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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 62 in total
Conference Session
Internet and Distributed Computing
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fani Zlatarova, Elizabethtown College
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
different levels of abstraction areconsidered below. The examples, described in the following subsections, use a sample logicalDB named MUSIC, MUSIC = {C, S, A}, which contains information about recording companies(C), singers (S), and albums issued (A), is build up of the following relational schemas: C (CNo, CName, URL, City); S (SNo, SName, Address, Phone, Email); A (ANo, CNo, SNo, AName, AType, Price, Qty, Year).For simplicity of the DB structure, it is assumed that the DB contains only albums of soloperformers. However, it is possible for a singer to have more than one album produced by onecompany, but a maximum of one album per year.2.1. Defining Queries by Using
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Azzedine Lansari, Zayed University; Akram Al-Rawi, Zayed University; Faouzi Bouslama, Université Laval
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
Page 12.275.8track of their learning experiences, faculty members use the electronic portfolio as a tool tomeasure the level of student understanding. The electronic portfolio can also provide importantinformation on the effective implementation of key concepts in the overall IS curriculum. Figure1 shows the components that are used to monitor the IS program effectiveness. Z U L e a r n in g O u tc o m e s C IS M a jo r C ritic a l T h in k in g a n d R e a s o n in g (C T R ) P ro b le m Id e n tific a tio n a n d A n a ly s is G lo b a l A w a re n e s s (G A ) ( P IA ) In fo rm a tio n L ite ra c y a n
Conference Session
Computing Curriculum
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Bailey, Brigham Young University; Barry Lunt, Brigham Young University; Gordon Romney, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
scientists have a long tradition, continuing to the present, of lively debateconcerning the nature of their discipline.”2 The same could be said about each of theother disciplines discussed here. The approach used herein is to use the definitions asstated in the literature of the epochs examined.Computer ScienceComputers first began appearing in US universities in the 1930’s and early 40’s at MIT(differential analyzer), Harvard (Mark 1) and Penn (ENIAC and EDVAC). At first thesewere mechanical, followed by electro-mechanical, analog, and finally by digital as thecomputational research of the second world war filtered back into the universitylaboratories.3 It is interesting to note that academic departments devoted to the studies ofcomputers did not
Conference Session
Internet and Distributed Computing
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shelton Houston, University of Southern Mississippi; Christopher Herrod, University of Southern Mississippi; Steven Blesse, University of Southern Mississippi
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
laboratories.Because of the small sample size, questions were limited to a small number that could beused to improve the learning experience for other students. Each survey question wasexplained to the students to eliminate confusion and allow students to provide an honestevaluation of their experience. For the convenience response, students were asked to ratethe user interface and their ability to access the remote server at any time. Equipmentaccess was related to their ability to schedule an equipment pod(s) needed for a Page 11.885.7laboratory exercise. The next question was directed toward the student reservationsystem, e.g. ability to reserve desired time(s
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Bailey, Brigham Young University; Joseph Ekstrom, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
spacebarriers. Since our goal was to deploy about 100 identical LAMP servers, we didn’t need theflexibility of a full Virtual Machine Monitor that emulated the hardware. We turned to a morescalable solution that we discovered was being used by a local web hosting company: OS-Virtualization using Virtuozzo by SW-Soft (now Parallels).In this paper we will first give a brief history of the use of the term “virtual machine” from theearly 70’s until the present. We explain the different models that have been implemented underthe term and how usage of the terms seems to have stabilized recently. We then look at oneapproach in greater detail, OS-Virtualization (sometimes called OS containers), or creating avirtual operating system interface rather that a
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Miertschin, University of Houston; Cheryl Willis, University of Houston
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
and how this technique may be useful for making complex learningenvironments more navigable. The author believes advances in technology are poised tomake huge differences in the way we teach and the way students learn. Future work willinclude implementation of such tools in courses taught and comparative assessment ofstudent learning outcomes.References1. Novak, J. D.; Cañas, A. J. The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them. (November 20, 2008),2. Novak, J. D.; Gowin, D. B., Learning how to learn. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1984.3. Milam, J. H., Jr.; Santo, S. A.; Heaton, L. A. Concept maps for web-based
