pattern is discovered, the next step is the generalization and abstraction of the pattern.The skill encompasses the ability to filter information to solve a problem and re-defining it ingeneral terms using variables and/or formulas so problems that are similar in nature can besolved in the same way. For the example shown above (the sequence of numbers) the patterngeneralization and abstraction step comprises taking the sequence and converting it into arecurrence relation. The formula that abstracts the sequence can be written as S(i) = S(i-1) + 3 *i where i is a positive integer and S(0) = 1.D. Algorithm DesignThe last skill in Computational Thinking is the development and/or the description of thesolution of a problem as a recipe/algorithm
output (andforce them to examine the function of each statement in LINE1), student teams are thenchallenged to predict-then-verify LINE2’s output. The prediction portion generally elicits muchdiscussion, disagreement, and confusion, followed by many “aha’s” as students discover, realize,and explain to each other why the line tilts. When challenged to draw a “less steep line,” mostwill decrease the -increment to one and beam at their easy success.Their “concrete” actions of making dots appear steeper or less steep allows students to viscerallyexperience essential properties of linearity such as constant rate-of-change, which underlies the
, knowledge- intensive jobs and the innovative enterprises that lead to discovery and new technology, our economy will suffer and our people will face a lower standard of living. Economic studies conducted even before the information-technology revolution have shown that as much as 85% of measured growth in US income per capita was due to technological change. (p. 1) Keeping pace with this pressing need, the white house has taken upon the Educateto Innovate (WhiteHouse Press release(s) (2009 & 2010) initiative): The AP (1/7) reports that on Wednesday, President Obama launched his $250 million "Educate to Innovate" campaign "to train math and science teachers and help meet his
eachstatement in LINE1), student teams are then challenged to predict-then-verify LINE2’s output.The prediction portion generally elicits much discussion, disagreement, and confusion, followedby many “aha’s” as students discover, realize, and explain to each other why the line tilts. Whenchallenged to draw a “less steep line,” most will decrease the -increment to one and beam attheir easy success. Page 23.1332.6Their “concrete” actions of making dots appear steeper or less steep allows students to viscerallyexperience essential properties of linearity such as constant rate-of-change, which underlies theslope formula’s concepts of “rise” and “run
the multidisciplinary aspect ofengineering related activities in order to show connections between math and science.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Page 12.785.10Foundation under Grant Number 0440568. All opinions expressed withinare the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. National Science Foundation, NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows In K-12 Education (GK-12) A. Caicedo, J. Lyons, S. Thompson, (2006) “Investigating Outcomes for GK-12 Teacher Partners and GK-12
2006-518: QCC TECHASCEND: NSF-SPONSORED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMAIMED AT POTENTIAL TECHNICIANSDon Engelberg, Queensborough Community College Principal Investigator Dr. Don Engelberg holds a B. S. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and M. A. and Ph. D. degrees in physics from Columbia University. In addition to coordinating the entire TechASCEND project, he served as instructor for the fiber optics unit. Dr. Engelberg has served as P. I. for two previous NSF grants related to fiber optic telecommunications. In addition to his publications related to physics education, he has published on nuclear and particle physics and the history of physics. He has also directed grants under the
could be viewed as an inefficient use of time. Engineeringstandards were not part of the new district standards, yet our experience was that some teachers,particularly cohorts from the same schools, continued to be enthusiastic about teachingengineering and considered it important. The purpose of this study is to explore one suchelementary school’s experience in implementing engineering and the resulting student outcomes.A case study research method is used to illuminate a specific decision or set of decisions throughanswering why the decision(s) were taken, how they were implemented, and with what resulted.4 Page 23.474.2While the final
teaching continues todevelop.AcknowledgmentsSupport for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation through theUTeachEngineering: Training Secondary Teachers to Deliver Design-Based EngineeringInstruction award (DUE-0831811) and the CAREER: Advancing Adaptive Expertise inEngineering Education award (EEC-0748186). The opinions expressed in this paper are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Foundation.References Page 22.1612.161. Martin, T., Petrosino, A., Rivale, S., Diller, K. (2006). The development of adaptive expertise in biotransport. New Directions in Teaching and Learning 108
collection methods. We then present theresults in terms of science teaching self-efficacy, perceptions of program affordances, andperceptions of changes in teaching and learning. We discuss implications for therecruitment of future participants for engineering-based curriculum interventions, and weconsider the sustainability of such interventions after the completion of formal researchprograms. Finally, we suggest directions for future research on the changes over time inteacher characteristics and perceptions when they participate in K-12 engineeringprograms.Previous ResearchStudies since the 1950’s have attempted to capture exactly what teacher characteristicshave the most impact on student learning,6 but despite a multitude of research
collegemajor, including engineering. However, research has also shown that interest is not necessarilythe primary reason for career choice within underrepresented groups. The purpose of this paperis to present how interest relates to engineering as a career choice for a group historicallyunderrepresented in engineering. Using the Social Cognitive Career Theory as a frame work,high school and college engineering students from Appalachia were interviewed concerningcareer choices to answer the research questions: What role(s) does interest play in engineeringcareer choices of Appalachian students? How do such roles differ for high school and collegestudents? To answer the research questions, qualitative data from a total of 36 junior and seniorhigh
