help us to better understand all of the factors surroundingstudents’ perceptions of themselves and decisions about going into engineering, which can in Page 24.826.6turn help inform us about better ways to assist these students.References 1. National Academy of Engineering. (2008). Changing the conversation: Messages for improving public understanding of engineering. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 2. Matyas, M. L. & Malcolm, S. (1991). Investing in human potential: Science and engineering at the crossroads. Washington, DC: AAAS. 3. Oakes, J., Gamoran, A., & Page, R. N. (1992). Curriculum differentiation
normally used to discoverthe latent factor(s) that determines the inter-correlations among the observed variables.For instance, in psychology, general intelligence is believed to be composed of twofactors: the fluid and crystallized intelligence. Under each factor, observed variables oritems were developed to measure these unseen (or latent) factors.The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate the psychometric soundness of the DET survey Page 22.1616.2using new data collected from a larger and a relatively more diverse group of elementaryteachers. Specifically, we aimed at obtaining further psychometric evidence of the DETinstrument by conducting the EFA
interaction, we hope to identify recommendations wecan make to other parents on how to foster engineering interest in their children, as wellas contribute ideas for activities for K-5 classrooms to reach a wider range of children.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No (HRD-1136253). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation. We would also like to acknowledge thecontributions of the GRADIENT research team members Scott VanCleave, MaggieSandford and Zdanna Tranby for data collection.References 1. Ceci, S., J., & Williams, W. M. (2010
Taking things (music box, toaster, boxes) apart or put them back together.Outreach § Programs Girl Scouts, afterschool programs, space day/camps. § Designed Children’s Museum(s), Aquariums, Science Centers. EnvironmentsEducation § Kits Circuit kits, Lego robotics, and telescopes. § Curricular Helping with homework, giving extra tasks (i.e. math quizzes, workbooks in summer) Page 23.501.4Informal DiscussionsA vast majority of the parents (n=96%) mentioned that informal discussions were part oftheir repertoire for
Ph.D. student in the Page 23.59.1 Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University.LaTricia Townsend c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 A Large-scale Survey of K-12 Students about STEM: Implications for Engineering Curriculum Development and Outreach Efforts (Research to Practice)AbstractThis paper reports on the use of a new survey instrument, the S-STEM survey, as a model fordata-driven decision making both formal and informal K-12 STEM education initiatives. Currentnational policy and research findings regarding K-12 STEM
collected with this instrument capture the differencesbetween students with different educational experience?Instrument Development and Validation ProcessAssessment Framework In the development of the assessment instrument, we adopted Pellegrino et al.’s 14framework describing assessment as “reasoning from evidence” consisted of three linkingelements: cognition, observation, and interpretation. The framework was used extensivelywhen structuring assessment, both on program assessment and classroom assessment. Forexample, the framework was used as a framing concept in evaluating young children’s work15 and in making sense of complex assessment 16. Cognition refers to beliefs about how students learn 14. Previous design
/4/470/7 in the classroom as STEM professionals. GE Foundation 03/02-03/05 $315 (#’s part of above) Included focus on increasing diversityK-12 Project-Based Learning NSF GK-12 Extended to include St. Lawrence Univ.; Focus on 07/04 – 06/09 $2,000 5/14/10/650/17Partnership Program (PBLP) Track 2 institutionalization NSF-OPP
of Chemical Engineering and Executive Director of the Center for Pre-College Programs at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has spent the past thirty years designing and implementing professional development programs and curricula for K-12 teachers in science and technology. At the college level, he collaborates on projects exploring teaching methodologies and assessment strategies in first-year college courses in the sciences, engineering, and computer science.Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Program Evaluator in the Center for Pre-College programs. She has a doctoral degree in educational psychology with a specialty in psychometrics and a Masters
experiences in both school and out-of-school settings as we consider howto teach and facilitate engineering design thinking.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (HRD-1136253). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We would alsolike to acknowledge the contributions of GRADIENT research team members Zdanna Tranby and ScottVan Cleave, as well as the Science Museum of Minnesota and INSPIRE at Purdue University.References 1. Brophy, S., & Evangelou, D., (2007). Precursors to engineering thinking. In Proceedings of the 2007
FutureProject’ was recently added to the curriculum for the College Institute ES 100 taught to12th graders at Thomas S. Wootton High School in Rockville, Maryland. This projectinvolves motivating students to develop an academic map/career plan for themselves byobserving and interviewing successful engineers in different fields, creating overviewprofiles for each of them, and studying these profiles to determine how they connect withtheir career intentions.A detailed explanation of the Engineering your Future Project and how it fits into the ES100 curriculum is given in this paper. Results from qualitative and quantitative evaluationof the project will be presented. In addition, since the project was also added to one of theES 100 sections taught to
