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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 525 in total
Conference Session
Introducing New Methodologies and the Incoming Students to Engineering Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
. Page 23.897.12Bibliography.1. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineers, and The Institute of Medicine, Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend, Washington, DC,1997.2. Vesilind, P.Aarne, “Mentoring Engineering Students: Turning Pebbles into Diamonds,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 90, no.3, 2001, pp. 407-411.3. Mentor, National Mentoring Relationship, “Become a Mentor”, www.mentoring org/ Alexandria, VA, Accessed Dec..2012.4. Markie, P., A Professor’s Duties, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 1994, pp.74 -77.5. Cahn, S., Saints & Sinners: Ethics in Academia, Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NH, 1986, pp.33-38.6. Baker, R., jr., “Ethics of Student-Faculty Friendship,” in Ethical
Conference Session
Curriculum and Program Developments, Exchanges, Collaborations, and Partnerships
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eileen Walz, University of Illinois; Keilin Jahnke, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Russell Korte, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; J. Bruce Elliott-Litchfield, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Judith A Sunderman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Valeri Werpetinski, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Laura D Hahn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Related Category Related Subcategory(s)a) An ability to apply knowledge of Technical Confident inmathematics, science, and engineering Knowledge engineering ability, Apply classroom learningb) An ability to design and conduct Technical Problem solving, Applyexperiments, as well as to analyze and Knowledge classroom learninginterpret datac) An ability to design a system, component, Community-Based Use sustainable
Conference Session
International STEM Education: International Division Technical Session 6
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cameron Denson, North Carolina State University; Tamecia R. Jones, North Carolina State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
. (2010). Refueling the US innovation economy: Fresh approaches to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, Forthcoming.Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V., & Pastorelli, C. (2001). Self‐efficacy beliefs as shapers of children's aspirations and career trajectories. Child development, 72(1), 187-206.Denson, C. D. (2017). The MESA Study. Journal of Technology Education, 29(1), 66-94.Hayes, A. R., & Bigler, R. S. (2013). Gender-related values, perceptions of discrimination, and mentoring in STEM graduate training. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 5(3), 254-280.Hillbom, E. (2011). Botswana: A
Conference Session
International CIase Studies: Collabs, Exchanges & Interactions
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Willie Ofosu, Pennsylvania State University - Wilkes-Barre
Tagged Divisions
, the presence of these two sources must be clearly defined.Objective1. Select site(s) on KNUST campus where measurements will be taken.2. Determine frequencies of transmitting stations.3. Measure and map the coverage of detectable sources of radio and TV broadcasts.Equipment ListRF AnalyzerGlobal Positioning System (GPS)Surveyor’s TapePegs and RopeCamera for recording measurement site(s) and equipment set-upMeasurement Procedure1. Record the date, time and weather condition.2. Use the GPS to determine coodinates of points where measurements will be made.3. After powering on the RF Analyzer, select Step Frequency of 20kHz.4. Select the scan mode from the main menu
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Jewell, Union College
Tagged Divisions
classes as pertain to the students in the receiving institution. a) The designated student(s) must have completed at least one year of study at the home institution before beginning the exchange period. Exchange students must have an overall GPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 or better at the time of application and at the time of the exchange. While students nominated by the home university will normally be accepted by the host university for exchange, the host university retains the right to review the students nominated for exchange Page 13.724.7 and to make
Conference Session
Engineering Education in the Mid-East / Asia
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aiman Kuzmar, Pennsylvania State University-Fayette; Taima Alhiyari, Al-Balqaa Applied University; Abedalbasit Abedalhafiz, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Hashemite University,
Tagged Divisions
AC 2008-1964: ENGINEERING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN THEKINGDOM OF JORDANAiman Kuzmar, Pennsylvania State University-Fayette AIMAN S. KUZMAR is an assistant professor of engineering at Penn State Fayette, the Eberly Campus. He holds a Ph. D. degree from Duke University. He has a Master’s degree from Rice University. His B. S. is from the University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia. All of his degrees are in civil engineering. His industrial experience includes working as an Engineer for the NCDOT. He is a registered engineer in North Carolina.Taima Alhiyari, Al-Balqaa Applied University Mrs. Taima Alhyari is an instructor in the Dept. of Special Education at Al-Balqaa Applied
