and OutreachAfter the conclusion of the capstone, the first opportunity to use the system in outreach/researchwas within the Young Scholar Program (YSP), a very successful program lead by the Center forSTEM Education at Northeastern University. The YSP is a 6-week summer program that offersfuture scientists and engineers a unique opportunity for a hands-on research experience whilestill in high school. The program is open to local applicants who have completed their junior yearof high school (i.e. rising seniors). Over the summer of 2016, two rising seniors were assignedto work under the guidance of the PI(s) on a research project related to water reuse. The studentswere also asked to review the content of the website and create additional
value with some aspect of thedemonstration. We received the strongest responses with “This demo activity was a good use ofclass time” (4.71±0.57) and “This demo was interesting and engaging” (4.68±0.58). One studentshared with us that “I love demos. You are interacting, and you are not just watching a YouTubevideo.” The variation between the responses to the quiz questions and the activity questions maybe explained by Watson et al.’s [30] understanding from previous studies, where students tend toover-estimate their attitudes.We understand that these results are not to be generalized to all groups of environmentalengineering students. The demonstration was tested with a single cohort of students (n=31) fromthe Air-Quality Engineering course. To
. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, July 7-10, Auckland, New Zealand. 4. Taras, M. & Davies, M. (2013). Perceptions and realities in the functions and processes of assessment. Active Learning in Higher Education, 14(1): 51-61. 5. Yorke, M. (2013). Surveys of ‘the student experience’ and the politics of feedback. In S. Merry, M. Price, D. Carless & M. Taras (Eds), Reconceptualizing Feedback in Higher Education. London and New York: Rutledge. 6. Black, P., Harrison, C., & Lee, L. (2003). Assessment for learning putting it into practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 7. Sambell
novice designers.Design Studies. 2009; 30; 38-59.4. Smith D, Hedley P, Molloy M. Design learning: a reflective model. Design Studies. 2009; 30; 13-37.5. Chua KJ. A comparative study on first-time and experienced project-based learning students in an engineeringdesign module. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2014; 39(5); 556-572.6. Gomez-Puente S, van Eijk M, Jochems W. A sample literature review of design-based learning approaches: asearch for key characteristics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 2013; 23; 717-732.7. Chua KJ, Yang WM, Leo HL. Enhanced and conventional project-based learning in an engineering designmodule. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 2014; 24; 437-458.8. Rasul MG
’’). 1987. Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford.16. Elkington, J., 1997. Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business, Capstone. Oxford.17. Sterling, S. 2004. Higher education, sustainability, and the role of systemic learning, in P. Corcoran and A. Wals (eds.), Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability Curriculum, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.18. Ferrer-Balas, D., Adachi, J., Banas, S., Davidson, C.I., Hoshikoshi, A., Mishra, A., Motodoa, Y., Onga, M., Ostwald, M. 2008. An international comparative analysis of sustainability transformation across seven universities, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 9(3), 295-316.19. Zhang, Q., Vanasupa, L
Programs. Effective for Evaluations During the 2009-2010Accreditation Cycle. ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission. www.abet.org2. Davidson, C.I., H.S. Matthews, C.T. Hendrickson, M.W. Bridges, B.R. Allenby, J.C. Crittenden, Y. Chen, E.Williams, D.T. Allen, C.F. Murphy, and S. Austin. 2007. Adding sustainability to the engineer’s toolbox: achallenge for engineering educators. Environmental Science & Technology. July 15. 4847-4850.3. American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE). 2009. Environmental Engineering Body ofKnowledge. AAEE, Annapolis, MD. Reed, Brian E. 2008. Database ABET Environmental Engineering Degrees. University of Maryland– Baltimore County. Dept. of
would not take the time towatch the videos before class near the end of the semester, when schedules were presumablybusier. One student noted: ““Online lectures were really good for learning material before class,but without quiz I feel students won’t keep up with lectures.”Table 7. Summary of Hand-Written Comments on the End-of-Semester Course EvaluationsType of Comments % of 14 Example quote(s) FCQs submittedGenerally favorable 50% “I appreciated having notes with audio – especially for studying for exams, but also for listening to before class…” “I liked to just
communication courses: Students are required to take Exposition and Argumentation (English 1120) during the freshman year. Students are also required to take one of four communication-related courses: Engineering Communications and Computations Missouri University of (CIV ENG 2003), Writing and Research (English 1160), Technical Writing Science and Technology (English 3560), or Principles of Speech (SP&M S 1185).