unchanged pre to post.Table 1: All Students Pre to Post Comparison Pre Post Pre Post S Effect S Effect#1 Mean2 Mean2 Size3 Opinion4 Change5 #1 Mean2 Mean2 Size3 Opinion4 Change5 Interest in learning Relationship to Math and Science1 2.5 2.43 0.06 Disagree Extreme *6 6 3.93 3.98 0.05 Agree Extreme12 3.09 3.16 0.07 Agree Extreme 11 4.17 4.05
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 The Virginia Demonstration Project— A Summative AssessmentIntroductionThe Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) is a middle-school-focused, educational outreachprogram that is designed to increase the interest of middle-school students in STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Math) careers. This is accomplished by exposing the students toreal-life, problem-based challenges, solved in a cooperative learning environment and stimulatedby lesson plans collaboratively implemented by their classroom teacher and visiting Navyscientists and engineers (S&Es). It makes science and math connections between the classroomand real life, supplies
. Contemporary books with engineering as a focus, with total number of available copiesin library circulation (# of books available) in the U.S.Title Author(s) Year Type CirculationEngineering Elephants#,15 Emily Hunt & Michelle 2010 Storybook 1 PantoyaCaleb: The Mouse Engineer#,16 Clifford D. Cope 2009 Storybook 0Rocks, Jeans and Busy Alane & Raymundo 2009 Storybook 10Machines#,17 RiveraMy Dad’s an Engineer18
543 4.42manage the materials for each lesson.The facilitators described what in theactivities students are likely to strugglewith (either conceptually or with 546 4.37manipulating the materials) and how toaddress these when implementing theunit.The facilitators shared how to lead thevarious activities in the unit(s), including 545 4.48questioning throughout the activity(before, during, and after). Page 25.503.12I was given opportunities to consider and 543
incorporated into the rubric.Finally, a total pool of 1,058 references (journal articles, conference proceedings, and books)were collected, and each study was read and evaluated using the evaluation rubric, focusing onthe description of authenticity or authentic experience and the principles included (along with arating of the reviewer‟s confidence in the findings).Identifying ResearchWe are interested in the design of authenticity in K-12 STEM curricula, and theconceptualization and embodiments of authenticity. Therefore, we searched for the literatureusing two sets of keywords. One set is “authenticity” and “authentic”. The other set includes“integrity”, “realistic”, “genuine”, and “legitimate”, which are synonyms of “authentic” in thedomain of
many years of teaching experience s/he had, the amount of time they spendteaching science, and their work and learning experiences with science, technology, andengineering. Page 11.528.2 Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2006, American Society for Engineering EducationAdditionally, we asked some of the teachers who completed the survey to complete twoinstruments that we had developed to measure students’ understandings of technology andengineering: the What is Engineering and What is Technology instruments [10] (see Appendix Afor copies
Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition, (2004 ).2. "Office of Post Secondary Education."3. L. McAfee, and A. Kim, "Successful Pre-College Summer Programs," American Society for EngineeringEducation, (2007).4. D. Oppliger, S. Oppliger, M. Raber, and R. Warrington, "Engineering Enterprise Alliance A K-12,University and Industry Initiative to Create a Pathway to Engineering and Science Careers," American Society forEngineering Education, (2007).5. B. Matanin, T. Waller, J. Kampe, C. Brozina, and B. Watford, "A STEP in the Right Direction: StudentTransition to Engineering Program," American Society for Engineering Education, , (2007).6. C. Vallas, L. Richards, and A. Miodek, "SUMMER INTRODUCTION TO
of mathemaatics, educatiion, andengineeriing faculty. The T goal is to t develop engineering and a science explorations e s and curricuulumfor impleementation innto participaant schools. During D thesee preparationns, connectioons betweennnational and a state con ntent standarrds and the mathematics m s and sciencee showcasedd in theworkshopps are identiified and disccussed. Figuure 2 describbes both topiics presentedd during theSummer Teacher Wo orkshops andd an
-scientificchallenge: Energy production. It is hoped that students learning about bioenergy willhave a deeper understanding of energy issues facing the planet and be prepared to be apart of solving these issues in the future.ReferencesBittle, S., Rochkind, J., & Ott, A. (2009). The Energy Learning Curve. Retrieved 8/15/14 from:, C. (2009). Enhancing pupils’ abilities to properly judge and make informed decisions in the field of renewable energy sources. In Proceedings of the Australasian Science Education Research Association (pp. 149–154).Chen, K. L., Huang, S. H., & Liu, S. Y. (2013). Devising a framework for energy education in Taiwan
. Page 26.556.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 DNA Extraction Using Engineering Design: A STEM Integration Unit (Curriculum Exchange) Target Grade Level: 6-8 En gr TEA MSE n gin eerin g t o Tran sform t h e E d ucat ion of An aly sis, Measuremen t , & Scien ce Authors and Contact: Corey A. Mathis Tamara J. Moore S. Selcen Guzey Purdue University Purdue University Purdue University