Conference Session
Engineering Accreditation Around the World
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaime Salazar, Ibero-American Association of Engineering Education (ASIBEI); Jorge Ignacio Velez Munera, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, ACOFI; Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Enseñanza de la Ingeniería, ARFO Editores e Impresores Ltda., Bogotá,Colombia, 2003. ISBN: 958-680-046-6. IRoPE: International Register of Professional Engineers. Europe´s Engineers Mobility Forum, Europe´s Engineering Technologists Mobility Forum, Europe. Page 13.1267.10
Conference Session
Engineering Education in the Mid-East / Asia
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raymond Thompson, DAE University
Tagged Divisions
, prosperous, and experiencing tremendous economic growth. Akili2 discusses the earlyentrants into engineering education in the region and the need to rejuvenate these olderprograms. Early engineering programs range from start dates of the 1960’s in Saudi Arabia tothe mid 1980’s in Oman. The need for quality programs is especially relevant to the aviation andaerospace industries. To meet this need, a new locally owned and based new university hasbegun operations in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This new 4-year baccalaureate and master’sdegree institution emphasizes aviation and aerospace in its degree offerings. This institution waslicensed and accredited by the UAE Commission for Academic Accreditation, and beganoperations in 2007. Programs being
Conference Session
International CIase Studies: Collabs, Exchanges & Interactions
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mean-Shang Chen, Central Michigan University; Albert Peng, Central Michgian University; Yanjia Sun, Central Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
/stories/D8INFJ00.html 2. Jaschik, S., Overseas Outposts, Inside Higher Education, February 15, 2007. 3. Continental and Global Scholarships, 4. Accelerated Master’s Degree Program, 5. Jaschik, S., A Divorce in Singapore, Inside Higher Education, July 27, 2006, Page 13.51.9 8
Conference Session
International Study Abroad Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raghu Echempati, Kettering University; Butsch Michael, FH-Konstanz, Germany
Tagged Divisions
tools necessary to evaluate the particular program and course educationalobjectives. Although currently there are no uniform guidelines to assess the individual studyabroad programs by ABET, each of the participating Universities have developed their ownassessment and evaluation tools necessary to justify their study abroad programs. Theintention of this paper is to discuss the assessment and evaluation tools developed jointly bythe author in consultation with faculty at the host institution(s).Description of ME Study Abroad Experiences for Kettering University studentsStudents who are eligible to study in one of the partner universities in Germany are asked totake a maximum of sixteen credits, normally encompassing three ME and/or Technical
Conference Session
Engineering Education in Africa, Asia and the Mid-East Region
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, Santa Clara University
Tagged Divisions
British educational system. Courses are offered for the entire academic year.Typically, there are some homework but no exams until the last week of classes. The final examis comprehensive and covered all the year’s material. It accounted for 100 % of the students ‘overall course grade.A new curriculum introduced in the late 1970’s was patterned after US universities. It was basedon a semester academic year system. Courses are offered every semester. Grades are based oncontinuous cumulative evaluation using homework, quizzes, midterm exams and a final exam.The first set of students were admitted in 1975 to use the second BSEEE curriculum which had
Conference Session
International Case Studies, Collaborations and Interactions
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlie Edmonson, University of Dayton; Donna Summers, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
2006-69: CREATING CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING IN ENGINEERINGTECHNOLOGY CURRICULACharlie Edmonson, University of Dayton CHARLIE P. EDMONSON is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Industrial Engineering Technology at the University of Dayton. Prior to joining the faculty at UD, he retired from the U. S. Air Force after 30 years of engineering design, industrial engineering, and experience at various levels of management.Donna Summers, University of Dayton Donna C.S. Summers, Ph.D. is a professor of Industrial Engineering Technology at the University of Dayton. Her major areas of concentration are Quality Assurance and Human Factors. She has published two texts: Quality and Quality
Conference Session
International Exchange/Joint Programs in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Rowe, Sheffield Hallam University; Tim Mulroy, Sheffield Hallam University; Ian Robinson, Sheffield Hallam University; Boon Han Lye, Kolej Bandar Utama International College
Tagged Divisions