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abul Azad, Northern Illinois University; Ghayasuddin Mohammed, Northern Illinois University; Mohammed Murtuza, Northern Illinois University; Muhammed Abedur Rahman, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
threshold, piecewise linear, sigmoid, tansigmoid and Gaussian are usedfor activation.3.2. Control Vibration control techniques for flexible structures are generally classified into twocategories: passive and active control 20. Passive control utilizes the absorption property ofmatter and thus is realized by a fixed change in the physical parameters of the structure, forexample adding viscoelastic material to increase the damping properties of the flexiblemanipulator 21, 22, 23. Active control utilizes the principle of wave interference. This is realizedby artificially generating anti-source(s) (actuator(s) to destructively interfere with the unwanteddisturbances and thus result in reduction in the level of vibration. Active control of
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Richard Helps, Brigham Young University; Bret Swan, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
this type is not a working prototype product but a package of deliverables includingconcepts, descriptions of user needs, and specifications for products or systems, with thoughtfuldesign of the interface and the basic structure of the product(s) or system to be built. Comingfrom a technology background the design team should show a depth of understanding of thetechnical issues facing the product design.In order to achieve high quality results, such as those described above the designers (students)need to follow a reliable design and development process that requires discipline, technical skill,and creative design work. All the attributes for successful capstone courses will be required bythe students, some to an enhanced degree.4. The case
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Curtis Welborn, Utah Valley State College; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley State College
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
. Perkins, “Business Rules = Meta Data”, The proceedings of the: Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, IEEE, 2000.[6] J. Widom and S. Ceri, “Active Database Systems”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.[7] E. Baralis, S. Ceri, and S. Paraboschi, “Modularization techniques for active rules design”, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 21(1):1-29, 1996.[8] G. Ronald Ross, “Business Rule Concepts”, Business Rule Solutions Inc., 1998.[9] The Business Rules Group, “Defining Business Rules – What Are They Really?”,, Feb. 2006.[10] B. von Halle, “Building a Business Rule System, Part 1”, Data Management Review, Faulkner & Gray, January 2001
Conference Session
Internet and Distributed Computing
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Philip Lunsford, East Carolina University; Lee Toderick, East Carolina University; Daniel Brooker, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
acquired.ConclusionThe teaching of attack understanding based information assurance requires the use ofguaranteed isolation of laboratory networks. Providing Distance Education courses witha remote laboratory network presents challenges to providing adequate isolation. The useof IP-KVM switches adds a very strong layer of isolation, and in combination with theuse of emulation software such as VMWare or other virtual operating systemenvironment, provides an adequately isolated laboratory network for some exercises.References[1] Frincke, D., “Who watches the security educators?”, Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE Volume 1, Issue 3, May-June 2003 Page(s):56 – 58[2] Eppes, T. & Schuyler, P., “A General-Purpose Distance Lab System
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University; Abhishek Gummadi, North Carolina State University; Reejesh Kadanjoth, North Carolina State University; Yvonne Marie Andrés, Global
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
. Reputation systemsA reputation system is a way of measuring the reliability of ratings. Scores assigned byreviewers and metareviewers can be factored into a student's reputation. Several algorithms[4, 5, 6] have also been published for determining reviewer reliability, based only on thescores assigned by reviewers. These algorithms consider (i) consistency of scores assignedby this reviewer with scores assigned by others to the same work, and (ii) spread, how muchthe highest score the reviewer assigned differs from the lowest score (s)he assigned. Somealgorithms also consider (iii) leniency, the tendency of a reviewer to give scores that arehigher than other reviewers. Research [6] demonstrates that these algorithms provideeffective quality control
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Banaszek, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Hong Sheng, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Richard Hall, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ronaldo Luna, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ghulam Bham, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
