AC 2011-686: MAKING ELEMENTARY ENGINEERING WORK: LESSONSFROM PARTNERSHIPS AND PRACTICETHE SYSTEMIC PROJECT, MARY-LANDPamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She began her career as process engineer, taught high school physics and pre-engineering, and has been involved in both Project Lead the Way and Project FIRST robotics. She was a Hub Site Partner for Engineering is Elementary (EiE) through their National Dissemination through Regional Partners program. As a pre-service teacher educator, she has added engineering to her elementary and early childhood
AC 2011-628: CLASSROOM TEACHER - ENRICHMENT TEACHER PAIRS:CO-TEACHING AS A MEANS TO IMPLEMENT ELEMENTARY ENGI-NEERING EDUCATIONPamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She began her career as process engineer, taught high school physics and pre-engineering, and has been involved in both Project Lead the Way and Project FIRST robotics. She was a Hub Site Partner for Engineering is Elementary (EiE) through their National Dissemination through Regional Partners program. As a pre-service teacher educator, she has added engineering to her elementary and early
AC 2011-161: GK-12 ENGINEERING FELLOWS CHANGE STUDENT PER-CEPTIONS; SCIENCE FELLOWS, NOT SO MUCHJed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Jed Lyons is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of South Carolina. His passion is engaging K-12 students, undergraduates, graduate students and faculty in inquiry- and design-oriented learning activities. Page 22.747.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 GK-12 Engineering Fellows Changed Student Perceptions; Science Fellows
AC 2011-2109: GIRLS EXPERIENCING ENGINEERING: EVOLUTIONAND IMPACT OF A SINGLE-GENDER OUTREACH PROGRAMStephanie S Ivey, University of Memphis Dr. Stephanie Ivey, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, is currently involved in several engineering and STEM education projects. She is part of the project team for the NSF funded MemphiSTEP: A STEM Talent Expansion Program (NSF DUE 0756738), where her responsibilities include coordination of the entire project’s mentoring activities, including the peer-mentoring, peer-tutoring, and STEM club mini-grant program. She is leading a project focused on service learning within the Civil Engineering curriculum and a project examining links between learning styles and freshman
AC 2011-1629: ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVES OF GRADE 7 STUDENTSMary Elizabeth Spencer, Queen’s UniversityDavid S Strong, Queen’s University Professor David S. Strong has held the NSERC Chair in Design Engineering since joining Queen’s Uni- versity in 2003. His previous experience includes 22 years in the private sector in research, development, and manufacturing with three companies spanning the metals, biomedical, and consumer products indus- tries. Page 22.601.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Engineering Perspectives of Grade 7
AC 2011-25: IMPACTS OF THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY RESEARCHEXPERIENCE FOR TEACHERS PROGRAM 2008-2010: ANALYSIS OFSTUDENT SURVEYS REGARDING MOTIVATIONAL IMPACTStacy S Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University Stacy Klein-Gardner is the Director of STEM Outreach for Peabody College and the School of Engineer- ing at Vanderbilt University. She is an associate professor of the practice of Biomedical Engineering, Teaching & Learning, and Radiological Sciences.Amber C. Spolarich, North Carolina State University Amber Spolarich is currently a senior at North Carolina State University majoring in chemical engineering with a concentration in green chemistry. She has worked with outreach programs through the university that have
AC 2011-2432: LIVING IN A MATERIALS WORLD: MATERIALS SCI-ENCE ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR K-12 ED-UCATORSLouis S. Nadelson, Boise State University Louis S. Nadelson is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at Boise State University. His research agenda is conducted within the context of STEM education and includes aspects of conceptual change, inquiry, and pre-service and in-service teacher education. He has published research ranging from teacher professional development to the impact of inquiry on STEM learning. Dr. Nadelson earned a B.S. degree in Biological and Physics Science from Colorado State University, a B.A. with concentrations in computing, mathematics and physics from The
AC 2011-1426: BEST PRACTICES IN K-12 ENGINEERING – ASSESS-MENTS OF PARTICIPANT OUTCOMESSusan E. Walden, University of OklahomaEugene F. Brown, Virginia Tech EUGENE BROWN Eugene Brown is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. He has worked with ONR and DoD since 2001 on STEM-outreach-related work-force development issues. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics and is the author of many papers and reports describing his research in the areas of computational fluid dynamics, fluid mechanics, and his work in STEM outreach.Ms. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder MALINDA SCHAEFER ZARSKE is a doctoral candidate at the University of Colorado Boulder