ingroups and prefer same-sex groups over mixed group settings.20 They also prefer problem-centered and socially relevant topics and activities.2,3,4 Research also indicates that females andminority students tend to prefer cooperative activities over competitions.22,23In addition, STEM students from underrepresented groups have identified cultural factors ashaving the greatest impact on their retention. This seems to beg attention for enhanced culturalunderstanding by those who are responsible for supporting students and mentoring thesedeveloping professionals.14 Multicultural counseling and teaching has emerged as a concern overthe years. In the early 1990’s multicultural competencies for human services were developed.24These competencies centered
effectively educate teachers inengineering so as to create a more engineering literate society. INSPIRE ran two academies fora week each in summer 2007. Teachers of 3rd and 4th grades (N=60) from local schools attendedthe local academy and from around the country for a national academy.We developed a Photo Prompting survey an administered it through a on online webform.Participants were shown an image and asked to answer three sections of questions related to,categorizing the types of engineering in the image, noticing engineering, and explaining aspecific type of engineer perspective (indicated under the picture in Table 1). The specificquestions were:Categorize:Question 1: What types(s) of engineering is (are) most closely related to this image
14.1204.5 ≠ Design a Shoe ≠ Survival! ≠ Catapult ≠ Rainforest ≠ Toy Vehicle ≠ Bridges ≠ GreenhousesResearch Study MethodologyThe participants were 80 teachers that agreed to participate in the study. The majority ofparticipants were female (n = 64). 57 teachers reported teaching primarily at the middle schoollevel, and 23 were high school teachers. The teachers represented five content areas:mathematics (n = 20), science (n = 16), language arts (n = 17), social studies (n = 13), andtechnology or library media (n = 14). 67 participants were White, 11 – American Indian, and two– Asian. Most of the participants were in their early 40’s (βX = 39, M = 41).Participants were asked to complete a web-based version of the
the qualities of engineers for both males and females. A positive finding isthat many students indicated that they would like to know more about engineering.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by National Science Foundation Award 0440568.References1. Yasar, S., et. al. (2006), Development of a survey to assess K-12 teachers' perceptions of engineers and familiarity with teaching design, engineering, and technology. Journal of Engineering Education, v. 95 no. 3, p. 205-16.2. Cunningham, C., Lachapelle, C and Lindgren-Streicher, A. (2006). Elementary teachers’ understandings of engineering and technology, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, June 18-21
first laboratory exercise. This figure isprovided to emphasize the standalone nature of the kit. On the left hand side of the protoboard isa 5 VDC power supply provided by the 9 VDC battery and the 5 VDC regulator. An LED is alsoprovided at the output of the regulator to serve as a power supply pilot light (on) indicator. Thefour single pole, single throw switches mounted in a common DIP package provide thecapability to insert logic one and logic zero test signals into the circuit under test. The 7404 hexinverter is part of the four channel LED indicator circuit. The LEDs act as a four-channel logicprobe to provide a visual indication of the circuit’s logic output(s). This circuit is actuallyconstructed on to breadboard snapped together. The
% • Over 50 times (more than twice 18, 51% per week) • Not at all 8, 23% • 11-50 (up to twice per week) Figure 11. Survey Question 2Question 3: Select any obstacle(s) that may exist to integrate the 3D printer intoacademic lessons (select all that apply).For this question respondents were asked to select all that apply and to suggest others thatalso exist. The top rated obstacle (13, 20%) was insufficient experience/training totroubleshoot issues and the least rated obstacle was insufficient studentinterest/enthusiasm (0, 0%). The category of “other” obstacles
and students motivations towards engineering as academic major. Reliability was demonstrated using Cronbach`s alpha in order to determine the internalconsistencies of the used satisfaction scales, Cronbach alpha values above 0.9 indicate excellentreliability 14 and in this study it was found to be 0.958 for control group and 0.968 forexperimental one indicating excellent scales showing high internal consistency. Validity was also demonstrated through conclusion validity which is described asappropriateness of the conclusions reported based on statistical relationships 15, thus within thisanalysis conclusion validity was reported through the use of inferential statistics relying onstatistical significance results at the 5% threshold.Survey
. Page 15.1316.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Using a Mousetrap-Powered Vehicle Design Activity to Convey Engineering ConceptsAbstractAs part of a NSF-sponsored project within GK-12, a curricular unit was introduced to students inan urban middle school elective course. The module sought to immerse students in a designproject, during which they would be introduced to theories and concepts relevant to theconstruction of a mousetrap-powered vehicle.The unit was designed to fit within the timeframe of the middle school‟s elective period, a 1.5-hour session per week for 10 weeks. After introducing the course goals and demonstrating theend “product,” students were encouraged to build upon a
education, during his keynote speech Charles M. Vest,President of National Academy of Engineering presented data that were not only disappointing,but perhaps shocking, and urged immediate attention by all stakeholders, such as educators,parents, government and businesses1 . Vest‟s data in Table 1 clearly demonstrates our declining Page 15.76.3number of graduates compared to other three leading nations. In 2003, the fraction of collegegraduates with an engineering degree was 20% in Asia, 12% in Europe and 4% in USA. Table 1: Engineering Graduates in Four Different Nations1 Country Engineering Engineering
