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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 693 in total
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stacy S Klein-Gardner, Harpeth Hall School and Vanderbilt University; Crystal Tricia Chukwurah, Duke University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Paper ID #5785STEM Think Tank and Conference: Encouraging K-12 Teachers to IntegrateSTEM in the ClassroomDr. Stacy S Klein-Gardner, Harpeth Hall School and Vanderbilt University Dr. Stacy Klein-Gardner took on the position of director of the Center for STEM Education in April 2011 just as the Center began. An engineer by training and in her ways of thinking, she received a B.S.E. in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering from Duke University in 1991. She then earned her M.S. from Drexel University in 1993 and her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in 1996. Dr. Klein-Gardner’s career focuses on K
Conference Session
K-12 Professional Development II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald H Rockland, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; John D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda S Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Thomas Michael Tylutki, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Instructional and Curriculum Leadership from Northcentral University. Burr-Alexander has nearly three decades of experience in management, curriculum development, and im- plementation of projects for educators, students, and their parents in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM) education.Dr. Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of TechnologyDr. John D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology Dr. John D. Carpinelli is a professor of electrical and computer engineering and executive director of the Center for Pre-college programs at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has served as coordinator of activities at NJIT for the Gateway Engineering Education Coalition and as a member of the
Conference Session
Standards and K-12 Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eugene F. Brown, Virginia Tech; Larry G. Richards, University of Virginia; Elizabeth A. Parry, North Carolina State University; Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Stacy S. Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University and Harpeth Hall School
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, serving as a regional partner for the Museum of Science, Boston’s Engineering is Elementary cur- riculum program, and participating in the Family Engineering project. She currently serves as the Chair of the American Society for Engineering Education K-12 and Pre-college Division. Other professional affiliations include the International Technology Education Association, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Science Teachers Association and serving on the Board of Directors for the Triangle Coalition for STEM Education. Prior to joining NCSU, Parry worked in engineering and management positions at IBM Corporation for ten years and co-owned an informal science education business.Dr. Malinda S
Conference Session
Integrating Technical Research into Professional Development and K-12 Classrooms
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda S. Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Kwabena A. Narh, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Rajesh N. Davé, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2011-652: TRANSLATING RESEARCH EXPERIENCES INTO CLASS-ROOM PRACTICE: AN RET PROJECTJohn D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology JOHN D. CARPINELLI is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Center for Pre-College Programs at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has served as coordinator of activities at NJIT for the Gateway Engineering Education Coalition and as a member of the Coalition’s Governing Board. He previously chaired NJIT’s Excellence in Teaching Awards Committee and is past chair of the University Master Teacher Committee.Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology Dr. Kimmel is Professor of Chemical Engineering at New Jersey Institute of
Conference Session
Gender Perceptions and Girls in K-12 Engineering and Computer Science
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne L. Berliner -Heyman, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Rosa M. Cano, NJIT; John D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda S. Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Paper ID #9022The Effects of Single vs. Mixed Gender Engineering Enrichment Programson Elementary Students’ Perceptions of EngineersDr. Linda S. Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology Dr. Linda S. Hirsch, has a degree in Educational Psychology from the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University with a specialization in Educational Statistics and Measurement. She is a senior member of the professional staff at the Center for Pre-College Programs and is knowledgeable in the areas of student learning and educational psychology. Dr. Hirsch has nearly 20 years experience conducting longitudinal research studies
Conference Session
Evaluation: Technology and Tools for K-12 Engineering Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria Alessandra Montironi, UC Davis; Daniel S Eliahu, UC Davis C-STEM Center; Harry H. Cheng, University of California, Davis
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Paper ID #12373A Robotics-Based 3D Modeling Curriculum for K-12 EducationMaria Alessandra Montironi, UC Davis Maria Alessandra Montironi is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California Davis. Since 2013 she has been involved with the UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM). Within the Center, she is involved in developing new strategies for improving K-12 STEM Education through integration of computing, 3D modeling and robotics.Mr. Daniel S Eliahu, UC Davis C-STEM Center Danny Eliahu is an undergraduate mechanical engineering student at the University of California
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre- College Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Nowak Jr., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Daniel A Kaczmarek, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Johnson Samuel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Daniel A Kaczmarek, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Daniel Kaczmarek is a junior at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, pursuing a dual degree in Mechanical Engineering and Design, Innovation and Society. Daniel is interested in showing young students the career opportunities in the STEM fields, especially those in advanced manufacturing.Ms. Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Ms. Herkenham is the K-13 Education Outreach Director of the School of Engineering (SoE) at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute. Her responsibilities includes managing the Pre-College educational programs for the NSF funded Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center (ERC), CURENT ERC, and faculty- driven Broader Impact
Conference Session
Research Initiatives
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David G. Rethwisch, University of Iowa; Soko S Starobin, Iowa State University; Frankie Santos Laanan, Iowa State University; Melissa Chapman Haynes, Professional Data Analysts, Inc.