about and can effectively use this system,researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology, supported by the NationalScience Foundation, have set out to explore creative and effective means of teaching this systemto students. There are many segments of GIS, but for the purpose of this study we will beevaluating the transportation module created by Missouri S&T scientists and engineers tocomplement the Geographic Information System learning tool.The transportation module itself is a web-based help system that contains categories to explainhow to use many of the transportation-related capabilities of Geographic Information Systems.This module is to act as an aid to learning the application of GIS. The purpose of this study isto
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
such game is Dyads. Participants write outa question on the material covered during the class, then pair up with another member of theclass. Each one of the pair asks the other his/her question. If the answer is correct, thequestioner writes his/her initials on the other person’s card. If it is incorrect, (s)he explains thecorrect answer. After finishing the first question, the members each find another partner andattempt to answer the new partner’s question. The winner is the member with the highest score.ii. Row competitions. Among the simplest of games is just to pass out index cards to the classmembers, and have them answer a set of review questions. Each student’s answers are checkedby a neighboring student. Then the cards are passed to
Conference Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Garcia, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
Recognition, Article Published by HTG Systems.[3] Joyce, R. and G. Gupta, “Identity Authentication Based on keystroke Latencies,” Communications of ACM,Volume 33, Issue 2, ( February 1990). Retrieved on 8th March 2005.[4] Kung, S., Biometric Authentication: A Machine Learning Approach, First Edition , Published by Prentice Hall,PTR.[5] Obaidat, S. and B. Sadoun, Verification of Computer users using Keystroke Dynamics,” IEEE, Volume 27,Issue 2, (April 1997). Retrieved from IEEE on 16th February 2005.[6] Peacock, A., Learning User Keystroke Latency Patterns, acquired from [7] Umphress, D., and G. Williams, Identity Verification Through keyboard Characteristics
Conference Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Garcia, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
@ 5,215,000 @ 802520 @ 3400 > 4,000,000 k/s p/s c/s Unknown c/sAs it was demonstrated, password auditing is a very effective method of ensuring that anorganization has strong authentication procedures. There are many password auditingapplications available to companies. Among all the applications that were tested, LC5 proved to Page 11.985.8be the most efficient and comprehensive. It was shown how important strong passwords are forsecurity. 7Bibliography[1] @stake LC5. Available from
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tal Rusak, Cornell University; Christopher Barnes, Cornell University; G. Scott Russ, Cornell University; Vincent Kam, Cornell University; David Gries, Cornell University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
whether it is a free elective, a core elective, a liberalstudies course, or an engineering distribution course. We call such requirements structuralrequirements. CPAS distinguishes each of these requirements with a type label: affiliation-only,graduate-only, affiliation and graduation, and structural (non-course) requirement. Page 14.376.5Page 14.376.6Page 14.376.7Page 14.376.8Page 14.376.95.1 Requirements Entry InterfaceFigure 3, illustrates the initial interface displayed to staff members when creating a newrequirement unit. Note the presence of requirement class year(s), requirement type (affiliationonly, affiliation and graduation, or
Conference Session
Computing Curriculum
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Price, DeVry University-Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
have examined the influence of cognitivestyles in hypermedia environments. Ford and Chen 18 investigated the relationship betweenmatching and mismatching instructional presentation with students’ cognitive style. Significantdifferences in performance were noted on a multiple test of conceptual knowledge betweenmatched and mismatched test subjects. Parkinson and Redmond 22 examined the impact ofcognitive style on learning performance within three different computer media: text, CD-ROM,and Internet site. They concluded that learning performance was enhanced when cognitive stylewas considered. Pask 7, in a series of experiments conducted in the 1970’s, found dramaticeffects in terms of learning effectiveness when complex academic subject matter
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Garcia, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
thisis to deploy a passive tap with minimal effect on network operations. The sensor is deployed onthis tap between the external firewall and the internal network such that it can monitor all thetraffic that enters (and departs) over that connection. This allows the sensor to examine all of thedata associated with the external link so that it can be effectively used to monitor incoming (andoutgoing) attacks. The snort machine is located at the main router on campus, which is connectedto the Internet by a 100Mb/s full-duplex Ethernet link. Data was collected on the network tapover a period of one week by running Snort in a stealthy packet logging mode.The goal of the analysis is to create descriptive information from the raw TCPDUMP files, thento
