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Displaying all 13 results
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurements: Innovative Course Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Farrow, University of Tennessee-Martin
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material properties and verify the results with known values ofpressure from the internet and/or canning facilities. Multiple brands of soda are analyzed and asingle factor ANOVA is performed to determine if soda brand has any effect on internalpressure. A demonstration of mounting strain gages is given by the instructor.Reports are due the week following the lab sessions. The instructor is usually able to providefeedback within a week after submission, and makes every effort to do so.Table 2 shows how the labs are related to the earlier-listed course topics. Table 2. Relation of Laboratory Experiences to Course Topics p => primary topic of lab s =>
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Henrik Åkesson, Blekinge Institute of Technology; Lars Hakansson, Blekinge Institute of Technology; Ingvar Gustavsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology; Ingvar Claesson, Blekinge Institute of Technology; Johan Zackrisson, Blekinge Institute of Technology; Thomas Lago, Acticut Inernational AB
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mounted in its holder as under normalconditions and the holder is rigidly attached onto a heavy steel construction in order toresemble the true case. P o w e r A m p lifie r H P 3 5 6 7 0 A d y n a m ic s ig n a l a n a ly z e r O u tp u t In p u t O u tp u t v e v e + - S o u rc e O u t C h 1 C h 2 C h 3 C h 4 S h a k e r C la m p in g
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ruiqing Jia, China University of Mining and Technology; Shanjun Xu, China University of Mining and Technology; Songyun Gao, China University of Mining and Technology; El-Sayed Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
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output data. Figure 2: Virtual wind tunnel laboratory with airfoilThe students are enabled to select the input parameters (angle of attack, area of airfoil), select thesystem of units and request the corresponding results by clicking the “Plot” button as shown inFigure 3. If the students want to get the outputs for a specific velocity, they can input it in theDefault Inputs block and then click the “Output the Results” button. For example, if the angle ofattack is 8°, the area of the airfoil is 5 m2 and the specified velocity is 222 m/s, the studentsobtain the outputs shown in Figure 4. Page 11.141.5
Conference Session
Contemporary Instrumentation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Seyed Allameh, Northern Kentucky University; Morteza Sadat-Hossieny, Northern Kentucky University; Paul Cooper, Northern Kentucky University
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. Mater. Res. 16, 2475- Page 11.775.12 2484 (2001).2. Halverson, D. C., Pyzik, A. J. and Aksay, I. A. ( U.S. Patent #4,605,440, August 12, 1986. Licensed to Dow Chemical from University of California., 1986).3. Aksay, I. A., Yasrebi, M., Milius, D. L., Kim, G.-H. and Sarikaya, M. (U.S. Patent #5,308,422., 1994).4. Pyzik, A. & Aksay, I. A. (U.S. Patent #4,702,770, October 27, 1987., 1987).5. NAZARENKO, S. et al., "Creating Layers of Concentrated Inorganic Particles by Interdiffusion of Polyethylenes in Microlayers," Journal of Applied Polymer Science 73, 2877-2885 (1999).6. Kim, G. H., Sarikaya, M
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roger Lee, Coherent Systems International; Rafic Bachnak, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
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control flow, dotted lines represent data flow, and dot-dash lines indicatehow the GUI is enabled. Page 11.1059.3 Figure 1. RPAS/Function Block DiagramRadar SimulationThis section describes the features of RPAS. As an example, the basic form of the radarrange equation gives the ratio of signal power from the target to the background noisepower at the radar receiver, which includes both noise received from the externalenvironment and noise added in the radar [6]. Consider the classical Radar RangeEquation, S/N = (Pp τ Gt σ Ar)/ [(4π)2 R4k Ts L] (1)where S/N = radar signal-to-noise
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurements: Innovative Course Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sri Kolla, Bowling Green State University; Joseph Mainoo, Bowling Green State University
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. Less cost of purchase: a system that is based on fieldbus technology requires significantly less hardware than a traditional system. 6. Savings: fieldbus based systems will have a) engineering savings, b) construction savings, c) maintenance savings, and d) operation savings. 7. Lower cost of expansion and change: Since fieldbus systems are cheaper to buy and deploy, they are also cheaper to expand and modify.There are many fieldbus networks. Noel classified fieldbuses as discrete buses and processbuses [15]. Discrete buses primarily focus in the discrete manufacturing area and are typicallyON/OFF action, simple switches or low-level sensors. Competing discrete buses are: AS-I bus,Devicenet, Interbus-S, Profibus DP, SERCOS
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
El-Sayed Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