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Paper ID #7945A Study of the Impact of a National Project Based Learning Curriculum(PLTW) on Student Continuation to Postsecondary InstitutionsDr. David G. Rethwisch, University of Iowa Dr. Rethwisch is a professor of chemical and biochemical engineering at the University of Iowa. His current research interest is assessing the impact of secondary curricula (particularly problem/project based learning curricula) on student interest and performance in science and mathematics, and on their interest in careers in STEM fields.Dr. Soko S Starobin, Iowa State University Dr. Starobin’s research focuses on gender issues in STEM
Conference Session
K-12 and Precollege Engineering Curriculum and Programming Resources, Part 2 of 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brandon Gregory Morton, Drexel University ; Youngmoo Kim, Drexel University; Matthew Nester VanKouwenberg; Chris Lehmann, Science Leadership Academy; Jessica S. Ward, Drexel University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
received his B.A. in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.A. in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Chris is co-editor of What School Leaders Need to Know about Digital Technologies and Social Media, the author of the education blog this blog Practical Theory and is father to Jakob and Theo.Jessica S Ward, Drexel University (Eng.) Page 24.397.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Developing Curriculum For Introducing Cyber Security To K-12 StudentsIntroductionIn the twenty-first
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anton Dukeman, Vanderbilt University; Shashank Shekhar, Vanderbilt University; Faruk Caglar, Vanderbilt University; Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University; Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University; John S. Kinnebrew, Vanderbilt University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
IEEE Computer Society, ACM, AAAI, and the Sigma Xi Research Society.Dr. John S Kinnebrew, Vanderbilt University Page 24.186.2 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Analyzing Students’ Computational Models as they Learn in STEM Disciplines (Work in Progress)IntroductionThe 21st century workplace places a heavy emphasis on competence in STEM disciplines, but un-fortunately the US is lagging behind a number of the advanced countries in STEM competency atall levels.1 Therefore, more effective methods need to be developed for students to gain a
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Curriculum Exchange
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shakira Renee Hobbs, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Odesma Onika Dalrymple, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Engineering and Computing Systems at Arizona State University. She conducts research on tools and techniques that can be readily applied in real engineering learning environments to improve student learning and teaching. In this respect her two prominent research contributions are with: 1) artefact-inspired discovery–based pedagogy, i.e., learning activities where students’ exploration of STEM knowledge is self-directed and motivated by interactions or manipulations of artefacts; and 2) the development of faculty expertise in outcomes-based course de- sign through the use of the Instructional Module Development (IMOD) system, a self-guided web-based training tool.Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic
Conference Session
Using Web-Resources and Literature to Teach Engineering in P-8
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily M. Hunt, West Texas A&M University; Michelle L Pantoya, Texas Tech University; Aaron S. Hunt, Canyon Independent School District; Abbye M. Reeves
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2011-42: INTRODUCING YOUNG CHILDREN TO ENGINEERINGTHROUGH EARLY STEM LITERACYEmily M. Hunt, West Texas A&M UniversityMichelle L Pantoya, Texas Tech University Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University. PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Davis. Specialty in Combustion of Energetic Materials.Aaron S. Hunt, Canyon Independent School District I am in my ninth year in public education. Three years teaching high school Spanish, two teaching 8th grade history, one as a graduate student and researcher, and three years as an assistant principal in middle school. I love working with students and know the value of the education business. I also am in my last year of
Conference Session
High School Engineering Programs, Curriculum, and Evaluation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech University; Krystal S Corbett, Louisiana Tech University; Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech University; David E. Hall, Louisiana Tech University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2011-2223: TECHNOLOGY ENABLED PROJECTS FOR HIGH SCHOOLPHYSICSHeath Tims, Louisiana Tech UniversityKrystal S Corbett, Louisiana Tech UniversityProf. Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech UniversityDavid E. Hall, Louisiana Tech University Dr. Hall is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Louisiana Tech University. He is interested in hands-on approaches in STEM education. Page 22.1419.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Technology Enabled Projects for High School PhysicsAbstractLouisiana Tech University has recently developed a high school physics