Future. Second Edition. American Society of Civil Engineers. www.asce.org5. Anderson, N.R. and M.A. West. 1998. Measuring climate for work group innovation: development and validation of the team climate inventory. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 19, 235-258.6. Armstrong, S.J. 2000. The influence of individual cognitive style on performance in management education. Educational Psychology. 20 (3), 323-339.7. Aritzeta A, Senior B, Swailes S. 2005. Team role preference and cognitive styles - A convergent validity study. Small Group Research. 36 (4), 404-436.8. Aronson, Z.H., R.R. Reilly, and G.S. Lynn. 2006. The impact of leader personality on new product development teamwork and performance: The moderating role of uncertainty
-professional,” Collegiate Employment Research Institute, Michigan State University, 2017.[7] P. Rogers, and R. J. Freuler, “The “T-Shaped” Engineer,” Proceedings of the 2015 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 2015.[8] J. Bradley, T. Waliczek and J. Zajicek, “Relationship Between Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Attitude of High School Students,” The Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 17-21, 1999.[9] D. Levine, and M. Strube, “Environmental Attitudes, Knowledge, Intentions and Behaviors Among College Students,” The Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 152, no. 3, pp. 308-326, 2012.[10] S. Liu, and H. Lin, “Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Mental Models of the
; Society, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 426–438, 1999.[12] Bradley, T. Waliczek and J. Zajicek, "Relationship Between Environmental Knowledgeand Environmental Attitude of High School Students", The Journal of Environmental Education,vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 17-21, 1999.[13] P. Tikka, M. Kuitunen and S. Tynys, "Effects of Educational Background on Students'Attitudes, Activity Levels, and Knowledge Concerning the Environment", The Journal ofEnvironmental Education, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 12-19, 2000.[14] D. Levine and M. Strube, "Environmental Attitudes, Knowledge, Intentions andBehaviors Among College Students", The Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 152, no. 3, pp. 308-326, 2012.[15] S. Liu and H. Lin, "Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Mental Models of
theenvironmental engineering field in the 1970’s at the time when major federal environmental lawsand regulations were promulgated. With the commonly reported saturation of the environmentalengineering field in the 1980’s and 1990’s and the emergence of the information technologyboom, it seems that the baby boom generation represented the backbone of the professionalenvironmental engineering workforce during this time, with proportionally much lessrecruitment into the field as compared to other engineering disciplines. Although some of thesepredictions for the environmental engineering profession are quite speculative, the trend isapparent – there will be a significant demand for technically qualified Environmental Engineersover the next 10 to 20
). Ms. Sandekian joined the Engineering for Developing Communities Program (now known as the Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities) in spring 2004, just as the first EDC graduate track was approved. With MCEDC, her main duties have included student advising and academic program development. In ad- dition to her management role in the Mortenson Center, Ms. Sandekian has taught an Engineering Projects course around the theme of appropriate technology and conducted research on social entrepreneurship and sustainable community development in Nepal in 2008. Ms. Sandekian earned a Specialist in Education (Ed. S.) degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Northern
in EVEN and another major; these students were counted fully as EVEN majors. Datafrom 2005 and 2008 has been omitted since the course had a different instructor.In addition to student major, the sub-disciplinary focus of the students is an additional variable.EVEN majors select among six sub-disciplines (W = water resources and treatment, En =energy, Ec = ecology, R = remediation, A = air, C = chemical processing; S = special optioncreated by student via petition). They generally would prefer to have a project that engages theirstrength and interest area. CVEN majors specialize in water resources and treatment whileCHEN majors specialize in chemical processing. The distribution of these sub-disciplinesamong the EVEN majors in the course
non-business majors. The authors are continuing to improve this wireless watermonitoring system to meet the various needs of the water analysis applications.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by Dr. Hur’s Texas A&M start-up research fund.References[1] U. Borchers, J. Gray, K. C. Thompson, “Water Contamination Emergencies: Monitoring,Understanding and Acting,” Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011.[2] R. E. Paull, “Effect of temperature and relative humidity on fresh commodity quality.”Postharvest biology and technology 15.3, pp. 263-277, 1999[3] Texas A&M Engineering, “NSF I-CORPS” Available:[4] S. G. Blank, B. Dorf, “The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for
