9independent drive. Technical specialists were loyal to internalized notions of professionalintegrity, while entrepreneurs were loyal to their personal values, dreams and aspirations.Both groups of engineers on this consolidated independent agent path were less amenableto the visions of their employers than other study participants. Please see Table one for asummary of demographic and mobility patterns across the three consolidated paths.Table 1: Consolidated Paths Illustrating Discrepancies in Mobility Patterns Consolidated path Organizationally Sociotechnical managers Independent agents groomed executives (n=12) (n=12) (n=5) Career path(s
definition of it. What engineeringeducation must have is a guiding philosophy based on a clearer visualization of the place ofengineering in modern life” [2], p.12. This historical perspective allows engineering educators to see that the aspirationsexpressed in 2004’s The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century are morea tradition than a novelty [3]. What is relatively new is the emergence of the field of Science,Technology, and Society (STS) and, in particular, attempts to integrate STS into engineeringcurricula. STS provides conceptual frameworks that enable students to see engineering problemsand solutions in sociotechnical terms. As Neeley, Wylie, and Seabrook demonstrated in their2019 paper [4], engineering educators
; Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education. ASEE.[12] Nieusma, Dean and James Malazita. 2016. “‘Making’ a Bridge: Critical Making as Synthesized Engineering/Humanistic Inquiry.” Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education. ASEE.[13] Kuhn, Thomas S. 1962. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.[14] Dym, Clive L., Alice M. Agogino, Ozgur Eris, Daniel D. Frey, and Larry J. Leifer. 2005. “Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning.” Journal of Engineering Education 94(1):103-120.[15] Kelley, Tom (with Jonathan Littman). 2005. The Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s
who remains in position, until itbecomes uncomfortable for you. Then stop. Observe the approximate distance between you.Describe your thoughts and feelings as you moved closer and closer to your partner. Ask yourpartner to express what s/he experienced as you approached. Make note of your experience aswell as your partner’s. There are a number of incrementally additive instructions that build uponthis. The exercises conclude with the addition of information sharing and listening. Students aregiven this set of instructions: Place two chairs in a position and at the angle that is reasonablycomfortable for both you and your partner. Some compromise may be necessary. Now, onepartner needs to tell a brief story about her/himself (2 minutes or so
social theory of genre learning,” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2008, pp. 160-185.8. Ceylan, T. “Thinking and writing in engineering education,” Proceedings, 2005, American Society for Engineering Education IL/IN Sectional Conference.9. Fisher, T., Usrey, M., and Beasley, H. “OWL: A wise way to enhance engineering students’ writing skills,” Proceedings, 2003, ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.10. Biber, D., Conrad, S., and Reppen, R. Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. See Methodology Boxes 4 and 5 for a description
participants’ description of thesituation in which a communication is embedded. Specificity of adaptation refers to whether ornot (and in how much detail) participants described how they adapted their communication to agiven situation.Level of complexity. Our working definition of situatedness includes the entire communicationcontext—for example, the intended audience(s), the purpose, and the conditions of use. The levelof complexity of the participants’ involvement with situatedness ranged from those whoacknowledged a basic concern for audience (all participants) to those who attended to the fullcommunication context. Some excerpts from participants’ portfolios and survey responses