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation of K-12 Engineering Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech University; Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech University; Eric Deemer Ph.D., Louisiana Tech University; Krystal S. Corbett, Louisiana Tech University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2012-4434: USING CYBER DISCOVERY TO ASSESS CHANGE INSTUDENT STEM-RELATED ATTITUDESDr. Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech UniversityProf. Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech UniversityEric Deemer Ph.D., Louisiana Tech University Eric Deemer is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at Louisiana Tech University. His research interests include achievement motivation and vocational psychology, particularly as they relate to pursuit of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers.Ms. Krystal S. Corbett, Louisiana Tech University Page 25.1424.1 c American Society for
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janice S. Pawloski, Grand Valley State University; Charles R. Standridge, Grand Valley State University; Paul D. Plotkowski, Grand Valley State University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2011-195: STIMULATING K-12 STUDENT INTEREST THROUGHINDUSTRY, ENGINEERING COLLEGE AND K-12 SCHOOL PARTNER-SHIPSDr. Janice S. Pawloski, Grand Valley State UniversityCharles R. Standridge, Grand Valley State University Charles R. Standridge, Ph.D., is the Assistant Dean of the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. His responsibilities include director of the student services center for ad- vising and K-12 outreach. He holds the masters and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University as well as the B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. His technical interests are in discrete event simulation and the use
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Curriculum Exchange
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University; S. Selcen Guzey, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Aran W. Glancy, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
innovative, interdisciplinary curricular approaches that engage students in developing models of real world problems and their so- lutions. Her research also involves working with educators to shift their expectations and instructional practice to facilitate effective STEM integration. Tamara is the recipient of a 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for her work on STEM integration with underrep- resented minority and underprivileged urban K-12 students.Dr. S. Selcen Guzey, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Dr. Guzey is a Research Associate at the STEM Education Center at the University of Minnesota. Her research and teaching focus on integrated STEM education.Mr. Aran W Glancy
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre- College Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Shultz, Drexel University; Daniel Edward Ueda, GRASP Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania; Jessica S Ward, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Adam K Fontecchio, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.)
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Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
design engineer for four years and as a teacher of math, physics, and engineering for eleven years. He was involved with the NSF GK-12 program at Drexel University for four years. Ueda has been awarded Delaware Valley Science Teacher of the Year (2013), Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award (2013), and Philadelphia Geek of the Year (2013).Jessica S Ward, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.) Jessica S Ward has over 9 years of Engineering Education experience and is currently the Director of Operations for the DragonsTeach program supported by the National Math and Science Initiative and UTeach Institute and serves as the National Science Foundation STEM GK-12 Program Manager at Drexel University.Dr. Adam K
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre- College Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hamid R. Parsaei, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Brady Creel, Texas A&M University at Qatar; John S Small, Texas A&M University at Qatar
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Excellence (ELITE).Mr. John S Small, Texas A&M University at Qatar Page 26.306.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Building  Human  Capacity  to  Meet  Demand  for  Engineers  and  Scientists  in  the     Middle  East  and  North  Africa  (other)    Abstract  Several  countries  in  the  Middle  East  and  North  Africa  (MENA)  have  been  investing  significantly  in  the  past  two  decades  to  promote  and  attract  young  and  upcoming  talent  to  pursue  professions  in  science,  technology,  engineering,  and
Conference Session
Research to Practice: STRAND 1 – Addressing the NGSS: Supporting K-12 Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering Science Connections (Part 2)
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Satabdi Basu, Vanderbilt University, Institute for Software Integrataed Systems; John S Kinnebrew, Vanderbilt University; Shashank Shekhar, Vanderbilt University; Faruk Caglar; Tazrian Haider Rafi, Vanderbilt University; Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University; Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
analytics and user modeling. She is currently a Research Assistant at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems and works on a NSF-funded project for teaching middle school students science and computational thinking simultaneously in curricular settings.Dr. John S Kinnebrew, Vanderbilt UniversityMr. Shashank Shekhar, Vanderbilt UniversityMr. Faruk CaglarMr. Tazrian Haider Rafi, Vanderbilt University Tazrian Haider Rafi is an undergraduate student studying computer science at Vanderbilt University.Dr. Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University Gautam Biswas is a Professor of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Engineering Manage- ment in the EECS Department and a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Software