material are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. NGSS Lead States (2013). Next Generation Science Standards: For States, by States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.2. Katehi, L., Pearson, G., & Feder, M. A. (2009). Engineering in K-12 education: Understanding the status and improving the prospects. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.3. Guskey, T. R. (1986). Staff development and the process of teacher change. Educational Researcher, 15, 5-12.4. Guskey, T. R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 8, 381-391.5. Loucks-Horsley, S., Harding, C. K., Arbuckle, M. A
Engineering Design Course. Paper presented at: 36th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, 2006; San Diego, CA.13. Bracewell RH, Ahmed S, Wallace KM. DRed and design folders: a way of capturing, storing and passing on-knowledge generated during design projects. Paper presented at: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC' 04), 2004; Salt Lake City, UT.14. Brown BA. Discursive identity: Assimilation into the culture of science and its implications for minority students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 2004;41(8):810-834.15. Brown BA. “It isn't no slang that can be said about this stuff”: Language, identity, and appropriating science discourse. Journal of Research in Science
through the use of LEGO-based engineering robotics. The motivation forthis study was derived from Schunn‟s work but is different in that the measurement ofproportional reasoning was purposefully planned and included a sample size of thirty students,including a control group.Norton (2006) used a LEGO-robotics context to investigate the mathematics learning of 46seventh grade students. He found that (a) the LEGO-robotics activities afforded learningopportunities that also reinforced social relationships, (b) explicit scaffolding was needed bysome students to achieve the mathematics learning, and (c) many students were able todemonstrate greater than expected mathematics and science learning. The assessmentinstruments used by Norton included a
, J. S., & Newman, S.E. (1989). Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading, writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.), Knowing, Learning and Instruction: Essays in Honor of Robert Glaser (453 - 494). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.7. Lave, J. (1991). Situating Learning in Communities of Practice. In L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine, and S. D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition (63 - 84), Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.8. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.9. Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situate Cognition and the
themselves“active” or at least “interested” shared that “they are trying to take advantage of everyopportunity” and that they “enjoy the opportunity to learn about what others are doing”(interview notes).Additional evidence of the immediate value of the project is the actual use of the MISO-basedresources available to partners. Specifically, the initial use of the teacher and student evaluationsurvey instruments (T-STEM survey and S-STEM survey) has proven to be a big help amongthose partners who feel their existing evaluation systems are lacking in appropriate, high qualitydata:We were doing evaluation before, but the worst kind of evaluation. By that I mean, we werecollecting data and not looking at the results. We weren’t always asking the right
, G., Reasonover, G., Hutchinson B. (2009). Attracting students to engineering through robotics camp. Paper presented at the ASEE Southeast Section Conference. Abstract retrieved from 2. Fiorini, P., Galvan, S., Giuliari L., Pighi, L. (2008). It Takes a Village... to do Science Education. Workshop Proceedings of SIMPAR, Venice, Italy (p. 43-53). ISBN 978-88-95872-01-8 3. Weinberg, J.B., Pettibone, J.C., Thomas, S.L., Stephen, M.L., & Stein, C. (2007). The Impact of Robot Projects on Girls’ Attitudes Toward Science and Engineering. Manuscript submitted for publication. 4. Zeid, I., August, R., Perry, R., Mason
networking and new media in support of innovative STEM K-12 education. Any Page 23.1337.13opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.References:1. Perez, S., & Dorman, S. M. (2001). “Enhancing Youth Achievement through Telementoring,” Journal of School Health, 71(3), pp. 122-123.2. Cravens, J. (2003). “Online Mentoring: Programs and Suggested Practices as of February 2001,” Journal of Technology in Human Services, 21(1/2), pp. 85-109.3. O’Neill, D. K., & Harris, J. B., (Winter 2004-2005) “Bridging the
. Historical and current data indicate that the need for science and engineering careers isincreasing, yet the number of students choosing and completing traditional science degrees isdecreasing. The decrease in students choosing and/or being qualified to enter science andengineering fields is continuing even with the programs geared towards increasing awarenessand preparedness. The gap between students entering science and engineering (S&E) fields andgraduating to meet the S&E employment needs was first noted in the early 1990’s. Manyresearchers suggested that recruitment and retention into the qualitative science fields shouldinclude women and minorities to assist in filling in the employment gap. Since a large numberof women and minorities
are students in transition.1 In this developmental phase of continuedbrain development and grand physiological changes, middle schoolers also begin dramaticchanges in their school structure, responsibilities, and social relationships. By the time theyreach middle school, students have already begun to develop dispositions toward mathematics,science, and engineering.2-4 By ninth grade, these dispositions are solidified and it becomes moredifficult to change the students’ feelings toward STEM careers.2 In this period of earlyadolescence, students either begin to develop strong academic habits or they begin to struggleacademically.3 “Middle grade[s] students are drawn toward mathematics if they find bothchallenge and support in their mathematics