Review,52(1), 13-22.4 Corcoran, P. B., Walkerm K. E., & Wals, A. E. J. (2004). Case studies, make-your-case studies and case stories: Acritique of case-study methodology in sustainability in higher education. Environmental Education Research, 10(1),7-21.5 Groat, L., & Wang, D. (2002). Architectural Research Methods. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.: New York, NY.6 Wiek, Arnim; Ness, B.; Brand, F. S.; Schweizer-Ries, P.; & Farioli, F. (2012). From
PCC scientists constructed the devices and evaluated the biological inputs/outputs in the system (picked biological seeds, plate counted bacteria, conducted DNA sequencing). Similar experimental set-ups were operated at both institutions. Cal Poly Pomona engineers provided support with system operation and water sample analysis. Student interaction was achieved by using: (a) Initial in-person two-hour meetings. Every semester, to break the ice and engage PCC and Cal Poly Pomona students with the collaborative work, initial meetings were hosted at Cal Poly Pomona. PCC students and the professor(s) visited the campus and had the opportunity of touring the engineering laboratory facilities. The initial meetings
-browser window -which contributes to making the remote lab experience feel more real and scalable to multipleusers at the same time. Although multiple users can view the link at the same time, only one cancontrol the instruments remotely (for example to change the sampling time). In Fig. 7, the userhas been granted control after requesting it from the server hence the message “Control granted.” Fig. 7. LEWAS tabbed interface accessed in client’s Web browser showing weather parameters in an indoor test. Functional Operation of LEWASFig. 8 shows the operational diagram of LEWAS lab. As depicted in this figure, first, eachenvironmental parameter is converted to a digital representation of 0’s and 1’s through dataacquisition that takes
shik’éí dóó shidine’é . Shí éí Melissa ******* yinishyé. Bééshbichʼahii nishłį́.Hashk’aan Bit'ahnii bashishchiin. Bééshbichʼahii dashicheii. Tódích'ii'nii dashinalí. Ákót’éegodiné asdzáán nishłį́. Ahéhee’.”Do you feel you belong in the Environmental Engineering Department? If so, why, if not why? “I think there are issues in any program, but I really have enjoyed the engineeringprogram so far. Engineering is not easy in any sense. The environmental engineering departmentit self is small but that [i]s one of my favorite things about it. I think we have credible staff thatknow their filed very well. Some instructors don't have the best class setup, but I assume alldepartment[s] have [a] class like that. I want to go in water focused
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undergraduate environmentalcurriculum so that students will be exposed to cutting-edge advances in nanotechnology and theirimpact on the environment.Overview of ModulesThree research-based environmental nanotechnology modules have been designed andimplemented. Modules 1 and 3 have been incorporated into an undergraduate levelenvironmental engineering course, and Modules 1 and 2 have been successfully incorporatedinto a senior-level chemistry course. For these modules, we selected two nanomaterials(nanoscale bimetallic iron particles and engineered nanospheres) that may provide solutions tochallenging environmental pollution problems [3]. Table 1 shows a summary of each module andits learning objective(s
instruction, and face-to-face instruction," Computers & education, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 733-741, 2010.[2] L. Kinney, M. Liu and M. A. Thornton, "Faculty and student perceptions of online learning in engineering education," in 119th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2012.[3] P. Panindre and R. S. Thorsen, "Assessment of Learning Effectiveness in Online and Face- to-Face Learning Environment for Engineering Education," in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2020.[4] S. Papanikolaou, "E-Learning and Assessment in the Cloud: Engineering Courses," in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2020.[5] R. Zaurin, S. D. Tirtha and N. Eluru, "A Comparison between Mixed-Mode and Face-to- Face Instructional Delivery Approaches for
AnalysisThe objective of the second assignment was to apply basic engineering principles of problemdefinition to their system of choice. The assignment goals were to define a system process andrelated variables and identify gaps in the knowledge through a Degrees of Freedom analysis.Students were required to: 1. Sketch your Chesapeake Bay system. 2. Define processes (splitting, mixing, reactions, etc.) and show the streams entering and exiting your process(es). 3. Define and show the variables associated with your processes. 4. Set up a Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) analysis of your system. Determine the variable(s) you will need to calculate (solve for). 5. Determine how many variables will you need to define through research in order
Frequency Frequency (%) (n=12 projects) (n=10 projects) Health 20 37 85% increase Toilet(s) 61 83 36% increase Sewage 21 27 29% increase Sanitary 4 5 25% increase Sanitation 35 40 14% increase Urine 29 23 21% decrease Latrines 7 4