the general relationships between the structure oforganic materials and their physical properties, including melting point, boilingpoint, and solubility.Objective 4: Identify the important chemical reactions that organic materialsundergo, including addition, elimination, substitution, oxidation and reduction.Objective 5: Understand the origins and uses of important feedstock chemicalsused for industrial syntheses of fuels, lubricants, consumer products andpolymers.Objective 6: Be familiar with chemical, physical and instrumental methods usedto analyze and identify organic materials. The pedagogy of each module will include a classroom component,laboratory exercise(s), and a networking opportunity as detailed below. Theclass is taught in
of theenergy-using devices within the building, as well as recommendations for reducing energy use.In addition, a Solar Panel layout design was generated using computer drafting and solarpathfinder analysis. These methods were used in an attempt to reduce total energy consumptionto lower the building’s monthly utility costs and carbon footprint. The audit was lead by a seniorCivil & Environmental Engineering student and conducted by a team of engineering studentsfrom Civil & Environmental, Mechanical, and Electrical & Computer. All work was conductedby the students.The Fort Dix National Guard Headquarters was built in the 1980’s with a major additioncompleted in 1991. The total size is over 100,000 sq-ft with more than 200
Constructively about Science, Technology and Society Education, State University of New York Press: Albany, NY, 1992.3. Nair, I., Jones, S., and White, J., (2002), “A Curriculum to Enhance Environmental Literacy,” Journal of Engineering Education, January, 57-67.4. Poole, S., DeGrazia, J., and Sullivan, J., (2001), “Assessing K-12 Pre-Engineering Outreach Programs,” Journal of Engineering Education, 43-48.5. Sutliff, R., and Baldwin, V., (2001), “Learning Styles: Teaching Technology Subjects can be More Effective,” Journal to Technology Studies, Wi-Sp, 22-27.6. Waller, A., (2003), “Active Learning Techniques: Getting Students to Think During Class,” Workshop Presented at Ohio Northern University, TJ Smull College of
Michigan Technological University (MichiganTech). This paper details the course objectives and design, the educational modelsinfluencing its form, and some preliminary outcomes.Learning PreferencesThere are several methods to assess learning preferences1. One method applicable toscience and engineering students is the Index of Learning Styles2. This forty-fourquestion assessment is easily administered via a web-based questionnaire3. In this methodlearning preferences are determined with results along a spectrum of four learningpairings: sensing-intuitive, global-sequential, active-reflective, and verbal-visual. No twostudents learn exactly alike. Learning style is simply a preferred way of learning – oftenthe way(s) that knowledge “sticks” most
persistence.Journal of Engineering Education. 2005; 94(4); 419-425.2. Besterfield-Sacre M, Atman C, Shuman L. Characteristics of freshman engineering students: models fordetermining student attrition in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education. 1997; 86; 139-149.3. Chemers M, Hu L, Garcia B. Academic self-efficacy and first-year college student performance and adjustment.Journal of Educational Psychology. 2001; 93(1); 55-64.4. Huang S, Fang N. Prediction of student academic performance in an engineering dynamics course: developmentand validation of multivariate regression models. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2010; 26(4);1008-1017.5. Huang S, Fang N. Predicting student academic performance in an engineering dynamics course: a
just an American problem, it is a global problem as well. According tothe United Nations World Urbanization Prospects report, urban population grew from 30% of theworld population to 54% in 2014 and is expected to be 66% by 2050.[4]Since the 1990’s, scientists have traced global warming and climate change to the Green HouseGases (GHG) emitted by the fossil fuels burned in the transportation sector. The UStransportation sector, which is the movement of people and goods by cars, trucks, trains, ships,airplanes, and other vehicles, emitted 1,802 million metric tons of CO2 according to theEnvironmental Protection Agency; this is 27% of all GHG emissions in 2013.[5]Thus from an environmental perspective, pollution due to the burning of fossil fuels
experiences in the laboratory session activities: As a result of the team based laboratory exercises, Q1. My understanding of the environmental relevance of the subject matter is: Q2. My interest in environmental engineering discipline and confidence in the subject matter is: Q3. My analytical and experimental skills are: Q4. My leadership and management skills are: Response options: A. Worse (W); B. The same (T); C. Better (B); D. Significantly better (S); E. N/A no opinion (N)Fig.1. Civil and environmental engineering students performing water treatment experiment: A.coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-filtration techniques; B. sludge volume measurements