whereby an academic member of staff from another HEI is appointed toprovide oversight of the operation of courses, normally from a subject point of view. This processoperates universally in the UK and with the SHU/KBU scheme the external examiner appointed tothe SHU course(s) will also support the KBU course(s).DiscussionTwo examples of international inter-institutional partnerships have been described here and anumber of observations can be made about them. Firstly, in both cases the fundamental drivingforce behind the developments has been student demand, whilst the institutional pull has beenmore complex. In the case of the SHU-TARC partnership the decade long gestation of theprogramme is evidence of both groups of engineering academics
Conference Session
Technical Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahawodin Baha, University of Brighton; Maria Diakoumi MEng, Ph.D, FHEA, CEng MCIHT, University of Brighton; Hamidullah Waizy
Tagged Divisions
highlyrecommended that Afghanistan gains an insight from examples of good practice in STEMeducation adopted by adjacent countries which have experienced somewhat similar issues.It is a huge task for the people of Afghanistan to overcome the catastrophic destruction oftheir institutions and educational infrastructure and to address the above issues. This taskcannot be accomplished without significant contribution from the international community. Inorder for the Afghan population to take a role in their country’s present reconstructionprojects, the Afghan government needs to be proactive in attracting international assistance inbuilding its human capacity.References[1]. S. R. Samady, “Changing profile of education in Afghanistan. 2013,” S. – URN:urn:nbn:de
Conference Session
International STEM Education: International Division Technical Session 6
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sanjeev Adhikari, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
-school, after school and/or on weekend classes. Theparticipants will be middle and/or high school students developing hands-on skills in a variety ofactivities that simulate industry practices to include academic skills and jobreadiness/employability skills when the projects(s) are completed. SKY has been the catalyst inthe promotion and development of engineering projects for the Calera High School engineeringprogram to include creating career paths. Because of the success at Calera, SKY is expanding itsmission to encompass other schools throughout Alabama.The summer of 2017 tour was given by their Mayor Danniel Gaverette on Belfate, Honduras. Itwas impressed that this mayor kept the local school open seven days a week. During the weekdaythe
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahawodin Baha, University of Brighton; Hamidullah Waizy, Kabul Polytechnic University
Tagged Divisions
suggestions to improve this paperReferences[1]- Peter, M.C., and AGS (2006). Afghanistan, World-Class undeveloped deposits, SignificantPotential for further major discoveries, Government favourable to mineral development, NewMining law, Mining Journal, SPECIAL PUBLICATION, Mining Communications Ltd. (Online).Available at: [Accessed: 15 July 2017].[2]- Peters, S. G., Ludington, S. D., Orris, G.J. Sutphin, D.M., Bliss, J.D., Rytuba, J.J., and Bawiec,W. J., (2007). Preliminary Non-Fuel Mineral Resource Assessment of Afghanistan 2007. USGS/AGSOpen- File Report 2007-1214, Project Product No. 157. (Online). Available at: [Accessed: 15 September 2018].[3]- Peters, S.G., King
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 7
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas J. Siller, Colorado State University; Alistair Cook, Colorado State University; Gearold R. Johnson, Colorado State University
Tagged Divisions
and skills. Finally, the students gave qualitative feedback on the way in which the EWB Challenge was taughtat Colorado State University, picking up on some of the same failings in implementation due to the pilotnature of the program but also providing ideas for improvement for future course offerings. A graphicrepresentation of their feedback shown in Figure 8 below, illustrates the feedback in collated form, withthe most repeated words being the largest. It is interesting to see that design, culture, ideas, group,problem(s), learning and working were common themes rather than the technical aspects of the designproblems themselves, reflecting on the engagement with professional skills (ASEE, 2013) the instructorshoped would be focused on
Conference Session
Preparing Engineers for the Global Workplace
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bernd Widdig, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jack Lohmann, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
vea lsopr oduc ed“ wor kfo rceisl and s”i nit sindus tr ialc ommuni ty.As tr ongc ommi tme ntt oone ’sc ompa
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World / International Division Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fazil Najafi, University of Florida; Dennis Jet, University of Florida; Nick Safai, Salt Lake City College
Tagged Divisions
beginning of • Faculty participation/ and develop solu- support and counsel- the school year presentation and tions to enhance the ing. acquaint students interview workshops existing method(s). • Provide scholarships, with departmental, for UG & G• Provide leadership fellowships (offer in college and univer- BHIOM programs in to coordinate Dec/Jan), and grants. sity guidelines. other relevant states. BHIOM of UG & • Tuition waivers. • Acquaint students • Computer orientation G of all depart- • Improve stipends and with
Conference Session
Technical Capacity Building for Developing Countries
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane Willkens, Development Finance International, Inc.; Emilio Bunge, Development Finance International Inc.