AC 2011-652: TRANSLATING RESEARCH EXPERIENCES INTO CLASS-ROOM PRACTICE: AN RET PROJECTJohn D. Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology JOHN D. CARPINELLI is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Center for Pre-College Programs at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has served as coordinator of activities at NJIT for the Gateway Engineering Education Coalition and as a member of the Coalition’s Governing Board. He previously chaired NJIT’s Excellence in Teaching Awards Committee and is past chair of the University Master Teacher Committee.Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology Dr. Kimmel is Professor of Chemical Engineering at New Jersey Institute of
AC 2011-42: INTRODUCING YOUNG CHILDREN TO ENGINEERINGTHROUGH EARLY STEM LITERACYEmily M. Hunt, West Texas A&M UniversityMichelle L Pantoya, Texas Tech University Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University. PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Davis. Specialty in Combustion of Energetic Materials.Aaron S. Hunt, Canyon Independent School District I am in my ninth year in public education. Three years teaching high school Spanish, two teaching 8th grade history, one as a graduate student and researcher, and three years as an assistant principal in middle school. I love working with students and know the value of the education business. I also am in my last year of
AC 2011-2223: TECHNOLOGY ENABLED PROJECTS FOR HIGH SCHOOLPHYSICSHeath Tims, Louisiana Tech UniversityKrystal S Corbett, Louisiana Tech UniversityProf. Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech UniversityDavid E. Hall, Louisiana Tech University Dr. Hall is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Louisiana Tech University. He is interested in hands-on approaches in STEM education. Page 22.1419.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Technology Enabled Projects for High School PhysicsAbstractLouisiana Tech University has recently developed a high school physics
AC 2011-195: STIMULATING K-12 STUDENT INTEREST THROUGHINDUSTRY, ENGINEERING COLLEGE AND K-12 SCHOOL PARTNER-SHIPSDr. Janice S. Pawloski, Grand Valley State UniversityCharles R. Standridge, Grand Valley State University Charles R. Standridge, Ph.D., is the Assistant Dean of the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. His responsibilities include director of the student services center for ad- vising and K-12 outreach. He holds the masters and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University as well as the B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. His technical interests are in discrete event simulation and the use
AC 2011-441: CONNECTING SCIENCE WITH ENGINEERING: USINGINQUIRY AND DESIGN IN A TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP-MENT COURSELouis S. Nadelson, Boise State University Louis S. Nadelson is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at Boise State University. His research agenda is conducted within the context of STEM education and includes aspects of conceptual change, inquiry, and pre-service and in-service teacher education. He has published research ranging from teacher professional development to the impact of inquiry on STEM learning. Dr. Nadelson earned a B.S. degree in Biological and Physics Science from Colorado State University, a B.A. with concentrations in computing, mathematics and physics from
students in STEM disciplines.Melissa Chapman Haynes, Independent External Evaluation Consultant/Professional Data Analysts, Inc. Melissa Chapman Haynes is a Senior Evaluator at Professional Data Analysts, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as well as an Independent External Evaluation Consultant. She has been conducting program evaluation since 2002, and is currently a professional member of the primary evaluation association, the American Evaluation Association, and of the American Educational Research Association.Soko S Starobin, Iowa State University Soko Starobin is Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) and Associate Director in the Office of Community College
AC 2011-167: BEST PRACTICES IN K-12 AND UNIVERSITY PARTNER-SHIPS PANELMercedes McKay, Stevens Institute of Technology Mercedes McKay is Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Educa- tion at Stevens Institute of Technology. She is chair of the 2011 Best Practices in K-12 and University Partnerships panel committee for the K-12 division.Stacy S Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University Stacy S. Klein-Gardner serves as Director of STEM Outreach for the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering and Peabody College.Kathy Ann Zook, Adams 50 School District Kathy Zook has been teaching for 27 years, both at the elementary and the middle school levels (primarily grades 2 - 6). She has a MA