faculty. Finally, the faculty was not in favor of eliminatinganother professional elective because it was felt that students should be able to select at leastthree courses that meet their professional needs. (The civil engineering curricula and descriptionof the courses can be found at The existing sophomore designcourse was selected instead of the junior or senior level design courses because of the desire tohave students who have gained “on-site” experience be available to mentor students thefollowing year(s) so that their expertise is not lost. Also, this will provide those students mostinterested in design for developing communities to be involved in a leadership role in subsequentprojects. In order for the
allowed waste-to-energy plants to become highly clean. 3. Explain the important issues and environmental impacts USA is suffering environmental costs by not utilizing the potential of waste to energy plants. The environmental impact is higher greenhouse gas emissions and loss of cheap electricity. 4. Recommended actions. Create awareness that waste-to-energy plants do not mean the end of recycling Streamline the process of selecting and building the incinerators Change public perception by educating them about effective operation of waste to energy plants elsewhere Government funding 5. Based on your analysis/reflection of the environmental impacts what action(s) you would like to take
Science Foundation under Grant Nos.DUE-0716599, DUE-0717556, and DUE-0717428. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Allen, D., B. Allenby, M. Bridges, J. Crittenden, C. Davidson, C. Hendrickson, et al. 2009. BenchmarkingSustainable Engineering Education: Final Report. University of Texas at Austin, Carnegie Mellon University,Arizona State University.2. Murphy, C. F., D. Allen, B. Allenby, J. Crittenden, C. I. Davidson, C. Hendrickson, et al. 2009. Sustainability inEngineering Education and Research at U.S. Universities. Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (15), 5558–5564.3. Bielefeldt, A. R
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detention) are prohibitively expensive. A ‘Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Actof 2010’ bill (S. 3561) was introduced into the U.S. Senate in summer 2010 to provide incentivesfor more communities to adopt such practices. Based on these developments it is evident that 21stcentury stormwater management involves a more holistic, ecological-based approach to designthan civil engineering students have learned in previous decades. This approach integratestraditional civil engineering with environmental science and engineering, landscape architecture,and ecology, making it an exciting challenge for civil & environmental engineering academicsand professionals.An opportunity for campus-based sustainable stormwater retrofitsBecause the majority of
professional expertise: Toward measurement of expert performance and design of optimal learning environments 412 (pp. 405–431). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 3. Velegol, S.B., Zappe, S. E., Mahoney, E. (2013) The Evolution of a Flipped Classroom: Evidence Based Recommendations. Advances in Engineering Education. Accepted. 4. Leicht, R., Zappe, S. E., Messner, J., & Litzinger, T. (2012). Employing the Classroom Flip to move “Lecture” out of the Classroom. Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering Education. 3(1): 19-31. Page 24.953.10Appendix A: Focus Group QuestionsHello, I am_____ the facilitator for
activities, inparticular, increased rigor of the course by promoting higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.References cited:1. Felder, R.M. and Silverman, L.K. (1988). Learning and teaching styles in engineering education [Electronic Version]. Engr. Education, 78(7), 674-681.2. Estes, A. C., Welch, R. W., and Ressler, S. J. (2005). The ExCEEd teaching model. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 131(4), 218-222.3. Felder, R. M., and Spurlin, J. (2005). Applications, Reliability and Validity of the Index of Learning Styles. Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 103-112, 2005.4. Campbell, M. (1999). “Oh, now I get it!” Proceedings of the 1999 American Society of Engineering Education Annual
implementation of the course and accentuated diverse skills and understandingsin our lectures, discussions, and course assignments. Quantitative and qualitative measures ofour students’ perception of their interdisciplinary understanding of climate change before and atthe end of the course suggest that our efforts were successful (Tables 3 and 4). Multidisciplinary teaching is known to be effective.9,10 We hope that our apparentsuccess with our multidisciplinary course provides an example that can be emulated by othersinterested in new models for teaching climate change and other highly complex subjects.WORKS CITED (1) Lemos, M. C.; Klenk, N.; Kirchhoff, C. J.; Morrison, T.; Bremer, S.; Fischer, A. P.; Bruno Soares, M.; Torres