: Studio STEM Thanks to our Sponsors! This material is based upon workResearch-based supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants DRL 1029756 and 1247287. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or Research about student science recommendations expressed in this learning, motivation to learn material are those of the author(s) STEM concepts, engineering design
opportunity toupgrade the college facilities.Stanford‟s d-school, short for „Design School‟ has been a leader in quick prototyping and hands-on activities dedicated to merging engineering, arts, and business. The d-school K-12 projectincludes projects that facilitate teacher workshops and classes for non-profits. In addition, theschool provides a unique space dedicated to K-12 innovation19.In recent years more emphasis has been placed on hands-on and project-based learning9, 10, 11, 12, Page 22.1201.321 ; however, this approach has not yet reached a tipping point in most school systems. Onereason for the shift is that kids are not acquiring
is represented by green Lego plates.Red areas are n-Si and are called source (S) and drain (D). S/Dregions, in an actual Si microfabrication process, are created by No Channel (a)introducing n-type impurities (such as phosphorous) into a p-Siwafer using silicon dioxide (SiO2) as a diffusion mask. This is LED in S/D Circuit (b)possible because the diffusion constant of phosphorous in SiO2 isvery low as compared to that in Si. Thus, the presence of SiO2makes sure that the n-type impurities are introduced in red areas(S/D) only. Following the thick white arrows (see b1 through b4),the next step is to make metal contacts (blue plates) to form S/Dleads
20 10 0 1 (Explanation) 2 (Demonstration) 3 (Hands-on) ScaleFigure 3: Results from the Post-Questionnaire: What part of the instructional unit helped you the most tounderstand the concept of cardio-vascular system? These results are based on the following scale:(1) Explanation (2) Demonstration (3) Hands-on Activity W h a t P a r t o f t h e I n s t r u c t i o n a l U n i t H e l p e d t h e mo s t t o U nde r s t a nd t he C onc e pt of P r e s s ur e ? 80 70 60 50
-the- Nation.pdfCullum, J., Hailey, C., Householder, D., Merrill, C., & Dorward, J. (2008). Formative evaluation of a professional development program for high school teachers infusing engineering design into the classroom. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Pittsburgh, PA.Donna, Joel D. (2012) A model for professional development to promote engineering design as an integrative pedagogy within STEM education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 2(2), Article 2. Downloaded from, M. S., Porter, A. C., Desimone, L., Birman, B. F., & Yoon, K. S. (2001). What makes
guided discovery approach posits that any subject can be taught effectively in someintellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development. A constructivist approach tolearning and teaching is based on the notion that learners construct their own knowledge ratherthan knowledge being transferred into learners‟ brains.8-10 Learners‟ construction of knowledgeis based on their past knowledge, the timeliness of new knowledge, and the learner‟s ability tounderstand the connections. This process forces learners to either modify existing knowledge ordevelop new knowledge. Learning experiences based on constructivism are reflected in popularinstructional strategies such as inquiry based learning11-12, problem based learning (PBL) 13-14
odd shaped package to an engineer. Along the waythey ponder who an engineer is, what they do, and where they work before eventuallymeeting up with a team of engineers. In particular, the focus of the storyline was upon thetake-away message that engineers make the world a better place through the process ofasking, imagining, planning, and creation to solve problems that are small or great whichis derived from the National Academy of Engineer’s report Changing the Conversation.9The text of the storyline allows the reader(s) to become an active player in a journey tofind the “engineer” through several artifacts and locations that illuminate aspects of theengineering occupation through what, where, who and why questions. In addition, thestorybook
. (2013). Sullivan, J. F., Cyr, M. N., Mooney, M. A., Reitsma, R. F., Shaw, N. C., Zarske, M. S. & Klenk, P. A., (2005). The TeachEngineering Digital Library: Engineering Comes Alive for K-12 Youth, Proc.ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.5. Johnson, G. (2001). Project Lead The Way® A Pre-engineering Secondary School Curriculum, Proc. 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Albuquerque, New Mexico.6. NEES Strategic Plan 2010-2014. Retrivved March 15, 2013 from Brophy, S., Lambert, J. & Anagnos, T. (2011). NEESacademy: Cyber-enabled Learning Experiences for K-16 Earthquake
onlyreceiving three volts a piece. However, the actual voltage to each LED will be less than thepreviously mentioned values due to a voltage drop from the dough‟s electrical resistance. Figure 8 Figure 9ResistanceThe conductive dough serves as a wire with a built-in resistor. Because it is a semisolid, the Page 22.672.6resistance in the circuit increases as the length of the dough increases. The circuit demonstratedin Figure 10 is essentially the same as the circuit shown in Figure 1, but it uses longer pieces ofdough as wires. Since the resistance of the dough “wire” increases with length, the