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project include the evaluation and revision of features through studentassessment and the addition of other experiments and simulations.References[1] Gillet, D., Latchman, H. A., and Salzmann, C., (2001), “Hands-on Laboratory Experiments in Flexible and Distance Learning”, Journal of Engineering Education, April, pp. 187-191.[2] Gillet, D., Geoffroy, F., Zeramdini, K., Nguyen, A. V., Rekik, Y., and Piguet, Y., (2003), “The Cockpit: An Effective Metaphor for Web-based Experimentation in Engineering Education”, Int. J. Engng. Ed., Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 389-397.[3] Nguyen, A. V., Gillet, D., Rekik, Y. and Sire, S., (2004), “Sustaining the Continuity of Interaction in Web- based Experimentation for Engineering Education”, Proceedings of
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Neuman, Queensborough Community College; David Lieberman, Queensborough Community College; Don Engelberg, Queensborough Community College; Alex Flamholz, Queensborough Community College; Paul Marchese, Queensborough Community College; George Tremberger, Queensborough Community College; Tak Cheung, Queensborough Community College
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Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition11. T. F. Schubert, Jr., S. M. Ford, D. M. Tawy, and S. D. Alsaialy, “A LabVIEW interface for transistor parameteranalysis: an opportunity to explore the utility of computer interfaces”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition12. J. D. Wagoner and N. F. Macia, “Automatic liquid level controller using a LabVIEW based PC “,Proceedings ofthe 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition13. G. Javidi, J. White and E. Sheybani, “Virtual lab in engineering curriculum”, Proceedings of the 2005 AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition14. D. H. Lieberman and T. D. Cheung
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jun Kondo, University of Hartford; Santiago Noriega, University of Hartford; Devdas Shetty, University of Hartford
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into a position or velocity output (s = ut + 0.5at2).X Beginning of Test. Position in mm YX End of Test. Position in mm Y Page 11.960.7 Velocity (mm/sec)Various tests were performed to determine if the readings are repeatable.The
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jahangir Ansari, Virginia State University; Yoon Kim, Virginia State University
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confirms that rapid advances in Virtual Instrumentation programs on the one handand precise data acquisition technology on the other hand, enable the analysis of complexvibration problems to be feasible in a normal research laboratory.Students through this project were able to build a measurement set up for a solid structure and beconfident about their results by verifying their data using computer simulation. This project hasalso established an open-ended undergraduate research lab in the area of structural dynamics.AcknowledgmentsThe author acknowledges the support of Virginia State University’s Research Initiation Grant aswell as the U. S. Department of Education MSEIP Grant Number DUNS 074744624.Bibliography 1. LabVIEW, “Data Acquisition
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Terrance Lovell, Pennsylvania State University-Berks; Dale Litwhiler, Pennsylvania State University-Berks
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2006-576: TEACHING A COMPUTER TO READ: IMAGE ANALYSIS OFELECTRICAL METERSTerrance Lovell, Pennsylvania State University-Berks Terrance D. Lovell is an electrical engineering student at Penn State Berks in Reading, PA where he has completed his associate’s degree in electrical engineering technology. He is a research assistant in the EET department. Prior to his academic pursuits he was an electronics countermeasures technician for the U. S. Marine Corps.Dale Litwhiler, Pennsylvania State University-Berks Dale H. Litwhiler is an Assistant Professor at Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley College in Reading, PA. He received his B.S. from Penn State University, his M.S. from Syracuse
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Hoehn, Middle Tennessee State University; Saleh Sbenaty, Middle Tennessee State University; William Day, Middle Tennessee State University
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Science Department at MTSU is using to further its research.IV. References1. CadSoft Online. Eagle V4.1 Product Information. October 2004. Barrelo, Larry. AVR and Robotics. January 2005. Atmel Corporation. AVR 8-Bit RISC Product Overview. September 2004.4. Maloney, Timothy J. Modern Industrial Electronics. 5th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. Page 11.422.105. R. Hoehn and S. Sbenaty, “Designing, Building, and Testing a Microcontroller-Based System for Industrial Applications,” ASEE GSW Conference, April 2005.
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian Belu, Wayne State University
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. A. Eadie - The Undergraduate Teaching of Measurement and Instrumentation - Engineering Science andEducation Journal, pp. 109-113, June 1997.5. A. S. Eadie. E.A. Knight, and I.J. Kemp - Work-based Learning in Instrumentation - Measurement andControl, Vol. 31, pp. 137-140, 1998. Page 11.448.126. C.D. Johnson – Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall, 2003.7. G. Karady and K. A. Nigim – Improve Learning Efficiency by Using General Purpose MathematicsSoftware in Power Engineering - – IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp 979-985, 2003.8. T. Laopoulos, March - Teaching Instrumentation and Measurement in the