unit(s) along with difficulty finding suitable storagelocations. In this paper, a refrigeration lab is proposed that costs less than $300, and yet may be amore useful activity for students than expensive and bulky training systems. The structure of thepaper is as follows. First, basic vapor compression cycles are reviewed, followed by a descriptionof the lab equipment and exercise. Next, sample results are provided, and finally, potentialmappings of this lab experiment to ABET student outcomes are given.Vapor Compression System AnalysisPrior to the lab exercise, it is highly recommended that students have learned the ideal and actualvapor compression system cycles. This is standard material in any undergraduate thermodynamicstextbook, e.g
Mapped I/O. Laboratory #6: The purpose is to introduce an assembly program that can do a simple task using an ARM Cortex M4F board. Laboratory #7: The purpose is to introduce an assembly program to perform simple S/W button tasks. Laboratory #8: The purpose is to introduce an assembly program to control a bar LED and S/W buttons. Laboratory #9: The purpose is to introduce simple parallel communication between the FPGA board and TM4C123G Launchpad. Laboratory (Extra): The purpose is to write an assembly program and FPGA implementation that can generate a hamming code. Term project: This term project is an extended lab of two weeks. For the term project, students will create a
respect to labs’ lifecycle for future planning. Thiswork could be further extended to include the time analysis of all the activities related to a lablifecycle. An example could include evaluation of all labs for a single course or even an entire labenvironment for an educational technology-intensive program.Bibliography[1] D. A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984.[2] J. N. Harb, S. O. Durrant, and R. E. Terry, “Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, April 1993, pp. 70-77.[3] J. N. Harb, R. E. Terry, P. K. Hurt, and K. J. Williamson, Teaching Through The Cycle
gain an enhanced visual appreciation of how trusses behave.In the 2018/19 academic year, 166 first-year engineering students at the University ofSaskatchewan volunteered for a pilot study that examined the efficacy of TrussVR©. The studywas approved by the U of S Behavioural Research Ethics Board. Volunteers completed a “pre-survey” that examined knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding trusses, before trusses had beentaught in the classroom. Participants were then randomly assigned to one of three groups: no lab,regular lab, and TrussVR© lab. All participants then attended 2 weeks of in-class lectures ontrusses, frames, and machines, as they normally would. During this time, the “no lab” group didnot complete an experimental lab on trusses
evaluated in terms of scattering parametersor S-parameters, with S21 giving the transmitted power wave and S11 giving the reflected powerwave both in terms of frequency.Setting up the filter design in Sonnet Lite involves defining power and ground planes, materials,transmission line geometries, and frequency sweep range. An example filter layout in SonnetLite is shown in Fig. 7 and example plots of simulated results for S11 and S21 are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 7: Distributed-element filter layout in Sonnet Lite. Fig. 8: Distributed-element filter simulation results in Sonnet Lite.Autodesk EAGLE PCB LayoutAutodesk EAGLE is a free PCB design and layout package that is also capable of exportingGerber files used for PCB
greatly appreciate the support of NSF (DUE #1505066).7. Reference[1] N. S. Thompson and E. M. Alford, "Developing a Writing Program in Engineering: TeachingWriting to Teach Engineering Literacies," in 48th Annual Meeting of the Conference on CollegeComposition and Communication, Phoenix, AZ, 1997.[2] J. Parkinson, "The Student Laboratory Report Genre: A Genre Analysis," English for SpecificPurposes, vol. 45, pp. 1-13, 2017.[3] K. Walker, "Using Genre Theory to Teach Students Engineering Lab Report Writing: ACollaborative Approach," IEEE Transaction on Professional Communication, vol. 42, no. 1, pp.12-19, 1999.[4] D. N. Perskins and G. Salomon, "Transfer of Learning," International Encyclopedia ofEducation, vol. 2, pp. 6452-6457, 1992.[5] B
arebased on the classic S. M. Sze Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology [6] text andshown in Table 1. Table 1. Non-idealities Experiment References Topic Laboratory Exercise Sze reference[6] Thermal effects Experiment 1: Thermal Effects on Ch. 3. p–n Junction, Sect. PN Junction Diodes and MOSFETs 3.4.3 Temperature Effect, pp. 96 Gain limitations and the Experiment 2: MOSFET Amplifier Ch. 5. Unipolar Devices, effect of load on a cir- Gain and Load Limits Sect. 5.5 The MOSFET: Ba- cuit’s output