Conference Session
Outreach Along the K-12 Pathways to Engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet L. Yowell, University of Colorado Boulder; Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, University of Colorado, Boulder
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. . . creAte. iMagine. Succeed.) which engages more than 2,200 K-12 students in engineering throughout the academic year and summer months. She is also a contributing cur- riculum writer and editor for the TeachEngineering digital library, also an NSF-funded project. Janet holds a B.A. in Communication from CU-Boulder and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Information and Learning Technology at CU-Denver.Dr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Malinda S. Zarske is the director of K-12 Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boul- der’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shashank Shekhar, Vanderbilt University; Faruk Caglar, Vanderbilt University; Anton Dukeman, Vanderbilt University; Liyan Hou; Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University; John S. Kinnebrew, Vanderbilt University; Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
1992; and PhD (Computer Science) from Washington Uni- versity in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO in 1998. Prior to his current position at Vanderbilt University, he was a Member of Technical Staff at Lucent Bell Labs. He is a Senior Member of both the IEEE and ACM.His research interests are in solving distributed systems challenges for real-time and embedded sys- tems through effective software engineering principles and algorithm development. He is applying these expertise to develop an effective, cloud-based and ubiquitous infrastructure for scalable, collaborative STEM education.Dr. John S Kinnebrew, Vanderbilt UniversityProf. Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University sessions/logout Gautam
Conference Session
New and Innovative Ideas
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer S. Atchison, Drexel University; Danielle Tadros, Drexel University; Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University; Paul Holt; William Andrew Stoy, North Carolina State University; Joy A. Kots, Father Judge High School; Caroline Louise Schauer, Drexel University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2012-4728: EXPLORING NANOTECHNOLOGY WITH ELECTRO-SPINNING: DESIGN, EXPERIMENT, AND DISCOVER!Ms. Jennifer S. Atchison, Drexel University Jennifer S. Atchison holds a bachelor’s of science in materials engineering and is currently a Ph.D. can- didate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University. Before returning to Drexel for her graduate education, she worked at the American Competitiveness Institute and JDS Uniphase as a Reliability Engineer. Her research, under the guidance of Dr. Caroline Schauer, is fo- cused on exploring electrospun polyelectrolyte nanofiber composites for sensing applications. She also has experience in optics, photonics, and near field scanning probe
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Steckel, St. Vrain Valley School District; Patty Ann Quinones, St. Vrain Valley School District; Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
at many national and regional educational conferences (ASEE, NSTA, CASE, CoCo STEM Forums). Co-authored: Best Practices in High school and Higher education.Dr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, BoulderDr. Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Daniel Knight is the Program Assessment and Research Associate with the Design Center Colorado in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science at University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Knight’s duties include assessment, program evaluation, education research, and teambuilding for the Center’s hands-on, industry-sponsored design projects. Dr. Knight’s research interests are in assessment, teamwork, K-12, and engineering
Conference Session
Standards and K-12 Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamara J. Moore, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Micah S. Stohlmann, University of Minnesota; Jennifer A. Kersten, University of Minnesota; Kristina Maruyama Tank, University of Minnesota; Aran W. Glancy, University of Minnesota
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Micah S. Stohlmann, University of Minnesota Micah Stohlmann is a math education doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota where he also received his M.Ed. in math education. He also is minoring in statistics education. Previously, he taught high school math in California and Minnesota. His research interests include STEM integration, cooperative learning, elementary education, and the effective use of technology.Ms. Jennifer A. Kersten, University of MinnesotaKristina Maruyama Tank, University of MinnesotaMr. Aran W. Glancy, University of Minnesota Page 25.276.1