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi-Cheng Chen, Meiho Institute of Technology; Yi-Chien Lin, Meiho Institute of Technology; Ron Chuen Yeh, Meiho Institute of Technology, Taiwan; Kuo-Hung Tseng, Meiho Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
computing (Wu& Hisa, 2004). These principal ICT directly enabling modern E-commerce include Web-basedcomputing, mobile computing, and ubiquitous computing (Banavar & Bernstenin, 2002; Kannanet al., 2001; Samaras, 2002).The Web-based computing was implemented based on a wirednetwork using the Internet until the ability to connect started approaching physical limit-mobility.The mobile computing based on wireless infrastructure gave rise to a new S curve, with the newphysical limits being a higher level of ubiquity and embeddedness (Lyytinen & Yoo, 2002).Over the past decade, we have witnessed the rapid developments in ICT which have substantiallychanged the landscape of E-commerce. The Internet has introduced a significant wave of
Conference Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Kirk Love, Utah Valley University; Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy, University of Pennsylvania; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
Page 15.1020.121. A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators 2004, National Science Foundation Report., Retrieved on March 2005.2. National Science Foundation Statistics on Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science & Engineering,, accessed on Jan 2010.3. Freeman, C. E., Trends in Educational Equity of Girl s and Women: 2004. Retrieved from Bentz, N. E., & Hackett, G. (1986). Applications of Self-Efficacy Theory to Understanding Career Choice Behavior. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4, 279-289, 1986.5. Beyer, S., Rynes, K., Perrault, J., Hay, K
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peng Li, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
. Nakagawa, H. Suda, M. Ukigai, Y. Miida, “An innovative hands-on laboratory for teaching a networking course”, Proceedings of the 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 14-20, Boulder, CO, USA. November 5-8, 2003.8. G. Steffen G, “Teaching Local Area Networking in a Secure Virtual Environment”, Proceedings of 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, June 2004.9., retrieved February 3, 200910. S. Averitt, M. Bugaev, A. Peeler, H. Shaffer, E. Sills, S. Stein, J. Thompson and M. Vouk, “Virtual Computing Laboratory (VCL)”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, May
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Warith Al-Sulaimani, Modern College of Business and Science-Sultanate of Oman; P Mani Joseph, Modern College of Business and Science-Sultanate of Oman; Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
WLAN and Bluetooth etc. Other futuredirections include exploring the physical characteristics for WLAN and Bluetooth and theirrespective performance in an interference-limited environment.References[1] Ennis, Greg, “Impact of Bluetooth on 802.11 Direct Sequence,” IEEE 802.11. Working Group Contribution, IEEE 802.11-98/319, September 1998.[2] Haartsen J.C. and Zurbes S., “Bluetooth voice and data performance in 802.11 DS WLAN environment,” SIG Publication, 1999.[3] Punnoose R. J., Tseng R. S., Stancil D. D. Experimental Results for Interference between Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b DSSS Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Society Conference, October 2001.[4] Golmie, N. and Mouveaux F., Interference in the 2.4 GHz
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley State College; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
coursesand do not offer any data mining course. On the other hand, many universities offer more thanone database related courses and they also offer data mining course(s). But mostly theseuniversities offer their data mining course as a graduate course. Therefore, the students whograduate from the universities like our university with no graduate computer science programwill not have the opportunity to get Data Mining knowledge.To improve our Database Engineering curriculum, we have decided to add a new Data Miningcourse to this curriculum. The paper first presents this curriculum and then elaborates the contentdetail of this Data Mining course.Introduction:In addition to associate degrees, the Computer Science and Pre-Engineering department offers
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hetal Jasani, Northern Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
skills which are practical and valuable.We believe that this paper will help others to reuse, redesign and redevelop hands-on modulesfor mobile and wireless networking courses in both electrical engineering and computer scienceprograms. Some these hands-on labs could be used as either introducing laboratory modules inexisting computer network courses or to aid in the creation of new stand-alone mobile andwireless networking course.Bibliography[1] Abbott-McCune. S., Newtson, A. J., Girard , J., Goda, B. S., (2008). Developing a Reconfigurable Network Lab, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGITE conference on Information technology education, pp255-258[2] Cannon, K., Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition, Thomson Course