lecture the instructorintroduces the parameters of thermal resistance, thermal capacitance, time constant, and stepinput size; and links the cooling methods proposed by students to the correspondingparameter(s). The open-ended rich solution set of this challenge offers to open discussion inmany directions, including the limitations of lumped system modeling.Fluid in a Tube: This experiment illustrates the step response of a second order fluid system as afunction of its damping ratio. Students are asked to observe fluid oscillations in a tube andexplore how the size and duration of oscillations varies with restrictions to air flow at the end ofthe tube. During a follow-on lecture the instructor shows plots of the oscillations observed inthis
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. Zhou, X. Wang, U. Morales and X. Yang, “Integration of virtual reality and CFD techniques for thermal fluid education” in Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Jul. 9-14, 2017, Bellevue, WA, 2017.[5] R. Ennetta, I. Nasri, S. Bouallègue, T. Tsiatsos, “Design and Implementation of a Remote Laboratory for Heat Transfer Experiments” In: Auer M., Azad A., Edwards A., de Jong T. (Eds.) Cyber-Physical Laboratories in Engineering and Science Education. Springer, Cham, 2018.[6] http://www.purcellfarriersupply.net, part number 106122107FRG70827183-PF01[7] http://www.purcellfarriersupply.net, part number 106122107FRG82767882-PF01[8] https://www.bigrigchromeshop.com, part number gr-s4-48exa[9] https://www.amazon.com
closest match available in the market; anexplanation is provided about why the proposed design is cost-effective. Results from selectedapplications using the dynamometer have been presented. Potential other applications for thedynamometer have been proposed. It is hoped that this paper will help other engineering educatorsbuild their own dynamometer using the designs described in this paper.Acknowledgements:The authors would like to thank Denso Foundation for their support for senior design projects at Trineduring 2015-2017. The dynamometer discussed here was built using funding from Denso Foundation.References:[1]. Harding, G. L., & Prygoski, M., & Burns, J., & Carmichael, B. J., & Engstrom, M. S. (2018, June), APortable Engine
) 93 318-321.8. E Sharpe and S Andreescu, “Integration of nanoparticle-based paper sensors into the classroom: An example of application of rapid colorimetric analysis of antioxidants” J. Chemical Education (2015) 92 886-891.9. AW Martinez, ST Phillips, E Carriho, SW Thomas, H Sindi, and GM Whitesides, “Simple telemedicine for developing regions: Camera phones and paper-based microfluidic devices for real-time, off-site diagnosis” Analytical Chemistry (2018) 80 3699-3707.10. Li Shen, JA Hagen, and I Papautsky, “Point-of-care colorimetric detection with a smartphone” Lab Chip (2012) 12 4240-4243.11. Y Lu, W Shi, J Qin, and B Lin, “Low-cost portable detection of gold nanoparticle-labeled microfluidic immunoassay with camera cell
institutionincreased the depth of CH102’s inquiry-based learning approach with the introduction of a waterquality laboratory sequence. We used five key elements to develop the laboratory curriculum.First, we determined that the laboratory curriculum must satisfy the course goals, which broadlyincluded learning safe laboratory practices, developing data analysis skills, and developinglaboratory techniques required for more advanced STEM courses (American Chemical SocietyCommittee on Professional Training, 2015). Second, we determined that laboratory work shouldprimarily be a hands-on experience in which students are provided the opportunity to carry outexperiments themselves (Larsen, et al. 2013; Obenland, et al., 2014). Third, we determined theintroductory
four categories described above.Considering the average grade obtained over all reports in each class for all experiments, I couldthen check the improvement of the class within the same semester. I could also observe theimprovements in average scores for the same engineering class over time as it progressed alongthe four labs in successive semesters.ResultsI was the faculty instructor for the labs under consideration and relevant to this study, in thefollowing semesters: (F= Fall Semester; S= Spring Semester).Table 1 – Lab Assignment Sequence from Fall 2013 to Fall 2018Lab\Semester F 13 S14 F14 S15 F15 S16 F16 S17 F17Physics 1 x x x