research interests including Robotics, Computational Vision, Sensor Systems, and Science Education.Susan Lowes, Institute for Learning Technologies, Teachers College/Columbia University Susan Lowes, Ph.D., is Director of Research and Evaluation at the Institute for Learning Technologies, Teachers College/Columbia University.James S. Bonner, Clarkson University Dr. James S. Bonner Shipley Fellow, Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Old Snell Room 102 Clarkson University PO Box 5764 Potsdam, NY 13699 Phone: 315.261.2166 Fax: 315.268.7802 Email: jbonner@clarkson.eduWilliam David Kirkey, Clarkson UniversityTemitope Ojo, Clarkson University A Research Assistant Professor at Clarkson University, Dr. Ojo received his
. Commonfeatures associated with paper-models, computer models, 2D, 3D or 4D models (common invirtual settings), or mathematical models adhere to certain characteristics. Halloun14 proposesthat knowledge needed to understand a scientific model is comprised of four dimensions: itsdomain, the overall physical system, object or referent; the composition, the context and sub-content associated with the model; the structure, including its geometry, how it interacts andbehaves within a certain physical system; and organization, the principals, laws and rules that arenecessary in explaining a particular phenomenon. Knowledge of these dimensions requiresmodeling method(s) that facilitate student opportunities to investigate science and engineeringconcepts.Another
, and the practicesetting. 1,2Magnusson, Krajcik, and Borkos (1999) proposed a refined model of PCK for science teaching.Their model includes the following five components: 1) orientations toward science teaching; 2) knowledge and beliefs about science curriculum, 3) knowledge and beliefs about student understanding of specific science topics, 4) knowledge and beliefs about assessment in science, and 5) knowledge and beliefs about instructional strategies for teaching science” (p. 97).3An overarching component of this model is that a science teacher‟s knowledge is stronglyinfluenced by the stance or generalized orientation a teacher may take within his/her ownpractice. Teachers‟ orientations have also been described as
of the engineering workforce.Margaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE) Margaret Bailey is Professor of Mechanical Engineering within the Kate Gleason College of Engineer- ing at RIT and is the Founding Executive Director for the nationally recognized women in engineering program called WE@RIT. She recently accepted the role as Faculty Associate to the Provost for Female Faculty and serves as the co-chair on the President’s Commission on Women. She began her academic career as an Assistant Professor at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, being the first woman civil- ian faculty member in her department. Margaret maintains a research program in the area of advanced thermodynamic analyses and
normally used to discoverthe latent factor(s) that determines the inter-correlations among the observed variables.For instance, in psychology, general intelligence is believed to be composed of twofactors: the fluid and crystallized intelligence. Under each factor, observed variables oritems were developed to measure these unseen (or latent) factors.The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate the psychometric soundness of the DET survey Page 22.1616.2using new data collected from a larger and a relatively more diverse group of elementaryteachers. Specifically, we aimed at obtaining further psychometric evidence of the DETinstrument by conducting the EFA
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 The Virginia Demonstration Project— A Summative AssessmentIntroductionThe Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) is a middle-school-focused, educational outreachprogram that is designed to increase the interest of middle-school students in STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Math) careers. This is accomplished by exposing the students toreal-life, problem-based challenges, solved in a cooperative learning environment and stimulatedby lesson plans collaboratively implemented by their classroom teacher and visiting Navyscientists and engineers (S&Es). It makes science and math connections between the classroomand real life, supplies
. Contemporary books with engineering as a focus, with total number of available copiesin library circulation (# of books available) in the U.S.Title Author(s) Year Type CirculationEngineering Elephants#,15 Emily Hunt & Michelle 2010 Storybook 1 PantoyaCaleb: The Mouse Engineer#,16 Clifford D. Cope 2009 Storybook 0Rocks, Jeans and Busy Alane & Raymundo 2009 Storybook 10Machines#,17 RiveraMy Dad’s an Engineer18