Tagged Divisions
inscience and technology (S&T), innovation, and productivity enhancements. In fields as diverseas education, infrastructure, and information technology, development funds are flowing toengineering expertise that can work with players in developing countries not only to supportconcrete projects, but ultimately to build the local capacity of policy-makers, educators, and theprivate sector, without which the sustainability of any progress is compromised. It is this lattereffort – the process of capacity building and the role of the engineering education sector – that isparticularly exciting for the American engineering education community.This paper will outline the confluence of economic drivers and development challenges thattoday foster
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Boyer, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Aldo Morales, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg
Tagged Divisions
entire switchboard in an image and maintain readability of every devicemounted in the switchboard itself. Using this technique, it will be possible to fullycapture an entire switchboard and retain small details with respect to the overall imagedimensions. While exhaustive comparison with other more complex algorithms2,3,4 hasnot been performed, we suspect that, given the simplicity of the algorithm, it uses lessCPU time than its counterparts.Bibliography[1] E. Wasatonic, S. Agili and A. Morales, “Range Determination Algorithm Performed on Mars Exploration Rover Stereo Images,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Portland, Oregon. June 2005.[2] A. German, M.H. Jenkin, and
Conference Session
Case Studies & Engineering Education Around the Globe
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick Schmitt, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Peter Idowu, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg; Aldo Morales, Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg
Tagged Divisions
, pp. 411–426, Mar. 2005[4] Singh, G.K.; Kazzaz, S.; Ahmed, S., “Vibration signal analysis using wavelet transform for isolation and identification of electrical faults in induction machine,” Electric Power Systems Research, v 68, n 2, pp. 119- 136, February, 2004[5] Ebrahim, E.A.; Hammad, N., “Fault analysis of current-controlled PWM-inverter fed induction-motor drives,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, v 3, 2003, pp. 1065-1070[6] Benbouzid, M.; Kliman, G., "What stator current processing-based technique to use for induction motor rotor faults diagnosis?," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.18, no.2, pp. 238- 244, June 2003[7] G. Strang and T. Nguyen
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Janak Dave, University of Cincinnati; Janet Dong, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
and suitable vehicles for developing countries.The goal is to assemble these vehicles in small factories in developing countries. IAT hasdonated several vehicles to Honduras and in Africa.2005-2006 BUV challenge given by IAT was to design a 3-wheel vehicle based on the rear-end(i.e. the bed, axle, suspension, wheels, frame, etc) of a small pick-up truck (Chevy S-10, FordRanger, etc) cut near the cab/bed interface. It was also required to design a rear ambulance unitto be attached to the rolling chassis. In addition to cost, design emphasis was on drive train, easeof assembly, durability, serviceability, and the ambulance unit itself. Design for small-scaleassembly operations in the developing worlds that can each produce one vehicle per day
Conference Session
International Engineering Education II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Freeman, Tufts University; Jonathan Crocker, Tufts University; Chris Swan, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
provided to engineering education.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the Tufts University and the many centers and departments fortheir past and continuing support in helping establish these projects. This includes: Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service Tufts Institute for Global Leadership School of Engineering School of Arts and Sciences Frederic BergerBibliography1. Engineering Accreditation Commission, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Effective for Evaluations During the 2005-2006 Accreditation Cycle, November 2004.2. Matson, D., Freeman, S., Sharpe, G., Swan, C., "International Citizenship and Global
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fazil Najafi, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
• Provide academic • At the beginning of • Faculty participation/ and develop solutions support and counsel- the school year presentation and to enhance the ing. acquaint students interview workshops existing method(s). • Provide scholarships, with departmental, for UG & G minority• Provide leadership to fellowships (offer in college and univer- programs in other coordinate UG & G Dec/Jan), and grants. sity guidelines. relevant states. of all departments • Tuition waivers. • Acquaint students • Computer orientation and Colleges within • Improve stipends and with funding sources workshops, library IHE