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation of K-12 Engineering Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David G. Rethwisch, University of Iowa; Melissa Chapman Haynes, Professional Data Analysts; Soko S. Starobin, Iowa State University; Frankie Santos Laanan, Iowa State University; Tom Schenk Jr., Northwestern University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2012-3308: A STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF PROJECT LEAD THEWAY ON ACHIEVEMENT OUTCOMES IN IOWADr. David G. Rethwisch, University of IowaDr. Melissa Chapman Haynes, Professional Data AnalystsDr. Soko S. Starobin, Iowa State University Soko Starobin is Assistant Professor of Higher Education Program and Associate Director of the Office of Community College Research and Policy at Iowa State University. Her research focuses on gender issues in STEM fields among community college students, specifically traditionally under-represented student populations.Prof. Frankie Santos Laanan, Iowa State University Frankie Santos Laanan is an associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Iowa
Conference Session
Curriculum Development
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Evelyn Hanna Laffey, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; Kimberly A Cook-Chennault, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Linda S. Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
NSF grant focusing on green technology, which aims to infuse engineering principals pertaining to green energy into pre-college curricula.Linda S. Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology Page 25.1137.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 RU RET-E: Designing and Implementing Engineering-Based Lessons for the Pre-College ClassroomIntroductionThe goals of the Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E; pronounced “Are you ready?”) are to: (1) engage middle and high school math and scienceteachers in innovative “green
Conference Session
Engineering Design in Pedagogy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Louis S. Nadelson, Boise State University; Patricia Pyke, Boise State University; Janet Callahan, Boise State University; Anne Hay, Boise State University; Joshua Pfiester, Boise State University; Mark A. Emmet, Boise State University
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Design in Engineering Education, K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2011-441: CONNECTING SCIENCE WITH ENGINEERING: USINGINQUIRY AND DESIGN IN A TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP-MENT COURSELouis S. Nadelson, Boise State University Louis S. Nadelson is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at Boise State University. His research agenda is conducted within the context of STEM education and includes aspects of conceptual change, inquiry, and pre-service and in-service teacher education. He has published research ranging from teacher professional development to the impact of inquiry on STEM learning. Dr. Nadelson earned a B.S. degree in Biological and Physics Science from Colorado State University, a B.A. with concentrations in computing, mathematics and physics from
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David G. Rethwisch, University of Iowa; Frankie Santos Laanan, Iowa State University; Melissa Chapman Haynes, Independent External Evaluation Consultant, Professional Data Analysts, Inc.; Soko S. Starobin, Iowa State University
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
students in STEM disciplines.Melissa Chapman Haynes, Independent External Evaluation Consultant/Professional Data Analysts, Inc. Melissa Chapman Haynes is a Senior Evaluator at Professional Data Analysts, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as well as an Independent External Evaluation Consultant. She has been conducting program evaluation since 2002, and is currently a professional member of the primary evaluation association, the American Evaluation Association, and of the American Educational Research Association.Soko S Starobin, Iowa State University Soko Starobin is Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) and Associate Director in the Office of Community College
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering Resources: Best Practices in Curriculum Design, Part 1 of 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Madison J. Gallipo, University of Colorado Boulder; Janet L. Yowell, University of Colorado, Boulder; Derek T. Reamon, University of Colorado, Boulder
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Paper ID #9254STEM High School: Does multiple years of high school engineering impactstudent choices and teacher instruction?Dr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Malinda Zarske is faculty in the General Engineering Plus department at the University of Colorado Boulder. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching secondary science from the Johns Hopkins University and in civil engineering from CU- Boulder. Dr. Zarske has been involved in K-12 engineering education for over 14 years, and currently teaches product design courses through General
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-college Engineering Curriculum and Programming Resources, Part 1 of 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shakira Renee McCall, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Randi Michelle Taylor, Arizona State University; Odesma Onika Dalrymple, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
development of faculty expertise in outcomes-based course de- sign through the use of the Instructional Module Development (IMOD) system, a self-guided web-based training tool.Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus Shawn Jordan, an Assistant Professor in theDepartment of Engineering atArizona State Univer- sity. He is the PI on three NSF-funded projects: CAREER: Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society (EEC 1351728), Might Young Makers be the Engineers of the Future?(EEC 1329321), and Broadening the Reach of Engineering through Community Engagement (BRECE)(DUE 1259356). He is also Co-PI on one NSF-funded project: Should Makers be the Engineers of the Fu- ture