opportunity toupgrade the college facilities.Stanford‟s d-school, short for „Design School‟ has been a leader in quick prototyping and hands-on activities dedicated to merging engineering, arts, and business. The d-school K-12 projectincludes projects that facilitate teacher workshops and classes for non-profits. In addition, theschool provides a unique space dedicated to K-12 innovation19.In recent years more emphasis has been placed on hands-on and project-based learning9, 10, 11, 12, Page 22.1201.321 ; however, this approach has not yet reached a tipping point in most school systems. Onereason for the shift is that kids are not acquiring
onlyreceiving three volts a piece. However, the actual voltage to each LED will be less than thepreviously mentioned values due to a voltage drop from the dough‟s electrical resistance. Figure 8 Figure 9ResistanceThe conductive dough serves as a wire with a built-in resistor. Because it is a semisolid, the Page 22.672.6resistance in the circuit increases as the length of the dough increases. The circuit demonstratedin Figure 10 is essentially the same as the circuit shown in Figure 1, but it uses longer pieces ofdough as wires. Since the resistance of the dough “wire” increases with length, the
the morning by teaching the heart lung curriculum toclassrooms of students enrolled in the Upward Bound Program. In the late afternoon session, theteachers and INSPIRES faculty collectively reviewed videotapes of that day‟s session andprovided constructive criticism to improve content understanding, teaching pedagogy andcurriculum delivery. Of the twelve teachers who participated in the three week PD training, nine have/areimplementing the "Engineering in Health Care: A Heart Lung Case Study" curriculum with theirhigh school students during the 2010-11 academic year. To date, student learning data has beencollected and analyzed and are presented here (for seven of the nine teacher classrooms) todetermine the effectiveness of the
implementation. Bibliography1. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.2. Bell, P., & Davis, E. A. (2000). Designing Mildred: Scaffolding Students’ Reflection and Arguemntation Using a Cognitive Software Guide. In B. Fishman & O’Connor-Divelbiss (Eds.), Fourth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 142-149). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.3. Linn, M. C. (1995). Designing computer learning environments for engineering and computer science: The scaffolded knowledge integration framework. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 4(2), 103-126.4. Scardamalia, M. (2002). Collective cognitive responsibility
tostrengthen science leadership and build organizational capacity for STEM education. We alsointend that the benefits to teaching and learning will accrue to the faculty who teachundergraduates in our own institution, such that research-based STEM teaching methods andknowledge of learning sciences research is integrated within the university teachingenvironment.Over five years, 400 in-service teachers, 50 STEM undergraduates and 120 school and districtadministrators will benefit from PISA2 programming: Five course graduate certificate program Intensive summer institutes leveraging graduate course content School-year PD and monthly classroom visits Pathways to Teaching Options for S&E undergraduates Leadership training/strategic
s reported thatthey were Caucasian, 18 (9.5 %) students reported they had multiple ethnicities, 17 (8.9 %)reported that they were Hispanic American, five (2.6 %) reported being of other ethnicities,seven (3.7 %) reported being African American, six (3.2 %) reported being Asian American, andtwo (1.1 %) reported their ethnicity as Native American. The students had completed the sameschool instruction in math and science, and had no school instruction on electrical circuits priorto participating in this study. To determine the effect of different signaling methods, we manipulated the type of visualsignaling students received in their program (APA signaling, arrow signaling, or no visualsignaling). Dependent variables included
unique outreach program specially designed for sixth grade students. Page 22.954.3The program incorporated hands-on activities from all the engineering majors offered at PennState Erie, The Behrend College into a fun interactive day within a limited amount of time.Penn State Erie, The Behrend College (Penn State Behrend) a stand-alone college of the PennState University has 4,700 students and is located in Pennsylvania. Penn State Behrend‟s first K-12 women and minority outreach event, Minority College Experience/Women in Science andEngineering (MCE/WISE), was launched in 1988 with 20+ incoming high school seniorsparticipating. The students