Conference Session
Preparing Engr Students for International Practice
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosalyn Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University
Tagged Divisions
2006-1657: THE ROLE OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN INTERNATIONALDEVELOPMENTRosalyn Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University Rosalyn S. Hobson is an Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. She received her B.S. ('91), M.S. ('95), and Ph.D. ('98) degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Virginia. Her research includes the use artificial neural networks for signal processing and controls problems, science and technology in international development and engineering education. She joined VCU in the fall semester of 1996. Page 11.1326.1© American Society for
Conference Session
Engineering Education in the Middle East and Technology Exploration in Africa and Developing Countries
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Craig J. Scott, Morgan State University; Jumoke Oluwakemi Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Salessawi Ferede Yitbarek, Addis Ababa University, Institute of Technology; Albert Edward Sweets Jr., iSTEMS; Farzad Moazzami, Morgan State University
Tagged Divisions
courses in computer engineering, primarily in designing digital systems for hardware. She is the PI for Scholars in Engineering (SiE), an NSF S-STEMS scholarship for undergraduate and Master’s students. She is a member of the Morgan team that is developing online laboratory courses for undergraduate students. Her research expertise is in algorithm optimization for FPGA implementation and her research group has developed a novel biologically inspired image fusion algorithm. She has over 35 journal and conference publications combined.Prof. Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Kenneth Connor is a professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, where he teaches courses on plasma
Conference Session
Challenges in Engineering, Models in Professional Programs, Capstone Design and Function Generator for Educational Environment
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Aidoo, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Shannon M. Sipes, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; James H. Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Matthew D. Lovell P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
2006, Chicago, IL.5. Aidoo, J., Sexton, S., Hanson, James H., Sutterer, K., and Houghtalen, Robert J., (2008). International DesignProject Experiences-Assessing the Short-term Impacts on Students.” Proceedings, 2008 ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition: June 22 - 25 - Pittsburgh, PA.6. Aidoo, J., Sexton, S., Hanson, James H., Houghtalen, Robert J. and Lovell, M., (2012). International DesignProject Experiences-Assessing the Long-term Impacts on Students.” Proceedings of the Capstone DesignConference Champaign-Urbana, May 30- June 1, 20127. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches
Conference Session
Global Competency and What Makes a Successful Engineer
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber Genau, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tagged Divisions
veryinvolved with the international student community on campus, and another is returning toGermany in the fall for an extended research experience. For all the students, the knowledge andperspective gained during their travels and studies will not only make them more employable andbetter engineers, prepared to work and travel in a global marketplace, but also more thoughtfuland aware citizens of the global community. Page 23.404.6References 1. Educating Globally Competent Citizens: A Toolkit for Teaching Seven Revolutions. Eds. D.R. Falk, S. Moss, M. Shapiro. Center for Strategic & International Studies. April 2010. Available at
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for the Global Workplace
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio da Rocha Brito, Science and Education Research Council; Melany M. Ciampi, Safety, Health, and Environment Research Organization
Tagged Divisions
project • And the prototype (if there is any) in a way that s/he shows that s/he knows what is doing; • To speak loud and clear • The score that they get corresponds to 1/3 of the total score of each course along the year; and it is for the 5 years. • This program was designed and implemented in the Engineering School of Catholic University in Santos City, Sao Paulo State, in Brazil. • It has been also implemented in Pittsburg University and American University, in USAExpected Outcomes of the ProgramThe main and may be the most valuable result of this program is the quality of professionals thatcomes out;In the program designed for an engineering school of a private university it is expected • 2/3 of students to be immediately