three GTAs.All undergraduate assistants are native in English. All three GTAs were not native in English andwent to undergraduate schools in foreign countries. Only one Fall 2018 UTA returned as a UTAin Spring 2019.We analyzed each U/GTAs’ graded lab reports from the control and experimental groups tocompare their comments. TAs’ comments from the control group without the training are shortand/or simple questions (e.g. “labels? Figures of s/p & o/p signals?”). The feedback commentsfrom the experimental group after the training were more complete sentences to show theaudenice’s point of view (e.g. “You never describe how the barrel shifter is supposed tooperate.”), while some of their comments are still in the question format (e.g. “Which
fall semester of 2019especially to promote students’ problem-solving skills because problem-solving is consideredas the essential capacity in ABET accreditation [2].Problem-based learning (PBL) has proved an effective way of enhancing problem-solvingskills in many different disciplines, especially in medicine and engineering. Problem-basedLearning was first introduced at McMaster University in Canada, a pedagogy that stressesstudent-centered, small group learning (with teachers acting as facilitators) and organizedaround problems as specific attributes [3]. Since then, it has been widely used all around theworld, and there are many successful cases of applying PBL in professional education.Howard S. Barrows mentioned in his article that “PBL
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IEEE 12th Digital Signal Processing Workshop 4th IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop, pp. 456–459, Sept 2006.[2] S. H. Mousavinezhad and C. Xu, “Ece teaching and learning: Challenges in teaching digital signal processing,” in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, (Columbus, Ohio), ASEE Conferences, June 2017. https://peer.asee.org/28195.[3] P. Lifshits, A. Eilam, Y. Moshe, and N. Peleg, “Dsp in heterogeneous multicore embedded systems - a laboratory experiment,” in 2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pp. 2495–2499, Sept 2014.[4] K. D. Coonley and J. Miles, “Upgrading digital signal processing development boards in an introductory undergraduate signals and systems course,” in 2015 ASEE Annual
individually during pandemic, instructor suggests that working independently has improved student performance.References [1] L. D. Feisel and A. J. Rosa, “The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineering education,” Journal of engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 121–130, 2005. [2] R. V. Krivickas and J. Krivickas, “Laboratory instruction in engineering education,” Global J. Eng. Educ, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 191–196, 2007. [3] T. Kotulski and S. Murray, “The national engineering laboratory survey,” Labshare Project. December, 2010. [4] D. Cucinotta and M. Vanelli, “Who declares covid-19 a pandemic,” Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis, vol. 91, no. 1, p. 157, 2020. [5] J. J. Park, M. Park, K. Jackson, and G. Vanhoy
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://pages.olin.edu/isim). Students learn touse an oscilloscope, a function generator, and a network analyzer using the Analog Discoverysoftware. The modules are presented in approximate order of increasing complexity. Over thecourse of the semester, students develop the understanding, skills and knowledge to achieve thecourse learning outcomes. Table 1 below lists the topics of the modules and the associatedlearning goals.Table 1. A list of the module topics and their learning goals. Module Topics Learning goal(s) 1 A simple pendulum (lab) Measure the change in pendulum angle with time using a potentiometer as a position sensor; solder components onto a printed
understanding of each method's physics byconnecting the physical principles to the applications; compare various plausible NDEtechniques for common industrial applications; given an application, identify one or moreappropriate NDE technique(s) by providing convincing scientific reasoning and justification. Teaching ‘Nondestructive Evaluation of Flaws’, an all-around course in NDE, using thetraditional lecture-based methods is challenging because: (1) each NDE method is based on adifferent physical principle; it is difficult for the students to grasp all the different principles andmethods one after the other within the short 15-week timeframe of one semester, and (2) theclass is highly heterogenous; the students have very different backgrounds
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