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Hacker, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
:// Council on Competitiveness, Spin Fiber Faster to Gain a Competitive Edge for U.S. Textile Manufacturing. 2005; Available from: Council on Competitiveness, Customized Catalysts to Improve Crude Oil Yields: Getting More Bang from Each Barrel. 2005; Available from: Council on Competitiveness, Full Vehicle Design Optimization for Global Market Dominance. 2005; Available from: Baker, M. and R. Buyya, Cluster computing: the commodity supercomputer. Software-Practice and Experience, 1999. 29(6): p. 551-76.10. Graham, S., M. Snir, and C. Patterson, Getting up to speed: The future of supercomputing. 2005: Natl Academy Pr
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barry Lunt, Brigham Young University; Michael Bailey, Brigham Young University; Joseph Ekstrom, Brigham Young University; C. Richard Helps; David Wood
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
overall average of their ranking. Columns threethrough five are responses to the same statements given for Table 3 above. The abbreviationsused were defined previously in Table 2. It is interesting to note that this same table may be usedas the ranking by how widely familiar each conference is, as the sort by Overall Average isexactly the same as a sort by Not Familiar. As with the publications, respondents were given the opportunity to enter otherconference(s) they wished to include, along with their ranking. There were nine other Page 12.1216.10conferences mentioned; only the Consortium for Computing Sciences in College (CCSC) wasmentioned
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
. Barrows, Howard S. (2000). Problem-Based Learning Applied to Medical Education, Springfield, IL: SIU School of Medicine.4. Boud, D., Feletti, G. (1991). The Challenge of Problem-based Learning. London: Kogan.5. Boylan, H. R. (2002). What Works: Research-Based Best Practices in DevelopmentalEducation. Boone, NC: National Center for Developmental Education.6. Boylan, H. R. (1999). Exploring alternatives to remediation. Journal of DevelopmentalEducation, 22(3), 2-4, 6, 8, 10.7. Boylan, H. R. (1999). Harvard Symposium 2000: Developmental education: Demographics,outcomes, and activities. Journal of Developmental Education, 23(2), 2-4, 6, 8.8. Boylan, H., Bliss, L., & Bonham, B. (1997). Program components and their relationship tostudent
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Wey Chen, Southern Taiwan University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
the student model the system provides intelligent,personalized tutoring and support to the student. In particular, based on information concerningthe knowledge level of the student in each concept of the domain knowledge, the system providesindividualized support when s/he navigates through the course material.The system uses the direct guidance technique to inform the learner whether s/he is ready to visitthe corresponding topic or if the studying of a page is unnecessary due to the fact that the studenthas already mastered the concept that is associated with this test frame. With the direct guidancetechnique, the system suggests and leads the student to the particular learning level the systemconsiders as the most appropriate for the
Conference Session
Information Technologies Classroom Instruction
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert MacDonald, Purdue University; Raheel Malik, Whirlpool Corp.; Anthony Smith, Purdue University; James Goldman, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
implementation is easier to implement because there is noadditional cabling required beyond power to the access points, but the distribution system mustbe configured manually by the administrator.In order to replicate similar course modules, the instructor(s) must obtain the proper hardwareand make it available for student use. Access points must support some kind of similar meshprotocol, as well as wireless distribution system protocols that can work in conjunction with802.11 standards. Ideally, wireless access points utilized for this course module should supporttwo separate radios. One radio should support 802.11a while the other supports 802.11b/gstandards. In this manner, the distribution system can be separated from the client-accessdomain. A
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiangchun Cheng, Zhejiang University of Technology; Min Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology; Rong Gu, WWW.ZJUT.EDU.CN; Yingzhen Weng, Zhejiang University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
; Guidelines for the Future. (2004). theAmerican Society for Engineering Education. Washington, D.C.4. Z.P.Ye and P.Hua Jin. (2007). A Review of Studies on Practice Teaching of Engineering Education in China.Apr, 2007. Research in Higher Education of Engineering, China.5. Paul Kirschner and Peter Gerjets. (2006). Instructional Design for Effective and Enjoyable Computer-SupportedLearning. Jan, 2006. Computers in Human Behavior.6. John E. Brough, Maxim Schwartz, Satyandra K. Gupta , Davinder K. Anand, Robert Kavetsky and RalphPettersen. (2007).Towards the development of a virtual environment-based training system for mechanical assemblyoperations. Mar, 2007. Springer.7. P. Long, S. Liu, Y. Wu and the FDS Team. (2007). Design and Testing of the Fusion