program participants were able to learn about sustainability initiatives including urban 3development and infrastructure, waste-to-energy plants, and public transportation systems.Table 1: Major activities, as related to application of technical or cultural topics, and yearsincluded in itinerary. All topics were within the context of environmental sustainability. Technical or Cultural Topic Activity Year(s) Governance and federal policy Swedish Parliament All Municipal governance Stockholm City Hall All Federal environmental policy Swedish Environmental Protection 2015, 2017
.25886.Donnell, Jeffrey A., Betsy M. Aller, Michael Alley, and April A. Kedrowicz. 2011. "Whyindustry says that engineering graduates have poor communication skills: What the literaturesays." American Society for Engineering Education.Garcia Lorca, F., & Ferguson, D. M., & Condoor, S. S. 2015. “Reinforcing CommunicationSkills Through Participation in a Team-based Weekly Innovation Challenge,” 2015 ASEEAnnual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24664Lewis, N. A. 2008. "The engineer as a professor: Bringing experience to the engineeringclassroom." ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section meeting, US Military Academy at West Point, NYLoendorf, W. 2004. “Transitioning From Industry To Education: The First Year,” 2004 ASEEAnnual
pique the interest of engineering students, introduce them to the engineeringdesign process, and enable them to apply skills learned in the classroom to real-worldapplications.(2) Methods The design consists of three major components: the pump(s), the storage and distributionnetwork, and the slow sand filter(s). Each of these can be scaled up or down to fit the particularneeds of the site; the process of modifying the design to make it “site-specific” presents anexcellent opportunity for engineering students to accomplish a limited amount of design work. “River pumps” harness the energy of the flowing water to pump the water out of the river.One such example is the Rife RP-300 (Rife Hydraulic Engine Manufacturing Co., Nanticoke, PAUSA
31st January 20154. Ali, A. and Smith, D. 2014. Teaching an introductory programming language in a general education course. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 13, pp. 57-67.5. Wilck. J, IV, Lynch, P. C. and Kauffmann, P. J. 2014. Economics as a General Education Course to expand quantitative and financial literacy. 121st ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Paper ID #8581.6. Bechtel, L. J., Cross, S. L., Engel, R. S., Filippelli, R. L., Glenn, A. L., Harwood, J. T., Pangborn, R. N. and Welshofer, B. L. 2005. An objectives-based approach to assessment of general education. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Session 3461.7. Laki, S. L., Nedunuri, K. V
y Q = source emission rate [g/s] u= wind speed [m/s] y = crosswind distance from stack of point of interest [m] z = vertical height of point of interest (0 for ground-level concentration)[m] H =effective stack height [m] (includes plume rise) σy =horizontal stability parameter [m] σz =vertical stability parameter [m] Page 24.52.4 The horizontal and vertical stability parameters can be estimated using Pasquill-Giffordcurve fits from Turner (1969
serve as a basis for the development, execution, and refinement of the model(s).Lastly, we will produce a final report to summarize our findings as well as create an internet sitefor interested parties to contribute to, view, or edit.Bibliography 1. National Academy of Engineering. (2005). Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting engineering education to the new century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 2. Pappas, E. & R. Kander. (2008). “Sustainable Societies: The Sustainable Engineering Design Curriculum at James Madison University,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 3. Splitt, Frank G. (2002). Engineering Education Reform: A Trilogy. Published by the International
students. Verbal surveys could be expanded to written pre and post-surveys with ranking values to better obtain data. Feedback would allow the instructor to re-evaluate the emphasis of each course topic to ensure ample time is provided to the students forbetter comprehension of the material. Page 24.438.11References 1. Yilmaz, M., Ren, J., Custer, S., & Coleman, J. (2010). Hands-On Summer Camp to Attract K-12 Students to Engineering Fields. IEEE Transactions On Education, 53(1), 144-151. 2. Davis, C. E., Yeary, M. B., & Sluss, J. r. (2012). Reversing the Trend of Engineering Enrollment Declines with Innovative
Sensing (S) 4 7 10 Intuition (N) 5 7 10 Thinking (T) 6 8 12 Feeling (F) 3 6 8 Judging (J) 7 9 17 Perceiving (P) 2 5 3 Enrollment status Distance 0 1 2 Face to face 9 13
forengineering overall of 12.7%.15 The URM student applicants were primarily Hispanic (36 of 46URM applicants in 2006-2011). The increase in applicants from non PhD-granting universitiesis presumed to be due to recruiting targeted to the ASEE list serve (which was not done in the2000-2004 grant cycle).Table 1. Demographics of Applicants to the CU Environmental Engineering REU Site % non % non % # Average % % %Years PhD host CEE/E/S students GPA female URM Fr/ So / Jr / Sr